
2014年3月6日 星期四

"如何註冊 "AppleCare "來令你的-* MacBook Pro *- 保固期延長為三年?~"一起來探討吧~"USA-en-"How to register" AppleCare "to make your - * MacBook Pro * - Warranty extended to three years? ~ "Together to explore it ..."

*"如何註冊 "AppleCare "來令你的-* MacBook Pro *-
- 保固期延長為三年?~"一起來探討吧~!   
"USA-en-"How to register" AppleCare "to make your - * MacBook Pro * -  Warranty extended to three years? ~ "Together to explore it ..." *  

*在買入了人生第二台 MBPR『港板 MacBook Pro Retina 15″ 2013』 
而且前一台 2009 MBP 使用大約兩年左右--
於是開始研究如何延長 Apple 保固期限--
--也便是所謂的 AppleCare 囉!*
*In buying a second life MBPR "Harbour Board MacBook Pro Retina 15" 2013 "after 
Start thinking about buying an expensive laptop - 
- But the warranty is only one year do not count how how cost-effective ~? 
And before a 2009 MBP uses about two years or so - 
- Began to have problems, 
Apple began to study how to extend the warranty period - 
- It is called AppleCare Hello!   

*什麼是 AppleCare?
其實每部 Mac 與 Apple 顯示器都隨附一年有限保固--
--以及長達 90 天的免費電話技術支援。
有了 AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位服務專案,
你可以直接聯繫 Apple 獲獎的單一站點電話技術支援,
以獲得有關 Apple 硬體、OS X、
以及 iLife 與 iWork 等 Apple 應用程式的問題解答。
獲得 Mac 與 Apple 顯示器的全球維修服務。
由於 Apple 的設計包辦了電腦、
因此 Mac 是真正的整合式系統。
只有 AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位服務專案,
能提供 Apple 的專家支援服務,
--直接聯絡 Apple 專家
將你的 Mac 或 Apple 顯示器帶至 Apple 零售店或--
--其他 Apple 授權服務供應商
Apple 硬體保固:
AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位--
--服務範圍 — 你的 Mac 電腦
Apple 記憶體 (RAM)
Apple USB SuperDrive 
(適用於 MacBook Air、
配備 Retina 顯示器的 MacBook Pro、
iMac 以及 Mac mini)
--與你的 Mac 一起購買的 Apple 顯示器
你都可直接向 Apple 專家提出各種問題。
--Mac 支援服務
--使用 OS X 作業系統
--關於使用 iLife 與 iWork 的快速詢問
--連線至印表機和 AirPort 網路.  
*USA-en-*What is AppleCare? 
In fact, every Mac and Apple monitors come with one year limited warranty - 
- And up to 90 days of free telephone technical support. 
With the AppleCare Protection Plan full-service project, 
You can extend the warranty period for your hardware for three years from the date of original purchase. 
You can contact Apple's award-winning telephone technical support single site, 
To get information about Apple hardware, OS X, 
As well as issues such as iLife and iWork Apple application solutions. 
You can also through convenient service options 
Mac and Apple display to get global repair services. 
Single-site service and support: 
Because Apple designs the computer arranged, 
Many operating systems and applications, 
So Mac is a truly integrated system. 
AppleCare Protection Plan only full-service project, 
Apple can provide expert support services 
Many ways to solve your problem, 
So that most of the problems can be solved both in a phone call. 
- Direct contact Apple experts 
A global service 
- Desktop-site service: 
Requires a technician to repair your workplace 1 
- Brought to the shop for repair services: 
To your Mac or Apple display with the Apple retail store or - 
- Other Apple Authorized Service Provider 
- Carry 
Apple hardware warranty: 
AppleCare Protection Plan round - 
- Service Project provides global repair services, 
Its coverage includes parts and labor. 
- Services - Your Mac computers 
- Accompanying accessories such as power converter 
Apple Memory (RAM) 
Apple USB SuperDrive 
(For MacBook Air, 
Equipped with Retina Display MacBook Pro, 
iMac and Mac mini) 
- With your Apple display purchased with Mac 
- Software support includes: 
Whether you're sitting in the comfort of your home or   
office or on the go, 
You can ask questions to Apple experts directly. 
- Mac Support 
- Use OS X operating system 
- Quick question about the use of iLife and iWork 
- Connect to printers and AirPort networks.   

--於是便買入了這個 MacBook Pro AppleCare Protection Plan.   
*Ha .. because you can extend the warranty to three years - 
- So they bought this MacBook Pro AppleCare Protection Plan.   

*▼ ask a friend to the United States because it is bought  
on the back of the instructions are in English and therefore.   

*▼內容物其實相當的簡單的亦是 AppleCare Protection Plan--
-- 的相關說明與序號而已。   
*▼ contents actually quite simple is also the AppleCare Protection Plan - 
- The instructions and serial number only.    

 進行註冊填寫該填寫的 AppleCare 註冊碼與--
--硬體產品序號即可啟用 AppleCare 保固合約。   
*▼ Just go to -> 
 AppleCare registration code to register and fill in the fill - 
- Hardware serial number to enable AppleCare warranty contracts.     

*▼可能很有朋友不知道您的 MacBook Pro 序號在哪裡?..
其實很簡單只要打開您的 MAC 點選左上角的蘋果圖案--
--選擇『關於這台 Mac』便可以看到您這台 Mac 的硬體序號唷~  
*▼ may be useful friends do not know the serial number   
of your MacBook Pro Where? ..    

--會有您的 AppleCare 與硬體的相關資訊,
接著只要等 Apple 確認無誤之後--
會發送 Email 通知 AppleCare 正式啟用了~  
*▼ After completing the registration you can see a confirmation page - 
- There will be information about your AppleCare and hardware, 
Then just wait for confirmation after Apple - 
Email notification will be sent AppleCare officially opened the ~ 

*▼約莫過了幾分之後檢查您的 Email 信箱,
應該可以收到 AppleCare Protection Plan 證明書的喔.
這也代表這台 MBPR 可以陪著 來到 2016 年都不是問題^^
--可以加購 AppleCare 來延長--
--您手上 Apple 產品的保固其實相當的划算,
因為 Apple 針對不同的設備與--
--機型有推出不同的 AppleCare,
千萬別買到 MacBook Air 的 AppleCare 來註冊您的--
-- MacBook Pro 那可是不行的喔!
*Check your Email Box ▼ lasts over a little after, 
AppleCare Protection Plan should be able to receive   
a certificate of Oh. 
It also means you can accompany this MBPR to 2016 is   
not a problem ^ ^ 
If everyone within the recommended range of financial capability - 
- You can add AppleCare to extend the share - 
- Your hands Apple product warranty is actually quite   
a good deal, 
However, when the purchase can buy right, 
Because Apple for different devices and - 
- Models have introduced different AppleCare, 
Do not buy the MacBook Air to register your AppleCare - 
- MacBook Pro that's not enough Oh!   

AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位服務專案,
只有在你的 Mac 或 Apple 顯示器尚在一年--
參閱 AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位服務專案條款與細則,
如果你連同 Mac 一起購買 Apple Display,
Mac 的 AppleCare Protection Plan 全方位服務專案,
參考資料:  http://www.apple.com/tw/support/products/mac.html  
  *Important note - 
AppleCare Protection Plan full-service project, 
Only in your Mac or Apple display is still a year - 
- The standard warranty period to purchase. 
See AppleCare Protection Plan Terms and Conditions full-service project, 
For complete product details. 
If you buy together along with Mac Apple Display, 
AppleCare Protection Mac's Plan full-service project, 
Warranty will cover both the computer and the monitor. 
References:  http://www.apple.com/tw/support/products/mac.html    *

*"如何註冊 "AppleCare "來令你的-* MacBook Pro *-  
"USA-en-"How to register" AppleCare "to make your - * MacBook Pro * -  Warranty extended to three years? ~ "Together to explore it ..." ===MelodyRO===THE   END===>/




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