
2013年8月27日 星期二

**CSS pane~Firefox Page Inspector 3D檢視--的神奇偵錯效果~!!** CSS pane ~ Firefox Page Inspector 3D view - debug magical effect ~!!**

**CSS pane~Firefox Page Inspector 3D檢視---
的神奇偵錯效果~!!*** CSS pane ~ Firefox Page Inspector 3D view -
 debug magical effect ~!!**



從“Web開發”菜單(這是在Mac上“工具”菜單的子菜單選擇“督察選項按Ctrl-Shift鍵C(CMD-Option-C鍵在Mac OS X和Linux





Use the Inspector to examine and modify the structure and layout of a page.

Opening the Inspector

There are several ways to open the Inspector:
  • choose the "Inspector" option from the "Web Developer" menu
  • (which is a submenu in the "Tools" menu on the Mac)
  • press Ctrl-Shift-C (Cmd-Option-C on the Mac OS X and Linux)
  • right-click an element on a web page and select "Inspect Element"
The Toolbox will appear at the bottom of the browser window,
with the Inspector activated.
If you invoked the Inspector by clicking "Inspect Element", 
then the element will already be selected and the Inspector will look 
and behave as it does in "Selecting Elements" below.
Otherwise, as you move your mouse around the page, the element
under your mouse is highlighted with a dotted border and an 
annotation displays its HTML tag. At the same time, its HTML 
definition is displayed, in context, in the Inspector's left-hand pane               **

最後還得考量CSS繼承闗係,結果往往叫人目炫神迷不知所以   **

**基本上IE的Dev Tools及Chrome的開發者工具都能剖析各元素的CSS設定、
繼承套用計算,但Firefox的Page Inspector有個神奇的3D檢視功能,
**基本上IE的Dev Tools及Chrome的開發者工具都能剖析各元素的CSS設定、繼承套用計算,但Firefox的Page Inspector有個神奇的3D檢視功能,解構容器階層關係時尤其火力強大,廢話不多說,有圖有真相:     .       
****It displays each rule as in a stylesheet, with a list of selectors
 followed by a list of property:value; declarations    **

Keyboard shortcuts

There are a number of handy shortcuts you can use while inspecting your page.
Moves to the parent of the selected node.
Moves to the first child of the selected node.
Moves to the previous sibling of the selected node.
Moves to the next sibling of the selected node.
TabMoves a cursor to the next tag or attribute.
Return/EnterPlaces a text cursor in the current the tag or attribute so you can edit it.

CSS pane

The CSS pane shows information about the styles applied to
the currently selected element. There are four separate views: 
"Rules", "Computed", "Fonts", and "Box Model". You can switch
 between them using the toolbar at the top of the pane:*
**Rules view
This view lists all the rules that apply to the selected element, ordered from most-specific to least-specific:                                 
**It displays each rule as in a stylesheet, with a list of selectors 
followed by a list of property:value; declarations                                              
****At the top-right the source filename and line number is displayed: clicking it opens the file in the Style Editor. Rules that are overridden by later rules are crossed out. If you mouse over a declaration, a checkbox appears next to it: you can use this to toggle the rule on or off.

Editing rules

If you click on a declaration you can edit its property or value,
and see the results immediately. To add a new declaration to a rule,
click on the last line of the rule (the line occupied by the closing brace).
If you enter an invalid value for a property when editing it,
 or an unknown property name, a yellow alert icon appears 
under the declaration.
Any changes you make are temporary: reloading the page will 
restore the original styling.
Tip: You can use the arrow keys to increase/decrease numeric 
rules while editing. Up arrow will turn "1px" to 2px, and Shift+up/down 
will increment by 10. Alt+up/down change values by 0.1, and 
shift+Page up/down will add or subtract 100 from the value.

Computed view

This view organizes the style of the element by property. It lists all CSS properties which have been applied to this element in alphabetical order: it shows the calculated value that each CSS property has for for the selected element    
****Clicking the arrow next to the property name shows the rule that set this value, along with a link to the source filename and line number*      

**By default, it only shows values that have been explicitly set by the page: 
to see all values, click the "Browser styles" box.
Typing in the search box performs a live filtering of the list, so, for example,
 if you just want to see font-related settings, you can type "font" in the
 search box, and only properties with "font" in the name will be listed. 
You can also search for the values of properties: to find the rule responsible
 for setting the font to "Lucida Grande", type that in the search box.

Fonts view

This shows all the fonts in use by the selected element. Note that it shows the font used on your system, which may be different than the fonts specified in the css 
The text in the font view is "Abc" by default but this is actually a text area and can be freely edited.

Box model view

This shows a graphical representation of the box model as it's applied to this element:                                                      *

Using the Page Inspector with the Web Console

You can, of course, use the Web Console at the same time as the
 Page Inspector. In fact, you even have a bonus feature! 
The element that's currently selected in the Page Inspector, if any, 
can be referenced in JavaScript in the Web Console using the variable $0.*

defined in inspector-panel.js. Attributes and functions:
  • .selection - information about the inspector's selection:
    • .isNode() - returns true if selection is node.
    • .node - returns the actual element from the page
    • .window - the window object of the frame the selection is in.
  • .markDirty() - marks that the page has been changed by the inspector - a warning will be shown when leaving the page, since changes made 
  •  through the inspector are rewritten on reload.
Bindable events using on:


Called when the left panel has been refreshed, after page change.


Called on first markuploaded.


Called after toggle of a pseudoclass.


"low-priority change event for things like paint and resize."                           **






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