
2014年4月11日 星期五

"ZH*--TW*--'這一則是玄學家的課題=可由多位玄學者批判..大概結論已...哈哈,"-你們看過會説話和替鞋子打蜡的狗隻么??這些狗兒常愛稱道''有阿爺做什么也行的...!??..'我們想道=*可能狗兒得到獻技之時,或擦上鞋油便能成為''人類''......吧!!哈哈... * USA "- * EN" -?? * This is a topic = metaphysician who criticize .. by many metaphysical conclusions probably already ... ha ha, you have seen a talking dog and for shoes waxing it Commendable love these dogs often have a grandfather'' What do also line ...!?? .. we thought when the audience = likely to get the dog, or rub on the shoe polish can become a'' human'' ...... now!! haha ​​... "

* USA "- * EN" -?? * This is a topic = metaphysician who criticize .. by many metaphysical conclusions probably already ... ha ha, you have seen a talking dog and for shoes waxing it Commendable love these dogs often have a grandfather'' What do also line ...!?? .. we thought when the audience = likely to get the dog, or rub on the shoe polish can become a'' human'' ...... now!! haha ​​... "*



標題是--滬港通開車 3150億北水湧港@

村民乙  •  11小時前 
2 回覆
 愜牟 尬瘁 역사 卉伋 길이 卅

愜牟 尬瘁 역사 卉伋 길이 卅  •  11小時前 

Tao  •  12小時前 
1 回覆

MeMe  •  11小時前 
未必好事 ... 控制及取代香港的第一步 , 又想做世界第一
11 回覆
Stephen Tang:欢迎自卑 Mak冒名  •  11小時前 
自卑大陸人 Mak 又來挺黨!

Captain America  •  11小時前 

23用戶喜歡這個評論  •  11小時前 
4 回覆
3用戶喜歡這個評論共慘黨  •  10小時前 
same feeling
William  •  10小時前 
me too

MickAM  •  11小時前 
香港班貪官就諗住貪幾多 ?

Leung  •  11小時前 
炒作熱錢湧入, 香港所有實業都可以執笠, 全部去炒炒炒.
好快樓巿解封, 安排比 D 人陸人"投資"

8用戶喜歡這個評論共慘黨  •  11小時前 
昨天聽新聞, 聽到互換互通嚇了一跳, 原來文不對題, 
而且有限額, 那樣便不算全面的互換互通, 
但亦有可能無影響, 主要看看會不會發展成兩個交易所合併 (上港交易所)
10 回覆
6用戶喜歡這個評論共慘黨  •  11小時前 
如果規模有限, 而且兩個交易所上市的公司不會模糊化, 這樣影響不是很大
6用戶喜歡這個評論共慘黨  •  11小時前 舉報
比如話, 將來上港兩交易所統一股票編號以方便買賣, 
 Stephen Tang
Stephen Tang  •  11小時前 
..就算3 千億...都唔會一日內放晒落香港...
.所以整一個緩沖...好正常...只係D 友仔炒作..
Ch  •  11小時前 舉報
有少少分別. 只係響上海上市轉唔到做美國既海外預托證券, 吸少好多錢.
 自卑大陸燦 Mak 扮 Stephen Tang
自卑大陸燦 Mak 扮 Stephen Tang  •  11小時前 
大陸狗 Mak 又在扮人類?!

MMO  •  11小時前 

Coke  •  11小時前 
玩哂, hk完了

Qp  •  10小時前 舉報

我老母  •  10小時前 
事前全無預兆, 同台灣拉倒中台服貨協議既時間又何其接近, 大陸好似好趕匯錢出境外咁.

藍  •  10小時前 舉報

13用戶喜歡這個評論SZE  •  10小時前 
3 回覆

Raymond  •  10小時前 

大話英  •  10小時前 舉報
1 回覆

DIU7689  •  10小時前 
中共黑錢爆煲就一齊陷家剷, very good

HungChi-Kuen  •  10小時前 

Lam  •  9小時前 

陳少英  •  9小時前 

Fish  •  8小時前 

遠望  •  8小時前 
唔使俾貨你既? 講到好似送錢咁...
當香港人冇晒錢時, 大陸就開呢架直通車, 經濟民生佔領香港... 咪話我話, 以後去行商場, 去超級市場買野, 去睇戲食飯, 都要幫趁大陸生意佬...
1 回覆
遠望  •  9小時前 
遲D 商場只準簡體字, 說普通話... 咪話我話... 戲院少左好多電影你都唔知...

Loren  •  8小時前 

冥帝  •  7小時前 
D貪污金錢可以外逃了 真要感謝習總

Yp  •  7小時前 
直咩通車, 尋日h股平過a股果d 升到顛洒, 今日h股大災難, a股平過h股全部插洒水!
大佬唔通恆指要同國企指數平齊至得, 咪玩la!

Firzen46  •  4小時前 

Korea  •  6分前 
呢d污糟錢我唔要!!大陸狗 Mak 吠吧 

 Yahoo 用戶  •  1小時22分前 

遠古時侯,有'先賢者'道: ''有志者事景成''!

' - This in itself is a Hong Kong SAR news, but the headquarters feel worthless '' '' impractical , so the text will not stick on -
And interestingly, the Hong Kong SAR ' corrupt and incompetent persons '' ; minions look ' like most dogs , the future is not corrupt mainland China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region can in this big -money laundering , whatever they want, leaving the British occupation of the good wind assessment Hong Kong SAR , suddenly turned into dirty deal , money laundering , bribery , a large number of counterfeit products, the destruction sanitation, air pollution , and even the local aboriginal specialty shops . border points are also being urged to destroy .. etc. Well. ! really ' no One ' is not , alas !

Today is the netizens ' hate 'and' not acceptable ' Communist China ' online message , and then witness people to countries ' China defended by means of cross ' ....
'' Think with some of the money in infrastructure ... or ' Mainland gold螎into Hong Kong stocks ' coring people can win ... ! !
In addition to what ' dog ' from name --- > CCP is his saliva God '' which teaches people to spend ... really disgusting ... ! @
Democracy and autonomy of the Hong Kong SAR will soon fall a ..
This moment we have some people online excerpts Comments / Feedback
In the near future, these statements may also be pedantic Chinese communist tyranny deprived ~

See below -
The title is - drove 315 billion Hong Kong and Shanghai through North Water Bay Harbor @

 Villagers B
14 users liked this comment
Villagers B • 11 hours ago
And there will be a lot of people dream of
Needless to make money washing ...
2 replies
 Qiemougacui 역사 Hui Ji 길이 thirty

5 users liked this comment
No 역사 satisfied Mou Hui Ji 길이 embarrassed thirty • 11 hours ago

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Tao • 12 hrs ago
Black money ...
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MeMe • 11 hours ago
Not necessarily a good thing ... control and replace the first step in Hong Kong , but also want the world
11 replies
Stephen Tang: Welcome inferiority Mak false • 11 hours ago
Mak again very low self-esteem mainland party !

Captain America • 11 hours ago
Lim Kee more ritual idle

23 users liked this comment • 11 hours ago
Ominous signs ...
4 Reply
 Total miserable party
3 users liked this comment front of miserable Party • 10 hours of
same feeling
William • 10 hours ago
me too
Tan • 7 hours ago
No national education in Hong Kong , the result d green waste all over the pan-democrats dog Xishai brain ! CCP has a lot of green waste with the massacre of political persecution paranoia ! Sad !

9 users liked this comment
MickAM • 11 hours ago Report
Hong Kong will recite live greedy corrupt class how many ?

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Leung • 11 hours ago
The influx of hot money speculation , all of Hong Kong Industries can close down all go stir fry fry .
GF property market reopened arrange land than D people who "invest"

 Total miserable party
8 users like this review of miserable party • 11 hours ago
Listen to the news yesterday , I heard swap exchange shocked to find that irrelevant ,
Essentially part of the implementation details of the Shanghai-listed company may only traded in Hong Kong ,
And there are limits, as it is not fully interchangeable interoperability ,
But it seems the U.S. stock traded in Hong Kong about it .... If fully interoperable ,
May significantly reduce the number of Chinese mainland companies listed in Hong Kong
But there may be no effect , mainly to see the two exchanges will develop into a merger ( the Hong Kong Stock Exchange )
10 replies
 Total miserable party
6 users liked this comment of miserable party • 11 hours ago
If the size is limited, and the company is not listed on the two exchanges blur , so the impact is not great
 Total miserable party
6 users liked this comment of miserable party • 11 hours ago Report
For example, if in the future on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange uniform number to facilitate trading ,
Situation appears fuzzy
 Stephen Tang
3 users liked this comment Please
Stephen Tang • 11 hours ago
Of course .... 3,000 more than a few words of memory actually less Wushao Wuduo .. then ... the mainland has always advocated stable ..
. Unlimited Link drainage point will suddenly come to Hong Kong ..... Well continent would certainly want to see Hong Kong's financial mess ..
.. Even 3 billion ... not even put the sun will one day fall in Hong Kong ...
So overall a good buffer ... normal ... just hype .. Department D Friends of Aberdeen
. Well as a lot of delusions of persecution and seizures ... so excited ... and panic ...
Ch • 11 hours ago Report
Have some separately . Department rang Shanghai listed only turn cant get to do both overseas American Depositary Receipts , suck a lot less money.
 Inferiority Continental Can Mak play Stephen Tang
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Inferiority Continental Can Mak play Stephen Tang • 11 hours ago Report
Dogs play again in the mainland Mak human ? !
Bark friends, low energy Continental Can .

12 users liked this comment Please
MMO • 11 hours ago
Influx of black money

9 users liked this comment
Coke • 11 hours ago
Play contempt , hk finished

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Qp • 10 hours ago Report
If interoperability is really two markets , money laundering certainly more people will live ! Furthermore , both legal and institutional exists a big gap , when there will be a lot of arguments , it must be a mess !

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My mother • 10 hours ago
No advance warning, leave it in the service station with Taiwan cargo agreement both time why should it close to the mainland like a good catch to send money out of the country Link .

14 users liked this comment
Blue • 10 hours ago Report
Too bad d dirty money I Do not want to ! !

13 users liked this comment SZE • 10 hours ago
The second class exercise ! ! !
3 Reply

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Raymond • 10 hours ago
In addition to the mainland and the manufacture of milk Pigeon Street jump

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Westward England • 10 hours ago Report
The new freedom marks a Pekingese country is about to start , Pekingese Congress take full advantage of Hong Kong it a hundred rare opportunity generous water swept bigger and stronger , Hong Kong people have a net worth of patriotic party heavily generous dedication to the country than the Pekingese psychological qualities
1 Reply

DIU7689 • 10 hours ago
CCP bust on black money home shovel stuck together , very good

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HungChi-Kuen • 10 hours ago
Today , money laundering Xianzhi Department of Big Case .

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Lam • 9 hours ago
I personally do not think there are four major reasons for good
1 to take the assets of corrupt officials
2 Only in the financial benefit
3 transfer of benefits ( to a certain group , a certain officials )
4 aggravated corruption
Above your own thinking

8 users liked this comment
Alice Chan Marketing Officer • 9 hours ago
Governments do not attempt to have some advantages like waves on the halo contempt . Hong Kong people awake GOD . Wuduo play of the development of other industries. Becomes a dead end.

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Fish • 8 hours ago
Hong Kong's further shell , virtualization , then depending on the Hong Kong CEPA was the last straw , Taiwanese students eye-catching !

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Afar • 8 hours ago
Needless to serve the goods you both ? Talked like give money Link ...
When the sun Nuisance money in Hong Kong , the mainland will open it rack train , economic and livelihood occupation of Hong Kong ... microphone , then I , then , after he walked the mall , go to the supermarket to buy wild , Qudi play meals , should help take advantage of the continent business man ...
1 Reply
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Afar • 9 hours ago
D restricted to the mall later simplified , microphone , then I speak Mandarin ... then ... a lot of the movie theater you have less left Do not know ...
Newspapers little left Maoming news you will not know what kind ..

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Loren • 8 hours ago
Buy from the utilities sector , to serve Dongjiang ended when Hong Kong Well threat , Zhong electricity with gas Jiamai MTR , Hong Kong people die !

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Ming Emperor • 7 hours ago
D corruption and money can really grateful to flee the total study

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Yp • 7 hours ago
Straight baa traffic, Sunseeker h shares had a flat top shares rose sprinkle fruit d , h shares today catastrophe , a stock level is too h share all plug watering !
Gangster Wu Tong Hang Seng China Enterprises Index to be flush with too , Amy play la!

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Firzen46 • 4 hours ago
Question , Did the right to check the number of HKEx generous Continental shares ?
Continental AG false accounts generous Link serious problem , with the SFC HKEx generous investor protection can be spotted in Hong Kong ?

Korea • 6 minutes ago
Too bad d dirty money I Do not want to ! ! Mainland dog barking it Mak
When someone claiming to have a grandfather '' '' Wai Chiu , loud subway , buses , restaurants , street tasikmalaya it is also the size of two Wai !
Pick ... Ring of milk is not the demon dog .. haha ....
Too bad ... dirty rebound strong smell. Demon dog you d Sun .. Ha ..

 Yahoo user • 1 hours 22 minutes ago
Mi naive friends
When the first influx of U.S. delisting
It is in the deployment ..

Wow ~ This statement ... is sufficient to explain the voices of the people of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of revolt, disgust
Which of course is the culprit SAR incompetent public officials !
Lure of money , you can test the results
Even though we do not live in the land where dirty
Feel as a human experience,
Taiwan and Hong Kong just two places far apart
But the free spirit and perseverance of the people is the gap too far !
Ancient Hou, have ' sages who ' said: '' Where there is something to '' King !
Really ' made ​​it clear Chili ' Oh ~

*"ZH*--TW*--'這一則是玄學家的課題=可由多位玄學者批判..大概結論已...哈哈,"-你們看過會説話和替鞋子打蜡的狗隻么??這些狗兒常愛稱道''有阿爺做什么也行的...!??..'我們想道=*可能狗兒得到獻技之時,或擦上鞋油便能成為''人類''......吧!!哈哈... * USA "- * EN" -?? * This is a topic = metaphysician who criticize .. by many metaphysical conclusions probably already ... ha ha, you have seen a talking dog and for shoes waxing it Commendable love these dogs often have a grandfather'' What do also line ...!?? .. we thought when the audience = likely to get the dog, or rub on the shoe polish can become a'' human'' ...... now!! haha ​​... "*
===Melody.Blog===THE   END===>/




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