
2014年6月6日 星期五

**USA/UK/PT(FDZ)/South of Koren/DE/RU/SP/JP....International lauguage**--- ---** Sing Tao Daily "reported - ** plus investment immigrants across the board, (Chinese mainland) claims thousands billion ** ---> really" hopeless ", the so-called" strong "whether patriotic?? ! "strange man", * do anything * - really shameful to see the consensus of Internet users, request you and other people'' have'' CCP position to be a "man", it is difficult for it ....!! ??!- --**星島日報 "報道--**加投資移民一刀切,(中國內地人)千人索償千億**--->真的"不可救葯",所謂"强"愛不愛國??!"奇異人",*無所不用其極*-,真可恥!!看網民的共識,請求你等''中共人''有立場地做個"人",很難的麼....??!- ---** Sing Tao Daily "informou - ** mais imigrantes de investimento em toda a linha, (China continental) reivindica milhares bilhão ** ---> realmente" sem esperança ", o chamado" fortes "se patriótica?! "homem estranho", * qualquer coisa * - realmente vergonhoso ver o consenso dos usuários de internet, solicitar que você e outras pessoas'' tem posição'' CCP para ser um "homem", é difícil para ele ....! ?! - ---** 노래 타오 데일리는 "보고 - ** 플러스 전반적으로 투자 이민, (중국어 본토) 수천 억 ** ---> 정말 주장하는"애국 여부 "강한"소위, "희망을?! "이상한 사람"* 아무것도 할 - 인터넷 사용자의 합의를보고 정말 부끄러운 당신과 다른 사람을 요청 '' '' CCP의 위치가 "사람"일 필요가 어렵다 그것을 위해 ....! ??! - ---** Sing Tao Daily "berichtete, - ** zzgl. Investitionen Einwanderer auf der ganzen Linie, (chinesische Festland) behauptet, Tausende Milliarden ** ---> wirklich" hoffnungslos ", die so genannte" starke "ob patriotisch?! "fremden Mann", * nichts * zu tun - wirklich beschämend, den Konsens der Internet-Nutzer sehen, fordern Sie und andere Menschen haben'''' CCP Lage, ein "Mann" zu sein, ist es schwierig für sie ....! ?! - ---** Sing Tao Daily "сообщила - ** плюс инвестиционные иммигранты по всем направлениям, (материковый Китай) утверждает, тысячи миллиард ** ---> действительно" безнадежные ", так называемый" сильные "ли патриотическое?! "Странный человек", * сделать что-нибудь * - действительно постыдный, чтобы увидеть консенсуса интернет-пользователей, просим Вас и других людей'' есть'' КПК положение, чтобы быть "человеком", трудно для него ....! ??! - --- ** Sing Tao Daily "informó - ** más inmigrantes de inversión en todos los ámbitos, (China continental) cobra miles de mil millones ** ---> realmente" sin esperanza ", la llamada" fuertes ", ya sea patriótico??! "hombre extraño", * hacer nada * - realmente vergonzoso ver el consenso de los usuarios de Internet, solicitar a usted ya otras personas'' tener'' posición CCP para ser un "hombre", es difícil para ella ....! ??! - --- **シングタオ毎日」が報告 - **プラス軒並み投資移民、(中国本土)、何千億** --->本当に主張 "愛国的かどうか」、いわゆる「絶望的な」強い?! 「見知らぬ男が「*何でもない - 、インターネットユーザーの合意を見て、本当に恥ずかしいし、あなたと他の人々を要求する'''' CCP位置が「男」である必要はあり、それは困難であり、それのために···! ?? -  --- ** Kantu Tao Ĉiutaga "raportis - ** plus investado enmigrintoj trans la tabulo, (Ĉina ĉeftero) asertas miloj miliardoj ** ---> vere" senespera ", la tn" fortaj "ĉu patriota??! "stranga viro", * fari ion * - vere honta, por vidi la konsento de la retumantoj, peti al vi kaj aliaj homoj'' havas'' CCP pozicio esti "homo", estas malfacila por tio ....!! ??! -

***USA/UK/PT(FDZ)/South of Koren/DE/RU/SP/JP....International lauguage**---
 ---** Sing Tao Daily "reported - ** plus investment immigrants across the board, (Chinese mainland) claims thousands billion ** ---> really" hopeless ", the so-called" strong "whether patriotic?? ! "strange man", * do anything * - really shameful to see the consensus of Internet users, request you and other people'' have'' CCP position to be a "man", it is difficult for it ....!! ??!-
--**星島日報 "報道--**加投資移民一刀切,(中國內地人)千人索償千億**--->真的"不可救葯",所謂"强"愛不愛國??!"奇異人",*無所不用其極*-,真可恥!!看網民的共識,請求你等''中共人''有立場地做個"人",很難的麼....??!-
---** Sing Tao Daily "informou - ** mais imigrantes de investimento em toda a linha, (China continental) reivindica milhares bilhão ** ---> realmente" sem esperança ", o chamado" fortes "se patriótica?! "homem estranho", * qualquer coisa * - realmente vergonhoso ver o consenso dos usuários de internet, solicitar que você e outras pessoas'' tem posição'' CCP para ser um "homem", é difícil para ele ....! ?! -
---** 노래 타오 데일리는 "보고 - ** 플러스 전반적으로 투자 이민, (중국어 본토) 수천 억 ** ---> 정말 주장하는"애국 여부 "강한"소위, "희망을?! "이상한 사람"* 아무것도 할 - 인터넷 사용자의 합의를보고 정말 부끄러운 당신과 다른 사람을 요청 '' '' CCP의 위치가 "사람"일 필요가 어렵다 그것을 위해 ....! ??! -
---** Sing Tao Daily "berichtete, - ** zzgl. Investitionen Einwanderer auf der ganzen Linie, (chinesische Festland) behauptet, Tausende Milliarden ** ---> wirklich" hoffnungslos ", die so genannte" starke "ob patriotisch?! "fremden Mann", * nichts * zu tun - wirklich beschämend, den Konsens der Internet-Nutzer sehen, fordern Sie und andere Menschen haben'''' CCP Lage, ein "Mann" zu sein, ist es schwierig für sie ....! ?! -
---** Sing Tao Daily "сообщила - ** плюс инвестиционные иммигранты по всем направлениям, (материковый Китай) утверждает, тысячи миллиард ** ---> действительно" безнадежные ", так называемый" сильные "ли патриотическое?! "Странный человек", * сделать что-нибудь * - действительно постыдный, чтобы увидеть консенсуса интернет-пользователей, просим Вас и других людей'' есть'' КПК положение, чтобы быть "человеком", трудно для него ....! ??! -
--- ** Sing Tao Daily "informó - ** más inmigrantes de inversión en todos los ámbitos, (China continental) cobra miles de mil millones ** ---> realmente" sin esperanza ", la llamada" fuertes ", ya sea patriótico??! "hombre extraño", * hacer nada * - realmente vergonzoso ver el consenso de los usuarios de Internet, solicitar a usted ya otras personas'' tener'' posición CCP para ser un "hombre", es difícil para ella ....! ??! -
--- **シングタオ毎日」が報告 - **プラス軒並み投資移民、(中国本土)、何千億** --->本当に主張 "愛国的かどうか」、いわゆる「絶望的な」強い?! 「見知らぬ男が「*何でもない - 、インターネットユーザーの合意を見て、本当に恥ずかしいし、あなたと他の人々を要求する'''' CCP位置が「男」である必要はあり、それは困難であり、それのために···! ?? - 
 --- ** Kantu Tao Ĉiutaga "raportis - ** plus investado enmigrintoj trans la tabulo, (Ĉina ĉeftero) asertas miloj miliardoj ** ---> vere" senespera ", la tn" fortaj "ĉu patriota??! "stranga viro", * fari ion * - vere honta, por vidi la konsento de la retumantoj, peti al vi kaj aliaj homoj'' havas'' CCP pozicio esti "homo", estas malfacila por tio ....!! ??! -
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--** - Utilice Google con una gran familia de Dios traductor para traducir tu ciudad país / idioma Oh ^ ^
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--Sila gunakan Google dengan keluarga besar penterjemah Tuhan untuk menterjemahkan bandar negara / bahasa anda Oh ^ ^
--Bonvole uzu Google kun granda familio de Dio tradukisto traduki via lando / lingvo urbon Ho ^ ^*

(Sing Tao Daily reported) ---
Acting one thousand three hundred thirty-five immigration applications submitted by Canadian federal investment from Hong Kong to Toronto immigration lawyer -
- Leahy (Tim Leahy), the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal on Wednesday formally, sued the Canadian federal Department of Immigration, "one size fits all" investment immigration applications rejected their request for compensation. Amount claimed is estimated more than eighteen billion Canadian dollars (over HK $ one hundred twenty-seven billion).
It is reported that Leahy asked Canadian authorities currently more than a thousand of its clients, the compensation of five million Canadian dollars per person. If the calculated average of two points for each party of five people (including his wife and children, etc.), the amount of claims over 180 million Canadian dollars.
After the news came to light, the Leahy Law Firm belongs visitors continue on Wednesday, his office said on visitors, Leahy I have been living in the courts. According to the reporter, the day on Wednesday, the Federal Court of Appeal Leahy has officially sued the Canadian federal Department of Immigration, the appellate court and the trial.
March 4 this year, the top ten investment immigration applicants held a press conference announced that it has filed a complaint against the Canadian federal immigration department. The joint plaintiffs sued over a thousand people, far more than before the scale.


--萊希(Tim Leahy),周三正式上訴加拿大聯邦法院,起訴加拿大聯邦移民部「一刀切」拒絕他們的投資移民申請,要求賠償。索償金額估計超過一百八十億加元(逾一千二百七十億港元)。
(Sing Tao Daily informou) ---
Atuando 1.335 pedidos de imigração apresentados por investimento federal canadense de Hong Kong a Toronto advogado de imigração -
- Leahy (Tim Leahy), o Tribunal Federal de Recurso canadense na quarta-feira formalmente, processou o Departamento Federal de Imigração canadense, "one size fits all" pedidos de imigração de investimento rejeitado o seu pedido de compensação de montante reclamado é estimado mais de 18.000 milhões de dólares canadenses. (mais de HK 127 bilião dólares).
É relatado que Leahy pediu às autoridades canadenses atualmente mais de mil de seus clientes, a compensação de cinco milhões de dólares canadenses por pessoa. Se a média calculada de dois pontos para cada grupo de cinco pessoas (incluindo sua esposa e filhos, etc) , a quantidade de reclamações mais de 180 milhões de dólares canadenses.
Depois que a notícia veio à tona, o Leahy Law Firm pertence visitantes continuam na quarta-feira, disse seu gabinete sobre os visitantes, Leahy tenho vivido nos tribunais. Acordo com o repórter, o dia na quarta-feira, o Tribunal Federal de Recurso Leahy tem oficialmente processou o Departamento Federal de Imigração canadense, o tribunal de recurso eo julgamento.
4 de março deste ano, os dez candidatos à imigração investimento uma conferência de imprensa anunciou que apresentou uma queixa contra o departamento de imigração federal canadense. Os demandantes conjuntas processou mais de mil pessoas, muito mais do que antes da escala.


(Kantu Tao Ĉiutaga informis) ---
Agante unu mil tricent tridek kvin enmigrado aplikoj afiŝita de Kanada federacia investado de Hongkongo al Toronto enmigrado advokato -
- Leahy (Tim Leahy), la kanada Federacia Tribunalo de Apelacio merkrede formale, demandado la Kanada federacia Fako de Enmigrado, "unu grandeco persvadas ĉiujn" inversio enmigradon aplikoj malakceptis lian peton pri kompenso. Kvanto asertis estimas pli ol dek ok miliardoj da kanadaj dolaroj (super HK $ cent dudek sep miliardoj).
Oni informis, ke Leahy demandis kanadaj aŭtoritatoj nuntempe pli ol mil el liaj klientoj, la kompenso de kvin milionoj da kanadaj dolaroj po persono. Se la kalkulita mezumo de du poentojn por ĉiu partio de kvin personoj (inkluzive de lia edzino kaj infanoj, ktp), la kvanto de reklamoj pli ol 180 milionoj da kanadaj dolaroj.
Post la novaĵo venis al la lumo, la Leahy Leĝo Firmao apartenas vizitantoj daŭrigu merkrede, lia oficejo diris en vizitantoj, Leahy Mi vivas en la tribunaloj. Laŭ la raportisto, la tago je merkredo, la Federala Kortumo de Apelacio Leahy oficiale demandado la Kanada federacia Fako de Enmigrado, la apelacia kortumo kaj la juĝo.
Marto 4 ĉi jaro, la unuaj dek inversio enmigradon petantoj okazigis gazetaran konferencon anoncis ke ĝi prezentis plendon kontraŭ la Kanada federacia enmigrado fako. La artiko akuzantoj demandado super mil homoj, multe pli ol antaŭe la skalo.

(노래 타오 일일보고) ---
행동 천 토론토의 이민 변호사에 홍콩에서 캐나다 연방 정부의 투자에 의해 제출 된 삼백 삼십 오 이민 응용 프로그램 -
- 리히 (팀 리히), 수요일에 항소 캐나다 연방 법원이 공식적으로 이민 캐나다 연방 정부 부서를 상대로 소송을 제기, 투자 이민 프로그램은 보상에 대한 자신의 요청을 거부 "하나의 크기는 모두를 적합하다." 청구 금액 이상의 백팔십억 캐나다 달러 (이십 칠 백 HK $ 이상 억) 추정된다.
그것은 리히 캐나다 당국에 물어보고 현재 많은 고객들의 천보다, 사람마다 오백 만 캐나다 달러의 보상. 만약 (등 그의 아내와 아이들을 포함하여) 다섯 사람의 각 당, 1 억 80​​00 만 캐나다 달러 이상 청구 금액 2 점의 계산 된 평균.
뉴스 빛에 온 후, 리히 법률 사무소는 방문자가 수요일에 계속 속해있는 그의 사무실은 방문자, 리히 내가 법원에 살고있다 고 말했다. 기자에 따르면, 수요일에 하루, 항소 리히의 연방 법원은 공식적으로 이민 캐나다 연방 정부 부서, 항소 법원과 재판을 상대로 소송을 제기했다.
월 4 일 올해 10 대 투자 이민 신청자는 기자 회견은 캐나다 연방 이민 부서에 대한 불만을 제기했다고 발표했다 가졌다. 공동 원고 스케일 이전보다 훨씬 더 많은 수천 명의 사람들을 고소했다.

(Sing Tao Daily berichtete) ---
Schau 1335 Einwanderung Anwendungen von kanadischen Bundes Investitionen aus Hong Kong nach Toronto Anwalt Einwanderung vorgelegt -
- Leahy (Tim Leahy), die kanadische Bundesberufungsgericht am Mittwoch formell, verklagte die kanadische Bundes Department of Immigration, "one size fits all" Investitionen Einwanderung Anwendungen ihren Antrag auf Entschädigung abgelehnt. Betrag beansprucht wird geschätzt, mehr als Achtzehn Milliarden kanadische Dollar (über HK $
Es wird berichtet, dass Leahy fragte kanadischen Behörden derzeit mehr als tausend Kunden, die Entschädigung von fünf Millionen kanadischen Dollar pro Person. Wenn der berechnete Durchschnitt der zwei Punkte für jede Partei von fünf Personen (darunter seine Frau und Kinder, etc.), die Höhe der Forderungen über 180 Millionen kanadische Dollar.
Nachdem die Nachricht kam ans Licht, gehört die Leahy Law Firm Besucher am Mittwoch fortsetzen, sagte sein Büro auf Besucher, Leahy, die ich in den Höfen gelebt. Laut dem Reporter, der Tag, am Mittwoch, dem Bundesberufungsgericht Leahy hat offiziell verklagte die kanadische Bundes Department of Immigration, das Berufungsgericht und die Studie.
4. März dieses Jahres hielten die Top-Ten-Investitionen Einwanderung Bewerber eine Pressekonferenz angekündigt, dass sie eine Beschwerde gegen die kanadische Bundeseinwanderungsbehörde eingereicht. Die Nebenkläger verklagt mehr als tausend Menschen, weit mehr als vor der Maßstab.
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(Sing Tao Daily сообщила) ---

Действуя тысячу триста тридцать пять иммиграционные заявки, представленные канадского федерального инвестиций из Гонконга в Торонто иммиграционного адвоката -
- Лихи (Тим Лихи), канадский Федеральный апелляционный суд в среду официально, подал в суд на канадское федеральное Департамента иммиграции, "один размер подходит всем" инвестиции иммиграции приложения отклонил их просьбу о компенсации. Заявленная сумма оценивается более чем восемнадцать миллиардов канадских долларов (более HK $ сто двадцать семь миллиардов).
Он сообщил, что Лихи спросил канадские власти в настоящее время более тысячи своих клиентов, компенсация в пять миллионов канадских долларов на человека. Если вычисленное среднее из двух точек для каждой из сторон из пяти человек (в том числе его жена и дети, и т.д.), количество претензий в 180 млн. канадских долларов.
После того, как пришло известие к свету, Лихи Юридическая фирма принадлежит посетители продолжают в среду, что его офис сказал на посетителей, Лихи Я живу в судах. По словам репортера, в день в среду, Федеральный апелляционный суд Лихи официально подал в суд на канадское федеральное Департамента иммиграции, апелляционный суд и судебный процесс.
4 марта этого года, в первую десятку претендентов инвестиции иммиграции состоялась пресс-конференция объявила, что она подала жалобу на канадского федерального отдела иммиграции. Совместные истцы подали в суд более тысячи человек, гораздо больше, чем раньше шкале.
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(Sing Tao Daily) ---
Actuando un mil trescientos treinta y cinco solicitudes de inmigración presentados por la inversión federal canadiense de Hong Kong a abogado de inmigración de Toronto -
- Leahy (Tim Leahy), el Tribunal Federal de Apelaciones canadiense el miércoles formalmente, demandó al Departamento Federal de Inmigración del Canadá, "una talla para todos" solicitudes de inmigración de inversión rechazaron su solicitud de indemnización. Cantidad reclamada se estima más de dieciocho millones de dólares canadienses (más de HK ciento veintisiete mil millones dólares).
Se informa que Leahy pidió a las autoridades canadienses en la actualidad más de mil de sus clientes, la indemnización de cinco millones de dólares canadienses por persona. Si se calcula la media de dos puntos para cada grupo de cinco personas (incluyendo a su esposa e hijos, etc), la cuantía de las reclamaciones más de 180 millones de dólares canadienses.
Después de la noticia salió a la luz, la Leahy Law Firm pertenece visitantes continúan el miércoles, dijo su oficina en los visitantes, Leahy he estado viviendo en los tribunales. Según el reportero, la jornada del miércoles, la Corte Federal de Apelaciones Leahy ha demandado oficialmente el Departamento Federal de Inmigración del Canadá, el tribunal de apelación y el juicio.
04 de marzo de este año, los diez principales solicitantes de inmigración de inversión llevó a cabo una conferencia de prensa anunció que ha presentado una demanda contra el departamento federal de inmigración canadiense. Los querellantes adhesivos demandaron más de mil personas, mucho más que antes de la escala.
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トロント移民弁護士に香港からカナダ連邦の投資から提出された演技一三三〇から五移民のアプリケーション - 
- リーヒー(ティム·リーヒー)、水曜日に控訴カナダ連邦裁判所は正式には、移民のカナダ連邦部門を訴え、投資移民のアプリケーションは、補償のための彼らの要求を拒否しました」1フリーサイズ」。請求額が複数の180億カナダドル(二十七百一万香港ドル以上の億ドル)と推定される。
それはリーヒーは、そのクライアントの千以上、現在より一人あたり500万カナダドルの補償をカナダ当局に尋ねたことが報告されている。 IF(など彼の妻と子供を含む)5人の各当事者、1.8億カナダドル以上の特許請求の範囲の量のための2点の計算された平均。
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(Kantu Tao Ĉiutaga informis) ---

Agante unu mil tricent tridek kvin enmigrado aplikoj afiŝita de Kanada federacia investado de Hongkongo al Toronto enmigrado advokato -
- Leahy (Tim Leahy), la kanada Federacia Tribunalo de Apelacio merkrede formale, demandado la Kanada federacia Fako de Enmigrado, "unu grandeco persvadas ĉiujn" inversio enmigradon aplikoj malakceptis lian peton pri kompenso. Kvanto asertis estimas pli ol dek ok miliardoj da kanadaj dolaroj (super HK $ cent dudek sep miliardoj).
Oni informis, ke Leahy demandis kanadaj aŭtoritatoj nuntempe pli ol mil el liaj klientoj, la kompenso de kvin milionoj da kanadaj dolaroj po persono. Se la kalkulita mezumo de du poentojn por ĉiu partio de kvin personoj (inkluzive de lia edzino kaj infanoj, ktp), la kvanto de reklamoj pli ol 180 milionoj da kanadaj dolaroj.
Post la novaĵo venis al la lumo, la Leahy Leĝo Firmao apartenas vizitantoj daŭrigu merkrede, lia oficejo diris en vizitantoj, Leahy Mi vivas en la tribunaloj. Laŭ la raportisto, la tago je merkredo, la Federala Kortumo de Apelacio Leahy oficiale demandado la Kanada federacia Fako de Enmigrado, la apelacia kortumo kaj la juĝo.
Marto 4 ĉi jaro, la unuaj dek inversio enmigradon petantoj okazigis gazetaran konferencon anoncis ke ĝi prezentis plendon kontraŭ la Kanada federacia enmigrado fako. La artiko akuzantoj demandado super mil homoj, multe pli ol antaŭe la skalo.       
Most Popular Newest Oldest Most Replied
2 users liked this comment Franki •
Do you want people GOD Nuisance integrity, liar.
To be "patriotic" and stay in country X friends.
What country X is money .. money .. money .. money .. money ... money ...
 To tell the truth
18 users liked this comment honest •
This powerful mercenary squad Mainland garbage, Chung thought the money was Anything Goes, that the Canadian government like Hong Kong, nine official incompetence are the same, incompetent and greedy for money!
1 Reply
15 users liked this comment Baseline •
State earthworm insect poison made false, heretical, uh fool, do not have silver paper pants, smelly mouth Lanzi wave hit the spear, catching win to sweep chess chess Well, hit by rampant evil by pretty self-proclaimed Word, and the narrow field of vision, such as the International well frogs keep arguing, singing practice Cha mainstream culture twist basket disgusting chest big parade dance, public places when the positive edge of ...... Canadians saw their own generous Need stench Link will generations, people have grievances boiling, or come across the board too late, you should kick back to the early years of the street into a ditch Ban Pa isolation.
1 Reply
1 users liked this comment passerby •
Sichuan People's Channel
In February this year, the Canadian government announced plans to terminate the federal immigrant investor program, many Chinese applicants choose rights through legal channels. Canadian local lawyer Tim Lacey (transliteration) confirmed to the 4th Beijing News reporter, has more than 1,300 Chinese mainland applicants filed a class action in the Federal Court of Canada, sued the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
1 Reply
7 users liked this comment Maggie •
People in the country's internal affairs, we allow you to make irresponsible remarks?
1 users liked this comment passerby •
Sichuan People's Channel
In February this year, the Canadian government announced plans to terminate the federal immigrant investor program, many Chinese applicants choose rights through legal channels. Canadian local lawyer Tim Lacey (transliteration) confirmed to the 4th Beijing News reporter, has more than 1,300 Chinese mainland applicants filed a class action in the Federal Court of Canada, sued the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Canada.
1 Reply
7 users liked this comment Maggie •
People in the country's internal affairs, we allow you to make irresponsible remarks?
5 users liked this comment Jason •
Victory and defeat. Lawyers have earned the sun!
12 users liked Resource •
Did officials and three children milk?
2 replies
10 users like K.H.L. •
若果 successful prosecution, lawyers Leahy will get one thousand dollars Erbai seven billion of one-third, that is, four Bai HK $ 2.3 billion. Yeah earn very fresh
 Zhongli silence language
14 users like Zhongli silence language •
Why is that people from the mainland have heavy line Zo money than people from Di Wu friends!
8 users like Evil_prc •
Pekingese people weekdays mouthful patriotism, national interests, Link patriotic, multi-point solution Pekingese Link desperate people to immigrate to foreign countries?
1 Reply
 Fit people Zha
10 users like Zha • Fit people
Of course, the policy is "one size fits all," Do you want in ten knife, all together over ten years and so corrupt, upstart investment immigrants to immigrate to Canada to stop!
31 users like Ann •
I want to move into your family, do not attempt to, uh welcome? ? Wubi I moved to go? I want to tell you, to you for compensation five million, because you Wubi I moved your family!
13 users like Bear •
Real world Zhongyou Department of Wu Ming .... you can do it barbaric ethnic side, Wubi canal 0 Li began to accuse people!!
Ie = I gates Wubi you burglary alarm you pull me??
Chinese people .... Oh ...
8 users like K.Cheong •
Haha! Re better than cooking chicken! One in Canada Report it!
 Little Man
28 users like Little Man •
Mainland would open the money, you agree like patriots, China's best baa? Zuomie to leave the Communist Party, is the most honest and true system of the body ^ ^
1 Reply
25 users like Kashing •
If you say China is not good, it may be regarded as the West slaves; If you said the United States is good, it will be treated as US-dog; If you actually want to say the Chinese, the Americans want to do, you will be heinous traitor. But if you say nothing, just quietly put Chinese nationality to become a U.S. citizen, you will become a successful person; If you have U.S. citizenship, but can be famous songs, and to promote the theme of culture, you can even teach people how to considered patriotic!
5 Reply
 Yu Chuen
44 users like Yu Chuen •
Who was due to changes in immigration policy should be generous social decision NIE report it? Huhu have to!
2 replies
16 users like Chow •
Quite right not to accept a country of immigration applications it? Would apply cant get people to pay, really have a problem! Not you agree and Department of mainland people, who would not customary compensation.
1 Reply
16 users like Chow •
Quite right not to accept a country of immigration applications it? Would apply cant get people to pay, really have a problem! Not you agree and Department of mainland people, who would not customary compensation.
1 Reply
3 users like Waiking •
Mainland Chengri own good bar, then closed, Why wealthy Chinese people are reluctant to do??!! Patriotic???? Mainland Chengri downtown Hong Kong people what Mei Yang! Worship! Slavish! Fan dog! Thank You stretch your own eye Dixia it!!!
 Big Man
17 users like Big Man •
Do not want people to canada change chinada, microphone stopped dove you Hello Good acridine right way.
Pakistan Link twist twist off, go to the old Russian immigrant investor Hello.
17 users like Andy •
You estimate the Hong Kong Government silent useless ah!!!
3 users like Charlie •
A lawyer this time developed it! Thirteen hundred state a few people lined canal, according to the lawsuit lost win all the money received.
4 users like Marcus •
Mo speech lawsuit lose a single hard, even if the win to the Chinese government once mastered it thirteen hundred corrupt sun with drainage to D-earners information, check all save back. Nuisance money you have to enjoy life
1 Reply
 F A
4 users like F A •
Lo lawsuit claims usually voracious, Younie Link surprising? I think an immigration lawyer wants to shift the party to the appeal, because whatever the outcome of the Drainage Department has certain elements. One thousand handful of rich people than money drains lawsuit, attorney fees according to income lost Zo, Zo Well feel they can win meaning of the compensation, and good taste, with Canada ghost a joke, but people do not even aim it rich continent When more than money to pay tuition to learn the rules.
18 users like Scott •
Basically Department of mainland investment immigrants is their way of money laundering, if the whole world like Canada Link across the board, you would point to estimate drainage? GOD all the money will be used as a lawsuit, sent more than a foreign government, Kazakhstan, laughing. .
23 users liked this comment Ming •
Canada really eye-catching than you lose a hair, but also across the board in Hong Kong, mainland by poor people who have no money but also to raise prices by seven
27 users like KL •
One thousand three hundred thirty-five applications are mainland Chinese, ha ha, patriotic! Link have had to tell, really funny. Well lo welcome you, you die of heart, do Chinese people wholeheartedly La.
3 users like Franki •
Do you want people GOD Nuisance integrity, liar.
To be "patriotic" and stay in country X friends.
What country X is money .. money .. money .. money .. money ... money ...
11 users like Mr •
A roll-Ban Idiot's lawyer Tim to retire more than a
 To tell the truth
Users prefer to tell the truth • 19
This powerful mercenary squad Mainland garbage, Chung thought the money was Anything Goes, that the Canadian government like Hong Kong, nine official incompetence are the same, incompetent and greedy for money!
1 Reply
20 users like MMO •
Do you want to face a bunch of both Shina Jianzhong
Shina back claims Layingnianshuai Hong Kong
5 Reply
12 users like JOE •
Hong Kong political parties in power today left glue, Government incompetence, dare say, laissez-faire Hong Kong community on the mainland open to allow the party's ideology to the mainland, Hong Kong output which make Hong Kong a disguised form of national consciousness, to the right of.
4 Reply
9 users like Pensloop •
Canadian investment immigration policy change, it d Ye side win divisions, Pulled Department lawyers fundamentally Bo a bit, uh put a paragraph out of ignorance, "Worship in the gut."
9 users like Stephen •
Ye .. it one of the most fertile Drainage Department lawyer .. it's sent a pig ..
3 Reply
7 users liked this comment Please login Please login in order to show appreciation appreciation of 0 users said they did not dislike the comment LAU KAI CHUEN •
You are an Idiot Wubi Wubi you  LA
5 users like KaysHome •
Okay really funny 😄 ⋯ ⋯ Wubi others burglary, accused of Zhong Yao beer and claims! The world's great wonders.
 To tell the truth
13 users liked this comment honest •
Class of money into slavery, Anything Goes Chengri that money too, like you and everyone you estimate greedy Link baa!
1 Reply
 Christiansborg Palace designed beaten fifty cents soldiers
10 users liked this comment Please login to show appreciation Please login to show no appreciation for two users do not like the comment Christianborg designed beaten soldiers • Fifty Cent
Do not know the national grid Wow heavy insect decay, feces stuffed head, pour chaos civilized social order, notorious satirical went to serve the local residents on the edge of the Bing.
8 users like KLN •
Link have had to report, Link first day I saw the coffee company Well please tell Drainage Well can I be losing money?
1 Reply
9 users like James •
Tiger flies
Canada lost gangrene worms
Black money hatching flies ... More
18 users like Pk_Prc •
Chinaman Chinaman makes life stance with action
4 Reply
 Small Leopard
6 users liked this comment Small Leopard •
Link have had to tell?
2 replies
 Total miserable party
9 users liked this comment of miserable party •
Quite simply proved Yang Tsung net Born in Hong Kong
Continental, like haunting kind
CCP 5 hair Youmie good talk?
 Total miserable party
6 users like the party of miserable •
Please up, Wang x Gang, a public harbor and other party who speak of love
Are they the separatist forces, is a traitor?
2 replies
0 users like King •
If Tim Leahy charge each individual says $ 1000 (can), he can pocket $ 1,335,000 (can).
 After eighty
• After 4 users like eighty
Taiwan, Hong Kong starting school early people wake up before! 1 million Canadian dollars fund = young and old security????
Dong ten years, Hexi Yeah, Taiwan, Hong Kong immigration Dixia three or four streams of life it!
4 users liked this comment Please login Please login in order to show appreciation appreciation of 0 users said they did not dislike the comment Justin •
Hey ~ If I had known, I have to apply it ~
1 Reply
 siu fung
10 users liked this comment Please login to show appreciation Please login to show appreciation for a user does not like the comment Siu Fung •
Well give me your immigration should lose money? Stupid enough crazy? Canada should do D applicant information and financial resources to pay China "verify"!
12 users like 4big69 •
Chinese mainland Why Do We speak with one voice to Russia Qi
6 users like Raymond •
"Canadian Federal Immigrant Investor Chinese applicants will meet the media"???????? Do classes baa man Li ga dou?
1 Reply
2 users like MMO •
Also when the news department relive :)

Reported that Canada tightened immigration rules, in order for the influx of Chinese immigrants. More ...
2 users like - • one thousand three hundred thirty-five submission from Hong Kong
Can locust >> Hong Kong Chinese people in Canada ran a disgrace! 3 replies
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1 user likes Yes •
(Proxy one thousand three hundred thirty-five immigration applications submitted by Canadian federal investment from Hong Kong to Toronto immigration lawyer Leahy (Tim Leahy), the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal on Wednesday formally, sued the Canadian federal Department of Immigration, "one size fits all" reject their investment immigration apply for compensation. claim amount is estimated more than eighteen billion Canadian dollars (over HK $ one hundred twenty-seven billion).)
Is not apply for immigration through investment in Hong Kong immigrants in Canada? Among immigrant company has not misleading immigration applicants?
More ...
0 users liked this comment Please sign Yes •
(Proxy one thousand three hundred thirty-five immigration applications submitted by Canadian federal investment from Hong Kong to Toronto immigration lawyer Leahy (Tim Leahy), the Canadian Federal Court of Appeal on Wednesday formally, sued the Canadian federal Department of Immigration, "one size fits all" reject their investment immigration apply for compensation. claim amount is estimated more than eighteen billion Canadian dollars (over HK $ one hundred twenty-seven billion).)
Is not apply for immigration through investment in Hong Kong immigrants in Canada? Among immigrant company has not misleading immigration applicants?
More ...
1 Reply
Guodong • Report of Hong Kong investment immigration did not go to Canada? So insulted by people from the mainland have to find it?
Immigration Canada unilaterally suspended the investment immigration, without any prior notice, the loss caused during the compensation should not it?
If this happened in other countries, Hong Kong people can have impartial stance, why a person would see a variety of continental acrimony? Is this the people of Hong Kong called "high-quality" it? 9 Reply
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6 users like Hohoho •
Well you can be the next to speak more than a thousand parties have D baa people?
 Ah odd
9 users like ah odd •
Haha, Pekingese people vote with their feet refused, angrily up!!
Pekingese descendants of immigrants left their own sake, quick GOD drainage from diplomatic channels to seek help immigrant friends
7 users like Jason •
This incident! Department has received applications biggest problem. Fact, the Government of Canada can apply for approval according to the microphone too close Well Hello.
7 users like Man •
Nothing is left to speak .. tell you, as an unconditional than fifty cents immigrants already emptied contempt
8 users like Ng •
Fast D called D-what Aunt twist wild Chinese friends to occupy Canada
4 users like ten •
Chinese people really "foreign" country
2 users liked this comment Please login Please login in order to show appreciation appreciation of 0 users said they did not dislike the comment Ruo •
Mainland, a little ambition of it, since they Xianqian ape, do not go, why should they seek but also threats, emigrated to people not welcome you, and would not contribute to the state-owned affection and loyalty, enemies everywhere, so why bother! !
12 users like Pk_Prc •
Chinaman cornered fleeing Shina
2 users like Waiking •
Mainland, the mouth speaks patriotic hearts want to go abroad, duplicity!!
5 users like Wong •
Deng Xiaoping's son Deng Zhifang and grandchildren Deng Xiaodi (U.S. citizen)
Xi Jinping daughter (U.S. citizen)
Xi Jinping's sister (Canadian) ... More
4 users like So •
I support the Government of Canada if the applicant 0 D line "across the board" applications have been submitted and paid prior to a D expenses, Link asked the Government to pay money to be reasonable D fan it, but each department will pay $ 5 million Haowu reasonable. I think the big winners Department lawyer would, in fact, know what Drainage Department lawsuit win lose less, but it collects drainage attorney fees.
5 users like Lee •
Go to Singapore now! In addition to powerful people, the Singapore no welcome you!
8 users like Midmoon •
"Hong Kong investment immigration applications submitted by Canadian federal" - mostly mainland immigrants, believe it or not? They INCREDIBLE documents will apply to Hong Kong to foreign countries, because the continent is very difficult to go guys. The concept of "demand compensation," the only continent faces of the people will have a thick skin.
3 users like Tong •
The Canadian government has no money to pay pensions, this might go bankrupt if unsuccessful.
2 users like Steven •
Like the way it is like to deal with hk, specifically studying the country's legal loopholes to court, guess Canada should have a bunch of ghosts within the Chinese community collusion and make suggestions!
3 users like JOE •
Hong Kong political parties in power today left glue, Government incompetence, not to say no. That's the case, let the problem early outbreak of ethnic conflicts occur as soon as possible, an economic and financial crisis to support the strengthening of the two professional certification, the importation of foreign labor, pushing with simplified Mandarin is the mainstream, mainstream support to become the Party Central Committee, the Hong Kong into the Chinese world, the decline in Hong Kong Hong Kong-top rice bowls That would make Hong Kong to protect themselves form a unity consciousness, to the right-wing oriented.
3 Reply
3 users like this EDDIE SK •
Drainage Department to issue like investment immigration.
Left out money to local investment, investment department, then paused a moment to accept the Department of Nuisance immigrants.
The left half of the immigrants to invest both time early warning system under the Nuisance suddenly across the board .... More
3 Reply
 Westward English
9 users liked this comment Westward England •
Insect people and won in international
9 users like Shinobu •
Canada stood firm hope
 Mal Yan. @. Guo Se
7 users like Mal Yan. @. Guo Se •
Canada, the indigenous, the European invasion was not orthodox master, into the Canadian mainland peace for granted!
7 Reply
1 users like Nicole •
No place so that black money
 Hong Qi Gong
3 users liked this comment Hongqi Palace •
Canadian guy eating a meal Ganduo Tyrant in power, the financial tsunami are Nuisance sink to the boat, needless printed silver paper help, Bei when the debt.
1 Reply
5 users liked this comment JOE •
Basically the mainstream political parties and the media in Hong Kong are controlled by the left glue, so the community will be very easy to rebound toward non-rational ...
5 users liked this comment Please login Please login in order to show appreciation appreciation of 3 users said they did not dislike the comments JOE •
Third World War or the crisis will result in the world and the globalization of the outbreak glue left.
3 users liked this comment Bill •
Cut Twist
 Top Lord
2 users liked this comment top Lord •
When the evil practices mainland, Canada wanted to scare evil.
Lok •
Fight was there, both precious freedom
But Hong Kong people (not even the hair line 5) Nuisance-what should savvy                                                                                                   
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2用戶喜歡這個評論  Franki  •  
18用戶喜歡這個評論   說實話  •  
這班內地強國銅臭垃圾, 仲以為有錢乜都得, 以為加拿大好似香港無能正府九官一樣, 無能又貪錢!
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15用戶喜歡這個評論  Baseline  •  
虫国蚓造毒造假,旁門左道,呃呃騙騙,不要褲子也要銀紙、臭口爛仔打矛波、捉棋唔贏就掃棋、打橫行靠惡靠蠻自命有道、國際視野狹窄如井中蛙吵個不停、踐蹅主流文化大唱大操挺胸扭籮核突舞、公眾地方當正自己地頭……加國眼見咁嘅極品惡臭会世代相傳,國民已怨氣沸騰,一刀切還是來得太遲,應早十年踢返班扒街入坑渠隔離 。
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1用戶喜歡這個評論路人甲  •  
1 回覆
7用戶喜歡這個評論Maggie  •  
人地國家內政, 豈容你說三道四?
1用戶喜歡這個評論路人甲  •  
1 回覆
7用戶喜歡這個評論Maggie  •  
人地國家內政, 豈容你說三道四?
5用戶喜歡這個評論Jason  •  
勝與敗. 律師都賺晒!
12用戶喜歡Resource  •  
2 回覆
10用戶喜歡K.H.L.  •  
若果起訴成功, 律師 Leahy 會得到 一千二佰七十億港元的三份一, 亦即是四佰二十三億港元。賺得非常勁呀
14用戶喜歡鍾離寂語  •  
8用戶喜歡Evil_prc  •  
狆國人平日滿口愛國主義, 民族大義, 咁愛國, 點解咁多狆國人要拼命移民去外國?
1 回覆
 揸 Fit 人
10用戶喜歡揸 Fit 人  •  
政策當然是「一刀切」, 難道要分十刀切, 分十年等齊所有貪官,暴發户移民加拿大才停止投資移民!
31用戶喜歡Ann  •  
13用戶喜歡Bear  •  
真係唔明....世界上仲有邊個民族可以咁野蠻, 唔比佢0黎就告人!!
即 = 我閘門唔比你入屋你就報警拉我??
8用戶喜歡K.Cheong  •  
28用戶喜歡小文  •  
1 回覆
25用戶喜歡Kashing  •  
5 回覆
 Yu Chuen
44用戶喜歡 Yu Chuen  •  
2 回覆
16用戶喜歡Chow  •  
1 回覆
16用戶喜歡Chow  •  
1 回覆
3用戶喜歡Waiking  •  
大陸人成日話自己好巴閉, 點解有錢的都不願做中國人??! !愛國????大陸人成日鬧香港人什麼媚洋!崇洋!洋奴!番狗! 唔該你撐大對眼睇下自己啦!!!
17用戶喜歡大文  •  
人地唔想canada變chinada, 咪停鳩你囉. 好正路吖.
咁撚巴撚閉, 投資移民去老俄囉.
17用戶喜歡Andy  •  
3用戶喜歡Charlie  •  
個律師今次發達啦! 一千三百幾人邦襯佢, 官司輸嬴都錢照收.
4用戶喜歡Marcus  •  
莫講話單官司輸硬, 就算贏到, 中國政府一下子掌握晒呢一千三百個貪官同佢地D 仔女資料, 查都慳返. 有錢你都冇命享
1 回覆
 F A
4用戶喜歡F A  •  
18用戶喜歡Scott  •  
基本上係大陸人,投資移民是他們洗黑錢的方式,假如全世界都好似加拿大咁一刀切,你估佢地會點?將啲錢全部用作打官司,送比外國政府, 哈, 笑了..
23用戶喜歡這個評論明  •  
27用戶喜歡KL  •  
3用戶喜歡 Franki  •  
11用戶喜歡Mr  •  
19用戶喜歡說實話  •  
這班內地強國銅臭垃圾, 仲以為有錢乜都得, 以為加拿大好似香港無能正府九官一樣, 無能又貪錢!
1 回覆
20用戶喜歡MMO  •  
5 回覆
12用戶喜歡JOE  •  
4 回覆
9用戶喜歡Pensloop  •  
9用戶喜歡Stephen  •  
呢單嘢.. 最肥係個律師.. 佢呢之發過豬頭..
3 回覆
7用戶喜歡這個評論請登入以表示贊賞請登入以表示不贊賞0用戶不喜歡該評論LAU KAI CHUEN  •  
5用戶喜歡KaysHome  •  
13用戶喜歡這個評論 說實話  •  
成班錢為奴, 成日以為有錢乜都得, 你估人人都好似你們咁貪錢咩!
1 回覆
10用戶喜歡這個評論請登入以表示贊賞請登入以表示不贊賞2用戶不喜歡該評論基斯汀專毆五毛兵  •  
虫嘩民族重唔知格衰,屎塞腦袋 ,倒亂文明社会秩序,臭名遠播,去到邊就俾當地居民炳之諷之。
8用戶喜歡KLN  •  
咁都有得告, 咁第日我見工間公司唔請我可唔可以告佢賠錢?
1 回覆
9用戶喜歡James  •  
黑钱孵化蝇... 更多
18用戶喜歡Pk_Prc  •  
4 回覆
 Small Leopard
6用戶喜歡這個評論Small Leopard  •  
2 回覆
9用戶喜歡這個評論共慘黨  •  
6用戶喜歡共慘黨  •  
請高達, 王x剛, 及其他一眾港共愛黨人士發言
他們是否分裂勢力, 是否漢奸?
2 回覆
0用戶喜歡King  •  
If Tim Leahy charge each individual says $1000 (can), he can pocket $1,335,000 (can).
4用戶喜歡八十後  •  
4用戶喜歡這個評論請登入以表示贊賞請登入以表示不贊賞0用戶不喜歡該評論Justin  •  
1 回覆
 siu fung
10用戶喜歡這個評論請登入以表示贊賞請登入以表示不贊賞1用戶不喜歡該評論Siu Fung  •  
唔畀你移民都要賠錢? 傻得夠痴? 加拿大應將呢D申請人資料及財政來源交中方「核實」!
12用戶喜歡4big69  •  
6用戶喜歡Raymond  •  
"加拿大联邦投资移民中国申請人媒体見面会" ???????? 呢班咩人嚟㗎?
1 回覆
2用戶喜歡MMO  •  
又係時候新聞重溫 :)

有報道指出,加拿大收緊移民規定,是為了針對蜂擁而至的中國移民。... 更多
2用戶喜歡-  •  一千三百三十五宗從香港提交
>> 港燦蝗跑去加拿大讓中國人丟臉了!3 回覆
由於票數過低,評論被隱藏。 顯示評論
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(代理一千三百三十五宗從香港提交加拿大聯邦投資移民申請的多倫多移民律師萊希(Tim Leahy),週三正式上訴加拿大聯邦法院,起訴加拿大聯邦移民部「一刀切」拒絕他們的投資移民申請,要求賠償。索償金額估計超過一百八十億加元(逾一千二百七十億港元)。)
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(代理一千三百三十五宗從香港提交加拿大聯邦投資移民申請的多倫多移民律師萊希(Tim Leahy),週三正式上訴加拿大聯邦法院,起訴加拿大聯邦移民部「一刀切」拒絕他們的投資移民申請,要求賠償。索償金額估計超過一百八十億加元(逾一千二百七十億港元)。)
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1 回覆
国栋  •   舉報香港人没有投资移民去加拿大吗?用得找这么侮辱大陆人吗?
如果是其他国家发生这种事,香港人就可以有中肯的立场,为什么一看是大陆人就各种恶语相向?难道这就是香港人所谓的“高素质”吗?9 回覆
由於票數過低,評論被隱藏。 顯示評論
6用戶喜歡Hohoho  •  
9用戶喜歡啊奇  •  
哈哈, 狆囯人用腳投票被拒, 氣急敗壞了!!
狆共為左自己子孫移民著想, 快啲從外交途徑幫佢地爭取移民啦
7用戶喜歡Jason  •  
今次事件! 最大問題係已收申請. 其實加拿大政府可以申請照收唔批准咪得囉.
7用戶喜歡Man  •  
8用戶喜歡Ng  •  
4用戶喜歡十  •  
2用戶喜歡這個評論請登入以表示贊賞請登入以表示不贊賞0用戶不喜歡該評論若愚  •  
12用戶喜歡Pk_Prc  •  
2用戶喜歡Waiking  •  
大陸人, 口中講愛國, 心中想出國, 口是心非!!
5用戶喜歡Wong  •  
習近平女兒 (美國籍)
習近平的姐姐(加拿大籍)... 更多
4用戶喜歡So  •  
我支持加拿大政府. 如果D申請人0係"一刀切"之前已交申請及支付某D費用, 咁要求政府賠番呢D錢都算合理. 但係每人賠500萬加元就好唔合理. 我覺得個律師會係大贏家, 其實佢知道呢場官司係輸多贏少, 不過律師費佢就照收.
5用戶喜歡Lee  •  
8用戶喜歡Midmoon  •  
"香港提交加拿大聯邦投資移民申請" - 大部份是大陸新移民,信不信?他們攞到香港證件便申請外國,因為由大陸走佬非常難。"要求賠償"的概念只有大陸人面皮厚才會有。
3用戶喜歡Tong  •  
2用戶喜歡Steven  •  
3用戶喜歡JOE  •  
3 回覆
3用戶喜歡這EDDIE SK  •  
佢地個問題好似系 投資移民.
出左錢去當地投資, 而系投資個一刻系冇話暫停接受移民.
到投資移民進行左一半既時候,系冇預警之下.突然一刀切.... 更多
3 回覆
9用戶喜歡這個評論大話英  •  
9用戶喜歡Shinobu  •  
 Mal Yan.@.Guo Se
7用戶喜歡Mal Yan.@.Guo Se  •  
加拿大 本是 土著的, 歐人 入侵 不是 正统 主人, 大陸人 和平 入加 天經地義 !
7 回覆
1用戶喜歡Nicole  •  
3用戶喜歡這個評論洪七宮  •  
1 回覆
5用戶喜歡這個評論JOE  •  
5用戶喜歡這個評論請登入以表示贊賞請登入以表示不贊賞3用戶不喜歡該評論JOE  •  
3用戶喜歡這個評論Bill  •  
2用戶喜歡這個評論 頂爺  •  
Lok  •  
爭取得就有, 自由既可貴
但香港人(都唔係5毛)應該冇乜悟性         *


****USA/UK/PT(FDZ)/South of Koren/DE/RU/SP/JP....International lauguage**---
 ---** Sing Tao Daily "reported - ** plus investment immigrants across the board, (Chinese mainland) claims thousands billion ** ---> really" hopeless ", the so-called" strong "whether patriotic?? ! "strange man", * do anything * - really shameful to see the consensus of Internet users, request you and other people'' have'' CCP position to be a "man", it is difficult for it ....!! ??!-
--**星島日報 "報道--**加投資移民一刀切,(中國內地人)千人索償千億**--->真的"不可救葯",所謂"强"愛不愛國??!"奇異人",*無所不用其極*-,真可恥!!看網民的共識,請求你等''中共人''有立場地做個"人",很難的麼....??!-
---** Sing Tao Daily "informou - ** mais imigrantes de investimento em toda a linha, (China continental) reivindica milhares bilhão ** ---> realmente" sem esperança ", o chamado" fortes "se patriótica?! "homem estranho", * qualquer coisa * - realmente vergonhoso ver o consenso dos usuários de internet, solicitar que você e outras pessoas'' tem posição'' CCP para ser um "homem", é difícil para ele ....! ?! -
---** 노래 타오 데일리는 "보고 - ** 플러스 전반적으로 투자 이민, (중국어 본토) 수천 억 ** ---> 정말 주장하는"애국 여부 "강한"소위, "희망을?! "이상한 사람"* 아무것도 할 - 인터넷 사용자의 합의를보고 정말 부끄러운 당신과 다른 사람을 요청 '' '' CCP의 위치가 "사람"일 필요가 어렵다 그것을 위해 ....! ??! -
---** Sing Tao Daily "berichtete, - ** zzgl. Investitionen Einwanderer auf der ganzen Linie, (chinesische Festland) behauptet, Tausende Milliarden ** ---> wirklich" hoffnungslos ", die so genannte" starke "ob patriotisch?! "fremden Mann", * nichts * zu tun - wirklich beschämend, den Konsens der Internet-Nutzer sehen, fordern Sie und andere Menschen haben'''' CCP Lage, ein "Mann" zu sein, ist es schwierig für sie ....! ?! -
---** Sing Tao Daily "сообщила - ** плюс инвестиционные иммигранты по всем направлениям, (материковый Китай) утверждает, тысячи миллиард ** ---> действительно" безнадежные ", так называемый" сильные "ли патриотическое?! "Странный человек", * сделать что-нибудь * - действительно постыдный, чтобы увидеть консенсуса интернет-пользователей, просим Вас и других людей'' есть'' КПК положение, чтобы быть "человеком", трудно для него ....! ??! -
--- ** Sing Tao Daily "informó - ** más inmigrantes de inversión en todos los ámbitos, (China continental) cobra miles de mil millones ** ---> realmente" sin esperanza ", la llamada" fuertes ", ya sea patriótico??! "hombre extraño", * hacer nada * - realmente vergonzoso ver el consenso de los usuarios de Internet, solicitar a usted ya otras personas'' tener'' posición CCP para ser un "hombre", es difícil para ella ....! ??! -
--- **シングタオ毎日」が報告 - **プラス軒並み投資移民、(中国本土)、何千億** --->本当に主張 "愛国的かどうか」、いわゆる「絶望的な」強い?! 「見知らぬ男が「*何でもない - 、インターネットユーザーの合意を見て、本当に恥ずかしいし、あなたと他の人々を要求する'''' CCP位置が「男」である必要はあり、それは困難であり、それのために···! ?? - 
 --- ** Kantu Tao Ĉiutaga "raportis - ** plus investado enmigrintoj trans la tabulo, (Ĉina ĉeftero) asertas miloj miliardoj ** ---> vere" senespera ", la tn" fortaj "ĉu patriota??! "stranga viro", * fari ion * - vere honta, por vidi la konsento de la retumantoj, peti al vi kaj aliaj homoj'' havas'' CCP pozicio esti "homo", estas malfacila por tio ....!! ??! -*
===MelodyRO===THE   END===>/




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