
2014年2月27日 星期四

*發佈於昨曰"與我們的嚴師[有教無類]的FDZone內一篇引述一位''才人''的文章="英國及中國管治的香港/香港自治 歷史及前途專帖",由日誌...換成精釆的文章[典故.緣起之述說.歷史.評論...] 也不多说了-且看''才人''的文章--你們又有什么樣的感想??~*USA-en--* Published an article yesterday quoted a saying in the " with our strict teacher [ NCLB ] the only person FDZone'' article '' = "British and Chinese rule , Hong Kong / Hong Kong's autonomy history and the future of post-post " Replaced by a log ... fine Bian article [ . History tells the story of the origin of comments ... .. ] - Not much to say - let me see '' only one '' article - ? ? You what kind of feelings~*

才人''的文章="英國及中國管治的香港/香港自治 歷史及前途專帖", 
*USA-en--* Published an article yesterday quoted a saying   
in the " with our strict teacher [ NCLB ] the only person   
FDZone'' article '' =
"British and Chinese rule , Hong Kong / Hong Kong's   
autonomy history and the future of post-post "
Replaced by a log ... fine Bian article [ . History tells the story of the origin of comments ... .. ] -
Not much to say - let me see '' only one '' article - ? ? 
 You what kind of feelings ~ *
發表於 昨天 08:07 PM (第 0 天)  |只看他 | 評分 | 編輯 | 補分
本帖最後由 dior88 於 2014-02-28 09:39 AM 編輯
小里老 發表於 2014-02-27 02:54 PM 
老D, 大家都老朋友了, 什麼天堂, 什麼地獄? 都是思想流來的... 而在下的思想流, 不切實際的較多...

味 ...

不管如何 人生無常 苦中作為

也不多说了-且看''才人''的文章如下 :
英國及中國管治的香港/香港自治 歷史及前途專帖











18, 19世紀的時候。中國在鴉片戰爭前比起二戰後富有很多(雖然現在又富起來,後話)。同一時間在歐洲,殖民主義已經普及了幾個世紀(我會定義在15世紀後期開始更普遍)。其他歐洲國家暫且不提,因為我們在談的是英國﹣殖民主義有很多的原因,但舉個例,幾百年前英國的寒冬太冷,草便不會生長,羊群沒東西吃會死,處理方法是把羊宰殺了,放進鹽水裡浸泡過冬用。當擁有了一些温暖一點又有大量資源的殖民地時,事情便容易得多了。當你能從你的殖民地輸入需要的東西時,天氣已經不是最決定性的原因;然而因為太多入口的貨物如當時英國人愛的中國茶和絲綢等,加上印度香料,讓英國出現貿易易差(入口花太多,出口不夠,俗語『洗大左』),便要想想方法去增加收入。

印度由19世紀到獨立時的1947年在英國經濟上擔任了重要角色,這時英國也想開展中國和印度間的貿易新線,便利用在印度種植的鴉片,經香港等地銷入中國,中國人吸鴉片越多,便越能支持英國的入口銷費以及在東亞的軍費,可謂一舉多得,香港不經意地成為一個重要的進出口港,是因為英國的東印度公司(East India Company)要買鴉片給中國等的經濟和軍事行為。英國並沒有故意投資香港使之由小漁村變成商港或金融中心,一切都是為了控制當時其中一個最大及重要的殖民地印度,及中國的錢。當很多中國人都吸鴉片煙,即使有絲綢茶葉出口,但都入不敷支的時候,清政府唯有强硬地執行銷煙,也因為一些原因而又來一次鴉片戰爭,清廷輸了便不得不把香港割讓予英國。


1997年7月1日,香港由大英帝國『回歸』中國大陸,我記得一些紀縁片中,英國 "Evening standard" 和 "The Economist"等媒體的編輯說過類似的話:「香港回歸在香港和中國都是很大的新聞,但對於英國人這個新聞事實上是沒市場沒價值的。它不會影響市民的日常生活,絕大部份市民都不清楚這個城市。。。』。。。。





1997年開始,留意的人們都留意到中共在慢慢滲入和控制香港。再一次,不明白的人大概會覺得很奇怪,既然是一個城市,當然會被國家管理啊。但是,香港的情況、背景和發展都跟中國內地有著極大的差異。不是說哪一個較好,但不同就是不同。只是一河之隔,香港和內地人由思想,處事手法都截然不同;即使來自同一個民族文化,依然有著很大的文化差異。忘了有否在這裡說過,有些外國朋友會覺得為什麼香港人會覺得被人介紹「來自中國」是如些地奇怪,明明是『同一個國家』, 為何要說「我來自香港」,香港明明是在中國之內的城市,為啥要如此劃分,要如此敏感?但說這些的其實明顯地是那些不太了解也懶得去理解的人。


即使不談政治角度或信念上的東西,以及那些被洗腦成功的青年,香港人其實都幾可悲,借朋友的一段話,香港人沒有國家,沒有國歌(現在中共那首,算了吧。。)只有僅餘的民族認同,這個民族是中華民族, 但又不想跟大陸同化...當我們是英國殖民地時便是殖民地,但回歸後根本又是像變成中共殖民地而已,為什麼我們就是不能有尊嚴可以管治自己的城市,但被「外力」永世地控制著?事實上國內的內地人從來也不當我們是一份子,說香港不如內地好但又用盡方法想來香港住都算了,只有在有利益要對抗外國人時才把香港人放在「中國人一份子」的欄目裡。。。當問題越來越多的時候(又再次,我不要浪費時間向那些對著外國人裝自豪說自己是中國人卻對自己國家的文化或文學一點都不關心的人),那些關心國情或香港將來的人們都會想當年,每每就會去回想英國殖民時期比現在有多好,甚至會說想再被英國人管冶﹣這是我今天寫了上面一大堆簡史的原因。我們不能只想過去,歷史是好的,我們一定要學習歷史來明白過去的對錯經驗和計劃將來,但想著一些已過去十年以上的東西建樹其實不多,看到很多We are British Hong Kong"之類的facebook group,如果只是加入或建立來回顧懷舊沒問題,但很多人似乎天真地以為可以再要英國幫香港支持香港對抗中共什麼的,我明白為何會有這個情緒,但這個看得人神傷心酸啊。與其坐著想當年,倒不如反過來想想如何能改變這個狀況吧,從思想上慢慢灌輸概念也很重要,因為很多人,尤具年輕一代似乎都被中共洗腦了,會在任何貪污毒食品謀財害命事件中誓死維護中共,其大叫「我是中國人我愛我們的國家」<這跟說我信主一類的宣言差無幾,愛不用卦在咀邊的吧。。。。

全民決志,真正自治 --「香港自治運動 HKAM」宣傳片  


-----------------------------令我心悸動的文章,內容丰富 描述精采 故此稱他為"才人"喔~
  [ 未完. 詳見..]
'' 才人''的原網址 =







希望即將成為人父母担心醫院床位會否被last minute大陸孕婦街院延誤的你,





單刀直說,最初聽到這個名詞時是在看到 youtube的高登台歌曲「蝗蟲天下」而得知的。第一個感覺是『嘩。。。太涼薄了吧。。。人家都有呀媽生嘛。』﹣的確讓人感到有點不舒服。雖然歌曲中提 及的事實上是實際情況,而且句句到肉,很多都是香港人的心聲,但反而是因為用了『蝗蟲』這個名詞本身的意義出了問題。誠然,這名詞很誘惑,一來貼切地形容 出不守法沒秩序以不同手段湧到香港產子、辦水貨、炒樓、侵害城市等行為﹣不過說穿了,這也只是市民無力抵抗政府放手不管唯一的情緒發洩。

個人仍然沒有使用這個詞語,不只因為道德操守還是什麼,而是因為我在想:名詞起到發洩作用,但若變成單純的發洩便只會演變成沒有建設性的罵戰,不明白的人或第三者(比如說,外國 人,或剛去了解政治民生的初心者)就看不出最核心的憤怒原因,因為香港人的憤怒的確不是空穴來風的:城市有限的資源被有計劃地大量輸出,生活受到負面的影響(而且每況越下),明明是對方不講理卻反過來被罵等,這些憤怒都正常不過。我不會批評使用這名詞的人,但請注意發洩情緒和理論放在一起,旁人就更加 不明白原意在哪裡,也會被斷章取義地認為你單純地沒口德。這一點可以寫很長而且無限伸延,但先講到這裡。




你或許會說,香港人也是漢人,要接受「同胞」來「融入」你們的城市。但要這麼扯的話,最少南北漢人都不同種了(北方人方面鳯眼寛肩膞,南方人即使有高有矮 但骨架較小,眼睛較圓等,從古時就不同族,又是後話),然而,同不同種並不是重點﹣重點是中共的單一文化政策是有政治目的地要消去本土文化,廣東話、嶺南 文化、西方殖民歷史、正體字(這點在下面【正體字和殘體字,文化清洗】會詳述)﹣全都離不開政治手段。

香港因為地理位置及歷史而成為國際橋樑及西方殖民地百多年,而中共在國共內戰成立到六四後改革開放及更加收緊言論自由(因為在六四後,不在經濟上餵飽怕人們反抗等因素)都在鎖國,人們的價值觀和文化便更加不同。能否融合與否,都是兩個極之不同的文化。沒錯大家都是華人後代,但只要你看看台灣和大陸人及 海外華僑的不同便明白到,成長環境地區及教育會得出完全不同的文化,開口閉咀也說大家都是漢人根本制造內疚感和群眾壓力,而且是錯誤類比。


再說白一點:同樣是「特區」,在澳門出生的中國人嬰兒並無居留權,更諷刺的是,中國大陸的外省人所生的孩子也不能獲得當地戶籍,更遑論接受教育、醫療等福利。中共心立何在?十四億中國人,只要有0.1%要來(而我不是在老作,大家有眼看到的),就足以徹底反轉整座城市。「普通」的移民,是不會去故意改變移居地的文化,而且因為數量上比例小,也不可能作出什麼大改變。移民和殖民的分別:在香港的小數族裔(移民或移民後代),就像居住在外地的港人或其他亞洲人一樣,設立以自己語言為首的商店、 小社區,融入別的城市之餘也保留自己的文化;反觀現在的大陸來港的很大部份移民(殖民),是會投訴字不用簡體,溝通不能就去說別人的母語是「鳥語」,在自己城市可做的就覺得在別的地方可以做。

有大陸人說「『異地』?香港回歸了啊!香港人優越感太强」等等。。。首先,不用講國家或文化,兩個不同的城市就可以說是異地/別的地方了吧?不是你的城市 當然是異地吧。你到別人家,想吸煙,但戶主是不吸煙的,叫你不要吸煙,你會否說這不尊重你的權利?底線是,若果來的是一班文質彬彬吟詩作對的紳士,還帶來 中華優雅文化,遇事講理,買東西排隊,質素很高的外地人,港人不可能如此反感。我明白,我也知道不是全部中國人都這樣,我也知你呀母是女的,但事實大家都看到,不用詳細講了。



英國香港/中國香港/香港自治 歷史成因及前途專帖
British Hong Kong / China Hong Kong / Hong Kong Autonomy - History, Cause, and Future





『就是很多香港人的上一代或祖父輩的確是內地來的,他們是在文革前/爆發早期來的,沒有受到那種催殘人性的洗腦毒害思想污染(當然不是全都是這樣,但比例 不少就是了,看看現在大陸遊客們的事例,不用多講)。那代的舊移民要辛勞工作糊口,但現在的確很多都只為社會福利而來(ok我又要重覆:不是全部),上一 代的舊移民有份建設香港,而最少他們也不會在街上大小二便。

況且我爺我爹不是我,我土生土長是這個城市的公民,為什麼沒權表達自己權利?你們被垃圾政權限制言論自由又要別的城市受害,沒良心。這個城市現在人口太 多,卻因為有比大陸完善的社會福利制度而被你們「入侵」,我們有權一早踢你回去了,我們為什麼沒權?因為被這個垃圾政權故意想我們被溝淡;聽到這裡你們也 別得意洋洋,為什麼大陸有這麼多毒食品假工程冤案打壓都是這個垃圾政權造成的,你們就直接活在這個垃圾政權下而第一個受耙,所以才想衝來,冒死也要衝進產 房生子,本來是同情你們的,但因為這個垃圾政權的教育你們只管自己,去到別人的城市事事都要人遷就你,衝去產房打尖都一件事,你們在醫院大聲喧嘩,不禮貎 對待醫護人員,偷東西,下刪二萬字不能盡錄,破壞別人的城市價值觀文化,明明是被垃圾政權害的人,卻幫垃圾政權去害人,奴性不改!!!!

我這裡說的都是事實,也沒有任何沒口德的詞語形容你們,不要被人說中要害捉住痛腳就大罵別人沒素質,動不動就說別人裝高尚是因為你自卑變自大造成的,不要 自己在香港跌一交都入香港人數,生子是合法,但衝院偷東西在街上大小二便洗黑錢不合法,沒得吵了吧。有錢不用『關照』香港,請照顧(是捐錢,不是像來香港 買東西公平貿易但當正自己是大恩人)山區裡被你們來香港買名牌那班貪官挖乾的貧民,任你那一小部份人有多「富起來」,中國還是個發展中國家,你要扯歪理的 話隨你,但問問你自己是否真的這樣想,如果真的認為你完全沒錯,我也沒有什麼可以回你,因為你自欺欺人沒口德

簡單地講上一代都不是本地人又如何,本地港人的父母在香港還需要勞動人口時來到;而本地香港人也在這裡土生土長講廣東話,學中文是學正體字,不是殘體,也不是像現在湧來財大氣粗/衝院拿福利的內地人一樣要改變這個城市的歷史文化﹣﹣我沒有去「歧視」內地人,對認識的內地人(即使近年才來的)只要他們跟我們 一樣工作和有一定操守我完全沒問題,最氣人的是我在上文講的那種人。』




這個我反而是想大家focus到香港人自身的問題。上文講過,因為我們沒權(又未修改基本法)阻止父母都是非本地中國人的嬰兒取得居留權,導致內地孕婦為子女得到居留權而衝院。即使不是衝院的,深圳也有中介公司幫他們一條龍來港產子取居留權,即是也有護照和福利。現在因為以上理由,使香港本來人手緊張的醫療服務更加失控。朋友的港人太太剛懷孕找醫院訂位居然book不到;大家也大概也聽過一些港人丈夫的親身經歷:太太穿了羊水要生,但醫院因為有衝院內地孕 婦而要她在這個狀況下等多一個小時,幾乎搞出人命,或者本來不用那麼辛苦但因為這些狀況要辛苦多一個小時。。。這些種種的根源,都是因為港人不能自主而致。(<<這是重點。)


好,大部份遊行示威都是關係到自己的,但平日完全不理任何事,到埋身才講,就讓我想起了一個德國牧師Martin Niemöller(1892-1984)的話:
『當他們囚禁社會民主主義者的時候,我保持沉默;我不是社會民主主義者。當他們來抓工會會員的時候,我沒有抗議;我不是工會會員。當他們來抓猶太人的時 候,我保持沉默;我不是猶太人。當他們來抓我的時候,已經沒有人能替我說話了。』﹣而最重要的是,如果理解人大釋法是什麼一回事,根本沒可能去支持。法治 精神是香港在中共控制之下最最最珍貴的東西,如果真的為了孩子將來著想,而你將來真的要留在香港,你不可能去支持這個惡法。。。。



邊寫其實邊很不願意,但又不能不講。上面解釋了,到別人的地方﹣﹣﹣對,不是你本身的城市就是別人的地方,即使你大中國主義,「入鄉隨俗」該適用於同一個 國家之內的,難道四川人到廣州吃飯說東西不夠辣,廣州人說廣東菜是清淡一點的,就在歧視四川人了嗎?這些濫用「歧視」也讓人憤怒﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣明知道不該做 的便不去做,非吸煙區不要吸煙之類,這個小孩子也明白的道理不用多講了,否則在港鐵吃東西的內地小朋友也不會講「是老媽不對吧~」吧!可是大人卻因為要面子就叫小孩住口收聲,身為父母身教是最重要的,如果真的那麼好素質,這時候該道歉,再順道告訴兒子「的確是媽媽不對」,而不是連同其他大陸人以「强國人」身份攻擊「小城市說不好普通話的人」吧。雖然那位港男的言論我都不是完全支持,又是後話。先再跟著主題講:吃東西都事小,事實上你吃得低調一點,不弄污地方,大家都有個「是不該,但當作看不見啦」的默契;可是,大小二便真的無法接受。



小朋友忍耐能力較小大家也明白的,所以為人父母外遊時該注意小孩子的生理需要,久不久問他們「餓不餓」之餘,也要問他們「想不想上厠所」,就為防止在街上突然很急要去洗手間吧,其他國籍的遊客也做到,否則我們在世界各地都會看到不同國籍的人帶著小孩在街上解決了啊,為什麼唯獨中國人卻做不到?想深一層都是 不考慮不關心的心態下造成的吧;然後我會提出這一點,除了因為無數次的『大陸遊客抱著小孩在迪士尼洗手盤大便』、『大陸人小孩在商場地板大便』、『大陸人 在街上大便』等的事例外,最主要是對最近一次一位成年大陸遊客在銅鑼灣當街在路中心大便的影片,而讓我很深入地想這個便便的事情。

我也試過幾次外遊不熟路時的確忍到交叉腳(不要笑)才找到洗手間解決,那種辛苦我想每一個人某程度上都試過。那位陸客(請有點心理準備,以下講的都很「生理」)的便便影片,我在Facebook上看到很多人廣傳,都沒有點過(不太想看。。。),直到一晚又看到又有人貼出來,終於好奇殺死貓,才真的點進去看看是否那麼猖狂﹣﹣﹣嘩靠!!!!!一個成年人當街脫褲子,就是露械了,一個屁屁蹲下,便便嘩啦地流出﹣等等,不是固體,該是水土不服。。。必然忍得很慘,當然這樣的畫面,看了幾秒便stop了﹣但這是能夠接受的理由嗎?水土不服大概很多遊客都試過,但忍不住就當著在大街旁若無人地脫褲子解決, 我說遊客之中只有大陸人才做得到出來相信都算中肯了,至少都沒看過別國的人這麼做。。。吧。。。。再多退幾步,你急到要噴出來(對不起,很不文雅但這是實況)要立刻去,找餐廳或商場厠所?忍不住啦!!那麼,最最最最底線,最少也找個橫街或角落吧。。。。我真的很懷疑,這部份大陸人是否在自己城市也這樣子的呢?即使在鄉下地方,周圍都是草地樹木,可以隨便解決,也會找個樹後面不讓人看見啊,不會在路中心蹲下解決吧。。。。。。。再說,這樣一來,除了「公眾露械」,他也犯下了「亂拋垃圾」一罪,食環署可發一千五百大元告票,露械的話警察也可以拉。。。






i) 曰:簡體有助文盲識字











普通話成為中共國官方語言也只是一世紀之內的事,廣東話歷史悠久,也是最接近古代夏語的語言,有二千多年了。事實上毛魔的普通話也有湖南口音,普通話也只是北方方言的一支,由當時滿族人入主北京後把明朝北京話和滿洲話混出來的內城語。尊重中華文化也要尊重文化歷史帶來的多元性,但中共主張單一化便於管治, 什麼上海話廣東話閩南話通殺。

語言背後的帝國主義﹣〔曾曉華,劍橋大學 碩士 研究生〕

節錄部份:『無論在香港或大陸,不少人對普通話有所誤解,以為其乃中文之正宗或地位較崇高。筆者以研究人員的身份,從語言學角度談談粵普的語言性質問 題。。。。傳統文人研究語言,往往把廣東話和普通話,分別定性為「方言」和「共同語」,認為兩種語言處於「主從」的關係。這種階層分類 (hierarchicalclassification)遺下不少問題,因為它意味着兩種語言屬母子關係(parental relationship,即粵語由普通話衍生出來),或兩種語言有地位高下之分(即普通話較粵語優越)――很明顯,以上兩種詮釋皆不成立。。。。。。其 實,「粵語方言論」帶有很重的政治意味。論者彷彿站在中央皇朝的台階來看問題,所以才會認為說廣東話的人既屬國土之內, 粵語自是「地『方』之『言』」。』












香港是靠自己的外匯儲備擊退George Soros(索羅斯)的!!!大陸毛都沒動過條!

98年亞洲金融風暴,泰國被擊潰後索羅斯下一個目標是香港,然而香港以美元作儲備貨幣,因為港元跟美元卦勾,美元也是國際最普及的貨幣之一,香港在英國人 剛徹走(1997)時有900多億美元的外匯儲備,而美元存量大可以實行聯系匯率,因索羅斯不能以美元打美元,加上香港政府動用1000億港幣拉高香港股 市,索羅斯計算過後最終徹走。為什麼這麼多人不想一想就去相信「呀爺」幫你呢?不要做個順民啊!





或者說,放在「分組」時會有敵對心理,但在生活上遇到的內地人,除非像以上那堆素質底的遊客,否則都不會怎麼反感(人人都不同,只要你不在我面前做討厭 的事說討厭的話,我有什麼理由討厭你?)我也有好幾個中國朋友,政事從來不會跟他們討論,除非他們有什麼想了解又不是持敵意指摘﹣當然現實生活中也遇到一如傳媒或民間轉載那種無品又要做皇帝的中國人;但有時我明白在港生活,若是一個守規有禮的中國人的確有壓力,因為香港人最近真的爆發了,一開電腦滿版都是蟲呀。。。糞呀。。。的轉貼,明明自己沒做過卻只因為出生地很多人都這麼做,而被人入數真是無奈至極。

早前我到過居所左近的一間新的小店,大陸老板娘就以很尖聲的「充滿優越感口氣(笑)」說香港人中文差(因為她在看新聞,報導員口吃了一下),然後說中央台的報導員素質上佳,絕不會有這樣的情況,再拉到香港人素質低(她簡直是抽水王of the year!)﹣雖然說的不是我,也莫名奇妙大陸人對香港人要投訢但又要住在香港和那種不可理喻的敵意﹣有些人大概會跟她「駁火」了,我笑一笑說「哦,係 咩」心裡派了她二百粒膠就走啦,第一次幫襯,當然也再無下次,就這樣囉。




而且想想,把「優越感論」常卦在口邊的的確是大陸人,實在讓我覺得很奇怪啊?有哪個地區的人是完全沒有優越感,或者是應該沒有優越感的?法國人、日本人、泰國人、德國人、菲律賓人、印度人、墨西哥人。。。全都會對自己國家有優越感啊?優越感是自身的認同,也是一種自然到自己未必會留意到的感覺,若然有人把它經常放在口邊是實在太留意在介懷了, 說穿了是那部份大陸人自卑的心態!知道自己國家的問題但又無處發洩吧,而要硬講香港人『優越感太强』、『優越感沒了』來平衡自己的自卑感和民族主義彭漲情緒。所以那些沒有自卑感,也不會太注意別人有沒有優越感中國人,才不屑理會這些香港人有沒有優越感吧。






或者大家都知道世界上很多地區的人還很窮困,吃不暖睡不飽。而中國明明經濟起飛,城市的人「富起來」了,出國旅遊讀書生活了,買樓買車買名牌,偏遠山區農 村仍有很多文盲、赤貧的人,生活艱苦。小孩子求學難,較幸運可以上學的,不少卻要小小年紀走路四五個小時才能到學校,比起城市的孩子他們是受苦了,父母想孩子有更好的將來,再難也想孩子讀多點書,日後可到外省城市生活。這樣的貧富懸殊很多發展中國家也有(如印度),但我們不要被轉移視線﹣拉回香港和大陸的問題。

為什麼大陸人要到香港買奶粉?因為大陸食品沒保証,不法商人無良心,官員貪污,只要肯出賂款不法商人總是能夠不擇手段不理同胞死活賺錢,這不是中國特有的 事,但問心大家都知道中國在這項絕對是超英趕美,不,是無人能及,全個地球都被超過了。為人父母,我理你罵我是什麼,最緊要是保住我孩子,到香港搶購奶 粉,理所當然!



若不是中共政權控制港共政府,雙非居留權這個全國都沒有的規定,在香港卻可實行,即使父母是外省人,在香港生就可享有香港身份,居住權,醫療等權 利﹣港府只是扯線公仔,香港只因為完全沒有說好的「高度自治」(是在玩定義嗎,對比起大陸已經是太高度自治了?),才沒法不讓內地孕婦到港產子,因為生了就必定有居港權。無論如何,生了再講!



其中最讓我氣憤的一點是,這邊廂大陸人(愛爭吵那班啦)一早到晚到外地購物,不尊重別人的文化,然後又要加句他有錢所以理所當然,這些來歷不明的暴發戶買幾個名牌手袋,吃鮑蔘刺肚幾千元一餐吃不夠一半丟,紅酒當水喝,超級在意要「把香港(或南韓,星加坡,日本)比下去」,那邊廂山區那邊沒錢的挨餓小孩沒教育, 飲溪水生病又沒人理,那班講到「祖國」如何强大的陸客,有多少個有捐錢有去幫過貧困的同胞?



你有沒有義務要讓外來人口大量湧入,因為你最少得先照顧自己﹣講白點就是不要不自量力。香港乃彈丸之地,雖經濟强大,但內部貧富不均之外,根本沒可能不停接收鄰國人,多富的國家也吃不消。尤其鄰國人是全球人口最多的國家!上面講過,不是全部人都要來,千份之一人來都夠多了吧。强要幫弱這是道德的合理的, 但明明鄰國就很「强」啊,反而不幫自己同胞,變相要這小城市分担?這樣聽上去,真的是自私嗎?



底線是,你的城市被强行改變,影響範圍由醫療服務、食品安全、城市外觀(便便、殘體字)、公平制度(持大陸護照有折扣)等一一被攻破,一天如果你身邊的親友甚至你自己,孩子要出生卻有數個衝院鄰國孕婦要護士照顧,導致孩子有危險,你還能理性嗎?我寫到這裡八萬多九萬字,一直都試著理性,但來到這裡,坦白講,就當我充份理解大陸人身為父母有權為自己孩子爭取權利﹣香港人也身為父母有權為自己孩子爭取權利啊?而且是在『自己的城市』爭取應有的權利!再這樣下去,人們的情緒難以控制政府也放著不管(或正確來說,“被”故意不管),便會有醫院大屠殺出現了???港府被中共控制變得無能,城市的問題冰封三尺非一日之寒,任如何「理性」「怕事」(其實是多一事不如少一事心態)的香港人, 也快要去到歇斯底里的地步了。這樣對香港、大陸人也是辛苦的,而造成這個局面的都是中共及香港並非自治,上面講過了。



香港人以為自己能幫大陸人,即使參加民運遊行社運的,反中共,幫同胞。。。。然而越明白中共暴政之下,香港的力量暫能充當策劃或意識散佈,而大陸「强大了」,「同胞」們也覺得不用你幫,哎呀,中國好中國强,什麼政治鳥管啊,有錢享受才重要﹣﹣香港在這種心態越來越多的大陸人底下的中國,不被同化已偷笑 了,妄想能將之改變大概是高估自己,你也不要干涉國家內政(哈)。但香港不要被同化﹣那麼唯一的選擇,的確是先自保,你說城牆心態又好,什麼都好。要改變 (很崇高地說「拯救」就免了)中共政權,在這個情況下是沒可能的。我是在叫大家放棄嗎?對,我真的是在叫你放棄。最少,『現在』要放棄﹣﹣﹣﹣﹣


『自小在香港受教育, 學會了我是中國人, 手寫中國字, 過端午過中秋, 讀孔孟, 讀唐詩, 都是中國文化, 愛中國之心就是這樣形成的。
然而在我成長的過程中, 師長卻甚少跟我們這些小孩子詳細講述現今中國的概況, 對中國的認知, 就只停留在端午中秋孔孟唐詩這些文化層面。

直到一九八九年, 知道那個叫北京的地方, 坦克車開出來了, 殺死很多人了, 才對中國的政治現實稍多了一點認識。
到了中學, 中國近代史也只會教到文革, 而且只會草草說幾句, 若不課外進修多讀報紙, 一個生於七八十年代的香港人, 對現實世界中的中國的認識可以近乎零!!!

可是, 周圍的人都在教育你, 身為中國人, 你要愛國啊, 這樣的思維被植入了, 結果所愛的中國, 
就是端午中秋孔孟唐詩那個「古典中國」, 一個仍然十分優雅的中國, 中國文化如此秀麗, 你身為中國人而自豪。

年紀大了, 對現實世界的認知多了, 往北一看, 如夢初醒。
熱愛中國, 是一件痛苦的事, 因為你所愛的中國, 早已長埋黃土之下了。』





「熱愛中國, 是一件痛苦的事, 因為你所愛的中國, 早已長埋黃土之下了」這句話,說到咀唇邊卻很辛苦才能說真心地認同,這件事的複雜程度,我要另外再寫十萬字才能解釋好一點。

2003年,跟某歐洲朋友談天說地,無意中講到中國才知道香港報的西藏新聞的確很少,講了點政治東西我都想去維護這個我心目中的半個國家,然而維護是出於 「愛國」,心裡知道很多東西都不對勁的,但國籍沒得選啊,只能希望這國家變好;到2008年有一次在歐洲旅遊時,電視上新聞是很完整的中共殺害西藏平民影 片,歷歷在目。回港後有相關新聞(在大陸該不可能或是扭曲報導了),然後看到一些人說「外國媒體錯誤引導,開進去的是救護車不是軍車」,因為民族情緒,我幾乎是想認同,但理性告訴我,那明明就是軍車!不認嗎,像一些人到現在還說六四是學生被外國勢力煸動生事嗎?不僅是政權對平民殺害才有國家身份認同的掙扎, 看看六四,很多港人是因為「同胞」因為爭取民主被殺,而且心痛那是一班學生,才去支援(可是當年給學生捐的血被大陸倒了,良心當狗肺)﹣﹣﹣對西藏的暴政亦然。經過文革後,人心及人性都被扭曲了(否則何來這麼多專害同胞用的假X假Y),即使人性心智沒被扭曲的,在這樣的大環境和政權下也只能敢怒不敢言,中國苿莉花大概是不可能實現的了,這樣的一個大國,香港既沒能力强變,「祖國」亦只是那個前中國留下的遺物而已,軀體仍在,但精神和靈魂在中共掌權後已昇天,任你再想這也不是認知那個中國了。
「中國」近年已變成「中共」一樣的詞語,香港人的確和中國人是不同的物種,否則又怎會有這麼多因不能融合而產生的爭拗?所以理所當然,「香港人」是香港人,「香港人」是華人,但不是「中国人」!!!! <<殘體字double meanings


一位在香港工作了十五六年的外國朋友說,在1995年他到中國大陸工作,雖然比之前開放了少許,但經濟還未起飛,內地人民反而會嘗試去了解別的文化或融合,但一「富起來」就不得了,完全溝通不能,有錢做什麼都是對似的。他說在外國接中國客時很頭大,因為即使他們很富有,卻會在高級餐廳會大聲談話叫嚷,叫待應時用手指 發出"tak tak'的聲音(這不只是不禮貎,簡直是侮辱行為),全個餐廳的人都被他們搞得很掃興,接下來他們卻又在講中國現在很富有等的事。。。。這位朋友說,外人不可能改變這些中國人的,更加不要被影響,但中國人就是不自律。同樣,香港人管不了也改不了這些,只能坐遠一點,如果香港人真的不多這麼做的話(請反省),那麼香港人要跟中國人劃清界線,你又真的能怪他嗎?







歧視一詞被濫用了。去年政府派6000,有來港不足七年的大陸移民大喊歧視. 奇怪啊,住滿七年成為永久居民是一個基本標準(都已經沒有要求有香港護照或在港出生了),如果沒設立一個準則,可以以什麼準則派?


現實是,加拿大、澳洲等地不像現在的港共政府,他們有權去嚴格審批,能移民的港人都是有經濟能力的人,要有入息証明,要宣誓,在那邊可以找到工作,要交稅,不是過去然後說要住下來因為是同胞。港人在那邊犯錯(潛建等),在那邊的港人也有責罵,但在香港的大陸人犯錯,大陸人是因為面子會要求自己做的被合理化,大陸同胞也會支持。況且為何 97時有錢的人都想走?不是64中共把坦克壓在學生頭上,人們會如此不安嗎?我在一個論壇貼子內講過這點,大家可在看完這篇後看下面links的伸延閱讀。



香港人其實也很讓人生氣的。明明有不錯的教育(地球上只有7%的人有高中以上的教育程度,若有興趣請看:http://www.tinykylie.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1409),但公民意識其實都頗差。『環保』,對絕大部份人來說是聽了不想理,回收箱永遠都有別的垃圾(廢紙回收箱會有人把吃剩的食物一同倒在內,那放進去乾淨的紙也報銷了。)我是個會定時把家中和公司的廢紙送到回收箱的人,家中的鋁罐膠樽電池都會拿去回收,不用的電器在離家(尤其幾天)時盡量關掉或拔去插頭,公司的電腦不會24 hours/7days開著。在很多歐洲國家和日本等先進地區,這是基本不過的事,不值得提。可是在香港,人們就會說『你真努力回收啊!環保份子』。。。。試問香港即使人口多需求大,但貴為使用地球資源其中一個最多的城市,怎麼好像覺得能源、資源就不用珍惜似的?前年到日本朋友家,她母親是個普通的日本中年婦人,跟很多母親一樣平凡得很。但厨房裡整齊潔淨之餘,最讓我心動的就是她的“廢物架”﹣垃圾在家裡一早就自然分類,膠樽還膠樽,廢紙還廢紙,玻璃還玻璃,鋁罐還鋁罐,不能再用的厨餘在架的最下一層蓋好﹣人民素質可以在日常生活這些公民意識的小節中看到,不亂抛垃圾、不隨處大小二便只是基本認知,一個已發展城市該有更好的公民意識,可是香港普遍的人還是沒有。一次我把廢紙鋁罐等東西拿到住所左近的回收站,看著一位中年大廈護衞居然想把他吃剩的飯盒丟進廢紙回收箱,而垃圾箱只在三步旁的位置。當時我立刻阻止,向他說“別放進那裡啊!那不是垃圾箱!”他卻因為面子混了幾句『說什麼啊,這明明是垃圾箱,你不會看中文嗎?』。。。我忍不住了,說:『我當然會看中文呀!!你有看到這寫明是”廢紙“嗎,你把吃剩的汁液倒進去全部紙都真的會變成垃圾呀!!!』他大概怕麻煩便轉身放進垃圾箱,但我覺得若自我意識不足,下次沒人看他也會隨便丟。










在香港還未被完全言論管制,你還能上twitter, facebook, youtube, 國際網站跟世界接軌不被訊息封鎖、發言之前,我們不能讓以上提及的發生,因為一旦到這這個情況已經發生的時候,一切都為時已晚了。






** Published an article yesterday quoted a saying in the " with our strict teacher [ NCLB ] the only person FDZone'' article '' =
"British and Chinese rule , Hong Kong / Hong Kong's autonomy history and the future of post-post "
Replaced by a log ... fine Bian article [ . History tells the story of the origin of comments ... .. ] -
Not much to say - let me see '' only one '' article - ? ? You what kind of feelings ~ *
Posted at Yesterday 08:07 PM ( day 0 ) | Show him | Rating | Edit | up points
Posts by dior88 AM edited 2014-02-28 09:39

Little in the old Post at 2014-02-27 02:54 PM
Old D, we are old friends, what heaven , what the hell ? Streams are thought to come ... and the next ideas flow , unrealistic more ...

Taste ...
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

Taste brother '' unrealistic ideas flow ...... you can see through my best [ Dr F 's weakness is also stupid ! ]
No matter how bitter the impermanence of life as
In hell , and what ' unrealistic ideas flow ' is, I can not erase the feeling ..
How can I / the how to - from the heart of the masked words ....... What ? !
Such a ' blank ' and is not part of me ? ? !

Ah .. you may not online yesterday mentioned "only human "
Is a forum moderator
His article is full of connotations
A reading under particularly impressed
While / Maybe you can not see
伹I still hope you come back in the foreseeable
Because of this ' only person ' ink super product ...
Replaced by a log ... fine Bian article [ allusions. Origin of telling . History. Reviews ... ]
Not much to say - let me see '' people '' article was as follows :
Cited verbatim text =
This is the theme of his first chapter = ~
British and Chinese rule , Hong Kong / Hong Kong's autonomy history and the future of post-post

I know that there have started like a diary, but it turned into a lengthy article pages.
Anyway, read on.

Where I want to begin by the - this entry , there are too many to explain . Only in this city who live or grew up ,
Finally have to face the future , but rather only to pay attention to which star is sexual harassment and worry about buying things i-Phone also do not want to bother affairs .

I think I'll start from the fact that - this thing , a lot of talk about the past or the future of Hong Kong 's article also barely mentioned - in the United Kingdom , Hong Kong or the world, what is the value of it ?
In fact, we should be borne negligible . Wait, listen to me -

Let's go back a few years ago, about 2005 , I was talking with one of my British friends .
I forgot what specifically we talk , but when I say " the last British Governor of Hong Kong ," she said, " Who was the last British Governor of Hong Kong ? "

At that time I was shocked and said , " What ? You are British and live in Hong Kong , but you do not know who was the last governor ... ? "
She rightly said: " I ​​was both our future ! "
At the time when this conversation occurred , two things quite unconsciously pop up in my mind :
( 1 ) Do you have too many colonies , it is impossible to remember all , it is normal. . .
( 2 ) whether you are too ignorant little ah ! ?

But now I look back at this thing, maybe she really is so ignorant , but I was also very " ignorant " to know, Hong Kong virtually no locals want to get on the British or European so important. European or British , Hong Kong is just a very far , very small , it is no imminent oriental city , no one will care about what happened here , even though this is their place under the jurisdiction of a century , this place is for the daily lives of the vast majority of Britons would not achieve that connected .
I have read several related topics very old discipline縁piece , just like when I travel to Europe , the United Kingdom or European public ( especially the younger generation aged below ) , when you talked about , and that they would said, " Hong Kong is a city in Japan right ", " Hong Kong will return to South Korea , are not you ," or that " I do not know this place ." I have been to many European cities , European friends authentic friends often would think that Hong Kong is in Japan. I was introduced to a fellow friend " from Hong Kong ," After that, they are invariably sent me a " Konichiwa ." . . .

It surprised? Do not . Because of this problem , for many people living in the UK , in fact, asked a Hong Kong citizen with " Baku (Baku) is a city of which country ? " The same. You might think I used a very extreme example , but it really is a lot of Europeans view of Hong Kong. ( I can not for example in European cities because of our education, at least my generation of European history is a compulsory subject , but to my knowledge, the Europeans do not read too many Asian history - do not agree , please inform )

So skip too trivial detail ... If China , or that the CCP is so evil , Hong Kong is also over a century by a stone into a diamond ( from a fishing village to become one of the world 's most important financial center ) , then Why should the United Kingdom , Hong Kong returned to China? This sounds , not at all unreasonable to it - according to the treaty after the Opium War , Hong Kong became a British colony permanently , so the UK is not in fact the Hong Kong's " return " to the "motherland" .

I remember in junior high school first history lesson , the teacher said the first sentence :
" Relations between countries based only on interest"
Look more grown more information , could not agree more . . . . . .

Then we came a little history lesson .

18 , 19 century . Before the Opium War in China after World War II than many wealthy ( though now rich , something ) . At the same time in Europe , colonialism has been popular for centuries ( I will define in the late 15th century , more generally ) . Other European countries aside, because we are talking about the UK - colonialism has a lot of reasons, but give an example , a few hundred years ago, Britain's winter is too cold , the grass will not grow , and the sheep will not eat dead , approach is to slaughter a sheep , into the salt water soak for winter use . When some of the warmth that has a lot of resources of the colony there , things will be much easier. When you enter from your colonies need something when the weather is not the most decisive reason ; however, because too many imported goods , such as when the British love of Chinese tea and silk , with Indian spices , so easy to British trade appears Poor ( entrance to spend too much , not enough exports , saying " wash big left " ) , we have to think about ways to increase revenue.

India from the 19th century to independence in 1947, when the UK economy as an important role , then Britain would also like to launch a new line of trade between China and India , took advantage of opium cultivation in India by sales into China and Hong Kong , China the more people smoke opium , the more it will support the British military entrance fees and sales in East Asia , has multiple purposes , Hong Kong inadvertently become an important import and export to Hong Kong , because of the British East India Company (East India Company) buy opium to China and other economic and military behavior. Britain did not intentionally make investment in Hong Kong by the small fishing village to become a financial center or a commercial port , all the time in order to control one of the largest and important colonial India, and China 's money. While many Chinese people are smoking opium , even silk tea exports , but both ends meet , when the Qing government to implement tougher tobacco sales only , but also for some reason to the First Opium War , the Qing government would lose had ceded Hong Kong to Britain .

So over the years , said Hong Kong is an important , but not as something important - to the 1950s, the British government realized that China began to emerge again , he wants to engage in diplomatic relations , while the morning that China wants to go back to this original Hong Kong rural little girl , and now the British princess Tingtingyuli grow too , so naturally , Hong Kong became a bargaining chip in the progress of a Sino-British relations , but obviously , the 1984 " joint Declaration " in favor of the Hong Kong " reason for return " to the Chinese mainland are as follows some simple political reasons reached .

July 1, 1997 , Hong Kong by the British Empire "return " in mainland China , I remember some Ji Yuan film , the British "Evening standard" and "The Economist" and other media editors said something similar : " the reunification of Hong Kong and China is big news , but this news is actually for the British market did not value it will not affect people's daily lives , the vast majority of people are not sure of the city . . . " ..
Over the age of 20 you remember the summer of 1997 What news do ? Fortunately for them, the biggest impression was Princess Diana in August 1997 in a car accident , and one month Houde Lan nun 's death .

The editors are right ! ! ! Fortunately for them, the reunification exactly what a good attention ? Until 97 was raised before the British Parliament on humanitarian or moral stance , the United Kingdom has the responsibility to accept some of the people of Hong Kong , the British talent suddenly wake up to go a little talk about book this problem. After World War II , the British put a lot of colonies returned to their country to help independent , thorough away in front of each colony will be established to help the local people of local governments and organizations dominated presidential elections , as it would allow British nationals confidently tell "We help the colony and education to help them build a democratic election before leaving " - right, they have done so, but ! In addition to Hong Kong , there is to see written above all understand that this will definitely offend the CCP's behavior is totally unacceptable , Hong Kong, you never just a pawn, came to this step , you fend for themselves . . .
Back to top British Parliament stresses that Hong Kong people emigrated to Britain to do, of course , right , say unanimously by the Members to the public , "We where so many places ah ," " insufficient work ", " do not have sufficient resource allocation ." . . Sound is a bit of deja vu ? Ah, it's just human nature exclusive and ugly - not to take my things , so only "you" and "I" are right, nothing wrong, but beside the point .

The last few Governor ( apart from Chris Patten , the last British Governor of Hong Kong and 28 ) were born diplomat , it is a matter of course at the end of the colonial sent last time almost two decades of good relations with China , right - right the British government, which is understandable, there is no right or wrong , when we understand that indeed , " the relationship between the state and national interests based on only built " - who cares too afraid that seven million people of Hong Kong to the foot shock ? You see before 1997 , the Hong Kong people have a little money in the overseas immigrants to buy a house , as are leaving Hong Kong , we do not do not know is how the CCP regime , and then Hong Kong before the territory of uncertainty ( not to say well now , alas ) , and the Tiananmen massacre / June incident on only five years after the Sino-British joint Declaration , before the reunification 8 occurred before , how likely are not afraid ? If you told me , " and now have no problems in Hong Kong ah ," it's just too much you do not know or understand the current attention to things ( see my last month's diary ) .

However , they are often very interesting things really could not guess - the last Governor Chris Patten , actually ignoring strong opposition from some British people and the Chinese Communist Party to fight for democracy and civil rights in Hong Kong for the last years of colonial confrontation with the mainland . He did , of course, to let China ( CCP ) rage, even when some of the UK government's evaluation of his people are poor because the British businessmen are cursing him , saying that he destroyed the good relations between China and the UK , in the course of trade if they can be used in Hong Kong bets , Britain can become the biggest trading partner with China , but because they lost a lot Patten let opportunities and so on.
--- Is money , alas , right, no problem , I can not say this is wrong , even though I think it was wrong . . .

So here is the history of the British general , and it is important to point out that our position is not worth mentioning in the British mind, this is a very objective analysis does not involve any racial discrimination. In fact they do not have a duty to " take care of " Hong Kong people - why do I have to point out the fact the British Hong Kong in Hong Kong do not have to imagine or understand important ? Because this point is important to talk about the future of a Hong Kong thinking . Throughout the history of the United Kingdom , Hong Kong insignificant , but in the matter of establishment of diplomatic relations with China , Hong Kong occupies a very important role.

1997, people pay attention to are aware that the CCP slowly infiltrated and controlled in Hong Kong . Again, people probably do not understand will feel very strange, since it is a city , of course, will be a state-managed ah. However, the situation related to the background and development of Hong Kong in mainland China has a great difference. Not say which one is better, but the difference is different . Just across the river from Hong Kong and the mainland by the idea of ​​doing things are entirely different way ; Even from the same culture, still has a lot of cultural differences. Forget whether said here , some foreign friends will think why Hong Kong people would think of being introduced " from China " is like some strange way , obviously , " the same country ," Why say " I'm from Hong Kong ", Hong Kong obviously in China 's cities , and why should such a division , to so sensitive ? But in fact say that these obviously do not understand those people who do not bother to understand .

For example , a Scotsman would say that he is Scottish. I can imagine he will explain that he is extremely unlikely , " the British ." Yes, Scotland in the UK , so you is British Hello ! But know that not everyone understands , but does not explain why there is no clear boundaries . If you want to wander kinship ( Scotland and England are the other ) , the North and South that Chinese people are also useful ah ! Are Han Chinese , but it is different . Not to say that what Hong Kong or mainland people better , but that of Hong Kong in Hong Kong , mainland China is the person who is the people of Macao in Macau , is Mara Mara overseas Chinese , the UK is the British Overseas Chinese , you do not call the UK Mainland Chinese people for it, Taiwanese Well , even if there are Han Chinese descent but even " Chinese " word can not stand ah. . .
So before I had talked about an article in which mainland China into Hong Kong from the Mainland is purposefully " ditch light " in Hong Kong , then from the cultural awareness or more similar habits with the Mainland , Hong Kong has officially Mainland hearts "return " it. This is the Chinese Communist Party to deal with ethnic minorities in Tibet and other tactics .

Even if things do not talk politics or beliefs on the angle , and those who successfully brainwashed youth , people in Hong Kong are a few sad , borrowed a friend 's passage, Hong Kong people no country, no national anthem ( CCP that song now , forget it . ) only last remaining national identity , this is the Chinese nation , but do not want to assimilate ... when we are mainland colony is a British colony , but the return is simply the CCP becomes a colony like it, that is why we can not have dignity can their city governance , but was " external force " forever in control of ? In fact the country 's mainland was never when we are part of , said the mainland but not as good Hong Kong wanted to exhaust all means to have to live Well, only if there is interest in the Hong Kong people to fight against the foreigners , " Chinese people a elements " in the column . . . When the problem is getting more time ( again , I do not want to waste time in front of foreigners who proudly say that they are installed but then the Chinese culture or literature of their own country that is not of concern to people ) , those concerned with conditions or Hong Kong in the future people will think then , often to recall how good will the British colonial period than it is now , or even want to be under the British would say the rule - this is what I wrote above brief history of a lot of reasons today . We can not just want the past , history is good, we must learn to understand the history of past experience and plan for the future is right or wrong , but thinking about some of the things over the past decade has been achievements , not much to see a lot We are British Hong Kong " like the facebook group, if only to join or create a nostalgic look back no problem , but a lot of people seem to be so naive as to think that can be supported by the United Kingdom to help Hong Kong against what the Chinese Communists , and I understand why this sentiment , but this look people get depressed sad ah Rather than sitting the past, it would be better to think about how to change this situation turn it ideologically instill the concept is also very important, because a lot of people , especially with the younger generation seems to have been brainwashed by the CCP , will fight to the death in the event of any corruption and murder in the maintenance of food poisoning CCP , which screamed " I am Chinese , I love our country." < it went on to say I believe in the Lord of the Declaration of a much different kind of love is not in the nozzle side Gua bar. . . .

I do not write , because too much has been written today . One thing is very important, if we do nothing now , Hong Kong will only really become a third-rate city backwards , rather than a cosmopolitan city. It is a very critical moment
Decision for the people , genuine autonomy - " autonomy movement in Hong Kong HKAM " promo

------------------------ Make my heart throb of the article, content-rich brilliant therefore describe him as " the only person " Oh ~
  [ Unfinished . Detailed .. ]
'' Person '' was the original URL =
http://www.tinykylie.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=8030&extra=page% 3D1 & page = 1

------------------------------- [ Speak out ] version , how can hide chest imports ? ? Mind to have been look down,
'' Person '' is again only an updated version -

" Locust disaster ? " - How to burial or cremation in Hong Kong ?

Title written strange thing , is to lead you into perspective - the original article called " Letter to Hong Kong people ," but too general .
Of course, one can also see the continent , I hope you 'll take a look .

First purpose statement , some people ( no matter which side the two are not psychologically prepared for large Chinese doctrine people )
May be very angry after watching - because even in front of you agree , perhaps behind runaway .


First of all, I was in Hong Kong . I am also not in favor of over-population in the absence of sufficient resources ( especially the land ), the
Still allow the Communists to enter ( or say , acquiescence ) mainland to Hong Kong to give birth to settle , and the lame duck Port of government measures to prevent so-called just window dressing .

Secondly , please do not see a little lengthy article on lazy to look. Please please please please please please please please please please please please take a moment to look at you .

This article ,
I hope people will become parents worried about hospital beds will be last minute delays in mainland pregnant Street Hospital for you,
I hope to see people from the mainland street defecation station squatting in public places , littering, disorderly conduct and anger you ,
Hope to a certain hegemony and livelihood and anger you ,
I hope Lingnan culture , Cantonese, traditional characters are not being forced to replace into Mandarin , the word you residues ,
Polis dignity and hope to have your identity ,
I hope never livelihood with little or no attention to political affairs , only knew that he hated " locusts " port of your transgression ,
As mainland people want , whether or not you hate Hong Kong ,
Most importantly,
Want to watch how the past affects the present , Hong Kong , and how now affects your future ,
You can see the end from the beginning , but also thinking after reading and share some thoughts .

Of course, everyone's views are not exactly the same, so I wrote in your eyes may be slightly different , even completely breach , particularly to the rear section of a more controversial content.
However, there is recognition of the role of reflection , please widely spread .
[The following is easy to digest , it will separate points , but please note that the final thrust of the article is that this is the source of our goal , not to pay attention to those little spray. 】

1 ) The word [ locusts ]
2 ) [ colonial policy , the Basic Law ]
3 ) [ Big Lu Renyun : Even if you are not the last generation , and then the last generation are mainland ah ! 】
4 ) [ hospitals, health care workers, pregnant women ]
5 ) [ fasting and eating area revelation defecation ]
6 ) [ traditional characters and debris words , Cantonese and Mandarin , cultural cleaning ]
7 ) [ no Chinese mainland , you die out . 】
8 ) [ Why are you so hate people from the mainland ? <<< Was not. 】
9 ) [What is selfish - the real China was miserable - oxygen mask theory ]
10 ) [ We are all Chinese people - you want to be patriotic - scared , do not be silly ]
11 ) [What is discrimination - Port locust you tell me ? 】
12 ) [ Hong Kong people have much better quality ? 】
13 ) [ " high degree of autonomy " in the true meaning ]
14 ) [ Summary: the root of the problem ]


1 ) The word [ locusts ]
First talk about this the more intense the more noisy recently nouns . Meaning no explanation , I believe we all know , in simple terms is considered to be derogatory Some looting of resources of our society , eroding the core values ​​of Hong Kong 's population is mainly described as new immigrants from mainland China , Hong Kong tourists and pregnant women to give birth .

Straight pole that is when you first heard the term in view of the high stage youtube song " locusts world " and learned . The first feeling is' Wow . . . Cold-blooded it. . . Well people have to die born mother . " - Do people feel a little uncomfortable. While the song is mentioned in actual fact , the meat and the sentence , many of which are the voice of Hong Kong , but instead is used as a " grasshopper " meaning of the term itself, a problem . Admittedly, this term is very tempted one to aptly describe the law did not order a different means flocked to Hong Kong to give birth , do parallel , speculation , and other acts against the city - but to put it bluntly , this is only the people's inability to resist the government let go regardless of the sole venting .

Individuals still do not use the word , not only because of ethics or anything, but because I was thinking : noun vent role to play , but if it becomes a simple vent will only evolve into a war of words did not constructive , people who do not understand or section three ( for example , foreigners, or just to understand the political livelihood of the Novice ) do not see the anger of the core reasons , because Hong Kong people 's anger does not come from nowhere : the city of limited resources is planned a lot of output and living be adversely affected ( and every situation harder ) , but obviously they do not unreasonable in turn been accused , these are normal , but anger . I do not criticize people who use this term , but please note that vent their emotions and theories together, others do not understand the intent of the more where you will be considered out of context simply not discreet . This can be written very long and infinitely extended , but before talking about this .


2 ) [ colonial policy , the Basic Law ]
This is a longer , but very important , I hope to read .
Earlier it was mentioned , in any place , there will be immigrants , many unknowingly or not pay attention to people who only think that people from the mainland to Hong Kong to live is a universal phenomenon , just as there are immigrant population worldwide , Hong Kong allergies and so on - do not to understand people probably will not understand , the point is, this is a politically motivated " ditch light " program .

For example , by the 1950s, after the establishment of the Communist Party of China soon after began to colonization of Tibet , a large number of input Han Chinese population , so that Tibetans become a minority , and their culture , " finished " , the purpose of ease of governance ( or said: suppressed ) . Beneath this tyranny , was suppressed and no one can help. Tibet news blackout , but soon there will be a long Tibetan protesters were killed, women being sexually abused monks news flow. At that time the Chinese Communists to the west and autonomous colonial nation , because the initial Han suited to frontier life and climate , but also a large number of Chinese Communists to pay subsidies to maintain . Han is now a problem with the Tibetans , the Chinese Communists on the open tanks inside, and soon there are small sixty-four long , sweeping movements , but black is Tibetan trouble.
See CCP deal means Hong Kong , in addition to more than a hundred people a day enter outside (yes, every day ) , after 1997 years, since the Chong Fung-yuen case , a local non-native -born parents of more than 8,000 infants soared fivefold last year mainland -born babies of pregnant women have 40,000 people , accounting for 47 % of annual births . But we gaze but not the only , must have a cognitive ability adjourned .

You might say that Hong Kong people are also Han , to accept the " compatriots " to " integrate " your city . But to pull such a case, at least the north and south are different kinds of Han ( northerners aspects shoulder Kuan Chun Fung eyes , southerners have high and low , but even a small skeleton , eyes, more rounded and so different from the ancient tribe , and after words ) , however , the same is not the focus of different kinds - focus is on a single CCP's cultural policy is to eliminate the local political culture destination , Cantonese, Lingnan culture , the history of Western colonialism , traditional characters ( this is below [ the traditional characters and residues word , culture cleaning ] will elaborate ) - are all inseparable from the political means.

Hong Kong because of geographical location and history and an international bridges and Western colonial hundred years, and the establishment of the civil war to the Chinese Communists in Tiananmen reform and opening up and more tightening of freedom of speech ( because after Tiananmen , the people are not afraid of economic feed resistance and other factors ) are locked country , people's values ​​and culture will be more different . Whether or not integration , are two very different cultures. Yes we are all descendants of the Chinese , but if you look at the different people of Taiwan and mainland China and overseas Chinese will understand that regional growth environment and education will come completely different culture , opening and closing Tsui Han also said that we are all fundamentally the manufacture of guilt sense and public pressure , but is wrong analogy.

Do not be the words of these kinship , etc. compatriots opened sight , the regime deliberately clip forcibly large number of people from different cultures mixed in another area , that is an ulterior motive .

Besides the white point: the same is "SAR" , Chinese people did not have the right of abode in Macau -born baby , but ironically, the mainlanders children born in mainland China can not get a local hukou , let alone access to education, health care and other benefits . CCP centered cubic what ? 1.4 billion Chinese people , as long as 0.1 percent to come ( and I'm not as old , we have eyes to see ) , it is sufficient to completely reverse the whole city . Immigrants "ordinary" is not going to deliberately change emigrated to the culture, but because of the small proportion of the number , it is impossible to make any major changes . Immigration and colonization are : ethnic minorities in Hong Kong ( immigrants or descendants of immigrants ) , as Hong Kong people living in the same field or other Asians , in their own language , led the establishment of shops, small community , into the city , more than anything else also retain their own culture ; contrast are a great part of the mainland to Hong Kong immigration ( colonial ) , it will not simplified complaints words , communication can not go to say that someone 's native language is " birds " can do it in your own city find somewhere else to do .

There mainland people say "' remote ' ? Reunification , ah ! Superiority in Hong Kong too ," and so on. . . First of all, do not talk about countries or cultures , two different cities can be said to be in different places / somewhere else , right ? Your city is certainly not the right places . You go to someone's home , want to smoke , but the head of the household is non-smoking , tell you not to smoke , would you say it does not respect your rights ? The bottom line is . If to a group of poems and couplets gentle gentleman , also brought elegance of Chinese culture , failing unreasonable, to buy things line up, high quality outsiders, Hong Kong could not be so offensive. I know , I know not all Chinese people are like this , and I know you ah mother is a woman, but the fact we have seen , do not talk about in detail .

Hong Kong is a former British colony , now just CCP colonial country , "return " is a euphemism , or say " occupy " is more appropriate . On this point, we are all Chinese people [ below - you want to be patriotic - scared , do not be silly ] will be described in detail .

If the United Kingdom does not take the number of Hong Kong is a lie , but overall, even when Hong Kong was a British cow , only possessor to jabi milk ;
But mainland Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong , it is when Hong Kong is a pig fattened slaughtered after the first , or more aptly cages like the mainland earlier storm was raised to live can not move his body openings are extracted bear bile bears every day the same .

We should not go to England and then pipe Kong delusion , one to be impractical , and secondly, the idea can be considered tame ;
But should not go more recognition now CCP , " occupy " fifteen years to see.
Before this I have talked in great detail , we saw this after , if not understand this , you can find time to take a look at :
British Hong Kong / China Hong Kong / Hong Kong history and future of the causes of post-post autonomy
British Hong Kong / China Hong Kong / Hong Kong Autonomy - History, Cause, and Future

So came the Basic Law revisions -
Followed by long-term repeat , how urgent needs " to prevent " more Chinese parents come to Hong Kong to give birth ?
NPC interpretation must not , because the continent to what you do to solve the immediate problems in the future , but extortion , and more lasting.
Amend the Basic Law is expedient sounds , in fact, feasible . But the problem is , a single judgment in the case , why can change the legal system and the whole population of the policy ?
We have not thought about the Basic Law itself has a lot of problems , almost seems like a deliberate loophole , and even the establishment of the Basic Law itself is not normal :

In Britain handed Hong Kong Chinese Communist takeover of the year 1997 , Hong Kong is not a part of China . Most of the time is not writing the Basic Law of Hong Kong , there is a part in the Tiananmen Square massacre (or June incident ) , the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong expressed support drafters Chinese Communist government in Beijing has been cut away. Hong Kong people do not accept this referendum bill - told us the history of the constitution by the people of the region are required to accept the referendum , in the British era , such as legislation , members can influence the motion of the policy at the time , but after a lot of the Basic Law Drafting People are quietly took power , the Basic Law simply does not produce legal ! ! At this moment, we do not ask first what you can do the Basic Law , the exact problem is that for what it is about the Basic Law , what impact do not know a lot of people did not mind to ignore, ignore this personal question , whether how you go against the mainland people rushed the hospital just in vain.

3 ) [ Big Lu Renyun : Even if you are not the last generation , and then the last generation are mainland ah ! 】
This question , I wrote about earlier , is a bit emotional because it is written under the angry , but did not use " locusts ," a class of words :

" Is that many people in Hong Kong last generation or grandfathers Mainland indeed , they are in front of the Cultural Revolution / outbreak came early and did not have the kind of ideological poison Cuican brainwashing humanity pollution ( of course not all of this is , but the ratio is not less it wants to see their stories mainland tourists now , do not speak ) . The old generation immigrants to work hard to make ends meet , but now there are a lot of social welfare only come (ok I have to repeat : not all ) , the previous generation of immigrants have taken the old building in Hong Kong , and they are not in the least street size two stools.

Moreover, God my father I was not me, I was born and raised citizen of this city , why not the right to express their rights ? You are garbage regime restrict freedom of expression but also in other cities suffer, heartless . The city population is now too much , but because of a sound social welfare system than on the mainland were you " invasion" , we have the right to kick you back early in the morning , why do we not right ? Because this garbage ditch the regime deliberately think we are short ; heard here and you do not triumphant , why are there so many continental food poisoning false works to suppress all this garbage regime of injustice caused , you will live in this trash directly to the regime and the first one by the rake , so just think of rushing , risked his life to have children rushed into the delivery room , was originally sympathetic to you, but because of this garbage you just own regime's education , go to the city to others who have everything to accommodate you , punch jump the queue to the delivery room are one thing , you loud noises in the hospital , without ceremony Manners treat health care workers, steal, delete under 20,000 words can not be exhaustive , destroy other people's values ​​and cultural city , obviously people are victims of junk regime , but refuse to help the regime to harm , servility do not change ! ! ! !

I said here is true, there is no word to describe you did not discreet , do not be caught in the vital people say foot pain on others cursed not the quality , always say someone is because you installed a noble cause low self-esteem becomes arrogant , do yourself a post in Hong Kong fell into Hong Kong are the number of children is legal , but rushed the hospital to steal money laundering in the street is not the size of the two will be lawful , not too noisy bar. Money is not " take care of " Hong Kong, please take care of ( donate money , not come to Hong Kong to buy things like fair trade but being yourself is a big benefactor ) the mountains is that you come to Hong Kong to buy brand-name class corrupt dig dry poor , either you that a small part of how people " get rich " , China is still a developing country , if you want to pull sophistry with you, but ask yourself if you really think so , if you really think you're absolutely right, I have nothing can return to you, because you did not discreet self-deception

Simply put when the generation is not how the locals , local parents in Hong Kong workforce needed to ; while local native Cantonese speakers in Hong Kong is also here , learn Chinese is to learn the traditional characters , not the debris, nor is it like now coming ostentatious / red mainland hospital Na Fuli like to change history and culture of this city - I did not go to " discrimination " mainland , mainland people to know (even if only in recent years come ) as long as they tell us Like work and I totally did not have some ethics problems, the most irritating is that I'm talking about the kind of person above . "

This probably is not too much detail , to understand who understand ; do not understand those who want to keep reading , will understand why I want to raise this matter in this article .

I will speak out in the back part of the mainland and certainly not all that bad , but why is that Hong Kong and the mainland should be separated so detailed .


4 ) [ hospitals, health care workers, pregnant women ]
Instead of this , I think we focus to the people of Hong Kong 's own problems . Talked about above , because we did the right ( and unmodified Basic ) to prevent parents who are non- native Chinese babies right of abode , leading to obtain the right of abode of mainland women and children rushed to the hospital . If not rushed hospital , Shenzhen also has one-stop agency to help them take the right of abode in Hong Kong to give birth , that is, have a passport and benefits. Now, because of the above reasons, so that the already strained healthcare staffing services in Hong Kong even more out of control. Friends of Hong Kong to find his wife pregnant just actually book reservations within the hospital ; everyone probably heard some personal experience of Hong Kong husband : wife wore the amniotic fluid to be born , but the hospital rushed to the hospital because she was pregnant but to this more than one hour under conditions , almost out any death , or would have been so hard , but not because of these conditions is much harder for an hour. . . These sorts of causes, because Hong Kong people can not self- caused . ( << This is the key. )

Port mother angry absolutely normal , and indeed , as people cool people , many of them standing on the sidelines , because burning is not buried the body, but also quote an experienced things over Port Dad remark :
"You would like the Titanic wreck has been on the lifeboat people, that those who have been half submerged in ice water body 's not impulsive , not rushed , as called for calm , but they are going to sink into the sea of seeing . " Poor little .

But read some remarks Port mother ( ! Not all, alas , not all of the way to emphasize and stress that really hit the hand earners are soft ) , said:
" The future for our children , never politicized ignore sixty-four I do not take to the streets , motherhood big hair, took to the streets , I want to issue a maximum of maternal instinct , the NPCSC interpretation or, in short, to put an end to the onslaught of locusts ! . " . . .
This listened very wrong, the next second grief ---- This is obviously " nothing to do with , has no Auntie " attitude , what to say as it is a great look ! ? You can not always come out demonstrations , because not many people struggle every day to his life ; but entirely because of the vital interests of the affected talked about before going to march , do not like it very great -
Well, most of the demonstrations were related to their own , but on weekdays completely ignore anything, to bury the body before speaking, reminds me of a German pastor Martin Niemöller (1892-1984) words:
"When they imprisoned social democrats , I remained silent ; I'm not a social democrat . When they came for the trade unionists , I did not protest ; I am not a union member . When they came for the Jews , I remained silent ; I was not a Jew . When they came for me, no one can speak for me . " - And most importantly, if the interpretation by the NPCSC understand what it is about , simply not possible to support . The rule of law in Hong Kong under the Chinese Communist Party control most things most precious , if you really for the sake of the children in the future , and you really want to stay in Hong Kong in the future , you can not go to support this draconian law . . . .

As for health care workers is quite off the mainland attacks , stress manpower was not enough time even when the hotel waiter sent , often rushed to hospital land deal with women , of course, is not to get the details of this continent pregnant or neutral joint angle anti sentence , in the following [What is selfish - the real China was miserable - oxygen mask theory ] further in-depth talk .


5 ) [ fasting and eating area revelation defecation ]
In fact, while writing side very reluctant , but not neglect . Explained above , to someone else's place --- right, the city itself is not your place to someone else , even if you are a large Chinese doctrine , " as the Romans do " the same applies to the country , is it says something to eat Sichuan to Guangzhou spicy enough , Guangzhou , Guangdong cuisine is said a little light on the discrimination Sichuanese it? The abuse of " discrimination " also makes people angry ------ knows not to do will not do, not smoking and non-smoking areas class , the children do not understand the truth to say more , otherwise the iron in Hong Kong Mainland children eat can not speak , " mom is not it ~ " it ! But adults have to face it because kids called Shut up shut up , as parents teach by example is the most important , if really good quality , this time the apology , and then take the opportunity to tell his son , " is indeed the mother does not " instead of together with other people from the mainland with " people power " status attacks "little city that bad Mandarin man " it. Though the Hong Kong men 's remarks , I do not fully support it is something. First and then followed by keynote speakers : eat all the small things , the fact that you eat low-key , not soiled places, everyone has one , " it is wrong , but can not see it as a " tacit understanding ; however , the size of the two will really unacceptable .

There are three people anxious , really can not stand the place to find haste to solve . This we all understand. No child more self-control , so the size of two mainland tourists will be mostly adults let kids do it. This sounds like a very reasonable ? We may ( especially the men ) have been tried in the case could not be seen dead people in the tree or park corner solutions . But wonder why Hong Kong people , tourists or other countries or poor countries, developed or expatriates working in Hong Kong , whether rich , are not in the street ' openly ' size two will do ?

Hold back looking for a place to go, is very hard , but helpless to do so , everyone so be it , but why mainland public urinating exposure density so high , is not that part of the Chinese people really more colon or bladder capacity little do ?

Tolerance of small children we all understand, so people pay attention to the physical needs of the child's parents travel when outside , and soon asked them for a long time , " are you hungry " over , we need to ask them , " does not want to go to the bathroom ", in relation to preventing suddenly a hurry to go to the toilet in the street of it, tourists of other nationalities also be done, otherwise we will see people around the world with children of different nationalities in the street to solve ah , why Chinese people can not do it alone ? Second thoughts are not under consideration do not care attitude caused it ; then I will make this point , not only because many times "mainland tourists holding a child in the Disney sink stool ", " mainland kids at the mall floor stool ." , something exceptional "mainland people defecate in the street ," etc. , the most important is the last one on the adult mainland tourists in Causeway Bay street in the center of the stool road movie , which makes me very deeply to think this thing going to the toilet .

I also tried a few times when outside the familiar road trip indeed endure to cross the foot ( do not laugh ) resolved to find the toilet , the kind of hard , I think everyone to a certain extent have been tried . Who mainland tourists ( please little mental preparation , the following are talking about " physiological " ) poo movie , I saw a lot of people on Facebook disseminating , did a bit too ( do not want to see ...) , until a night and saw some people posted, and finally curiosity killed the cat , to see if it really points to go by so rampant --- Wow ! ! ! ! ! An adult pants off the street is exposed firearms , and a squat ass , poo crash flows out - so , not a solid , which is acclimatized. . . Inevitably endure badly, of course, such a picture , saw a few seconds then stop - but this is the reason to accept it? Acclimatized probably have tried a lot of tourists , but could not help but take your pants off in front of the street no one else to solve , and I said only mainland talent among the tourists do come to believe are considered pertinent , at least in other countries who have not read so do it. . . Bar. . . . More back a few steps, you are anxious to be ejected to ( sorry , but it is very elegant live ) to go immediately to find a restaurant or shopping mall restroom ? Can not help it! ! Well, most most bottom line, but also to find a side street , or at least a corner of it . . . . I really doubt whether this part of the continent in their own cities like this it ? Even in the countryside , surrounded by trees, grass , can easily solve , will not be seen behind a tree to find , ah, do not squat in the center of the road to solve it. . . . . . . Besides , this way , in addition to "public dew armed ," he also committed a " littering " a crime , the department may issue summons fifteen hundred Dayuan , exposed firearms if police can pull . . .

Then I back up one step , well, at least he was at the top of the ditch to relieve himself , throwing poo straight sewer , ( but we all know , can not go into the ditch solid ... or say semi-solid ..) for him , may have been very kind. . . . . . . . . . . ( Frustration ) . . .


6 ) [ traditional characters and debris words , Cantonese and Mandarin , cultural cleaning ]
This is also a little longer , please be patient we see . . .

Let's " traditional characters " -
Why am I not called in recent years changed to " traditional ", and National Taiwan called " positive body " ?
Because the case had previously been accustomed to listen , not just thinking off the mainland / mainstream called " traditional ."
However , the reason being the body word " fan " , but because due with " simplified " comparison.
Simplify ( anything / program ) are often things , but do not over- simplify the quest .
Debris is an oversimplification , not detailed , we probably have seen " no " heart " of the " love " word " and other simplified text research articles .

More to understand , the more aware of the " simplified " with
" Long March ( in fact, " the Chinese Communist Red Army fled 25000 " ) " and
" Cultural Revolution ( actually " Cultural CCP great damage " ) " is the euphemism of .
Japan's World War II told the truth , " prostitutes " is renamed as "comfort women" almost.
So we can only say that to offend , I will be called " simplified " to do " debris ."

The forum also talked a lot , here come a few points of rebuttal :
i) said: Simplified help illiterates
A: For 50 years a large number of illiterate rural areas , this may indeed be one way , but reduce illiteracy is to have the government provide educational learning opportunities , not as people learn the word disability .

Implement and the implementation of this measure , the ratio " Great Leap Forward " when speaking to the workers and peasants of the rotten copper Lantie gates take aluminum cans are steel melting pot , but it is probably better to Make a little pile of scrap metal bar .

Of course, " National , there are still a lot of people did not book to read ," is true, but what are crap what have hair who wants bald , they are wrong analogy - if you are a pretext to learn why Hong Kong , Macau and Taiwan people have to understand school Anglais , the mainland people will not ?
In addition, to privately write English , as long as we know everything look like little picky , but the focus is now just want to waste Traditional Chinese Communists pushed Jane, Cantonese, Putonghua with waste are the same as a cultural cleansing .
If you say you want to protect their culture and excitement is a personal matter , you also understand this superficial emotional thing , there is no discussion of any nutritious .

ii) said: Simplified just like Oracle / Inscriptions / Clerical / regular script / cursive / Script like just another evolution
A: The word heritage is obviously a chain -like DNA evolved slowly , deliberately say debris is being body "evolution" is really weak and ridiculous. . . Shu respect, this simplified destruction of the basic DNA viruses like the rest of incomplete cells.

Indeed, a few steps back , the text was beautiful you can say that is just personal preference , but nothing says "You can not change what anger ", " left scholars integration , leaving Jane to the mainland is good " , but also servility dictates . You are Chinese users , you have Chinese ancestry, heritage you have left out of this tradition ( say words are national treasures will not be excessive ) , why not the authority will not be able to maintain such a core value of the core value? ( This is a smoke Tangtang water. )

These people will often push a " scholar continent ," "Professor mainland universities ' theory to support debris words , This is in use to support their ideas " authority " to strengthen their rationale ; But if so , You can also find a bunch of anti-party " university professor in Taiwan / Hong Kong / Macau " or words of scholars to support the traditional characters , the more talk the more boring.
In fact, such a discussion is not overwhelmingly support the continent against the Hong Kong people - there are people from the mainland would also like to " re- prosperity " , but does not support the Chinese Communist Party ;
Have thought he was very considerate of the people of Hong Kong , said , " English was not so demonized " and then two more speakers will talk about pull your own understanding of Chinese civilization, and how much , you think you understand it and so it 's nonsense - to no nutrition discussion raised to the extreme.

I'm sorry, if you really pay attention to the history of political considerations cause the whole thing to implement the means , but also that it is not a demon , then clip back hard " mountain kids did not have to read " ( talk about how many million times, you want them to have the book reading is corrupt CCP exploit them so that they do not have a chance to get an education , and word is debris or even positive body English Hindi will not affect this thing now ! ! ! ! ! ! ) 's ridiculous fallacy , I have nothing to say , and in vain some think high literary level of people say this is no logical thinking , then, no gas .

Seven hundred and back , if you use only English in continental mainland , do not interfere with other regions using traditional characters, traditional characters , about people's reactions do not like some big - of course , the vast majority of users of traditional characters do not may be like or accept debris words , but in principle you do not force them to use, we do not have the right to interfere with each other. The above are a few small pieces of concept , and now this would be more thinking - the problem is exactly here :

Before speaking people do not believe in nothing, now slowly , actually saw the Hong Kong Government in public places , the use of residues on only two words ( in English ) or a ( Chinese ) on the standard version of the language .
If it is positive body line , a line of debris, count you are caring people to take care of it on the mainland , although still not supported. Hong Kong is not the mainland who came to see the traditional characters learn about it? In fact, the intentions point of view, is not so difficult, why should in turn yield to this point? Maintenance of local culture, maintenance ass, so little things prove simply perish flooded . However , I am talking about is more serious , and only when the slogan only in simplified Chinese , even the " simplified parallel " are not only simplified ? Honestly, no exaggeration , one can see I felt very uneasy.

Shops for money, would "What customers want, and give customers what ." Many people as one continent to another shop , they put business first printed English only adhere to the labeling, business decisions are often money -driven, nothing wrong at all. Such stores if they are considered to be spineless , Hong Kong may well strike into it.
But governments do so , but extension to infinite possibilities . Here, everyone aware of it .

Then , " Cantonese " -
Body being substituted with residues cited worries , recent mainland more enhanced "push & P Machine " , first push in Guangzhou, Guangdong off Cape , and promotion of " speak Mandarin is the civilization " , " Chinese people should speak Mandarin " doctrine , first divert attention back to this sophistry :

Mandarin Chinese Communist Party became the official language of the country is only a matter of the century , Cantonese has a long history , but also the closest to the ancient language of the summer language , there are two thousand years. In fact there are hair magic Hunan accent Mandarin , Mandarin is just a northern dialect , then by the Manchus took over Beijing after the Ming and Manchu Beijing dialect words out of the inner city mixed language . Respect for Chinese culture must respect the cultural and historical diversity brings , but the CCP advocated simplification to facilitate governance , what Shanghai dialect Cantonese dialect pass to kill .

About Cantonese, a more detailed look at this article:
Behind the language of imperialism - [ Zeng Xiaohua , Cambridge University graduate ]

Excerpts part : " whether in Hong Kong or mainland China , many people misunderstand Mandarin , or that it is the authentic Chinese as compared to the lofty status . The author as researchers talk about the nature of language Guangdong Poor's Linguistics. . . . Traditional literati study of language , tended to Cantonese and Mandarin , respectively, characterized as " dialects " and " common language " that the two languages ​​in a " master-slave " relationship. This hierarchical classification (hierarchicalclassification) leaving a lot of problems , because it means that the two languages ​​are mother-child relationship (parental relationship, namely Cantonese derived from the Mandarin ) , or compete with the points standing in two languages ​​( ie Mandarin compared with Cantonese Superior ) - it is obvious that neither the establishment of these two interpretations . . . . . . In fact, the " Cantonese party speech " with heavy political overtones . Commentators seem to stand in the center of the steps of view dynasty , so to speak Cantonese people will think both are within the national territory , Cantonese naturally " to " square " the" words " ." "

Small summarize . If not deliberately waste " fan " waste " Guangdong " , I believe would not be so big anti noon . Learn to speak Mandarin, the mainland and Taiwan to work travel is convenient , not to learn is that person himself inconvenient, is a personal choice. If the native language should be killed sweeping movements , can not be chosen . The above references have talked about " ditch light " thing , there are also talked about the local culture. Are in fact means the CCP , one of the CCP officials were dispatched to speak Mandarin , and they do not want to have their own regional language ---

And then a little white , reflect on why the CCP build a city of immigrants , " Shenzhen" in the north of Hong Kong ? Shenzhen, a large part of the population are outsiders , Hunan and Hebei Harbin . As you can imagine , this plan is similar to the culture of the people of Hong Kong and Guangzhou apart , so people of Hong Kong and Guangzhou joint resistance. Probably thought about what people think has always been talk about what the relationship between body , but in fact it is the policy , do you think you fit in to the national unity, but only to maintain the wily tricks and help implement .


7 ) [ no Chinese mainland , you die out ]

"Without China, you die out ," the saying has become a part of "Greater China -ism " low quality mainland tourists saying .
I was pointing to the tourists that were interviewed , and who agree with him that message (either continent who do not pay attention to public affairs or anything else that " Grandpa " will help you and you have to help Hong Kong people . )

Indeed, mainland visitors to Hong Kong spending , retail sales were driven , it is a fact . However, a part of ( or rather, many ) Chinese people in the debate will be a " I'll give you money, you noisy what " attitude naturally respond uncomfortable .
A buying and selling fair trade goods than on the mainland , Hong Kong is guaranteed , less fake , you trust before going to Hong Kong to buy , there are unfortunately bought the fake , you can help to assist institutions in Hong Kong tourism , local media are also unscrupulous than Zechi you will try to do justice . Why shopping money equivalent to charity ? You have the right to choose where to a shop to buy things, stores have the right to let you buy ah. You do not give money , it's just to buy goods and services.

No free exercise of Hong Kong really die ? 80 years ago large the landlocked , Hong Kong's economy boomed , Europe and Japanese tourists polite ( I know there are exceptions , of course ) , with locals than tourists never dispute now .
Moreover, I think there is exercise not a problem, the problem is to reduce the upper limit , and to strengthen the stringent approval ( granting them some basic etiquette booklet it .. ) . . . National People like without a visa ( including Hong Kong and the Middle East, South America and many Asian ) when traveling to the United States to interview the same.

Hearing this, in turn , some large Chinese activists shouted "We are all Chinese people , Hong Kong is a Chinese place , it is impossible tightened approval to immigration ! " And so on , but this is absolutely not a reason , a point above mentioned, too people into one another we must control , not often with blood on state theory to distort the facts .

Hong Kong's foreign friends that want to visit me and asked if I was really forced , and many Chinese people are not pushing ritual Manners and urinating in public places ( they recently visited Hong Kong to visit a friend 's mouth heard ...) . . . I can only very reluctantly say about the situation , a lot of people are really good agent , ask them to bigger kids ( without the use of baby carriages ) to come visit . Sometimes I wonder . If indeed the number of Chinese tourists have better control and can enhance the traveler 's requirements ( education can not say , but at least not intentional violation and then cursed the staff , " Chinese people speak Mandarin so bad " to distract yourself wrong facts sight ) , foreign tourists will increase pressure on the locals but also in less mental or emotional non-material has a positive impact on local bars.

Part of the economic impact of tourists stop here , but visitors livelihood is another big issue .
Many are buying daily necessities of food, often hear people say can not buy milk , although there are measures in mainland can only pass with three cans of milk , but to buy parallel imports is foot step ahead , how are methods bulk think so , there are a lot of negative impact on Hong Kong . Many shops do live because only Shoppes to close down , and now in addition to boutiques , is a street of RMB exchange shop ( more to eyebrows , I think the ratio is also similar with convenience stores ) , real estate agents - watching a room of another old graduation , locals could not help sad fact of it .

In addition, because the local water supply in Hong Kong prior to the system are often not enough water, and to the mainland to buy Dongjiang ; previously felt no water , then the city will be KO, but know that the higher price of water, giving the continent , but also the quality of water be very bad ( we have seen news photos of animal carcasses and pollution flowing into the Dongjiang picture of it ) , I felt that money can buy water from other areas , it is important that Hong Kong had previously desalination only because of the high cost aside , there is now information that unlike the previous high cost , or use other methods - but " stop buying Dongjiang " is not only a livelihood , but the decision is a political action ( CCP does not fly into a rage strange ) , is the government afraid of Port one of the reasons frivolous .
The food , the rice is Thailand's major importing countries , the fact that Thailand is the world's largest rice exporter , did not mainland , Hong Kong did not eat . There is indeed a lot of dishes Mainland, Southeast Asia, Japan, Europe and the United States and Australia are also a lot of other places , but also a lot of local food supply in fact , fruits are mostly in Southeast Asia , the meat on all over the world , the continent 's food security is also very people questioned eat better. No continent output foodstuff, Hong Kong famine really do ? Moreover, the "supply" of the term , in the final analysis are traded only. Do not buy from the mainland , but is harmful to the mainland economy , so the above is not "supply" Hong Kong is finished foodstuff remarks Well Well , how much is alarmist, how much is the fact that we think about it.

As the financial crisis , and said , " Grandpa " attempt to save Hong Kong , but in fact is a fallacy .
Hong Kong is repulsed by their own foreign exchange reserves George Soros ( Soros ) is ! ! ! Mao did not move off of the continent !

1998 Asian financial crisis , Thailand was defeated Housuoluosi next goal is to Hong Kong in U.S. dollars , however reserve currency , the U.S. dollar HKD Gua hook because the dollar is one of the most popular currency , Hong Kong, the British just go Toru there ( 1997 ) when more than 900 billion dollars in foreign exchange reserves , which can be implemented large stock of dollar peg , Yinsuoluosi not to fight U.S. dollar , coupled with the government spent 100 billion Hong Kong dollars in Hong Kong pulled Hong Kong stock market, after calculating the final Toru Soros away. Why do so many people do not think about it and went to believe " Yes Lord " to help How about you ? Do not be obedient ah !


8 ) [ Why are you so hate people from the mainland ? <<< Was not. 】
Well, speaking for so long, plus see my article posted in the forum facebook, did not really pay attention to the words ( or that I simply can not express ) who will probably ask : Why are you so hate people from the mainland ? You Taiwanese people?

Wu Wuwu . . . Ah ? ? I hate people from the mainland ? I do not hate ah ? ? ?

I hate the regime and the whole situation , it will only go to the most do say " mainland " , you heard me say, " Ah Chan " " locusts " " hillbilly " it?
However, even hate it or not, I think it is necessary to appropriately separated , and slowly repeat .

Or that there will be psychological in hostilities "subgroup" when it encountered the mainland people in their daily lives , unless, as the end of the pile above the quality of visitors , or are not how disgusted ( everyone is different, as long as you're not me before doing nasty things to say nasty words , I have no reason to hate you ) I also have several Chinese friends , affairs never discuss it with them , unless they have what want to know they are not holding hostile accusations - ? of course, real life case as the media or civil society to reprint that article had to do without the emperor's Chinese people ; but sometimes I see life in Hong Kong , if a compliance polite Chinese people really stressful , because Hong Kong people really broke out recently , a full version is to open the computer worm Yeah. . . Dung ah . . . The posting, obviously he did not do only because many people do birthplace , and was really into the number of extreme frustration .

But I think that hate is relative, if you know a person does not like you, you will begin to dislike the man.
Earlier I went to a new home Sakon shop , the continent with a very shrill wife on a " full condescending tone ( laughs ) ," said the people of Hong Kong Chinese poor ( because she was watching the news caster stuttering a bit ) , then said caster on good quality CCTV , there will never be such a situation , then pulled low quality of Hong Kong (she is simply pumped king of the year!) - although that's not me, baffling mainland Yan Hong Kong people to vote and live in Hong Kong but also the kind of unreasonable hostility - some people will probably tell her " exchange of fire " , I smiled and said , " Oh, baa " heart to send her two hundred plastic it 's gone , for the first time use the service , of course, is no longer the next , so Hello .

About politics , real life, I rarely back point by point , a good argument together to organize poor rhetoric , write more easily , and secondly, I hate abuse on the streets , too difficult to read . Do not like people , different phase for the plan, it turned away without reason .

You made me a language war of words slander , had no idea of the city began to hate each other. Ethnic psychology is very anthropological , if you do not they pull the same blood , two separate competitions in school, you also want to protect their own set of victory set things right , if you criticize the other group members , the explosive ah. " Mainlanders " and " Hong Kong people ," Indeed, there would be so different ( even if you say you killed the same species , it is indeed different , otherwise why should the implementation of the CPC ditch short policy ) , only add up to all sorts of people discussing more hate the other side of the room .

A part of the mainland of Hong Kong people often say is "colonial slavery ", " British slaves ," the mainland now " better off ," Hong Kong people " superiority gone " - are a bunch of cliches .
The Qing government was weak , Hong Kong is not the fault of robbed - Hong Kong's colonial history been learned and lost to Hong Kong is also an important lesson of history , but also to form the cornerstone of the city 's core , a hundred years to build something nor is it locked country for decades been cleaned cultural Cuican Chinese people can understand ;

And think about it, the " superiority theory" often Gua lip mainland indeed , it makes me feel very strange ah ? Which areas who are no superiority , or there should be no sense of superiority ? French, Japanese, Thai, German , Filipino , Indian, Mexican . . . All will have their own national superiority ah ? Superiority is its own identity, but also a natural to feel they might not be noticed , and if so someone put it on the port side is often too in mind the attention , the truth is that the majority of mainland inferiority mentality ! Know their country's problems but nowhere to vent it, but hard to speak to people in Hong Kong " is too strong a sense of superiority ," " superiority gone " to balance their own inferiority and nationalist sentiment rose Peng . So those without an inferiority complex , it will not pay much attention to the Chinese people have no sense of superiority , only Hong Kong people do not bother to care about these superiority it.

In addition, those who used to be a colony on the Hong Kong pulled it a " condescending " reasons and " Worship " is simply an international joke. To Hong Kong to buy brand-name goods that class of unknown origin Chinese upstart , buy all European and American brands , ah, ah French wine ditch Coke ( this should admire , living without firing a single shot to popularity in France died ) , the Chinese people have a bit of money send their children to Europe plus Australia reading ( a little less money and sent to Hong Kong ) , take the right of abode . . . . This is in fact not Worship it? Or, you are eligible to criticize others Worship it? Ah. . . Ah.

Here I will repeat that compatriots on , but her story more than two points , I think around 2005 permanent exhibition at the Hong Kong Museum of History over there to see for three years and eight months ( World War II Japanese occupation of Hong Kong during the UK ) is seen videos sadness of the occasion , there was a woman mainland tourists lips smiled and said , "These colonial history, Hong Kong shame ah ! " ---- I wondered why someone could tell the brain damage is so cold-blooded remarks that Hong Kong people will not say the Nanjing it is a shame to the mainland massacre ! ! ! ! When the people of Hong Kong compatriots, you really would not say such awful things right , this is really necessary , " the Hong Kong par " to make your heart feel better if you have a sense of superiority ? Really sick !

Since it is not hate people from the mainland , why people from the mainland to Hong Kong to discuss the disadvantages , why should some of the anger and all sorts of nasty behavior mainland Chinese regime ?
This , I think in the next little elaborate .


9 ) [What is selfish - the real China was miserable - oxygen mask theory ]
Longer period than before .
Come here, I have to talk about some posts in the forum I have to speak up to help people living in the mainland , but not much proportion , something better than this because若果separate article to explore the whole thing to a lot of lengthy arguments , it is easy will " be " taken out of context , although it is also possible that some looked at me in a short preface also insist copy people .

Or we all know that people in many parts of the world is still very poor , do not eat do not eat warm sleep . The Chinese economy is clearly taking off , the city's people , " rich " , and travel abroad to study life, buy a car brand for sale in remote mountainous rural areas are still many illiterate , destitute , living hard . Children study hard , more fortunate can go to school , many have to walk a very young age forty-five hours to get to school than the children of the city they are suffering , the parents want the children have a better future, it is hard to think children to read more books , the future of urban life may be to other provinces . Such disparity of wealth in many developing countries have ( such as India ) , but we should not be diverting attention - back in Hong Kong and the mainland .
As a result, parents want children to have better lives simply is understandable, people think of mountain city , the second-tier cities who want a better city , for example - to Hong Kong. ( Do not tell me you think Hong Kong is not good, not good you will not want to come , they admit it )

Why do people from the mainland to Hong Kong to buy milk ? Because the continent is not guaranteed food , unscrupulous traders have no conscience , official corruption , as long as the bribe money unscrupulous traders are willing to always be able to do anything to make money anyway ignore compatriots , this is not something unique to China , but to ask ourselves as we all know China is definitely in the super- England catch up with America , no, no one can, the whole Earth has been exceeded . Parents , I care about you call me what the most critical is to keep my children , to Hong Kong buying milk , of course !
Why do people want to live in Hong Kong mainland ? Have their own reasons, have the right of abode would not eat toxic food , Hong Kong and other cities here, unlike in mainland China Macau , ah, even if you are not a local, children born in Hong Kong , the child will have the right of abode .
Why do people from the mainland to Hong Kong for sale ? Because some upstart buy for speculation , inability to control government policy , but most buildings are not dregs engineering ( although there is a single Hung Hom building collapse but entirely isolated case ) , it will not be the government housebreak no reason (well, although Hong Kong is there Richfield , but Richfield only bully the poor, to buy property in Hong Kong is full of mainland tourists a )
Why do people want to mainland children of Hong Kong ? Because you can get a Hong Kong passport , a passport is much more convenient than the continent , a visa to go to many places , studying in Hong Kong could have let the children learn English , to study abroad more easily.
Why do people want to risk their lives every continent rushed to hospital in Hong Kong ? One is ignorant , can not come second to the right path , then starting a move, anyway, the Hong Kong government also did not do nothing .

So these are the source of the problem and where ?

Mainland " scholar " said the Hong Kong government are all wrong , the question of Hong Kong people of their own making ? ( This talk cool live scum . )
Mainland people coming in ?
Are related, but most sources are ------ Chinese Communist tyranny , and now is not the autonomy of Hong Kong .

If it is brainwashing the Chinese Communist regime to educate people about money and do not face corruption , those waste oil, toxic milk powder, curry powder sawdust , plastic eggs , used a cotton napkin is made ​​of cotton and so the event will be reduced , or even no ,
If Hong Kong is a total government control of the communist regime , two non- residency requirement in this country are not , but it can be implemented in Hong Kong , even if the parents are the mainlanders , you can enjoy the Hong Kong identity , residency , medical students and other rights in Hong Kong - Hong Kong Government just puppets , Hong Kong did not say yes just because a "high degree of autonomy" ( the definition you are playing on the continent compared to a high degree of autonomy is already too ? ) , was unable to prevent mainland women giving birth in Hong Kong since birth it must have the right of abode . Anyway , have a repeat !

Mainland China is not so bad if the regulation and the rule of law to produce a pile of men terrible thing , people do not have to go to Hong Kong to the mainland . Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy if true , will not let people from the mainland to buy things ran non-stop speculation children.

So that is the source of Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy go? Hong Kong's autonomy feasible?
Even the approval of mainlanders seated right and some mainland cities , Hong Kong is no exception why ? Short of that ditch back issues for political purposes . Hong Kong people , put down game , wake up , OK ?

One of the most make me angry is that people from the mainland side of the car (love quarrel that class is) shopping early in the morning to late in the field , do not respect other people's cultures , and that the increase in sentence him money so of course , these outbreaks of unknown origin households buy a few designer handbags , eat abalone Ginseng belly stab a few thousand lost half enough to eat a meal , wine for water, super care to " put Hong Kong ( or South Korea, Singapore, Japan ) par ," and there the mountains there is not money for starving children education, not any sick person to drink stream water management, that class talked about the "motherland" of mainland tourists how powerful , how many have had to go and donate money to the poor fellow had ?
I dare say that not one , but these people are obviously concerned about the face of things , really is the situation they care?

First do not speak good attitude is not good, there is no sense of superiority ; although the arrival of people from the mainland to fight welfare have their reasons , but this is not something you can allow them to continue doing now endless reasonable explanation. From all these , implied to :

[ Theory ] oxygen mask
Assuming the mainland is now one with exactly the same , but with the people of Hong Kong do not have the nation 's blood relationship ( let's imagine that the mainland people into Indonesian bar ) , just north of Hong Kong, a large country , others unchanged. This is done tentatively called neighbors.
For upstart neighbors have to buy a property will be limited to the first phase they give more to combat speculation than it is now , neighbors mothers to give birth in Hong Kong , covers shall residency discretion in individual cases can be heard . People applying for residence in neighboring countries , Hong Kong can have 100% control. There are bad neighbors immigrants wanted economic environment , Hong Kong is not infinitely approval. Mountain did not eat ah ! Then, as now we have to do the same, to poor countries apply a helping hand , donate money , to do volunteer work , such as South Asia or Africa as ; After all, rich and poor , and where are born lucky, really rich people in the ability of the range ( focus ) support within about poor people .
But the reality is . If they are not compatriots , all you do is reasonable to maintain the basic order of the city ; If they are compatriots , you're selfish and cold-blooded ? Hong Kong people , do not be " compatriot" word brainwashing ! !

You have no obligation to let the foreign population influx , because you at least have to take care of yourself - the white point is not to talk about himself. Hong Kong is a small place , although economically powerful , but outside the internal inequality, simply could not stop people from neighboring countries , countries Nixdorf is also too much. Especially in neighboring countries who are the world's most populous country ! Above mentioned, not all people would come , thousands of people have more than enough of it . This is to help the weak and strong moral reasonable, but it is obviously neighbors "strong" ah , but do not help their own people , this small city in disguise to share ? This sounds really selfish?

Plane, before each flight safety film will tell us that in emergency situations , the children put on an oxygen mask before is necessary first to bring their own - if you almost died, let alone save it ? Do you think you really have a thing communism , communism Communist Party can not do it ? You have two thousand dollars earned by their own efforts , someone told you he was going to die hungry , you give him a little money to buy food , but there are two thousand individuals at the same time to you for money , you can only like the Midlands Teresa said , " was a rescue was a " rather than endless input , right? To make money to get wealth should be, not only morally do that every penny earned , have the money to try to help people, but not by clearing away the family home burglary file , which is illogical .

Then he said there is a population or limit the input from the people themselves are not too many . . . .
In fact, many definitions where ? Really think that the cap is cap? Seven million people are not enough to become a million people do ? ? ? ? ? ?
A child out of Mongkok , many people but I can go now Nathan is a mighty force , big congested streets in a hurry to go necessarily mad , while luggage Chan had been a foot apart from anything else , there is no sound I'm sorry - now cry " compatriot" rationalization took over all the problems of all , it really is reasonable?

The bottom line is that your city has been forced to change the scope of medical services, food security , urban appearance ( poo , debris words ) , a fair system ( mainland passport holders a discount ) and other eleven were broken , one day if someone around you even your own , there are a number of children to be born pregnant neighbors rushed to hospital nurse care , cause the child in danger, you can rational? I wrote here more than eighty thousand ninety thousand words , always trying to reason, but here, frankly, when I fully understood the mainland parents have the right to fight for the right person for their kids - Hong Kong people as parents have the right to fight for the rights of their child ah ? And in " their city " fight for their rights ! Go on like this , it is difficult to control emotions government also placed regardless ( or correct , the " is " intentional matter ) , there would appear hospital massacre ? ? ? Government controlled by the CCP becomes incompetent, the city's problems frozen three feet in a day , any how " rational ," " timid " ( actually a multi- less attitude of mind ) of the Hong Kong people , is about to go into hysterics the point. Thus Hong Kong , mainland China who is also hard, this situation is caused by the CCP and Hong Kong is not autonomous , the above talked about.

To fight for their own rights and interests of people from the mainland are probably several written above , they have their reasons , they also want a better life only, who do not want it . However, they pale CCP intentionally or unintentionally become a ditch and a tool of imperialism ; Tibet talked about before in the second quarter , where , when you want to lose the CPC Tibet colonial , colonial Hong Kong now ? As long as the CCP "Keep Government incompetence " on it, because people from the mainland to Hong Kong will automatically go to , but also bring money to return it to buy property , not speculation , and how much tax to pay , legitimate wage floor Scoop ordinary people can not afford , have to pay taxes continent speculators are the scourge of the future of Hong Kong , do not talk about money shopping this short-sighted . Yeah , what a perfect strategy ah ! You think not so serious , that tube look for " Greater Pearl River Delta town Coordinated Development Planning " like Hong Kong re-planning strategy right .


10 ) [ We are all Chinese people - you want to be patriotic - scared , do not be silly ]
Hong Kong people who think they can help the continent , even participated in pro-democracy marches of social movements , anti- CCP , to help fellow citizens. . . . However, under the CCP tyranny more understand the power of Hong Kong can act as a temporary sense of planning or spread , while the mainland , " powerful ", " fellow " who do you think helped , Oh, good China China is strong, what is the political birds tube ah, enjoy the money was important - this attitude more and more Hong Kong people under the Chinese mainland , has been lucky not to be assimilated , capable of changing the delusion is probably overestimate yourself, you do not interfere in internal affairs of States ( Kazakhstan ) . However, Hong Kong must not be assimilated - then the only choice is to really protect themselves, you say the wall mentality and good, everything is good . To change the ( very noble to say " save " on a free ) Communist regime , in this case is not possible. I was telling everyone to give up? Yes, I am really calling you to give up. At least , "now" to give up -----
Here a little turned a deaf ear , and in-depth look into .

Chinese people say, Well nationalism , patriotism Well , let's sentimental , posted some friends essay :

" Brought by the Hong Kong Education , I learned Chinese, handwritten Chinese characters, the Dragon Boat Festival festival , read Confucius and Mencius , read poetry, are Chinese culture , China 's heart of love is so formed.
However, in my growth process , teachers seldom tell us in detail about these kids today China 's overview of China 's perception , it only stays in the Dragon Boat Festival Mid- Tang these cultural dimensions of Confucius and Mencius .

Until 1989 , knowing that a place called Beijing , tanks drove out, killing many people, fishes China 's political reality a little bit more understanding .
To the school, it will only teach modern Chinese history to the Cultural Revolution , and only a few hastily said , if extracurricular learning to read a newspaper , a Hong Kong people born in the seventies and eighties , the real -world understanding of China can almost zero ! ! !

But everyone around you in education , as a Chinese person, you want to be patriotic , ah, this thinking has been implanted , the results of loved China ,
Tang is the Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Mencius that " classical Chinese " , a still very elegant Chinese , Chinese culture is so beautiful , you are proud of being Chinese .

Older, and more awareness of the real world , and to the north and saw a rude awakening.
Love China , is a painful thing , because you love China , had long buried beneath the loess . "

Read more short , do you feel?

I wanted a child , my father is Chinese people, ah, very profound Chinese culture , history and long , layout and large ;
TV speaking Chinese are beautiful rivers and mountains , very advanced civilization in ancient times , each time to see the ancient poetry buildings are enchanted , China and shoved a lot of people , ah, Chinese nice ah ~
Santa Claus has teeth young age , patriotism is very easy to culture , probably because of the above mentioned kind of psychological , "After being grouped " would be very easy to want to protect their mind set like that. Child ( about 7-8 years old now ) actually also hate the Japanese , because listening to the history of thought can not be forgiven , there is one week did not watch cartoons ( laughs ) . Later, grew more and more to understand , one thing still a thing , and is something .

From small to large ,
Chinese have always felt very pretty, China 's something that is elegant .
But grow up to understand that China 's something that would explode ! !

Hours have seen little but very vague impression tanks screen , the original is tyranny student massacre , when adults have to explain it to me , picture books , looked very shocked, seen during the year are not blocked 64 Hong Kong reporters personally experienced back books and papers. . .
Etc., from small to large that cognition China and China is now the reality seems to be different ah ? ?
I always like to see history always love to see the ancient history, modern history is the 12.3 -year-old high school just to look at it. See a lot of Chinese and foreign history , after the Civil War until well into the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution , which is simply to open the door of truth , to understand the history of the Cultural Revolution period than those up, Tiananmen is nothing ! Revolution is simply a terrible catastrophe and human morality in modern China , coupled with the experience a little more aware of local and foreign newspapers mainland ideologies themselves and friends and family. . . . . . After a lot of struggling middle , reflection, exploration, maintenance, crashes, and maintenance. . . . . The Chinese , true or China?

" Love China , is a painful thing , because you love China , had long buried beneath the loess ," this sentence, it comes very hard to say Juchun side sincerely agree that the degree of complexity of the matter I want to write thousands of words to explain another a little better .

2003 , chatting with a friend in Europe , inadvertently mentioned China Hong Kong newspaper to know Tibet news indeed rarely talked about political things I want to point to maintain this in my mind, half the country , but the maintenance is out " patriotism, " knew a lot of things wrong , but did not have a choice of nationality , ah, can only hope that this country changed for the better ; once when the 2008 tour in Europe, on the TV news is full of the CPC Tibet killings of civilians movie , distinctly in the head. After returning to Hong Kong related news ( on the mainland or distorted coverage of the impossible ) , then saw some people say that "foreign media misdirection , open into the ambulance not military ," because the national mood , I almost want to agree but reason tells me, that obviously is a military vehicle ! Do not recognize it, as some people said that the incident was now students are foreign forces stir trouble moving it? Not only is the regime's killing of civilians have national identity struggles , look sixty-four , many Hong Kong people is because " compatriots " because the struggle for democracy was killed and heartache that a group of students , before going to support ( but then donated to the students the blood was poured continent , conscience when the dog lung ) --- Tibet tyranny versa . After the Cultural Revolution , people and human nature have been distorted ( otherwise how can so much harm fellow professionals with fake fake X Y), even if the human mind is not distorted , in this environment and the regime does not only give vent outspoken Chinese jasmine flower is probably impossible , and such a big country , neither Hong Kong becomes strong , "motherland" is also just a relic that just before leaving China , the body still , but the spirit and soul of the Chinese Communist Party after power has ascended to heaven , as you think it is the perception that China is not a .
"China" in recent years has become " the CPC " the same words , the Hong Kong people and Chinese people are really different species , otherwise how can there be so many disputes arising from the integration because they can not ? So of course , "Hong Kong people " is the people of Hong Kong , "Hong Kong people " are Chinese, but not the " Chinese people " ! ! ! ! << Residues word double meanings

Some people pulled me any connection with " Chinese people just love to split , Chinese people have been bullied for a long time , to unite to love everyone ! " And told me exactly made ​​the remarks a few people are ignoring politics, just look at the basic ( and not comprehensive, such as schools teach that little bit and the mainstream media were purchased brainwashing ) history of man.
Provided that , if a local impose tyranny , want to leave , but not control are normal , and they do not often use " compatriots theory" to give pressure. Being bullied for a long time ? Bullying is one of us the most of it ! This is the Chinese people 's slavish dictates it? Chinese Foreign What guts ? Diaoyutai is often said that China's Diaoyu Islands are China , people in Japan have government buildings on the island have a staff member to monitor the SDF , Chinese folk do nothing yourself civilians to die , die back can send a medal , really sovereign will do something about it ! It now appears , is Japan's Diaoyutai simply because you got nothing on the island ! Solidarity split or something, just add hard counts , Who must be large unified Overtaking ? So, first do not speak Taiwanese , you do not " recover " Singapore South Korea Japan and Southeast Asia ? All influenced by Chinese culture , there are many Han Chinese descent, to put it bluntly this is not the big Chinese doctrine .

A staff of fifteen foreign friends in Hong Kong for six years , said in 1995 he went to work in China , although a little open than before , but the economy has yet to take off, people on the mainland but will try to understand other cultures or fusion , but a " rich ," it's terrible , absolutely can not communicate , what the money is to do like . He said it was the first big meet China when foreign visitors, because even if they are wealthy , they would talk loudly shouting at a fine restaurant , called to be issued with a seasonal finger "tak tak ' sound ( this is not just no ceremony Manners , is simply insulting behavior ) , a restaurant full of people have been very disappointed that they do , then they speak Chinese but is now very rich in other things . .. the friend said , outsiders can not change these Chinese people more not to be affected, but the Chinese people are not self-discipline. Similarly, the people of Hong Kong are powerless to discipline them , only to sit farther , if Hong Kong people really not much to do so ( please introspection ) , then keep in Hong Kong Chinese people draw the line , you're really blame him?

And early in improper mainland Chinese people in Hong Kong , but the war of words in terms of time and to bring this point , there are benefits to you when you are Chinese, do not you when you're not the interests of Hong Kong Chan , had contact with a similar situation people know that there is not detailed . So do not tell me what mix compatriots , this trick really does not work. . .

Now the mainstream media often reports continent message " positive" , said the fight against corruption and other countries , but officials still greedy , helpless people look CCTVB accounting , combined with brainwashing under blind patriotism to see more clearly.

If the perception that China is now an elegant Chinese , change back to using traditional characters do not speak ; If China is a culture of respect , freedom, democracy , education and the implementation of a real fight against corruption and the health of Chinese people's self-discipline , I believe Hong Kong people are definitely not China is so offensive, even very happy gestures, while holding the flag really feel proud , feel that they have to sing the national anthem ! ! But now the Chinese , do not imagine it would agree ! ! ! To say such voices is actually very painful.

So "now" , it is definitely in Hong Kong in Hong Kong . You can not change , but keep our own people , to distinguish it best . If the Chinese mainland ( I do not know how many years , or never ) back to a country "normal" before revisit agree patriotic bar. Etc. However, for the Tiananmen crackdown , even without " compatriot" attitude to mourn and watch , ( if there crackdown bound to help, it is indeed blood feelings, but what is more humane consideration ) we can also use the history of human tragedy a kind of mind to mourn , as foreign non- Jews can also mourn the Nazi massacre of Jews during the Nazi killings and prevent the same .

Brainwashing education to teach blind patriotism no harm but is critical in this country , absolutely not .
Hong Kong people are in Hong Kong , with traditional characters , speak Cantonese .若果let blind brainwashing education invasion, before it was mainland China , Hong Kong can change assimilated . So " compatriots on the " danger can be imagined.


11 ) [What is discrimination - Port locust you tell me ? 】
The word discrimination is being abused . Last year the government sent 6,000 Chinese immigrants have come to Hong Kong for less than seven yell discrimination strange ah, seven-year become permanent residents is a basic standard ( not required to have a passport or birth of the Hong Kong in Hong Kong ) , if not set up a guideline , what criteria can be sent ?
Passing the universe aliens have the money received in Hong Kong , it can not manage ah.

I wrote this one for some reason is a brain damage to the extreme ( I'm sorry , but they could not describe it ) of the Hong Kong female reporter wrote an article caused . Not named , because not help her sell advertising. She said that Hong Kong people are not a bunch of 97 rushed over Canada ah , is not that Hong Kong locust , and a bunch seems to understand , this is really ignorant remarks surprised Odai have five years experience so reporters can write the best .

The reality is that Canada , Australia, Hong Kong and other places of government , unlike now , they are entitled to strict examination and approval , to Hong Kong immigrants are people who have the financial means , there must be proof of income , take the oath , there can be found at work, to pay taxes , not the past and then say you want to stay because it is a fellow . Hong Kong people over there mistakes ( latent construction , etc.), in the side of the people of Hong Kong are also scold , but in Hong Kong, mainland mistake , because the mainland will be asked to do their own face was rationalized mainland compatriots will support . Moreover, why the 97 wealthy people want to go ? CCP put pressure tank 64 is not in the student 's head , people would be so upset you ? I talked about this in a forum post, you can read this post to see an extension of the following links to read .
Other arguments I have trouble refuting , and explains many of the points above are two kinds of conflict , I just want to write this article deliberately distorting the truth and divert attention are serious ulterior motives , or else Gordon word " really gel ." . . I will not criticize , but do not manage such a person Hello .


12 ) [ Hong Kong people have much better quality ? 】
Come here, I want to have a look at all of the people of Hong Kong are also watching over this point .
Of course , there is always a place where good people and bad , nor too general to say that such and such a bunch of people inevitably , there are always exceptions to everything , there are a lot of people really like the mainland are sensible , but Hong Kong is not because of the above reasons the assimilated . But others say that these people generally do not , because to see some " right " thing, is whether or not the original . Overall, the state of social morality and compliance is higher than the continent of people - do not agree , please ask yourself whether emotional or just really do not agree with it, of course, are not inevitable. Now I want everyone to reflect on their doing , and if you really are " high quality " on the show , not to compare , to truly improve the ethics / morality / moral conduct. Easy to say , no one perfect, but definitely better.

So began.
In fact, people in Hong Kong are very angry . There are obviously a good education ( only 7 % of people on Earth has more than high school education, if interested please see : http://www.tinykylie.com/forum/viewthread.php?tid=1409), but citizenship in fact quite poor. "Green" , for the vast majority of people do not want to be listened to reason , always have another garbage bins ( paper recycling bins would someone put together pour leftover food , including that go into clean paper also try to turn off or reimbursed. ) I was regularly around the house and the company's paper recycling bins to people , the home of the battery will take aluminum cans recycled plastic bottles , unused appliances at home ( especially in a few days ) when unplugged , the company's computer does not 24 hours/7days open. In many European countries and Japan and other advanced regions, which is the basic thing to do , not worth mentioning. But in Hong Kong , people will say , "You really efforts to recover ah ! Environmental activists . " . . . How large population of Hong Kong , even demand, but expensive to use one of the earth's resources up to the city , how it seems to me the energy , resources would not cherish like ? Japan two years ago to a friend's house , her mother was an ordinary middle-aged Japanese woman , with a lot of very ordinary mother . But the kitchen was neat and clean , it is most of my heart is her "waste holder " - garbage in the house a long natural classification , plastic bottles, plastic bottles also , also waste paper , glass, also glass , aluminum cans also , you can not reuse food waste in the lowest layer frame covered - the people of these qualities can be seen in the section of civic awareness in daily life , not littering , not everywhere , it is only the size of two basic knowledge , a city that has been developed better citizenship, but generally people in Hong Kong or not . Once I get home waste cans and other things Sakon Recycle Bin , watching a middle-aged building actually wanted to guard him leftover boxes thrown into the waste paper recycling bins , and trash location just next to the three-step . I had to stop immediately , and said to him , "Do not put there ah ! That's not trash ! " Because he was face mix a few " what to say , ah, this is obviously the trash , you do not look Chinese? . " . . I could not resist, said: " Of course I will watch Chinese Yeah ! ! Have you seen this stated as " waste " and do you pour the leftover juices are really into the whole paper into a garbage Yeah ! ! ! " He's probably the trouble he turned into the trash , but I think if the lack of self- consciousness , no one he would casually throw next .

In addition, many countries have advanced the concept , in addition to "green" , as " the level of public business ," " do not use animal testing of cosmetics ingredients ," etc. , is still very new to Hong Kong , is very weak. Do not put " much lower quality than their place is " turned ugly excuse - save change constantly progress , not only in the economy, more should have improved in all aspects , is a truly high-quality city. Money does not mean noble, if you see this problem in the mainland upstarts who have not fulfilled their city before?

So things do not speak of ideology , and the other to give some life examples. Hong Kong people are still in the elevator talking loudly , although foreigners have to do , but a lot of time in airports and other places , the most noisy addition to Chinese people in Hong Kong who is ( in fact, Korean is not weak ) does not consider other people's feelings , although the continent is worse than people of Hong Kong and so on, Hong Kong is indeed not very self- ah.

Another time on the bus , many people want to stop normal ah, two of Hong Kong stood behind me ( about 30 -year-old woman ) , one because I met her twice in the back , maybe I did her voice small hear me say "sorry" it, then complaints up, but the way she said, facing the very coward --- friend "D ah man .. you Dixia , D department who hit埋黎Link Yeah ." .
Really hit you and dissatisfaction directly speak ah, what the "D people," but they are afraid to fight for their positive outlet it? This situation, many people in Hong Kong will
( 1 ) In response to a cowardly act : silent but angry ;
( 2 ) open wave fracas .
At that time happen to be in a class to see Analects repair ancient virtues of doing things , I think, how is the most appropriate return recognize it? I patted her arm , try courteous Manners said: "I'm sorry , Miss ah , my car is forced to push the guy was just a push so you hit the car in the corner and I waddled , not too big reaction , sorry ah . " . . She probably did not expect it to be such a reaction , they gave me a supercilious silence . I thought to myself , really high quality Hong Kong people do ? Or just timid and also complaints. . . Moreover, mutual help Hong Kong people really do ? If you see people being bullied or city to help, you will "multi- less attitude " Even through , or go see what we can do for you ?

I was in Hong Kong , with everyone to reflect on it.


13 ) [ " high degree of autonomy " in the true meaning ]
This is the shortest , because I wanted everyone to think , however, is a very important topic. Has said, " Hong Kong and China are " one country "," high degree of autonomy " ." . . . One country, let us not speak , but Hong Kong is really a high degree of autonomy it? Or began with warm boiled frog , we did not pay attention do not think do not think there is a problem ?


14 ) [ Summary: the root of the problem ]
The idea has a lot of information , as a caring person in Hong Kong , apart from a lot of thought or discussion with people , and I think everyone would like to point to discuss a little more, a little more attention . All these political and livelihood of the root of the problem , too obvious because China does not lack self-control and a high degree of autonomy in Hong Kong , mainland immigrants we even Yuanqi society as a whole are therefore caused the long-term .

若果want change , want to have a turn for the better future of Hong Kong , this is not a person, group of people can do , before anything happens , the most important thing is to have more people awaken and understand the causes of things , otherwise the direction is not clear, it is not solid enough foundation to make any changes , just to refer to people from the mainland to live curse can only be considered to vent, talked about above , they just do not consciously tool that can really control the entry or children or culturally cleaning is to pay attention to the source problems.

Speech has not yet been completely controlled , you can in Hong Kong on twitter , facebook, youtube, integration with the world of international websites not blocked message , before speaking , we can not allow the occurrence of the above-mentioned , because once that this has happened in this case when everything is too late .

Please try to share this article , do not forget to copy the following links for more information.
Although some modifications have eighty thousand words , but to live in the city or the dignity of their own , take the time to look over everyone 's also called my friends to see it.

Hong Kong , really rely on themselves.


The moderator is updated on the fifth page of the essence of the text [ log ]
I registered the Tan Yi Yin only one day ,
Failed to have permission to inform / reprint my reply to the moderator
Under today's fundus analysis ' spirit of Hong Kong people no '
Whether we / you if people in other countries
See the size of newspapers , electronic media comments ..
But also as if no bet / nothing to do with , has no Auntie Well
I usually hang on Multilateral Tsui Road '' without British Hong Kong . -
Hong Kong people can I come - of > nine years of free education grace
Not as equivalent to ' mainland Well ? !
The most ridiculous is not the rule of the Chinese government in the affairs of / livelihood things
Mo has made ​​the world ' mainlanders
We do not discriminate against others is a scholarship ceremony Manners
As long as they do not want a group of people [ many .. ] to destroy sanitation. Undermine social order.
Undermine the rule of law are politics . Witnessed the destruction of their public spaces to demonize the reality of things like ... dare come various kinds of ...
We [Melody.blogger] to the respective local , seeing what ' Oriental cults '' --- > Gong < ---
. Omnipresent ... the facts gathered in various places cheaply and regardless Occasion - Suitable No ? ? ! .
Waving their evil 'of the ' residual residue on behalf of the flag ' ... [ eyes up .. ]
I'll wait to see but also to get their bets in '' station '' Liuhe Shencai outside certain places ... ! ! ?
Also re- posing ' ignore ', we are people with disabilities , the eye does not regard . Ears do not hear . Imports so hard to open ..
Not to mention the size of today's newspapers , or knowledge of the Ming Shi inter-network of cross- border edge
'' Can be patient just got a fresh re-dissemination of Hong Kong [ no waist by the Hong Kong incompetent ... ] Financial Secretary report it?

Corruption incurable human heart , obliterate , as the people / citizens' human rights law ,
Report this paper = who would not fight ? ? ? !
In his so-called '' Act '' '' to agree with his disregard for the lower class , singled out an eye to the sidelines central [ top / class ]
This is who you become .. disability , how '' positive '' people who manage the needs of the grassroots people of Hong Kong
More Mo on your salary is a little higher '' moderate '' who , what you have to cover our eyes closed is shrewd imports
[ High -order , etc. ] = Financial Secretary adults official who '' - under the eyes aim has only been available * on your head Oh " ! ! !
How buzz words he did not hear ::: Well ... @
He 's with people far away , has been washed away magic acts of conscience buried memory =
Built in him to [ close the way China 's ] too ! ! !
Mo shouting Mo discuss their lack of theory ..
So you will endure . Forbearance . Hidden .. go ! !
Exclamation points and question marks . And Next --- > Who invented it ?
The invention is really very, very good Oh ! !

Mo on crooked on his self-righteous , he he ! ! !
                                       Melody.Blogger Sincerely ~
funny ~

P.s. =only one of the original URL =    http://www.fdzone.org/j.php?url=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww.tinykylie.com% 2Fforum% 2Fviewthread.php% 3Ftid% 3D8030% 26amp% 3Bextra% 3Dpage% 253D1%26amp% 3Bpage% 3D1       




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