
-- [**] 네브라스카 forgesis 천안문 vespere 엔 빅토리아 공원 Hongkongo EN ** - ** .... "18 milionoj 다 homoj aliĝi 알 라 FESTO ** 스모 apologio 데 batalo 엔 라 피노 * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... **!! -
--- [**] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere de Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... "18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la festo ** Sumo apologio Batalo de en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... **! -
-- [ ** ] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere en Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... " 18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la festo ** Sumo apologio de Batalo en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! ! -
-- [** ] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere en Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... " 18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la Festo ** Sumo apologio de Batalo en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! ! -
-- [**]ネforgesis天安門vespereエンビクトリアパークHongkongoエン** - ** .... " 18 milionoj DA homoj aliĝiアラバマフェスト**相撲apologioデbataloエンラフィーノ* -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! -
-- [ ** ] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere eo Viktoria Parko eo Hongkongo ** - ** .... "18 milionoj da homoj aliĝi al la festo ** Adicias apologio de batalo eo La fajna * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! ! -
[25 years] sixty-four Victoria Park memorial immortal martyrs of democracy
Jiang Chun Man: the ghosts of Tiananmen
After the Tiananmen Square incident, hundreds of people sentenced to death, one million people in prison, thousands of people fled abroad, Zhao Ziyang, who stepped down under house arrest until death.
A new generation of Chinese people have no memory of the Tiananmen massacre, did not know at that time Beijing has hundreds of thousands took to the streets, shouting demands for democracy reform, more than 200 cities in response, participants included students, workers, small business owners, professors, judges, officials and police, since this is the CCP has, the largest democratic reform movement.
Different statistical results show that in Beijing and other cities, there are hundreds of thousands of people were killed first, the Chinese government has never released statistics, the then Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong claimed that about 200 civilians and dozens of soldiers in the suppression of counter-revolutionary riot death by crucifixion families consisting of the Tiananmen Mothers collects more than 200 victims of the name.
After the incident, hundreds of people sentenced to death, one million people in prison, thousands of people fled abroad, Zhao Ziyang, who stepped down under house arrest until death. Chinese ban on public discussion of the matter, any celebration is strictly prohibited, as if this never happened.
In fact, today twenty-five Politburo members, there are six had participated in Tiananmen on the eve of many activities, including Li, Wang and Yu included, they are aware of the causes and consequences Tiananmen incident.
From 1978 to 1989, China has a relatively open time, Western constitutional democracy is regarded as a universal value, but after Tiananmen, Western values gradually being replaced by Chinese models, the CPC's efforts to shape their own theoretical system, the challenges to Western values. After the rise of China, have begun to challenge the existing international order.
Far from Tiananmen, China's economy to recover in time for the United States and Britain, by leaps and bounds, China's administrative system and political technology has made great progress, but the ideal is constantly backwards in terms of political, constitutional democracy and the West even want each other signs.
But the CCP dare to face their own, the ghosts of Tiananmen Square 25 years constantly beat China's conscience.
Different statistical results show that in Beijing and other cities, there are hundreds of thousands of people were killed first, the Chinese government has never released statistics, the then Beijing Mayor Chen Xitong claimed that about 200 civilians and dozens of soldiers in the suppression of counter-revolutionary riot death by crucifixion families consisting of the Tiananmen Mothers collects more than 200 victims of the name.
After the incident, hundreds of people sentenced to death, one million people in prison, thousands of people fled abroad, Zhao Ziyang, who stepped down under house arrest until death. Chinese ban on public discussion of the matter, any celebration is strictly prohibited, as if this never happened.
In fact, today twenty-five Politburo members, there are six had participated in Tiananmen on the eve of many activities, including Li, Wang and Yu included, they are aware of the causes and consequences Tiananmen incident.
From 1978 to 1989, China has a relatively open time, Western constitutional democracy is regarded as a universal value, but after Tiananmen, Western values gradually being replaced by Chinese models, the CPC's efforts to shape their own theoretical system, the challenges to Western values. After the rise of China, have begun to challenge the existing international order.
Far from Tiananmen, China's economy to recover in time for the United States and Britain, by leaps and bounds, China's administrative system and political technology has made great progress, but the ideal is constantly backwards in terms of political, constitutional democracy and the West even want each other signs.
But the CCP dare to face their own, the ghosts of Tiananmen Square 25 years constantly beat China's conscience.
【六四25年】維園紀念會 民主烈士永垂不朽
江春男: 天安門的亡魂http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20140605/410411/3/江春男:天安門的亡魂
http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20140604/410386/【六四25年】晚會主軸:平反六四 戰鬥到底
[25 years] sixty-four party Spindle: vindication battle in the end
After mainland China activist 士滕 Biao speech, live singing "free flower", dedicated to the loss of freedom. At this stage also play the Nobel Peace Prize Liu Xiaobo's wife, Liu Xia, etc. Many have been the main communist authorities who imprisoned or subject to restrictions not freedom of action.
After a speech on behalf of the Hong Kong Federation of tertiary students, again singing "democracy will prevail return." This year the party spindle "vindication, the battle in the end." Slogan constantly ringing at the venue. (International Center / Dow Jones reports)
After a speech on behalf of the Hong Kong Federation of tertiary students, again singing "democracy will prevail return." This year the party spindle "vindication, the battle in the end." Slogan constantly ringing at the venue. (International Center / Dow Jones reports)
Loss of freedom, Liu Xia.
Raise the venue "vindication, fighting in the end." Slogan.
Federation leaders speech.
Public participation was moved to tears. Reuters
平反六四 戰鬥到底
[25 anos], sessenta e quatro festa do fuso: batalha vindicação no fim
Mãos erguida velas público. Associated Press
Depois da China continental ativista 士滕 discurso Biao, cantando ao vivo "flor livre", dedicado à perda de liberdade. Nesta fase também jogar a esposa do Prêmio Nobel da Paz Liu Xiaobo, Liu Xia, etc Muitos têm sido os principais autoridades comunistas que presos ou sujeitas a restrições não liberdade de ação.
Depois de um discurso em nome da Federação de Hong Kong de estudantes do ensino superior, mais uma vez cantando "democracia vai prevalecer retorno." Este ano, o eixo partido "justificativa, a batalha no final." Slogan constantemente tocando no local. (Centro Internacional / Dow Jones relatórios)
Depois de um discurso em nome da Federação de Hong Kong de estudantes do ensino superior, mais uma vez cantando "democracia vai prevalecer retorno." Este ano, o eixo partido "justificativa, a batalha no final." Slogan constantemente tocando no local. (Centro Internacional / Dow Jones relatórios)
A perda da liberdade, Liu Xia.
Levante a "reivindicação, lutando no final." Local Slogan.
Discurso líderes da Federação.
A participação do público foi às lágrimas. Reuters
【25 년 (해)] 예순넷 파티 스핀들 : 결국 입증 전투
손 높은 공공 촛불을 개최했다. 관련 보도 자료
중국 본토 운동가 후 士滕 자유의 손실에 전념 비아 오 연설, 라이브 노래 "무료 꽃". 이 단계에서 또한 많은 사람들이 투옥 또는 제한 조치없는 자유에 따라 주요 공산주의 당국 등이 포함되어 노벨 평화상 류 샤오 보의 아내, 리우 쌰을 재생할 수 있습니다.
고등 학생의 홍콩 연맹, 다시 노래를 대신하여 연설 한 후 "민주주의는 반환을 우선합니다." 올해 파티 스핀들 "입증, 결국 전투는."슬로건은 지속적으로 장소에서 울리는. (국제 센터 / 다우 존스 보고서)
고등 학생의 홍콩 연맹, 다시 노래를 대신하여 연설 한 후 "민주주의는 반환을 우선합니다." 올해 파티 스핀들 "입증, 결국 전투는."슬로건은 지속적으로 장소에서 울리는. (국제 센터 / 다우 존스 보고서)
자유의 상실, 리우 쌰.
슬로건을 "결국. 싸움, 입증"장소를 올립니다.
연합 지도자의 연설.
대중의 참여는 눈물로 이동했다. 로이터
[25 years] Victoria Park sixty-four evening Total 180,000 Gongxiangshengju
Associated Press
The final stage of the evening, by the Chairman of the Alliance yan reading "The General Assembly of the Declaration" in the "bloody style" music sound cremation sixty-four condolence book. Yan also called the audience free to visit the "June Fourth Memorial", but remember to participate in the "July" parade.
Stake and announced today, a total of 18 million people join the festivities of the evening, Victoria Park next year will continue to be held June 4th activities. (International Center / Dow Jones reports)
Stake and announced today, a total of 18 million people join the festivities of the evening, Victoria Park next year will continue to be held June 4th activities. (International Center / Dow Jones reports)
Cremation condolence book.
People in front of Tiananmen Square screen pictures. Associated Press
Alliance chairman Lee Cheuk-yan.
Victoria Park to see next year.
【六四25年】維園晚會 總計18萬人共襄盛舉
[25 anos] Victoria Park sessenta e quatro à noite total 180.000 Gongxiangshengju
Associated Press
O estágio final da noite, pelo presidente da Aliança yan lendo "A Assembléia Geral da Declaração", no "estilo sangrento" música som cremação sessenta e quatro livro de condolências. Yan também chamado de o público livre para visitar o "June Fourth Memorial", mas lembre-se de participar do desfile "Julho".
Stake e anunciou, hoje, um total de 18 milhões de pessoas se juntar às festividades da noite, Victoria Park no próximo ano continuará a ser realizada atividades 04 de junho. (Centro Internacional / Dow Jones relatórios)
Stake e anunciou, hoje, um total de 18 milhões de pessoas se juntar às festividades da noite, Victoria Park no próximo ano continuará a ser realizada atividades 04 de junho. (Centro Internacional / Dow Jones relatórios)
Livro de condolências Cremação.
Pessoas em frente da Praça de Tiananmen de tela fotos. Associated Press
Aliança presidente Lee Cheuk-yan.
Victoria Park para ver o próximo ano.
アライアンスヤン会長による夕方の最終段階は、「血のスタイル "楽音火葬六十から四お悔やみ本の中で「宣言総会」を読んで。 ヤンはまた、「6月第四メモリアル」を訪問する無料の聴衆と呼ばれるが、「7月」のパレードに参加することを忘れないでください。
ステークと発表しました18万人の合計は、夜のお祭りに参加し、ビクトリアパークは、来年6月4日の活動を開催していきます。 (国際交流センター/ダウ·ジョーンズのレポート)
ステークと発表しました18万人の合計は、夜のお祭りに参加し、ビクトリアパークは、来年6月4日の活動を開催していきます。 (国際交流センター/ダウ·ジョーンズのレポート)
天安門広場の画面の写真の前で人々。 AP通信社
[25 Jahre] Victoria Park vierundsechzig Abend insgesamt 180.000 Gongxiangshengju
Associated Press
Die letzte Stufe des Abends, durch den Vorsitzenden der Allianz yan Lesung "Die Generalversammlung der Erklärung" in der "blutigen Art" Musik-Sound Einäscherung vierundsechzig Kondolenzbuch. Yan auch als das Publikum frei, die "June Vierte Memorial" zu besuchen, aber denken Sie daran, in der "Juli" Parade teilzunehmen.
Einsatz und hat heute bekannt gegeben, insgesamt 18 Millionen Menschen kommen Sie mit den Feierlichkeiten des Abends, Victoria Park im nächsten Jahr wird auch weiterhin Aktivitäten 4. Juni statt. (International Center / Dow Jones-Berichte)
Einsatz und hat heute bekannt gegeben, insgesamt 18 Millionen Menschen kommen Sie mit den Feierlichkeiten des Abends, Victoria Park im nächsten Jahr wird auch weiterhin Aktivitäten 4. Juni statt. (International Center / Dow Jones-Berichte)
Feuerbestattung Kondolenzbuch.
Menschen vor dem Tiananmen-Platz-Bildschirm Bilder. Associated Press
Allianz Vorsitzenden Lee Cheuk-yan.
Victoria Park, im nächsten Jahr zu sehen.
Associated Press
[25 jaroj] Victoria Park sesdek kvar vespero Entutaj 180.000 Gongxiangshengju
Asociita Gazetaro
La fina etapo de la vespero, la prezidanto de la Alianco yan legante "La Ĝenerala Asembleo de la Deklaro" en la "sanga stilo" muziko sono cremación sesdek kvar kondolenco libro. Yan ankaŭ nomata la spektantaro libera viziti la "Junio Kvara Memorial", sed memoru partopreni en la "Julio" defilado.
Paliso kaj anoncis hodiaŭ, entute 18 milionoj da homoj aliĝi la festoj de la vespero, Victoria Park venontjare sekvos, kiu okazos Junio 4 agadoj.(Internacia Centro / Dow Jones Raportas)
Paliso kaj anoncis hodiaŭ, entute 18 milionoj da homoj aliĝi la festoj de la vespero, Victoria Park venontjare sekvos, kiu okazos Junio 4 agadoj.(Internacia Centro / Dow Jones Raportas)
Cremación kondolenco libro.
Homoj en fronto de Tiananmen Square ekrano bildojn. Asociita Gazetaro
Alianco prezidanto Lee Cheuk-yan.
Viktoria Parko vidi venontjare.
Asociita Gazetaro http://melodytoyssexy.blogspot.com/2014/06/update6part-2usauktwptfdzsouth-of.html
[] Not forgotten sixty-four 18 million Hong Kong Victoria Park Chorus dot painting
Hong Kong sixty-four activities chorus everyone in the end.
The Tiananmen massacre shocked the world, the 25th anniversary of the expiration of this year, the most tragic in the history of Chinese student movement, the bloody history of the CCP is still far unwilling to face. Despite over a quarter of a century, but buried deep in the memory of the Tiananmen never been forgotten by the people of Hong Kong will be held in commemoration of tens of thousands of people every year to mourn the souls of the pursuit of democracy in Tiananmen Square, the search for the expression of the people Freedom of enthusiasm.
And in 20:30, live performances began drumming, followed by the main characters live admission and pass the torch symbolizes the people's freedom, torch lit scene. After the flame is lit, the stage and shouted calls for "vindication" slogan.
Lit the torch in front of the people, the masses in front of the Goddess of Democracy statue of flowers, people sat on the floor to participate in the commemoration of everyone holding candles, faint lights lit Victoria Park.
Half past nine pm, people gathered shouted "vindication", "building a democratic China", "Long live freedom" and other slogans and burned books Tiananmen memorial to mourn those days because of the death of the Tiananmen massacre.
Commemoration end, 18 people gathered in choral activities at 21:45 ended. But there are still many people are reluctant to leave the scene, the band is currently still on stage singing. (Liu Ting Ting / roundup)
25th anniversary of Hong Kong's Victoria Park sixty-four candlelight vigil processes
1 player, "not to forget 5264. Battle in the end" video
2 played a dirge - "River Water"
3 flowers
4 lighted torch
5 Obituary
6 a minute of silence
7 Play "sensitive Season" music video -. Dedicated to the Tiananmen Mothers
8 singing "sacrifice martyrs."
9 participants in the student movement played a video message: Yan Jiaqi, Wang Dan, Wuerkaixi, Fang Zheng, sealing from Germany, Zhou Feng locks, Wang Juntao, Lu Jing-hua
10. Activist Mainland speech
11 singing "Flower of Freedom" - dedicated to the loss of liberty
12. Speak on behalf of the Federation
13 singing "Democracy will prevail Returns"
14. Reading "The General Assembly of the Declaration."
15. Cremation condolence book
16. Singing "bloody style."
17 Events: appeal to visit the "June Fourth Memorial" to participate in the procession 7.1, welcome to support green group
And in 20:30, live performances began drumming, followed by the main characters live admission and pass the torch symbolizes the people's freedom, torch lit scene. After the flame is lit, the stage and shouted calls for "vindication" slogan.
Lit the torch in front of the people, the masses in front of the Goddess of Democracy statue of flowers, people sat on the floor to participate in the commemoration of everyone holding candles, faint lights lit Victoria Park.
Half past nine pm, people gathered shouted "vindication", "building a democratic China", "Long live freedom" and other slogans and burned books Tiananmen memorial to mourn those days because of the death of the Tiananmen massacre.
Commemoration end, 18 people gathered in choral activities at 21:45 ended. But there are still many people are reluctant to leave the scene, the band is currently still on stage singing. (Liu Ting Ting / roundup)
25th anniversary of Hong Kong's Victoria Park sixty-four candlelight vigil processes
1 player, "not to forget 5264. Battle in the end" video
2 played a dirge - "River Water"
3 flowers
4 lighted torch
5 Obituary
6 a minute of silence
7 Play "sensitive Season" music video -. Dedicated to the Tiananmen Mothers
8 singing "sacrifice martyrs."
9 participants in the student movement played a video message: Yan Jiaqi, Wang Dan, Wuerkaixi, Fang Zheng, sealing from Germany, Zhou Feng locks, Wang Juntao, Lu Jing-hua
10. Activist Mainland speech
11 singing "Flower of Freedom" - dedicated to the loss of liberty
12. Speak on behalf of the Federation
13 singing "Democracy will prevail Returns"
14. Reading "The General Assembly of the Declaration."
15. Cremation condolence book
16. Singing "bloody style."
17 Events: appeal to visit the "June Fourth Memorial" to participate in the procession 7.1, welcome to support green group

Book burning memorial site filled people.
【毋忘六四】香港維園 18萬人合唱畫句點
http://melodytoyssexy.blogspot.com/2014/06/update6part-2usauktwptfdzsouth-of.html***Update(6).Part 2).**USA/UK/TW/PT(FDZ)/South of Koren/DE/SP/JP/.....International Lauguage**------[**] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere en Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** --** .... "18 milionoj da homoj aliĝi al la festo ** Sumo apologio de batalo en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ...**!! - -**【毋忘六四】香港維園晚會**--**...."總計18萬人共襄盛舉**平反六四!戰鬥到底!!*-18萬人合唱畫...**!!--- [**] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere en Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... "18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la festo ** Sumo apologio de Batalo en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... **! - -- [**] 네브라스카 forgesis 천안문 vespere 엔 빅토리아 공원 Hongkongo EN ** - ** .... "18 milionoj 다 homoj aliĝi 알 라 FESTO ** 스모 apologio 데 batalo 엔 라 피노 * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... **!! - --- [**] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere de Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... "18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la festo ** Sumo apologio Batalo de en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... **! -- [ ** ] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere en Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... " 18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la festo ** Sumo apologio de Batalo en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! ! --- [** ] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere en Victoria Park en Hongkongo ** - ** .... " 18 milionoj da homoj Aligi al la Festo ** Sumo apologio de Batalo en la fino * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! ! -- [**]ネforgesis天安門vespereエンビクトリアパークHongkongoエン** - ** .... " 18 milionoj DA homoj aliĝiアラバマフェスト**相撲apologioデbataloエンラフィーノ* -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! --- [ ** ] Ne forgesis Tiananmen vespere eo Viktoria Parko eo Hongkongo ** - ** .... "18 milionoj da homoj aliĝi al la festo ** Adicias apologio de batalo eo La fajna * -18 milionoj Koruso pentrarto ... ** ! ! -
===MelodyRO===THE END===>/