
2013年9月14日 星期六

怎麼安裝IE-11 在~ Win7上>>才是最正確的方法/教程!!^US*How to install IE-11 at ~ Win7 on >> is the most correct way / tutoria l!!^

*怎么安裝IE-11在Windows 7上>>才是最正確的方法/教程!^*
*US*How to install IE-11 at~ WINdows 7 on >>is the most correct way/ tutorial ! ^^***

**前段時間,微軟已經為Windows 7系統發布了IE- 11瀏覽器預覽版,
相信不少瀏覽器控家都嚐鮮過IE- 11瀏覽器了。
不過很多用戶反映在IE- 11安裝過程中總會出現這樣或那樣的錯誤現象,
本文以圖文形式詳解微軟IE- 11 for Windows 7版本的安裝過程。
什麼是IE- 11 for Windows 7 開發者預覽版?
IE- 11 for Windows 7開發者預覽版瀏覽器是微軟針對Win7系統平台---
---發布的IE- 11瀏覽器預發行版本,
它較IE- 10瀏覽器在瀏覽器性能和電腦隱私保護---
 IE- 11 for Windows 7開發者預覽版的發布兌現了微軟將把IE- 11帶到Win7平台的承諾。
當然對於普通用戶而言,IE- 11 for Windows 7版本還處於開發者階段,嚐鮮的用戶
IE- 11 for Windows 7開發者預覽版安裝配置要求:
—處理器  具有1 GHz 32 位(x86) 或64 位(x64) 處理器的電腦 
—操作系統  Windows 7 32 位Service Pack 1 (SP1) 或更高版本 
Windows 7 64 位Service Pack 1 (SP1) 或更高版本 
 Windows Server 2008 R2 64 位Service Pack 1 (SP1) 
Windows 7 32 位 — 512 MB
Windows 7 64 位 — 512 MB
Windows Server 2008 R2 64 位 — 512 MB
Windows 7 32 位 — 70 MB
Windows 7 64 位 — 120 MB
Windows Server 2008 R2 64 位 — 200 MB
CD-ROM ​​驅動器(如果安裝需要從CD-ROM ​​完成)。
256 色Super VGA (800 x 600) 或更高分辨率的顯示器。 
Internet 接入(可能產生 ISP 費用)。 
IE- 11 for Windows 7瀏覽器如何安裝?
網上很多嘗試安裝IE -11 for Windows 7 
---安裝IE- 11瀏覽器時非常容易出現錯誤安裝不成功。 
在此先提醒各位,在安裝IE- 11瀏覽器前,先把Windows Update裡面的所有---
---更新全部修復完成再安裝成功率會大增(一次成功 !) ~
~因為Windows Update裡面的更新文件可能包括IE- 11安裝時所需要的安裝組件,
一旦這些組件無法安裝成功IE- 11的安裝也會失敗 !!*
*IE- 11 for Windows 7安裝圖文教程安裝IE- 11 for Windows 7前最好---
---先更新Windows Update文件  .下面我們一起來看看IE- 11 在Windows 7的安裝過程吧!
首先登陸微軟官網(點擊進入),根據自己電腦的需求下載IE- 11 for Windows 7的--
--對應版本(這裡強調IE- 11 for Win7只針對Win7 SP 1或以上系統)*
**選擇對應的IE- 11 for Windows 7瀏覽器版本下載 .
下載完成後,點擊運行開始安裝IE- 11 for Windows7瀏覽器 .**
安裝完畢後需要重啟電腦才能生效 !**
**Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview for Windows 7 and
Windows Server 2008 R2 - 中文(繁體)*
*US*** Some time ago, Microsoft has released a Windows 7 ---
---system browser preview IE-11 version, 
I believe that many browsers are early adopters of home control over IE-11 Avant Browser .
However, many users are reflected in the IE-11 will always appear during the installation ---
---of this or that error phenomenon ,In this paper,
graphic form Detailed Microsoft IE-11 for Windows 7 version of the installation process.
What is IE-11 for Windows 7 Developer Preview ?
IE-11 for Windows 7 developer preview version of the browser is---
--- Microsoft Win7 system platform --- Release of IE-11 browser pre-release version ,
It is higher than IE-10 performance in the browser browser and computer privacy protection ---- Improve certain aspects .
IE-11 for Windows 7 developer preview release of Microsoft will honor the IE-11 ---

---to the Win7 platform promises. 
The current version contains faubourg Simplified Chinese and ---
---Traditional Chinese language version , you can rest assured download. 
Of course, for ordinary users , IE-11 for Windows 7 versions are still in development stage,
the early adopters of the userAlso sported careful installation to avoid system---
--- unstable situation.IE-11 for Windows 7 Developer Preview ---
---installation configuration requirements:- Processor with 1 GHz 32 bit (x86) or   
 64- bit (x64) processor computers- -
Operating system Windows 7 32位Service Pack 1 (SP1) or   
 laterWindows 7 64 Digital Service Pack 1 (SP1) or later

Windows Server 2008 R2 64位Service Pack 1 (SP1)
- MemoryWindows 7 32位- 512 MBWindows 7 64 Digital -

-512 MBWindows Server 2008 R2 64位- 512 MB- Hard drive spaceWindows 7 32位- 70 MBWindows 7 64 Digital - 120 MBWindows Server 2008 R2 64位- 200 MB- Other requirements :CD-ROM drive ( if installing from the CD-ROM to complete ) .
256-color Super VGA (800 x 600) or higher resolution monitor.
Internet access ( ISP charges may be incurred ) .
IE-11 for Windows 7 browser how to install ? 

Many online trying to install IE -11 for Windows 7Browser users will find --
---- Browser installed IE-11 is very error prone installation is unsuccessful . 
In this first remind you install IE-11 in the browser before the first Windows Update inside all ---
--- Update All repairs are completed before installing the success rate increases dramatically  
 ( a success ! ) ~~ Because the update files inside Windows Update may include IE-11  
 installation required installation components,  
Once these components can not be installed successfully IE-11 installation will fail ! ! *** IE-11 for Windows 7 installation graphic tutorial install IE-11 for Windows 7 before the best ---
--- First update the Windows Update files.  
 Below we take a look at IE-11 on Windows 7 installation process now !  
First landing Microsoft's official website ( click to enter ) ,   
 according to the needs of their own computer download IE-11 for Windows 7 's -
- The corresponding version   
( to emphasize here that IE-11 for Win7 only for Win7 SP 1 or more systems ) *
* Select the corresponding IE-11 for Windows 7 browser version to download.  
After the download is complete ,   
click Run to start the installation IE-11 for Windows7 browser. * 
** The entire installation process is very simple ,
as long as the corresponding versions ,  
Computer configuration and computer system meets the basic requirements  
can be successfully installed .  
After installation, you need to restart the computer to take effect ! **
** Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview for Windows 7 and  
Windows Server 2008 R2 - Chinese ( Traditional ) ** / others .....                         **


檔案名稱                                                                                                                    大小
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-ar-sa.exe63.7 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-ca-es.exe59.2 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-de-de.exe61.5 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-en-us.exe54.4 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-es-es.exe56.7 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-fr-fr.exe56.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-ja-jp.exe55.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-ko-kr.exe55.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-pt-br.exe56.9 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-ru-ru.exe57.0 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-sv-se.exe58.6 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-tr-tr.exe56.1 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-zh-cn.exe55.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x64-zh-tw.exe55.7 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ar-sa.exe36.6 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ca-es.exe31.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-de-de.exe34.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-en-us.exe27.8 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-es-es.exe30.0 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-fr-fr.exe30.1 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ja-jp.exe28.6 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ko-kr.exe28.6 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-pt-br.exe29.7 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-ru-ru.exe30.3 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-sv-se.exe31.9 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-tr-tr.exe29.5 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-zh-cn.exe28.6 MB
IE11-Windows6.1-x86-zh-tw.exe28.6 MB

*IE- 11 for Windows 7瀏覽器安裝成功當然如果你感覺IE 11瀏覽器無法滿足你的要求,
2、在“卸載更新”下,向下滾動到“Microsoft Windows”部分。

*US* IE-11 for Windows 7 installation graphic tutorial install IE-11 for ---
---Windows 7 before the best ---
--- First update the Windows Update files.

Below we take a look at IE-11 on Windows 7 installation process now!
First landing Microsoft's official website (click to enter),

according to the needs of their own computer download IE-11 for Windows 7's -
- The corresponding version

 (to emphasize here that IE-11 for Win7 only for Win7 SP 1 or more systems) *
* Select the corresponding IE-11 for Windows 7 browser version to download.
After the download is complete,

 click Run to start the installation IE-11 for Windows7 browser. **
* The entire installation process is very simple, as long as the corresponding versions,
Computer configuration and computer system meets the basic requirements --

---can be successfully installed.
After installation, you need to restart the computer to take effect! **
** Internet Explorer 11 Developer Preview for Windows 7 and
Windows Server 2008 R2 -

* http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspb?id=36977                 *

**怎麼安裝IE-11 在~ Win7上>>才是最正確的方法/教程!!^**THE   END**



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