
2013年8月15日 星期四

))iPhone下的金融計算器源代碼-Calculator))part 5.))>>yorkxie.mode1v3--中集 2 ))~!))iPhone source code under the Financial Calculator-Calculator)) part 5.))>>yorkxie.mode1v3--cimc.2..))~!))계산기 - 계산기 금융 5 부 아래)) 아이폰 소스 코드)).>>Yorkxie.mode1v3--)중급 二. 세트)~!***My blog system is broken and can not write nor can update Hello!! ~ ~ "Be grateful if you specialist, single business person to help! ~ Thanksgiving you ~!!

**))iPhone下的金融計算器源代碼-Calculator))part 5.))>>yorkxie.mode1v3--中集 2 ))
~!))iPhone source code under the Financial Calculator-Calculator)) part 5.))>>yorkxie.mode1v3--cimc.2..))~!))계산기 - 계산기 금융 5 부 아래)) 아이폰 
소스 코드)).>>Yorkxie.mode1v3--)중급 二. 세트)~!*

11/8-i want try again..............no ppls would help me.....!!!

11/8-My blog system is broken and can not write nor can update Hello!! ~ ~ "Be grateful if you specialist, single business person to help! ~ Thanksgiving you ~!!

*13/8 * i not hope anyones would help me, maybe i not a idol,
    who's want help a normal lady~!** so i thing i maybe.....
 leave here should let some ppls not hv any bad feeling .... ~!    
too bad~~..... i cloesd my half  of files at here , if any one   
want the software i always wellcome 
with u leave a message...i would 1st time to reply ~!! all free sharing  for all ~!^^ thankyou~**

**저에게 메시지를 남겨주세요.!!*^^*

**15/8-2013(四)本來我已打算離開此網站 亦已找了



--貪財!! 至少我並不是囉~也別無故使我的部落格
{ 都是我的超級偶像>>不來恩言之有理喔 ~!*}想知 --
--他說什么話?! 請到[重灌狂人]部落找相關blog.的 




  (WHO can help me to fix the system....?????!!)


it's so important to me & my fds~

pls.....~! help me to fix that, my dearest  ~!!!
 thanks again.....>.<       bussiness....=.= too bad~
**15/8-2013 (four) Originally I had planned to leave this site also find a number
of other places to set up my new website I have not moved away from the reason --- 1). Suddenly when I say leave,
writing blogs can also be reverted update Oh!! I thought it was just to wait over
 two weeks to face the problem of my blog yo ~! ! 2) I hope to find donors from not saying anything, and hang up the ghost with
what advertisers, I do not want to earn name or by a share of profits, lightweight ads
 since I would agree, do not say "They do not earn a little What money "?! ~ 3) Do not Take each share of writing articles and software --- people become  
 so greedy!! Hello ~ At least I did not and do not unreasonably so my blog losing
system functionality No explanation and did not notice the circumstances described --- {are my super idol >>
 grace is justified not come Oh! *} Would like to know what he said, then?!
Go [bagging lunatics] tribe to find relevant blog. article will clear Hello!! I am not going to say Hello ~! * I have left to look in the end my "computer" program can write down what??!! My friends you will read my article and share it - which is certainly a ~ ** haha ​​^...**

**15/8-2013 (4 개) 원래이 사이트를 떠날 예정이었다 또한 나의 새로운 웹
사이트를 설정하는 다른 장소의 번호를 찾을 나는 이유 --- 1)에서 멀리 이동하지 않았습니다. 갑자기 떠날 말할 때, 
쓰는 블로그도 오! 업데이트 되돌릴 수 있습니다 나는 요 ~ 내 블로그의
문제에 직면하기 위해 두 주 동안 기다려야 그냥 생각! ! 2) 나는 아무 말도하지에서 기증자를 찾아, 어떤 광고주, 나는 이익의 공유
또는 이름을 적립하지 않으 함께 유령을 거는 희망, 동의 것이기 때문에 
경량 광고는, "그들은 약간을 적립하지 않는 말을하지 않습니다 무슨 돈? "! ~ 3) 기사와 소프트웨어를 작성하는 각각의 점유율을 가지고하지 마십시오 ---
---사람들은 너무 욕심된다!! 안녕하세요 ~ 적어도 난 아니야 내 블로그 잃는  
 시스템 기능 때문에 부당하지 [미치광이을 포기할하기] 부족은 관련 찾을 수 없음 설명과 기술 상황을
통보하지 않았다 --- {내 슈퍼 아이돌 >> 은혜 아! * 오지 정당화 될 수있다}
은 다음 고 말했다 알고 싶으면! 이동 블로그. 글 안녕하세요 삭제됩니다! 나는 안녕하세요 ~ 말을하지 않을거야! * 나는 결국보고 남아있는 내 "컴퓨터"프로그램은 무엇을 아래로 쓸 수있다?! 내 친구가 내 기사를 읽고 그것을 공유 할 것 - 확실히 ~ * 하하 ^입니다...**
*15/8-2013*whe i try to write the new post , it's not working & not move with all buttons , silly~~~ haha...... i thing i maybe to leave this bad blog. no wishers....!!! *untill now no ppls to give me a reson.....what happen...??!! jokey....??silly station make me angry!! haha.... the END~





if you like make fds, wellcome you here~~anytime***

my free place for everyones who want the good software,

come & download them~ wellcome!!