
2014年4月28日 星期一

**USA/UK--en---*Auction Bidding Sniper for eBay 4.x Retail ""Multilingual | MacOSX | 3 Mb~!- **ZH--TW"--"拍賣招標狙擊手對eBay4.x*--"的零售多語言| MacOSX的|3 MB "~!- **DE**__""Auktion Gebote für eBay-Sniper 4.x ""--Einzelhandel Sprachige | MacOSX | 3 Mb ~!- **SP"--- * Subasta Subasta Francotirador de eBay 4.x al por menor "" multilingüe | MacOSX |! 3 Mb ~ -

**USA/UK--en---*Auction Bidding Sniper for eBay 4.x Retail ----
""Multilingual<English, German, Spanish> | MacOSX | 3 Mb~!-
**ZH--TW"--"拍賣招標狙擊手對eBay4.x*--"的零售多語言<English, German, Spanish>| MacOSX的|3 MB "~!-
**DE**__""Auktion Gebote für eBay-Sniper 4.x ""--Einzelhandel Sprachige <English, spanisch> | MacOSX | 3 Mb ~!-
**SP"--- * Subasta Subasta Francotirador de eBay 4.x al por menor "" multilingüe <English, German, español> | MacOSX |! 3 Mb ~ - 

 Do’s and Don’ts
 App FAQs
Seeing an important eBay auction is one thing,
actually winning is quite another.
Play your cards close to your vest, and your eBay bids even closer by doing your own eBay Auction sniping.  Got something important you want to remember to bid on near the end of the auction?

Now it gets interesting.  This app actually makes eBay useful again.
This Mac App has two modes, You can either have the app automatically snipe/(bid) for you at the last moment on an eBay auction, or you can set custom alerts so that you can snipe/(bid) in person at the last moment.

To have the app snipe for you automatically, follow the steps 1,2,3,4 at the bottom of the App window. 
(also see: "How to set up your Macintosh" below)

To snipe in person, first go to your preferences in the bottom right of the window and set up the alert times you want triggered before an auction's end. Then go to an auction with an end time.  A new button in the bottom of the window will light up, click on 'Add to Calendar' and you've added that auction to your Device's Calendar with the preset alerts, and with iCloud, you've added it to all your devices.
iPhone/iPad app:
Mac app:
if you are on an iPhone or iPad,  eMail yourself link to Mac app:
What exactly are these Apps?
they create scheduled events that will Automatically put your bid amount into an eBay auction at the last moment of the auction so that you have the best chance of not being out bid.  If someone doesn't see your bid in time, they can’t out bid you by a small amount.

All Sniping of Auctions is Free for Life.
no more paying a service for each auction,  no more ANY fees of any kind.

How do you use these Apps?
log into eBay with this app,  that sets your credentials,   go to an auction you are interested in,  fill in the “bid amount” you want to win at.  And that is it.  You get alerts when your bid is successful or not. The best part is you can be away from your computer,  use the iPhone app to snipe an Auction,  and this new snipe communicates directly and nearly real time to the companion Mac App,  even while the Mac app is not in the foreground,  so that it can snipe for you at the proper time.

What about Calendar Alerts?
besides being able to bid for you, this app also lets you snipe that auction personally if you wish, by having your choice of set up alerts to tell you when to get in that chair and watch the last few moments unfold in front of you.  Tap on the “preferences” tab and set up to three alerts for any new events that follow.  Go to an auction you are interested in and click on "Add to Calendar". And that is it.

What do the color icons mean in the Snipe list?
Green: Snipe is running and will bid.
Blue: Snipe is running and will bid, and has less than 1 hour to go.
Yellow: Snipe's Maximum price has become lower than current minimum bid needed to enter a bid.
Purple: Auction ended early, or something went wrong, delete snipe and re-enter.
Red: Auction ended with no bid.
Red "X" : Sniping bid was entered but was not accepted. (usually because the bid was too low)
Green with a red "X": Sniping bid was entered and was accepted. (but was not high enough to win)
Green "checkMark": Sniping bid was a winner of an auction.
Green with a red "\": Sniping bid was canceled due to a win of a similar item in a cluster.


• fee free for life •
Auction Bidding Sniper for eBay with sniping watchList

FAQs in common with both the iPhone/iPad app and the Mac app.
  1. you have two alternatives for setting up your Mac, see the "How to setup your Macintosh" below. but one of them must be followed.
  2. do Not remove or move the special calendar events in your Devices Calendar app,  The app uses these for your "in-Person" sniping mode.
  3. questions?  click/touch on the “email Support” link near top of page.  We’ll get back to you faster than ASAP.
  4. both apps have the same functionality,  however the iOS app can not bid when it is in the background,  so it must either rely on the Mac App to do the final bid,  or it must be brought to the foreground in the last part of the auction.   An alert goes off to let you know and get your iPhone app in the foreground if you are exclusively using your iPhone/iPad to create snipes.
  5. Go to your 'system Preferences' app, then the 'Date & time' tab, make sure your checkbox is checked for 'Set ... automatically', otherwise your bids will not come in at times you expect them to.
  6. Do’s and Don’ts
To have the app snipe for you automatically, check off these items below. 
(you can have the app on all of your iPhones, iPads, and iPods, (iCloud has a limit of 10 devices). However the app should only be placed on one Mac, the Mac acts like a clearing house of the auctions, and will take over all of the other device's auctions, if you have the Mac app installed and running)

  ◎  1) (optional) get the iPhone/iPad app available in the App Store.  (installed on as many of your devices as you wish)
  ◎  2) iCloud turned on for all devices.
  ◎  3) Calendar access turned on for the app on your devices.
  ◎  4) the Mac app available in the Mac App Store. (installed on only one of your Macs)
  ◎  5) go into your apps Preferences, set "auto wake or Power on" to 'Yes'  and click on the "Read instructions"
             (see "How to set up your Macintosh" below)

Then just follow the steps 1,2,3,4 at the bottom of the window in the app.
  ◎  step 1) log into ebay to set your credentials.
  ◎  step 2) go to an auction with an "end time".
  ◎  step 3) enter your maximum bid for that auction in the provided input text box of the app.
                3.a your Maximum bid will be entered at the last moment, but only the amount
                     needed to win will be placed, per normal eBay bidding guidelines.
                3.b enter only numbers, the currency is what ever the live eBay auction is using..
  ◎  step 4) click on "Add new Snipe" and you are done. 

(both the iPhone/iPad and the Mac apps have same functionality,  and all the snipes are shared through iCloud between the two companion apps near real time.)

If you do not have the Mac version of the app, the iPhone app needs to be running in the foreground of your device in the last couple minutes, just follow the steps 1,2,3,4 at the bottom of the window, and you will get an alert to leave the iPhone/iPad app running in the foreground in the last part of the auction. If at any time you have the Mac version running, it will take over the auction from your iPhone, and you will not get that alert, and your iPhone will not bid, unless two things happen, your Mac version is off, and you happen to have the iPhone version running at the time of the auction.
 ▪ ▪ First mode ▪ ▪ ▪
You can set up your machine in two different ways, but at least one of these ways must be used.
  ◎  1) go to 'Preferences' in your Sniper app and set the auto-wake switch to “YES”. Then read up on the instructions by clicking on the "read instructions" button. Read ALL of it, not setting up your Mac properly will mean lost sniping bids. (it is important to know that if you close a MacBook's lid it enters a sleep mode that Your MacBook will not wake up from for wake or power events) if you have a Macbook, and you prefer to close the lid much of the time, you will want to also use the 'Second mode' below to set alerts to remind you to open your MacBook lid at some given time of your choice before any Auction.

  ◎  2) go to 'Preferences' in your Sniper app and set the auto-wake switch to “NO”. Then always keep your new Sniper app running, at a minimum running in the background of your machine. To do this, go into your machine's 'System Preferences' then the tab 'Energy Saver' and set your 'Computer sleep' to Never, and your 'Display sleep' to what ever you want. Also add this sniper app to your 'Login Items' in your 'Users & Groups' tab of your mac’s 'System Preferences' app in case your computer restarts. This ensures that the app will always be running so it can do it's work. (it is important to know that if you close a MacBook's lid it enters a sleep mode that the app can not function from) if you have a Macbook, and you prefer to close the lid much of the time, you will want to also use the 'Second mode' below to set alerts to remind you to open your MacBook lid at some given time of your choice before any Auction.

The take away here is if your machine is off or asleep, there is no way for the app to do it's work. So you must organize around a method that makes sure that the app is available to snipe.

 ▪ ▪ How to set up your Macintosh ▪ ▪ ▪
To snipe in person, first go to your preferences in the bottom right of the window.  If you are in the iPhone app,  turn on personal sniping there.  Then for both apps, set up the alert times you want triggered before an auction's end. Next go to an auction with an end time.  A new button in the bottom of the window will light up, click on 'Add to Calendar' and you've added that auction to your Device's Calendar with the preset alerts.

With iCloud, your new Calendar events will also sync to all your other devices and Calendars for seamless alerts automatically so your entire digital arsenal is alerted.

A link back to the listing is saved with your alerts, so when an alert appears, simply touch on "view" and you'll see a link to the listing for immediate action.

Eine wichtige eBay-Auktion zu sehen, ist eine Sache, diese tatsächlich zu gewinnen, eine ganz andere.
Lassen Sie sich nicht in die Karten schauen, schon gar nicht bei Ihren eBay-Geboten. Mit Ihrem eigenen eBay Auktions-Sniping geht das. Haben Sie etwas Wichtiges gefunden, worauf Sie unbedingt gegen Ende der Auktion bieten wollen?

Jetzt wird' s interessant. Denn dank dieser App wird eBay tatsächlich wieder nützlich.
Diese Mac App hat zwei Modi. Sie können die App entweder automatisch im letzten Augenblick einer eBay-Auktion für sich snipen (bieten) lassen, oder Sie können maßgefertigte Warnmeldungen einstellen, damit Sie persönlich im letzten Moment snipen (bieten) können. 

Wenn die App automatisch für Sie snipen soll, befolgen Sie die Schritte 1,2,3,4 unten im Fenster der App.
(Siehe auch: ''Wie Sie Ihren Macintosh einstellen'' unten) 

Um persönlich zu snipen, gehen Sie erst zu Ihren Einstellungen unten rechts im Fenster und stellen Sie die Zeiten ein, zu denen Sie Ihre Warnmeldungen vor dem Ende einer Auktion ausgelöst haben wollen. Gehen Sie dann zu einer Auktion mit Endzeit. Eine neue Schaltfläche leuchtet unten im Fenster auf. Klicken Sie auf 'An den Kalender hinzufügen' und Sie haben diese Auktion an den Kalender Ihres Geräts mit den zuvor eingestellten Warnmeldungen hinzugefügt. Mit iCloud fügen Sie dies an all Ihre Geräte hinzu.

iPhone/iPad app:
Mac app:
Wenn Sie auf einem iPhone oder iPad sind, mailen Sie sich selbst einen Link zur Mac-App:
Was genau sind diese Apps?
Sie erzeugen geplante Ereignisse, die Ihr Gebot automatisch im letzten Augenblick der eBay-Auktion abgeben. Damit haben Sie die größte Chance, nicht noch überboten zu werden. Sieht jemand Ihr Gebot nicht rechtzeitig, dann kann diese Person Sie nicht um einen kleinen Betrag überbieten.
Sniping auf Auktionen ist immer und auf Lebenszeit kostenlos.
Schluss damit, für jede Auktion wieder einen Service zu bezahlen, ÜBERHAUPT KEINE Gebühren mehr!  

Wie benutzt man diese Apps?
Loggen Sie sich mit dieser App, die Ihre Anmeldedaten einrichtet, auf eBay ein, gehen Sie zu einer Auktion, die Sie interessiert, geben Sie den ''Betrag des Gebots'' ein, mit dem Sie gewinnen möchten. Und das ist alles. Sie werden darüber benachrichtigt, ob Ihr Gebot erfolgreich ist oder nicht. Das Beste daran ist, dass Sie sich nicht am Computer aufhalten müssen: Benutzen Sie die iPhone App, um auf einer Auktion zu snipen, und dieses neue Snipe kommuniziert direkt und nahezu in Echtzeit mit der Partner-Mac App - sogar wenn die Mac-App nicht im Vordergrund läuft – und kann so für Sie zur richtigen Zeit snipen. 

--copy this zip link..download   - -
*  http://qd.baidupcs.com/file/4c998618c4c260dffde45179f0c370e1?fid=2016693030-250528-987847149342386&time=1398696292&sign=FDTAXER-DCb740ccc5511e5e8fedcff06b081203-Vs0ZIBYIkr1TlaRdUKvGSUzk4RA%3D&to=qb&fm=Q,B,U,ny&newver=1&expires=8h&rt=pr&r=538447011&logid=3759894054&vuk=2016693030&fn=Auction.Bidding.Sniper.for.eBay.with.sniping.watchList.v4.0.2.Multilingual.MacOSX.Retail-CORE.rar      *



Auction.Bidding.Sniper.for.eBay.with.sniping.watchList     .v4.0.2.Multilingual.MacOSX.Retail-CORE.rar   

下載(2.44M)   http://pan.baidu.com/s/12Cv4i    



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  • *http://melodytoyssexy.blogspot.com/2014/04/usauk-en-auction-bidding-sniper-for.html
    *USA/UK--en---*Auction Bidding Sniper for eBay 4.x Retail ----
    ""Multilingual<English, German, Spanish> | MacOSX | 3 Mb~!-
    **ZH--TW"--"拍賣招標狙擊手對eBay4.x*--"的零售多語言<English, German, Spanish>| MacOSX的|3 MB "~!-
    **DE**__""Auktion Gebote für eBay-Sniper 4.x ""--Einzelhandel Sprachige <English, spanisch> | MacOSX | 3 Mb ~!-
    **SP"--- * Subasta Subasta Francotirador de eBay 4.x al por menor "" multilingüe <English, German, español> | MacOSX |! 3 Mb ~ - *

     ▪ ▪ Second mode ▪ ▪ ▪




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