
2013年9月15日 星期日

**遇網友疑問*使用>> XMPP,ejabberd使測試但~我的所有帳號都不能使用的解決方法~!*

**遇網友疑問*使用>> XMPP,ejabberd使測試但~ 
US** Use case netizens doubt ** >> XMPP, ejabberd the test but ---
 --- I can not use all the accounts are workarounds ~! *

**使用XMPP 構建一個基於web 的通知工具

在本教程中,您將創建一個小型通知工具Pingstream,它使用PHP 和JavaScript 通過Extensible Messaging and ---
---Presence Protocol (XMPP) 進行通信,XMPP 是一組設計用於支持聯機狀態和實時通信功能的XML 技術 .
本小節將簡要介紹XMPP,它的起源,以及為何它是一個適合實時web 通信的協議。
您將檢查XMPP 通信設置的組件,並查看展示這些組件如何使用的示例。
在本小節中,您將安裝Openfire XMPP 服務器並配置它來支持您的實時web 應用程序。

有兩個領先的開源XMPP 服務器可以免費下載。
它們都應用廣泛並通過GNU Public License version 2 許可,每個服務器都有自己的優勢和缺點:
ejabberd:ejabberd中的e指的是Erlang,一種軟實時編程語言。 這一技術基石使ejabberd 非常快。
它還與XMPP 核心和相關標準高度兼容。  ejabberd 可以安裝在大多數環境中。
Openfire:Openfire 用Java™ 語言編寫,用戶友好,安裝方便。

為您的Openfire 用戶和配置創建一個新的MySQL 數據庫。
通過使用MySQL,您可以以編程方式從您的PHP web 應用程序添加、編輯、
刪除和查詢您的XMPP 服務器用戶,以及調節您的XMPP 基礎設施以匹配您的web 基礎設施。

如果您安裝了phpMyAdmin,比如作為您的XAMPP 安裝的一部分,


1.從主界面選擇Privileges 。
2.選擇Add a new user 。

選擇Create database with same name and grant all privileges ,
如圖1所示。 不要向您的Openfire 數據庫新用戶授予全局數據庫特權 !
圖1.在phpMyAdmin中添加一個Openfire數據庫 .

添加用戶和數據庫後,就可以安裝Openfire 服務器了 .
下載Openfire安裝程序並運行它,將Openfire安裝到您選擇的位置(參見參考資料 )。
(您也可以選擇從Openfire 的Subversion 源代碼知識庫檢查Openfire 的---

收到提示時,告知Openfire 安裝程序在安裝完成時啟動服務器。
圖2. Openfire的狀態窗口 .

單擊Launch Admin打開一個基於web的嚮導,如圖3所示,

圖3.配置嚮導 .

選擇標準數據庫連接,以便您能夠使用您的MySQL 數據庫。

從Database Driver Presets列表選擇MySQL。

 將您的服務器和數據庫名稱插入Database URL字段。
例如,對於在localhost 上設置、名為openfire 的MySQL 數據庫而言,應輸入:

此時,您應該已經為您的XMPP 服務器創建了一個服務器管理員並設置了域位置  !
單擊Edit Properties (位於Server ports下方),記錄列示的服務器名稱。
這個名稱將形成您的JIDs 的域部分。
這個名稱是不可互換的,比如,不能使用localhost替代127.0.0.1 ,反之也不行。

單擊Server settings ,然後單擊Offline messages 。 由於您將XMPP用於界面通知,
因此應將Offline Message Policy設置為Drop ,如圖4所示。
每用戶通知的插件 根據本教程的演示目的,您將只需使用在這裡創建的兩個用戶。
那麼您需要能夠以編程方式從您的應用程序的PHP 部分添加和移除用戶。
Openfire 的User Service 插件通過一個用於XMPP 

用戶管理的REST 界面向您提供這個功能。
要安裝這個插件,從Openfire插件站點(參見參考資料 )下載它。

您必須將其放置到您的Openfire 安裝的/plu​​gins 目錄中  .
[url=XMPP Standards Foundation ]訪問XMPP官方站點[/url]
實現可擴展消息傳遞和到場協議(XMPP) .
使用XMPP、SMS、pureXML和PHP創建警報系統  .



在Server settings中,單擊Server to Server 。
對於本文,您不必連接到外部服務器,因為您不需要作為更大的XMPP 網絡的

因此,將Service Enabled設置為Disabled , Allowed to Connect設置為White List 。

Openfire 在http://localhost:7070/http-bind 維護了一個HTTP 綁定URL,

以便通過BOSH 訪問。
要在端口80 上使用這個URL,您必須配置Apache HTTP Server 以

將一個URL 轉發到這個位置。

打開您的http.conf Apache配置文件並找到mod_proxy.so和mod_proxy_http.so的

移除前導的井字符( # ),取消註釋。
這個配置文件的Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support部分中的多個適當的行

(不一定在一起)現在應該類似於清單8 :
清單8.啟用Apache HTTP Server中的代理支持






(視發行版而定,這個文件可能是/etc /ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg)。





tar ?xzvf xmlrpc?1.13?ipr2.tgz

cd xmlrpc?1.13/src


cd ../../

cp ebin/*.beam /opt/ejabberd?2.1.6/lib/ejabberd?2.1.6/ebin


eejabberdctl register admin FQDN password





cd /usr/local/src/ejabberd?modules/mod_admin_extra/trunk/


cp ebin/mod_admin_extra.beam



01 {hosts, ["jabber.deutschewolke.datenwerk?it.de"]}.

02 [...]

03 {listen,

04 [

05 {4560, ejabberd_xmlrpc, []},

[ 06 {5280, ejabberd_http, [

07 http_bind,

08 http_poll,

09 web_admin

10 ]}

11 ]}.

12 [...]

13 {modules,

14 [

15 {mod_adhoc, []},

16 {mod_http_bind,[]},

17 [...]

18 {mod_admin_extra, []}

19 ]}.

20 [...]


easy_install archipel?agent




             /etc/init.d/archipel start

最後,你需要兩個Ejabberd pubsub節點,確保權限系統和標記管理可以正常工作:

archipel?tagnode ??jid=admin@FQDN ??password=Password ??create

SUCCESS: pubsub node /archipel/tags created!

archipel?rolesnode ?jid=admin@FQDN ??password=Password ??create

SUCCESS: pubsub node /archipel/roles created!


至於登錄時,輸入完全符合標準的Jabber ID很重要;也就是說,


就客戶端的Archipel登錄而言,你需要在Jabber ID字段中

Service BOSH字段的URL遵循http://FQDN:5280/http?bind這種模式  !!


***Using XMPP to build a web-based notification toolUsing XMPP,  
 PHP and JavaScript live web application-
------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Description : Real-time web applications are networked applications ,
with web-based user interface ,
the ability to display the just-released Internet Information .
Examples of such applications include social news 
aggregators and monitoring tools ,
they are able to use data from an external source continuously updated .
In this tutorial , you will create a small notification tool Pingstream,

which uses PHP and JavaScript through the Extensible Messaging and ---
--- Presence Protocol (XMPP) for communication , XMPP is a group
designed to support online and real-time communication
capabilities XML technologies.XMPP IntroductionThis section will briefly describe XMPP,
 its origins , and why it is a communication protocol for real-time web .
You will examine the components of XMPP communication settings and

view showing an example of how to use these components .
Obtaining and installing an XMPP serverIn this section,
you will install Openfire XMPP server and configure it to
support your real-time web applications.Select an XMPP serverThere are two leading open source XMPP server can be downloaded for free.
They are widely used by GNU Public License version 2 license ,
each server has its own advantages and disadvantages:ejabberd: ejabberd in e refers Erlang, a soft real-time programming language.
 This technology foundation that ejabberd very quickly.It also works with XMPP core and related standards are highly compatible .

ejabberd can be installed in most environments .Openfire: Openfire in the Java ™ language, user-friendly , easy to install.This tutorial uses Openfire.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Create Openfire databaseOpenfire for your user and configuration to create a new MySQL database.By using MySQL, you can programmatically from your PHP web application to add ,
edit,Delete, and query your XMPP server users, and adjust your XMPP infrastructure
to match your web infrastructure.If you install phpMyAdmin, for example as part of your XAMPP installation ,
 you can follow these steps to create the database :1 From the main interface, select Privileges.2 Select Add a new user.3 Add user details ( make sure the host is localhost;
 This tutorial assumes that you are testing on localhost ) ,
select Create database with same name and grant all privileges,
shown in Figure 1 . Do your Openfire database to a new global database ---
---user is granted privileges !Figure 1 in phpMyAdmin add an Openfire database . 
After adding users and databases , you can install Openfire server.Installing OpenfireDownload Openfire installer and run it, install the Openfire 
 location of your choice ( see Resources ) .
( You can also choose from a Subversion source code repository --
--Openfire Openfire check the latest version and build it locally ,
but this topic is beyond the scope of this tutorial . ) When prompted, 
 inform Openfire installation program starts the server when --
--the installation is complete .Server starts,
you should see the server status window ,
shown in Figure 2 :Figure 2. Openfire status window .
Click the Launch Admin to open a web-based wizard ,

 shown in Figure 3 , the wizard will take you step by step to --
--configure your Openfire server :Figure 3 Configuration Wizard. 
Configuration Wizard allows you to choose to use the standard
 database connection or an embedded database connection.
Select the standard database connection , so you can use your MySQL database. 
From the Database Driver Presets list, select MySQL.
Your server and database name into the Database URL field .  
For example, set up on localhost called openfire MySQL
database , it should enter:
jdbc: mysql :/ / localhost: 3306/openfireOn the next screen of the wizard ,  

select the user accounts are stored in the database.
Enter the previously created database user name and password,
and then continues until the end of the configuration wizard .
At this point, you should have for your XMPP server creates a server
administrator and set up the domain location ! 
Use your administrator credentials to log on to establish management screen .
Click the Edit Properties ( Server ports located below ) , 
record lists the server name .This name will form part of your domain JIDs .
This name is not interchangeable ,
for example, can not use 
localhost replace, nor vice versa .  
Click on the top navigation menu Users / Groups and create two new users.
These users will develop during your test user .
Click Server settings, and then click Offline messages.
Because you will XMPP interface for notifications, 
Offline Message Policy should therefore be set to Drop, shown in Figure 4 . 
You do not want to save the user is not logged when the received message , 
otherwise ,When they return , they may be thousands of notifications "drowned .
"Each user notification plugin demonstration purposes of this tutorial , 
 you will only need to use two users created here .However, 
if you want your application to support complex per user notification ,
Then you need to be able to programmatically from your application's PHP 
 section to add and remove users.  
Openfire 's User Service plugin via an XMPP user management for
the REST interface to provide you with this function  .
To install this plugin, plugin from Openfire site ( see Resources ) to download it. 
Plug-in itself is a single file : userservice.jar. You must be placed into your
Openfire installation / plu gins directory.  
[url = XMPP Standards Foundation] Visit XMPP official site  
[/ url] XMPP explore the details of how to use it for simple messagingScalable 
messaging and presence protocol (XMPP). 

Using XMPP, SMS, pureXML and PHP to create alarm systems.
Learn how to use Ajax polling to achieve a real-time web application Learn  
 how to use this web scripting language Learn more about this use XMPP server
written in Erlang Personalize your developerWorks experience  Figure 4.
 Discard offline messages  In the Server settings ,
 click Server to Server.For this article,   
you do not need to connect to an external server ,
 because you do not need a larger XMPP network as a connection part
of the operation . 
Therefore, the Service Enabled is set to Disabled, 
Allowed to Connect is set to White List.
These settings will prevent unauthorized connections damageConfigure Apache 
to forward XMPP over BOSH Openfire in --
http://localhost:7070/http-bind maintains an HTTP binding URL, 
 in order to adopt BOSH access . 
To use this on port 80 URL, you must configure the Apache HTTP Server to 
a URL forwarding to this location. 
To do this , you need to start the proxy module . 
Open your http.conf Apache configuration file and locate mod_proxy. 
so and mod_proxy_http.so the LoadModule entries that are commented out by default . 
Remove the preamble pound sign (# ) , uncommented .
This configuration file is Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support section in 
the appropriate row ( not necessarily together ) should now look like Listing 8:Listing 8. Enable Apache HTTP Server The proxy support Installation processOne of the biggest drawbacks Archipel reflected in the installation process:
documentation content is extremely scarce.
But at least some fairly clear description of setting ,  
 but you need to pay attention to several errors .
The best way is to start from the installation Ejabberd ,
it requires at least version 2.1.6 , it is best to use a binary installation tool. 
Next, you need to add ejabberd_xmlrpc and mod_admin_extra modules to ---
---extend XMPP server . 
Therefore , access to the source code written in Erlang , and then thus obtained *.  
 Beam files are copied to Ejabberd daemon ebin directory
( code 1 and code 2 ) .After completion of this step , you need to modify the / opt / ejabberd? 2.1.6/conf/ejabberd.cfg ( depending on release may be, this file may be / 
 etc / ejabberd / ejabberd.cfg).To do this , enable the module you just created ;
most importantly,
enter the fully qualified domain name of the standard (FQDN). 
Unfortunately , Archipel project configuration method described ---
---in many ways misleading ;  
 For this reason, you should probably follow the code segment 3 .Code segment 1:

 ejabberd_xmlrpcwget http://www.ejabberd.im/files/contributions/xmlrpc? 1.13? ipr2.tgztar? xzvf xmlrpc? 1.13? ipr2.tgzcd xmlrpc? 1.13/srcmakecd .. / .. /cp ebin / *. beam / opt / ejabberd? 2.1.6/lib/ejabberd? 2.1.6/ebinFinally, create an administrator account , complete Ejabberd settings:eejabberdctl register admin FQDN passwordSet Archipel agent process should be a little faster,
start from the dependency check , for which you need Python version 2.5 or later,Libvirt version 0.8.7 or later , KVM hypervisor , etc. ,
as well as Qemu version 0.12.5 or later.
In addition, you should have Qemu-img and Python setup tools .
Code segment 2: mod_admin_extracd / usr / local / src / ejabberd? modules / mod_admin_extra / trunk /. / build.shcp ebin / mod_admin_extra.beam/ opt / ejabberd? 2.1.6/lib/ejabberd? 2.1.6/ebinCode segment 
3: ejabberd.cfg01 {hosts, ["jabber.deutschewolke.datenwerk? It.de"]}.
02 [ ... ]
03 {listen,
04 [
05 {4560, ejabberd_xmlrpc, []},[
06 {5280, ejabberd_http, [
07 http_bind,
08 http_poll,
09 web_admin
10 ] }
11 ] } .
12 [ ... ]
13 {modules,
14 [
15 {mod_adhoc, []},
16 {mod_http_bind, []},
17 [ ... ]
18 {mod_admin_extra, []}
19 ] } .
20 [ ... ]
The following sequence of commands to install the Archipel Agent:
easy_install archipel? agentarchipel? initinstallNow, 
you need to add the FQDN of the server to / etc / archipel / archipel.conf,
using the provided init script to start Archipel:

/ etc / init.d / archipel start   

Finally, you need two Ejabberd pubsub nodes ,
ensure permissions system and label management can work :
archipel? tagnode?? jid = admin @ FQDN?? password = Password?? createSUCCESS: pubsub node / archipel / tags created!archipel? rolesnode? jid = admin @ FQDN?? password = Password?? createSUCCESS: pubsub node / archipel / roles created!
You do not need to manually create a client, are described in detail Archipel wiki . 
Instead, just select the latest release Archipel client , unzip it to a local directory,
 the browser opens index.html.As you log in,  
enter the fully compliant Jabber ID is very important ;
 That is, the ID must include the full name of the server ( Figure ) .Log in to the client's Archipel is concerned, you need to Jabber ID field,
enter the full login name ( including the domain ) . 
**Your password is required here is that you specified when creating an
administrator account login information . 
Service BOSH URL field follow http://FQDN:5280/http?bind this model ! !

*XMPP, ejabberd the test but - I can not use all accounts a solution -
---I hope you can help more than the end of it ~~  ***




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