
2013年11月7日 星期四

*8/11.以新文章再度檢測--->[[blogger的大能者有空替我的部落格--於我編寫文章時--滑鼠左鍵究竟可還給我用於post the new's producd..ok or not..!!??]]再來分享介紹一款實用工具=Altrix Soft 出品的硬碟檢視工具軟體=For Notebooks-v4.18 Build 180 繁中(多語言)版=Altrix Soft--Hard Drive Inspector Professional ~!--以檢測為首要目的**~!!

大能者有空替我的部落格--於我編寫文章時--滑鼠左鍵功能究竟可還給我用於post the new's producd..ok or not..!!??]]
才---{再來分享介紹一款實用工具=Altrix Soft 出品的硬碟檢視工具軟體=For Notebooks-v4.18 Build 180 
繁中(多語言)版=Altrix Soft--Hard Drive Inspector Professional ~!}--以檢測為首要目的**~!!我的好朋友們...你們猜一下..呵呵...**


**我怎么好意思打擾別人清高的態度 & 身份喔!**
*待我的爛破部落有人把它回復正常....才再說唄*本人愛用google....請由blogger的大修復家自行檢討..@...別再由google系統回覆我``!不負責任的....所謂專家,只懂逃避問題......何以可在google之列內蒙混他人!羞不羞喔!只認金錢才賣帳....你們確實第一!! 亦為我最討厭的~!!!

***** 8 /11. Tested again with a new post ---> [[blogger 's -Mighty free for my blog - I wrote an article on - what the left mouse button functions can be returned to me for post the new's producd .. ok or not ..!!??]]Share it --- { again introduce a utility = Altrix Soft produced HDD viewer software = For Notebooks-v4.18 Build 180Traditional Chinese ( multi-language ) version = Altrix Soft - Hard Drive Inspector Professional ~!} - To detect the primary purpose ** ~ ! ! My friends ... you guessed it .. Ha ha ... **

You guessed it ........ ** Left still can not use ! ! ** Next write articles which do not Ah .. ! ! **

* Since the blogger's professionals to talk to me such a lazy '' Trouble Man "*My how the nerve to disturb others ** lofty attitude & identity Oh ! *** To be my rotten broken tribes someone put it back to normal .... just say chant * I love to use google .... please repair the house by the blogger's own review of large .. @ ... Do not reply to me by the google system ` first ! ! also I hate ~ ! ! !**





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