
2013年7月27日 星期六

***若你的新電腦原本沒安裝過Win7\Vitsa\XP等作業**便不可享用Windows 8的升級版(固升級版的(優惠)序列號亦不能使用)囉!**若想全新安裝Win 8~^ 亦可受惠到升級版的序列號生效之小密技~*偷偷報ioi *!不要告訴別人喔~^哈**** If you have not installed a new computer had been Win7 \ Vitsa \ XP and other operations ** they can not enjoy the upgrade version of Windows 8 (solid upgraded version of (preferential) serial number and can not use) Hello! **To New install Win 8~^also benefit to the upgraded version of the serial number of the entry into force of a small cheat~ Do not tell anyone oh~ha^^

---享用Windows 8的升級版 (固升級版的(優惠)序列號--
---亦不能用)囉 !**若想 
全新安裝 Win 8~^*亦可受惠到---
---升級版的序列號生效之小密技~*偷偷報 ioi *!
** If you have not installed a new computer had been Win7 \ Vitsa \ XP and 
 other operations ** they can not enjoy the upgrade version of Windows 8 --
--(solid upgraded version of (preferential) serial number and can not use) Hello! *
* To New install Win 8 ~ ^ also benefit to the upgraded version of the ---
---serial number of the entry into force of a small cheat ~^!
**^ Do not tell anyone oh Ha*~^^

而且還要把完全打掉重練,這次我也不想要直接從現有的 Windows 升級過去,
想直接安裝一個全新的 Windows 8 環境喔 !!*

**I think many people probably a lot of people like to look at the computer --
--every few days on reperfusion, but also completely destroyed the re-training,
 this time I do not want to upgrade directly from an existing Windows past
 would like to directly install a new Windows 8  environment *! 

**第一步:先準備好 Windows 8 安裝光碟  **
這次的 Windows 8 升級方式比較特別,是透過「Windows 8 升級小幫手」
那麼你取得的 Windows 8 就會是英文版;原本的作業系統是 32 位元,
就會取得 32 位元版本的 Windows 8 ,其實序號是都通用的,
不會限制某個版本或語系 ~**
**The first step: the first ready Windows 8 Installation CD
Windows 8 upgrade this rather special, is through the ---
--- "Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant" to download the installer directly 
 after the upgrade, which means if your original operating system --
-- is in English, then you will get the English version of Windows 8
  originally a 32-bit operating system **
**you will get 32-bit version of Windows 8, in fact, are common number 
 is not a version or language restrictions ~**

**當你使用「Windows 8 升級小幫手」來下載 Windows 8,
這時候你可以選擇此選項來建立 ISO 檔或是 USB 磁碟,
就能以燒錄機來製作 Windows 8 安裝光碟。
這是本文的第一個步驟,你必須要先弄到這個安裝媒體才能夠進行全新安裝 ^^~       

**When you use "Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant" to download --
-- Windows 8, you can decide to immediately after completion --
--of the upgrade, or "through the establishment media to install"
 this time you can select this option to create an ISO file, 
or a USB drive, will be able to burn a machine to make ---
--- Windows 8 installation disc. This is the first step in this article
 you must first be able to get the installation media for a new installation ^^~

**繁 CHT\ 英 EN \ 簡 CN 各升級包下載 網址 :
將執行舊版 Windows 的電腦升級為 Windows 8Windows 8 專業版
即可體驗美麗的全新 [開始] 畫面、更快的啟動速度以及更長效的電池續航力 *
              **>>           下載升級       <<<<                  
**United Kingdom — English **Breathe new life into your PC
Upgrade your PC running a previous version of Windows to 
Windows 8 or Windows 8 Pro and experience a beautiful new  
 Start screen, faster startup, and longer battery life. *

Windows 8 upgrade
£99.99 ERP

Windows 8

Windows 8 Pro upgrade
£189.99 ERP

Windows 8 Pro
*CN*将运行以前版本的 Windows 的电脑升级到 Windows 8 或  
 Windows 8 专业版,享受炫丽的新“开始”屏幕、更快的启动速度和--
--更长的电池续航时间 !*
                **               下载升级包  <<<                                        **马上开始  
单击“马上开始”以安装 Windows 8 升级助手,它可确保你的电脑--
--能够运行 Windows 8Windows 8 专业版,你可以选择购买其中之一。
安装升级助手可能需要几分钟时间,具体取决于你的 Internet 连接速度。
和之前安裝 Windows 的方式一樣,使用者都可以直接在開機時載入光碟,
進入 Windows 8 的安裝畫面。
在安裝 Windows 8 後會發現「升級版」的序號無法啟用,而出現以下訊息: 
**此金鑰無效,請檢查產品金鑰並再試一次,或嘗試其他金鑰   **
*2).*Displayed after a new installation "This key is invalid ...", how to solve?
And before the same way as Windows is installed, the user can be  
 directly loaded at boot disc into the Windows 8 installation screen.
After installing Windows 8 will find the 'upgrade' the serial number  
 can not be enabled, and the following message appears:      

This key is invalid, please check the product key and try again, or try other keys**

**沒有啟用 Windows 之前,很多功能都是只能看、而沒辦法使用  !
**Before Windows is not enabled, many features are only see,
 but no way to use!*
**如果不能用那就太悲慘了,不就每次重灌前都必須先安裝 Windows XP
、Vista、7 嗎?其實不用這麼麻煩。
先回到 Windows 8 的 Metro 動態磚畫面,把滑鼠移到右下角,
**If you can not use it would be too sad, and not to each refilled before 
they must install Windows XP, Vista, 7 do? In fact, not too much trouble.  
First return to the Windows 8 Metro dynamic brick screen, put your  
 mouse over the bottom right corner, when the far right of the row of--
-- menu come out, select "Settings"**
**Click on the bottom of the "Changing Computer Settings"*
找到「移除所有項目並重新安裝 Windows」後點擊「開始使用」。
**Select from the left "General" find "Remove all items and reinstall Windows"  
and click on "Getting Started"  **
**請注意:此動作將會刪除所有電腦裡的資料,並重設為出廠設定  **
**Please Note: This action will delete all the computer data, and reset  
 to factory settings  **
  • 移除你的所有個人檔案與應用程式
  • 你的電腦設定將變更為預設值   **
**Reset the computer what happens:

will remove all of your personal files and applications.
Your computer settings will be changed to the default value  **
[教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號?

**In the "Do you want to completely clear your drive
" Option select "completely erase the drive."  ** 
***[教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號?

**接著 Windows 8 就會開始進行重新設定,
重設完成後勾選接受授權條款即可開始使用  **
**The Windows 8 will begin to re-set after the reset is complete
check accept the license terms to get started  **

**當 Windows 8 重設完成後,回到控制台的「系統」,
可以發現 Windows 8 已啟用**
**When Windows 8 reset is complete, go back to the console "system" that  
 can be found are enabled Windows 8** 

這時候就可以享受全新的 Windows 8 專業版囉!***
**The original "Enable Restrictions" also disappeared,  
this time you can enjoy the new Windows 8 Professional Edition Hello!**
*[教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號?**開始使用 Windows 8 了嗎?**小密技偷偷報...等你來探索喔 ^^!.

**Start using Windows 8 yet? Small cheat secretly waiting for you to explore at ... Oh!**!

**以下再提供Windows 8 TW-ZH繁體版下載(百度網盤共分小一點的檔--
**The following longer provide Windows 8 TW-ZH English version download 
 (Baidu network disk is divided into smaller files convenience of the users to test --
--the network speed, please 24 hours after the download is complete delete files --
-- not for commercial or illegal!!****

**iso~*Win 8~ 4in1 ZH-TW  **
**Windows 8 4in1 繁體中文 ZH-TW BY GDaily.part19等(19)个文件 
  加速下载 fast      普通下载  normal (cick normal is ok, & use IDM6 download)     
  大文件下载更稳定  浏览器单线程下载   **



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