
2014年5月9日 星期五

**美國/英國/國際語言“”--- *-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / - “屏幕錄製”的[[傳統文化版]] ^!(all windows)-+++[Mac OS X] Record or capture your screen with Any Screen Record Pro **South of Koren"---***-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / -의 "화면 녹화"[[전통 문화 버전] ^! + + + [맥 OS X] 기록하거나 어떤 화면 기록 프로와 함께 화면을 캡처 ----“”internacia Lingvo的“”--- *-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / - “屏幕Registrado«plurlingva版本去[[tradicio Kulturo Eldono]] ^! - + + + [Mac OS X] Records aŭ kapti vian ekranon per Ajna Screen rekorda Avantaĝo **TW--zht*---*SCREEN2EXE2.3'[en--language]/*Screen2exe--"螢幕錄製"[[繁體中文化版]] ^! -+++[Mac OS X的]錄製或捕獲你的屏幕,任何屏幕錄製臨!!^^

**美國/英國/國際語言“”--- *-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / /  - “屏幕錄製”的[[傳統文化版]] ^!(all windows)-+++[Mac OS X] Record or capture your screen with Any Screen Record Pro
**South of Koren"---***-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / -의 "화면 녹화"[[전통 문화 버전] ^!
+ + + [맥 OS X] 기록하거나 어떤 화면 기록 프로와 함께 화면을 캡처 
----“”internacia Lingvo的“”--- *-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / - “屏幕Registrado«plurlingva版本去[[tradicio Kulturo Eldono]] ^! - + + + [Mac OS X] Records aŭ kapti vian ekranon per Ajna Screen rekorda Avantaĝo 
**TW--zht*---*SCREEN2EXE 3.6'[en--language]/*Screen2exe--"螢幕錄製"[[繁體中文化版]] ^! -+++[Mac OS X的]錄製或捕獲你的屏幕,任何屏幕錄製臨!!^

*Invites users to use Google translator Great God replaced the text of your country Oh​​! Thank you ^ ^
Invitas uzantojn uzi Google tradukisto Granda Dio anstataŭigis la tekston de via lando Ho! Dankon ^ ^
사용자가 오! ^ ^ 감사합니다 구글 번역기 위대한 하나님 나라의 텍스트를 대체 사용을 초대합니다 
請各用家使用谷歌大神的翻譯器換成你們的國家文字喔!謝謝^^* *Desktop wants to record the action as exe it?
  Try this latest screen recording software it.
  It is not only their small size , free , 
and uses the latest SSCV2 high compression , 
the resulting file to ensure a minimum .
  Screen while recording ,
 the recording can also be used as an explanation Mike .
  Software can capture all or part of the screen area field , 
catching a mouse move / click , Mike sound ( as commentary ) as exe, 
highly compressed file .


請注意,HyperCam不打算再記錄從屏幕上其它視頻剪輯(比如打在媒體播放器的RealVideo,QuickTime的等),而是建立定期的軟件演示,教程,演示等,如果你仍然想試試看重新錄製其它影片剪輯,請 首先閱讀此
HyperCam 2節與Windows 8和7中,Windows Vista(32位和64位版本,XP和2000兼容。
下載HyperCam ™ 和嘗試現在免費註冊!

從 服務器1
從 服務器2
64位版本的HyperCam的 2 
下載64位HyperCam  2



Invites users to use Google translator Great God replaced the text of your country Oh​​! Thank you ^ ^
Invitas uzantojn uzi Google tradukisto Granda Dio anstataŭigis la tekston de via lando Ho! Dankon ^ ^
사용자가 오! ^ ^ 감사합니다 구글 번역기 위대한 하나님 나라의 텍스트를 대체 사용을 초대합니다 

THE  NEW  V.3.6 download press the 
  • zht Chinese - free installation 中文免安裝版===> [3.6_20140427] [3.6] [2.6]
    en-English - free installation 英文免安裝版===> [3.5] [3.4] [3.3]
    en-英文安裝版===> [3.6
  • http://www.screen-record.com/dl/SCREXESetup.exe     4.03MB   forXP
  • HyperCam free the screen recording software, AVI files can be recorded directly clear, crystal clear sound even ioi ... haha!
  • 軟體語系:英文/中文  EN/ZHT
    作業系統:Windows 系列皆可 all version
    下載連結:http://www.hyperionics.com/hc/ (下載中文免安裝版
    Note: Download link for the official website - in English, but there are enthusiastic users of translation network - a Chinese Oh!
    Notu: Elŝuti ligilo por la oficiala retejo - en la angla, sed estas entuziasmaj uzantoj de tradukado reto - ĉina Ho! 
    영어 만 번역 네트워크의 열정적 인 사용자가 - - 공식 웹 사이트에 대한 다운로드 링크를 중국 오 :주의
    1. 功能相當齊全,應有盡有
    2. 體積小不占空間,整個軟體不到 1MB
    3. 錄製的影片沒有長度的限制
    4. 影片格式為 AVI 檔,畫質清晰、還可以錄製聲音。
    As mentioned above, since it is for teaching and recording, mouse movement is very important, whether in the options can be set to record the cursor, or when you press the left mouse button or right, what will happen in the film effects, to prevent Look Videos of people do not know you now under the command of the mouse why. In addition, comments can be inserted on the screen do remind, this is really too strong! 

    Kiel supre menciite, ĉar ĝi estas por instruado kaj registrado, muso-movado estas tre grava, cxu en la opcioj povas esti agordita por registri la kursoro, aŭ kiam vi premas la maldekstran musbutonon aŭ dekstre, kio okazos en la filmo efektoj, al malhelpi Rigardu Videoj da homoj ne konas vin nun sub la komando de la muso kial. Krome, komentoj povas esti enmetitaj en la ekrano ne memorigi, tio estas vere tro forta! 
    雖然它功能相當多,介面卻簡單到讓人一目了然,在螢幕區域的選項中,主要是可以選擇你要錄製的範圍大小,與其他錄製軟體不同的地方在於 HyperCam 體貼每一位使用者的需求,誰說錄製畫面一定是全螢幕呢?HyperCam 讓你可以只選擇一小塊區域做錄製喔
    再來就是前面提到的,它的影片錄製非常清晰,因為本身就是 AVI 格式的關係,加上可以自行選擇每秒錄製的框架(每秒框架越多則越清楚),如果不想要設定,使用預設的效果就很棒了(下面會有範例影片可以欣賞)。
    很多時候,錄製電腦的操作過程是為了教學使用,因此能錄製聲音是非常重要的,HyperCam 不僅可以錄聲音,還可以調整聲音的效果。
  • 雖然按下開始錄製就是開始,按下暫停就是結束,
  • 그것은 교육과 녹음이기 때문에, 위에서 언급 한 바와 같이, 마우스 이동 커서를 기록하기 위해 설정 될 수있다, 또는 당신은 마우스 왼쪽 버튼이나 오른쪽을 누르면, 어떤 모양을 방지하기 위해, 영화 효과에 일어날 옵션 여부, 매우 중요합니다 사람들이 동영상은 왜 마우스의 지휘하에 지금 모르겠어요. 또한, 댓글 상기 않는 화면에 삽입 할 수 있습니다, ​​이것은 정말 너무 강하다!
  •  - Tutorials --튜토리얼--教程--http://youtu.be/MEW3RZFPjzY   
  •  http://youtu.be/MEW3RZFPjzY    http://youtu.be/MEW3RZFPjzY
  • ----------------------------------------------------------------
  • 原因有以下四點:
  • 但若是不希望視窗一直出現在影片中,可以從快速鍵的功能選項中設定不同的熱鍵,軟體本身預設的熱鍵如下,你也可以自行變更。
  • Note: Download link for the official website - in English, but there are enthusiastic users of translation network - a Chinese Oh
    영어 만 번역 네트워크의 열정적 인 사용자가 - - 공식 웹 사이트에 대한 다운로드 링크를 중국 오 :주의!
  • Notu: Elŝuti ligilo por la oficiala retejo - en la angla, sed estas entuziasmaj uzantoj de tradukado reto - ĉina Ho! 
Invites users to use Google translator Great God replaced the text of your country Oh​​! Thank you ^ ^
Invitas uzantojn uzi Google tradukisto Granda Dio anstataŭigis la tekston de via lando Ho! Dankon ^ ^
사용자가 오! ^ ^ 감사합니다 구글 번역기 위대한 하나님 나라의 텍스트를 대체 사용을 초대합니다 
[Mac OS X] Record or capture your screen with Any Screen Record Pro

For visual learners, video is a great tool for learning a new skill. Beyond just being entertaining, 
a video can help you to troubleshoot problems on your Mac or learn a new software skill.
 It can also be a tool for sharing your knowledge with others.   
If you need to snag a bit of video from the web, or create a video tutorial for using software,    
Any Screen Record Pro is an option that may just suit your needs.

What is it and what does it do

Main Functionality
Developed by DFAV TEAM, the makers of other Mac apps like Video Converter + DVD Ripper Pro and Photo Movie Maker Pro, Any Screen Record Pro is an app that lets users capture or record video from their desktop. You can use this app to create a video of what project you’re currently using your Mac to work on, or you could use it to grab a bit of video from YouTube.
  • No time limit on your videos
  • Easy size selector makes it simple to choose which part of the screen you want to record your video on
  • Record online audio/video, or create your own video project (computer audio, system build-in microphone, or other audio input device can be used to record your custom audio)
  • Ideal for all kinds of projects, from capturing Powerpoint presentations for a training video to recording gameplay for a video game walkthrough
  • Takes up very little hard drive space
  • One-tap button makes it easy to grab a screenshot
  • Being able to set a custom size for the recording window is nice, but you can’t enter a custom pixel width: you can only set the custom area by dragging the edges of the window
mzl.yglwbdqf.800x500-75While it might not be the prettiest UI on the block, Any Screen Record Pro is solidly built. The menu is simple to navigate. You can select whether you want to record in full-screen mode, or a custom range for width and height. You can choose iTunes-quality video, or a slightly higher quality. You can also select the source of the audio.
Setting up a custom window couldn’t be more simple. Just click & drag to resize the capture area. You can select the option to “record cursor” if you’re trying to make a tutorial video, and need the visual that a little pointer can bring.

pleasantly surprised to see that this app, currently available for free, offers the ability to record a video that has no limits on its duration. I also can’t believe how little space this app takes up on my hard drive.

Conclusion and download link

I’m not sure how long the price drop is going to be in effect for this handy little app. Since it’s currently free, I think it’s worth checking out. Once the price goes back up, I think it’s still a good investment, particularly for people who are constantly making videos for their business. Great for making video tutorials, sharing Powerpoint presentations, grabbing funny videos from YouTube, demoing sofftware, and much more, Any Screen Record Pro is a handy little tool.
Price: Free (appears to normally cost $4.99)
Version reviewed: 2.0.1
Supported OS: OS X 10.6 or later
Download size: 0.5 MB


Windows 7 on a MAC Laptop, (Copy and Paste Screenshot), Windows 7 on a MAC Laptop, (Copy and Paste Screenshot)

6962 Views 6 Replies Latest reply: 2013/9/19 下午 6:24 by tbailey45 RSS
tbailey45Level 1Level 1 (0 points)
2013/9/16 下午 7:04
Windows 7 on a MAC Laptop, (Copy and Paste Screenshot)

I have windows 7 loaded on my Macbook Air and had planned to use the laptop for my work. I am in telecom and have to copy and paste screenshots for test data on the telecom equipment that I test and turn up. I just got this laptop and loaded Windows 7 using bootcamp. I was extremely pleased with everything about the laptop until I realized I could not copy screenshots of equipment settings needed for test data sheets. I have no problems copying and pasting text with the "control and command" keys. Is there a work around without having to use third vendor software?
MacBook Air, Windows 7
 if you have a question??...press here ioi ... 
if you have a question??...press here ioi ...
당신은 질문이있는 경우에는?? ... 여기를 눌러 IOI ...https://discussions.apple.com/thread/5313903
se vi havas demandon?? ... gazetaro tie ioi ... 

Desktop volas registri la agon kiel exe ĝin? 
   Provu ĉi tiun lastan ekrano registrado programaro ĝin. 
   Ĝi estas ne nur iliaj malgrandaj grandeco , liberaj, kaj uzas la lastan SSCV2 alta kunpremo, la rezultan dosieron certigi minimumon. 
   Ekrano dum registrado, la registrado ili povas ankaŭ esti uzata kiel klarigo Mike. 
   Programaro povas kapti ĉiuj aŭ parto de la ekrano areon kampo, kaptante muso movado / klako, Mike sono (kiel komento) kiel exe, ege kunpremita dosiero.


中文免安裝版 [3.6_20140427] [3.6] [2.6]
英文免安裝版 [3.5] [3.4] [3.3]
英文安裝版 [3.6

http://www.screen-record.com/dl/SCREXESetup.exe     4.03MB   forXP

바탕 화면 을 EXE 파일 로 작업을 기록 하고 싶어 ?
이 최신 화면 레코딩 소프트웨어 를 사용해보십시오.
그것은뿐만 아니라 그들의 작은 크기 , 무료이며, 최소한 을 보장하기 위해 최신 SSCV2 높은 압축 , 생성 된 파일을 사용합니다.
스크린 은 기록 하는 동안 , 기록 은 또한설명 마이크 로서 사용될 수있다.
소프트웨어 , EXE 로 ( 해설 )을마우스 이동 / 클릭 , 마이크 소리를 잡기 , 고도로 압축 된 파일을 화면 영역 필드 의 전부 또는 일부를 캡처 할 수 있습니다.*

(zht)"中文免安裝版 중국어 --- 무료 설치[3.6_20140427] [3.6] [2.6]
(en)''英文免安裝版영어 --- 무료 설치 [3.5] [3.4] [3.3]
英文安裝版 [3.6

http://www.screen-record.com/dl/SCREXESetup.exe     4.03MB   forXP



*中文免安裝版 [3.6_20140427] [3.6] [2.6]
英文免安裝版 [3.5] [3.4] [3.3]
英文安裝版 [3.6

http://www.screen-record.com/dl/SCREXESetup.exe     4.03MB   forXP
* **美國/英國/國際語言“”--- *-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / /  - “屏幕錄製”的[[傳統文化版]] ^!(all windows)-+++[Mac OS X] Record or capture your screen with Any Screen Record Pro **South of Koren"---***-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / -의 "화면 녹화"[[전통 문화 버전] ^! + + + [맥 OS X] 기록하거나 어떤 화면 기록 프로와 함께 화면을 캡처  ----“”internacia Lingvo的“”--- *-SCREEN2EXE 3.6 / / - “屏幕Registrado«plurlingva版本去[[tradicio Kulturo Eldono]] ^! - + + + [Mac OS X] Records aŭ kapti vian ekranon per Ajna Screen rekorda Avantaĝo  **TW--zht*---*SCREEN2EXE2.3'[en--language]/*Screen2exe--"螢幕錄製"[[繁體中文化版]] ^! -+++[Mac OS X的]錄製或捕獲你的屏幕,任何屏幕錄製臨!!^^*
===Melody.Blog===THE     END===>/




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