...International lauguage**---Peace representing the extension to bring people to vote in July -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong's Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai wants to know" the full support of sponsors such a meaningful democracy bright Movement Oh ^ ^ -!,

'' 'A paz que representa a extensão para trazer as pessoas para votar em julho -!
"Apple Daily", "de Hong Kong Próxima mídia'', Now.com" - "Lai quer saber" o total apoio
de patrocinadores do Movimento brilhante democracia significativa, tais Oh ^ ^ -,
'' '평화 월에 투표 할 사람을 가지고 확장을 나타내는 -! "애플 일보", "홍콩의 다음 미디어 ', Now.com는"-, -! 그런 의미 민주주의 밝은 이동 오 ^ ^ 후원자의 전폭적 인 지원을 "라이 알고 싶어"
'' 'Frieden, die die Erweiterung auf die Menschen im Juli abstimmen zu bringen - "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai will wissen," die volle Unterstützung der Sponsoren wie eine sinnvolle Demokratie-Bewegung hell Oh ^ ^ -,
'' 'La paz que representa la extensión a llevar a la gente a votar en julio - "Apple Daily", "de Hong Kong Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai quiere saber" todo el apoyo de los patrocinadores de una democracia significativa de movimiento, brillante Oh ^ ^ -,
'' 'Peace stanowiących rozszerzenie się doprowadzić ludzi do głosowania w lipcu -! "Apple Daily", "Następny Hongkongu media'', Now.com" - "Lai chce wiedzieć" pełnego wsparcia sponsorów takie znaczenie demokracji jasny Ruch Oh ^ ^ -,
- Peace representing the extension to bring people to vote in July -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong's Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai wants to know" the full support of sponsors such a meaningful democracy bright Movement Oh ^ ^ -!,
'' 'Paco reprezentanta la kromprogramo por venigi homojn voĉdoni en julio -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong Sekva Media'', Now.com" - "Lai volas scii" la plenan apogon de sponsoroj tia signifoplena demokratio brilaj Movado Ho ^ ^ -!,*
Day: pov ntawv tawm suab ntsiab lus chaw nres tsheb (6.22) - See more
Day: pov ntawv tawm suab ntsiab lus chaw nres tsheb (6.22) - See more
Day: pov ntawv tawm suab ntsiab lus chaw nres tsheb (6.22) - See more
Referendum Day: pov ntawv tawm suab ntsiab lus chaw nres tsheb (6.22)

Ntawd pov ntawv tawm suab qhov chaw nres tsheb
Hnub | 6月22日(星期日)
Lub sij hawm | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Ntawd pov ntawv tawm suab qhov chaw nres tsheb
Pov npav Hnub
Lub rau hli ntuj 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Lub rau hli ntuj 22
Pov npav Hnub
Lub rau hli ntuj 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Lub rau hli ntuj 22
Hong Kong Island ______________________________________
University of Hong Kong
[Hong Kong University Cov menyuam kawm ntawv 'Union Building, Av Pem teb chaw (Haking Wong tsev tom ntej no)]
PTU Causeway Bay Service Center
[West kwg deg Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong nyob rau 15th tis Tak tsev loj]
Cog lub noob Wan Road, 18
[Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong, 18]
Kowloon District ______________________________________
Lub Hong Kong Polytechnic University
[Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dai Hom GH201 chav]
Christian Tsev
[33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui tsev WCC cellar]
St Paul lub Koom Txoos nyob rau hauv Yau Ma Tei
[41 Ma Tei Street, Dongguan roj]
Nroog University of Hong Kong
University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong Recreation Building, 4 Pem Teb,
Me Nyuam Kawm Ntawv Tej Yam Kev Ua Center (tom ntej mus rau lub pas dej
ua ke)]
[Tsz Wan Shan Po Kong Zos Road 89]
HKADPL kawm ua hauj lwm Centre, Cheung Sha Wan
[681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Trade Plaza, Kav Tsis 5-7]
Tshiab nyob ______________________________________
PTU Park Central
[Tseung Kwan O Po Lam Road Carpark Building, 100 Yan Ming Tsev Hais Plaub underground]
Caritas Shatin Service Center
[Manlai Road, 18-24, 23-25]
Txoj kev neeg ua hauj lwm kev rov qhia dua Centre, Tsuen Wan, Far East
[135-143 Tsev fuabtais Ncov Road, Tsuen Wan, 5 Pem Teb, Far East Center]
Txoj kev neeg ua hauj lwm Fong Integrated Services MHCCCs
[Underground lub tsev, Kwai Fong Av, Kwai Yan 1-3]
Dawb Huv tus Txhiv Dim lub Koom Txoos, Tuen Mun
[Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, 2]
CTU Training Centre, Yuen Ntev
[Yuan Tai Cheung Street, Dai Fai Commercial tsev 2-8, 5 Pem Teb]
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Pov ntawv tawm suab Noj
Hnub | 22 Lub rau hli ntuj 2014 (Sun)
Lub sij hawm | 10am mus 10pm
10am mus 10pm rau 22 Lub rau hli ntuj 2014
Hong Kong Island
University of Hong Kong
G / F, Tus Hong Kong University Cov menyuam kawm ntawv 'Union Building, Lub University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Professional Cov xib fwb 'Union Causeway Bay Service Centre
M / F tis Tak tsev loj, 15 kwg deg Road sab hnub poob, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
18 cog lub noob Wan Rd
18 cog lub noob Wan Rd, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
Lub Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room GH201, Tus Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Dai Hom
Hong Kong Christian Council Tsev
Qab daus, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
St Paul tus Parish
41 Tung Kun Street, Yau Ma Tei
Nroog University of Hong Kong
R4201, 4 / F, Amenities Building, nroog University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong
St Bonaventure Koom Txoos
89 Po Kong Zos Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Cheung Sha Wan Txoj Hauj Lwm Training Centre,
Hong Kong Association rau Hmoob thiab neeg txoj kev khaws noj khaws haus
Hong Kong Association rau Hmoob thiab neeg txoj kev khaws noj khaws haus
Thaum xav mus 5-7, G / F, Trade Square G / F, Tsis tau 681, Cheung Sha Wan Road
Tshiab ib cheeb tsam
Hong Kong Professional Cov xib fwb 'Union Tseung Kwan O Centre
G / F, Yan Ming Tsev Hais Plaub Multi Storey Tsheb Park, 100 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O
Caritas Shatin Social Centre
18-24, 23-25, txiv neej Lai Road, Shatin
Neighbourhood & Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm Service Centre -
Tsuen Wan Far East kev rov qhia dua Centre
Tsuen Wan Far East kev rov qhia dua Centre
Far East Centre 5 / F, 135-143 Tsev fuabtais Ncov Road, Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood & Neeg Ua Hauj Lwm Service Centre -
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Hluas Kev Sib Koom Pab Zov Me Nyuam Centre Limited
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Hluas Kev Sib Koom Pab Zov Me Nyuam Centre Limited
1-3, G / F, Kwai Fong Av Kwai Yan lub tsev, Kwai Chung
Dawb Huv tus Txhiv Dim lub Koom Txoos Catholic, Tuen Mun
2 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Ntev Training Centre, Hong Kong kev sib koom tes ntawm Trade koom haum
5 / F, THF (Yuen Ntev) Commercial Building, 2-8 Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Ntev
Lwm yam pov ntawv tawm suab txoj kev 
Hluav taws xob Ntawv Pov Ntawv
Hnub thiab sij hawm
Lub rau hli ntuj 20 (tsib) 12:00 tav su - 22, 2011 (Sunday) thaum 9:00
Lub xov tooj txawb daim ntawv sau npe pov ntawv tawm suab thiab hauv internet
1 pre-download txawb daim ntawv thov "Popvote" (kev them nyiaj yug iOS thiab Android), los yog
2 yuav tau logged popvote.hk /
Hluav taws xob xaiv tsa cov ntsiab lus: Referendum Day: Electronic pov ntawv tawm suab (6.20-6.22)
Kev kaj siab lug uas sawv cev rau "6.20-6.22 Referendum Day" facebook page: http://on.fb.me/1jnDg47

Entity polling station
Date | 6月22日(星期日)
Time | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm
- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-TW&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http://oclp.hk/index.php%3Froute%3Doccupy/activity_detail%26activity_id%3D59&usg=ALkJrhgZ6HkiyxT5fwPEHo59tAl3ExIsOg#sthash.cuJoCSqL.dpuf
*Date | 6月22日(星期日)
Time | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Entity polling stations
Vote Date
June 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm June 22
Vote Date
June 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm June 22
Hong Kong Island ______________________________________
University of Hong Kong
[Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, Ground Floor space (Haking Wong Building next)]
PTU Causeway Bay Service Center
[West Canal Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong on the 15th Wing Tak Mansion]
Chai Wan Road, 18
[Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong, 18]
Kowloon District ______________________________________
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
[Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom GH201 room]
Christian Building
[33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Building WCC cellar]
St. Paul's Church in Yau Ma Tei
[41 Ma Tei Street, Dongguan oil]
City University of Hong Kong
[City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong Recreation Building, 4th Floor, Student Activity Center (next to the pool)]
[Tsz Wan Shan Po Kong Village Road 89]
HKADPL Vocational Training Centre, Cheung Sha Wan
[681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Trade Plaza, Shop No. 5-7]
New Territories ______________________________________
PTU Park Central
[Tseung Kwan O Po Lam Road Carpark Building, 100 Yan Ming Court underground]
Caritas Shatin Service Center
[Manlai Road, 18-24, 23-25]
Street workers Retraining Centre, Tsuen Wan, Far East
[135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, 5th Floor, Far East Center]
Street workers Fong Integrated Services MHCCCs
[Underground House, Kwai Fong Estate, Kwai Yan 1-3]
Holy Redeemer Church, Tuen Mun
[Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, 2]
CTU Training Centre, Yuen Long
[Yuan Tai Cheung Street, Hung Fai Commercial Building 2-8, 5th Floor]
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm
10am to 10pm on 22 June 2014
Hong Kong Island
The University of Hong Kong
G / F, The Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Causeway Bay Service Centre
M / F Wing Tak Mansion, 15 Canal Road West, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
18 Chai Wan Rd
18 Chai Wan Rd, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room GH201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Hong Kong Christian Council Building
Basement, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
St Paul's Parish
41 Tung Kun Street, Yau Ma Tei
City University of Hong Kong
R4201, 4 / F, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong
St. Bonaventure Church
89 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Cheung Sha Wan Job Training Centre,
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Shop 5-7, G / F, Trade Square G / F, No. 681, Cheung Sha Wan Road
New Territories
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Tseung Kwan O Centre
G / F, Yan Ming Court Multi Storey Car Park, 100 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O
Caritas Shatin Social Centre
18-24, 23-25, Man Lai Road, Shatin
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre -
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Far East Centre 5 / F, 135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre -
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
1-3, G / F, Kwai Fong Estate Kwai Yan House, Kwai Chung
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Tuen Mun
2 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Long Training Centre, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
5 / F, THF (Yuen Long) Commercial Building, 2-8 Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Long
Other voting method- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-TW&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http://oclp.hk/index.php%3Froute%3Doccupy/activity_detail%26activity_id%3D59&usg=ALkJrhgZ6HkiyxT5fwPEHo59tAl3ExIsOg#sthash.cuJoCSqL.dpuf

Entity polling station
Date | 6月22日(星期日)
Time | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm

Electronic Voting
Date and Time
June 20 (five) 12:00 noon - 22, 2011 (Sunday) at 9:00
Date | 6月22日(星期日)
Time | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Entity polling stations
Vote Date
June 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm June 22
Vote Date
June 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm June 22
Hong Kong Island ______________________________________
University of Hong Kong
[Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, Ground Floor space (Haking Wong Building next)]
PTU Causeway Bay Service Center
[West Canal Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong on the 15th Wing Tak Mansion]
Chai Wan Road, 18
[Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong, 18]
Kowloon District ______________________________________
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
[Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom GH201 room]
Christian Building
[33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Building WCC cellar]
St. Paul's Church in Yau Ma Tei
[41 Ma Tei Street, Dongguan oil]
City University of Hong Kong
[City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong Recreation Building, 4th Floor, Student Activity Center (next to the pool)]
[Tsz Wan Shan Po Kong Village Road 89]
HKADPL Vocational Training Centre, Cheung Sha Wan
[681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Trade Plaza, Shop No. 5-7]
New Territories ______________________________________
PTU Park Central
[Tseung Kwan O Po Lam Road Carpark Building, 100 Yan Ming Court underground]
Caritas Shatin Service Center
[Manlai Road, 18-24, 23-25]
Street workers Retraining Centre, Tsuen Wan, Far East
[135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, 5th Floor, Far East Center]
Street workers Fong Integrated Services MHCCCs
[Underground House, Kwai Fong Estate, Kwai Yan 1-3]
Holy Redeemer Church, Tuen Mun
[Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, 2]
CTU Training Centre, Yuen Long
[Yuan Tai Cheung Street, Hung Fai Commercial Building 2-8, 5th Floor]
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm
10am to 10pm on 22 June 2014
Hong Kong Island
The University of Hong Kong
G / F, The Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Causeway Bay Service Centre
M / F Wing Tak Mansion, 15 Canal Road West, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
18 Chai Wan Rd
18 Chai Wan Rd, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room GH201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Hong Kong Christian Council Building
Basement, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
St Paul's Parish
41 Tung Kun Street, Yau Ma Tei
City University of Hong Kong
R4201, 4 / F, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong
St. Bonaventure Church
89 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Cheung Sha Wan Job Training Centre,
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Shop 5-7, G / F, Trade Square G / F, No. 681, Cheung Sha Wan Road
New Territories
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Tseung Kwan O Centre
G / F, Yan Ming Court Multi Storey Car Park, 100 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O
Caritas Shatin Social Centre
18-24, 23-25, Man Lai Road, Shatin
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre -
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Far East Centre 5 / F, 135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre -
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
1-3, G / F, Kwai Fong Estate Kwai Yan House, Kwai Chung
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Tuen Mun
2 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Long Training Centre, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
5 / F, THF (Yuen Long) Commercial Building, 2-8 Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Long
Other voting method 
Electronic Voting
Date and Time
June 20 (five) 12:00 noon - 22, 2011 (Sunday) at 9:00
Mobile phone applications and online voting
1 pre-download mobile application "Popvote" (support iOS and Android), or
2 will be logged popvote.hk /
Electronic voting details: Referendum Day: Electronic voting (6.20-6.22)
Peace representing the "6.20-6.22 Referendum Day" facebook page: http://on.fb.me/1jnDg47
- See more at:
Entity polling station
Date | 6月22日(星期日)
Time | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm

Electronic Voting
Date and Time
June 20 (five) 12:00 noon - 22, 2011 (Sunday) at 9:00
*Date | 6月22日(星期日)
Time | 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
Entity polling stations
Vote Date
June 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm June 22
Vote Date
June 22 10:00 am - 10:00 pm June 22
Hong Kong Island ______________________________________
University of Hong Kong
[Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, Ground Floor space (Haking Wong Building next)]
PTU Causeway Bay Service Center
[West Canal Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong on the 15th Wing Tak Mansion]
Chai Wan Road, 18
[Shau Kei Wan Road, Hong Kong, 18]
Kowloon District ______________________________________
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
[Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom GH201 room]
Christian Building
[33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Building WCC cellar]
St. Paul's Church in Yau Ma Tei
[41 Ma Tei Street, Dongguan oil]
City University of Hong Kong
[City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong Recreation Building, 4th Floor, Student Activity Center (next to the pool)]
[Tsz Wan Shan Po Kong Village Road 89]
HKADPL Vocational Training Centre, Cheung Sha Wan
[681 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Trade Plaza, Shop No. 5-7]
New Territories ______________________________________
PTU Park Central
[Tseung Kwan O Po Lam Road Carpark Building, 100 Yan Ming Court underground]
Caritas Shatin Service Center
[Manlai Road, 18-24, 23-25]
Street workers Retraining Centre, Tsuen Wan, Far East
[135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan, 5th Floor, Far East Center]
Street workers Fong Integrated Services MHCCCs
[Underground House, Kwai Fong Estate, Kwai Yan 1-3]
Holy Redeemer Church, Tuen Mun
[Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, 2]
CTU Training Centre, Yuen Long
[Yuan Tai Cheung Street, Hung Fai Commercial Building 2-8, 5th Floor]
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm
10am to 10pm on 22 June 2014
Hong Kong Island
The University of Hong Kong
G / F, The Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Causeway Bay Service Centre
M / F Wing Tak Mansion, 15 Canal Road West, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
18 Chai Wan Rd
18 Chai Wan Rd, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room GH201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Hong Kong Christian Council Building
Basement, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
St Paul's Parish
41 Tung Kun Street, Yau Ma Tei
City University of Hong Kong
R4201, 4 / F, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong
St. Bonaventure Church
89 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Cheung Sha Wan Job Training Centre,
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Shop 5-7, G / F, Trade Square G / F, No. 681, Cheung Sha Wan Road
New Territories
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Tseung Kwan O Centre
G / F, Yan Ming Court Multi Storey Car Park, 100 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O
Caritas Shatin Social Centre
18-24, 23-25, Man Lai Road, Shatin
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre -
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Far East Centre 5 / F, 135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre -
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
1-3, G / F, Kwai Fong Estate Kwai Yan House, Kwai Chung
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Tuen Mun
2 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Long Training Centre, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
5 / F, THF (Yuen Long) Commercial Building, 2-8 Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Long
Other voting method 
Electronic Voting
Date and Time
June 20 (five) 12:00 noon - 22, 2011 (Sunday) at 9:00
Mobile phone applications and online voting
1 pre-download mobile application "Popvote" (support iOS and Android), or
2 will be logged popvote.hk /
Electronic voting details: Referendum Day: Electronic voting (6.20-6.2
Peace representing the "6.20-6.22 Referendum Day" facebook page: http://on.fb.me/1jnDg47
- See more at:
http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-TW&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=en&u=http://oclp.hk/index.php%3Froute%3Doccupy/activity_detail%26activity_id%3D59&usg=ALkJrhgZ6HkiyxT5fwPEHo59tAl3ExIsOg#sthash.cuJoC*'' 'Peace representing the extension to bring people to vote in July -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong's Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai wants to know" the full support of sponsors such a meaningful democracy bright Movement Oh ^ ^ -!,
In addition (82 years old ^ ^) "Joseph Zen" spirit anti personally, "Audrey Eu" - * Labour representative *, Yan also not afraid of the sun under the sun, slender slender fair sex has to adhere to participate in the first day of the line for the "Cardinal Zen" by create a new slogan "freedom and democracy, people have the dignity not to be slaves, my ticket, given by their own tactics," "Anson Chan" {former [Hong Kong politicians who]} and democrats (72 years old ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * not bother walking ankle pain sorrow and grief to donate the mill, but also adhere to 毕文明 positive light. democracy and freedom on the road ...
It shares push people touched by the spirit, How great ....
Reflection, a congregation of male and female brain disorder patients'' communist'', was put in the SAR China ditches, Communist Party brainwashing crazy tumultuous Tao was rushed to the streets, Labo poor people being cast aside ... ha ha ha ...
Happened to see Apple reports - Port early morning hours of the morning hacking voting apps, the need to mobilize the repair.
Here again I say to the Chinese communist and other waste left on rogue;; rogue immersion into the only kids picnic stuff,
Do not sink wells Lun Yu'' window'' backwards, please put your Xing mediocre updates about themselves and their computers before they come out and offer your skills ugly it! Shit what more you want to re-ying Di malignant lines remind people that this Malignant beams rape shit blockade Apple Daily in Hong Kong, HSBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank ornament commercial accounts, merchant payment wide Gao transfer / direct implementation of the businesses in the'' Apple Daily ** Gao wide release, meaning the mainland call beam shit, it [ying ... @ slave race] will be the first member of oppression by the Government ornament body position HSBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank ... Well! Hong Kong Chief Executive really bizarre extraordinary, and perhaps the most shit mischievous first, the special. ....... First, ha ha .... again comical world laughing Oh ...'' '~ ~
全民投票日:票站詳情 (6.22)

日期 | 6月22日 (星期日)
時間 | 上午10:00 - 晚上10:00
6月22日上午10:00 - 6月22日晚上10:00
6月22日上午10:00 - 6月22日晚上10:00
港島區 ______________________________________
[香港大學學生會大樓地下空地 (黃克競樓旁)]
九龍區 ______________________________________
[九龍塘香港城市大學康樂樓4樓學生會活動中心 (泳池旁)]
新界區 ______________________________________
[沙田文禮路18-24號, 23-25號]
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm
10am to 10pm on 22 June 2014
Hong Kong Island
The University of Hong Kong
G/F,The Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union Causeway Bay Service Centre
M/F Wing Tak Mansion, 15 Canal Road West, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
18 Chai Wan Rd
18 Chai Wan Rd, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room GH201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Hong Kong Christian Council Building
Basement, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
St Paul’s Parish
41 Tung Kun Street, Yau Ma Tei
City University of Hong Kong
R4201, 4/F, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong
St. Bonaventure Church
89 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Cheung Sha Wan Job Training Centre,
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Shop 5-7, G/F, Trade Square G/F, No. 681, Cheung Sha Wan Road
New Territories
Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union Tseung Kwan O Centre
G/F, Yan Ming Court Multi Storey Car Park, 100 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O
Caritas Shatin Social Centre
18-24, 23-25, Man Lai Road, Shatin
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre –
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Far East Centre 5/F, 135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre –
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
1-3, G/F, Kwai Fong Estate Kwai Yan House, Kwai Chung
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Tuen Mun
2 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Long Training Centre, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
5/F, THF (Yuen Long) Commercial Building , 2-8 Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Long

6月20日(五) 正午12:00 - 22日(日) 晚上9:00
流動電話應用程式 及 網上投票
1. 預先下載流動應用程式「Popvote」(支援 iOS 及 Android),或
2. 屆時登入 popvote.hk/
和平佔中 「6.20﹣6.22 全民投票日」facebook 專頁:http://on.fb.me/1jnDg47
全民投票日:電子投票 (6.20-6.22)
新聞稿:和平佔中全民投票日「全城決志 向假普選說不!」

日期| 6月22日(星期日)
時間|上午10:00 - 晚上10:00
6月22日上午10:00 - 6月22日晚上10:00
6月22日上午10:00 - 6月22日晚上10:00
港島區 ______________________________________
九龍區 ______________________________________
新界區 ______________________________________
[沙田文禮路18-24號, 23-25號]
6.20-6.22 Civil Referendum
Polling Stations
Date | 22 June 2014 (Sun)
Time | 10am to 10pm
10am to 10pm on 22 June 2014
Hong Kong Island
The University of Hong Kong
G/F,The Hong Kong University Students' Union Building, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Causeway Bay Service Centre
M/F Wing Tak Mansion, 15 Canal Road West, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
18 Chai Wan Rd
18 Chai Wan Rd, Shau Kei Wan, Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Room GH201, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hung Hom
Hong Kong Christian Council Building
Basement, Christian Ecumenical Building, 33 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
St Paul's Parish
41 Tung Kun Street, Yau Ma Tei
City University of Hong Kong
R4201, 4/F, Amenities Building, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong
St. Bonaventure Church
89 Po Kong Village Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Cheung Sha Wan Job Training Centre,
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Hong Kong Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood
Shop 5-7, G/F, Trade Square G/F, No. 681, Cheung Sha Wan Road
New Territories
Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union Tseung Kwan O Centre
G/F, Yan Ming Court Multi Storey Car Park, 100 Po Lam Road North, Tseung Kwan O
Caritas Shatin Social Centre
18-24, 23-25, Man Lai Road, Shatin
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre –
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Tsuen Wan Far East Retraining Centre
Far East Centre 5/F, 135-143 Castle Peak Road, Tsuen Wan
Neighbourhood & Worker's Service Centre –
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
Kwai Fong Integrated Service Mutual Help Child Care Centre Limited
1-3, G/F, Kwai Fong Estate Kwai Yan House, Kwai Chung
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church, Tuen Mun
2 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun
Yuen Long Training Centre, Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions
5/F, THF (Yuen Long) Commercial Building , 2-8 Tai Cheung Street, Yuen Long
6月20日(五) 正午12:00 - 22日(日) 晚上9:00
1. 預先下載流動應用程式「Popvote」 (支援iOS及Android ),或
2. 屆時登入popvote.hk/
電子投票詳情: 全民投票日:電子投票(6.20-6.22)
和平佔中「6.20﹣6.22 全民投票日」 facebook專頁: http://on.fb.me/1jnDg47
'' 'A paz que representa a extensão para trazer as pessoas para votar em julho -! "Apple Daily", "de Hong Kong Próxima mídia'', Now.com" - "Lai quer saber" o total apoio de patrocinadores do Movimento brilhante democracia significativa, tais Oh ^ ^ -,
Além disso (82 anos ^ ^) espírito "Joseph Zen" anti pessoalmente ", Audrey Eu" - * representante do Trabalho *, Yan também não tem medo do sol sob o sol, delgado delgado belo sexo tem que aderir a participar da primeira dia da linha para o "Cardeal Zen", de criar um novo slogan "liberdade e da democracia, as pessoas têm a dignidade de não ser escravos, o meu bilhete, dadas por suas próprias táticas", "Anson Chan" {[ex-políticos de Hong Kong que ]} e democratas (72 anos de idade ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * não incomodar andando tornozelo tristeza dor e tristeza para doar a fábrica, mas também aderir a 毕文明 luz positiva. democracia e da liberdade na estrada ...
Ele compartilha empurrar as pessoas tocadas pelo espírito, Como é grande ....
Reflexão, uma congregação de pacientes com transtorno do cérebro masculino e feminino'' comunista'', foi colocado nas valas SAR China, o Partido Comunista lavagem cerebral louco tumultuada Tao foi levado para as ruas, Labo pessoas pobres sendo deixado de lado ... ha ha ha. ..
Aconteceu ver relatórios da Apple - Port horas da manhã da madrugada de hackers aplicativos de voto, a necessidade de mobilizar o reparo.
Aqui, novamente eu digo para o comunista chinês e outros resíduos deixados no desonestos;; imersão desonestos para o piquenique crianças só coisa,
Não afunde poços Lun Yu'' janela'' para trás, por favor coloque o seu Xing atualizações medíocres sobre si mesmos e seus computadores antes de sair e oferecer suas habilidades feio! Merda que mais você quiser re-ying Di linhas malignos lembrar as pessoas de que este maligno vigas estupro merda bloqueio Apple Daily de Hong Kong, HSBC Bank e Standard Chartered Bank contas comerciais ornamento, pagamento comerciante ampla transferência Gao / execução directa das empresas na '' Apple Daily ** Gao grande lançamento, ou seja, o feixe de merda chamada continente, ele [ying ... @ raça escrava] será o primeiro membro da opressão pela posição ornamento Governo corpo HSBC Bank e Standard Chartered Bank ... Bem ! Hong Kong Chief Executive realmente bizarro extraordinário, e talvez o mais travesso merda primeiro, o especial. ....... Primeiro, ha ha .... mundo novamente cômico rindo Oh ...'' '~ ~
'' '평화 월에 투표 할 사람을 가지고 확장을 나타내는 -! "애플 일보", "홍콩의 다음 미디어 ', Now.com는"-, -! 그런 의미 민주주의 밝은 이동 오 ^ ^ 후원자의 전폭적 인 지원을 "라이 알고 싶어"
또한 (81 세 ^ ^) "조셉 선 (禅)"정신으로 안티 개인적으로, "오드리 Eu를"- 태양 아래 태양의 * 노동 대표 * 얀도 두려워하지 않는, 슬림 슬림 공정 섹스는 처음에 참여하는 준수합니다 로 "추기경 선종"에 대한 행의 날이 새 슬로건 만들기 "베어 짱" "자유와 민주주의를, 사람들은 자신의 전술에 의해 주어진 노예, 나의 표, 수없는 위엄이"{전 [홍콩 정치인 누구 ]}와 민주주의 (72 세 ^ ^) * Szeto 와우 * 밀을 기부 발목 통증 슬픔과 슬픔을 걸어 귀찮게뿐만 아니라, 긍정적 인 빛을 毕文明을 준수하지. 도로에 민주주의와 자유를 ...
그것은 주가는 정신에 감동 사람들을 밀어, 어떻게 좋은 ....
반사가, 남성과 여성의 뇌 질환 환자의 교회 '공산주의가', SAR 중국 도랑에 넣고, 공산당 세뇌 미친 떠들썩한 타오 거리로 돌진했다, 라보 가난한 사람들이 하, 하, 하 ... 버리고된다. ..
애플의 보고서를 볼 수 있었던 - 아침 해킹 투표 응용 프로그램의 포트 이른 아침 시간, 수리를 동원 할 필요가있다.
여기서 다시 나는 중국 공산당과 악성에 남아있는 다른 폐기물을 말한다;; 유일한 아이 피크닉 물건에 악성 침수,
뒤로 우물 룬 유 '창'싱크하지 마십시오, 그들이 밖으로 오기 전에 자신과 자신의 컴퓨터에 대한 귀하의 싱 평범한 업데이트를 넣어주세요하고 추한 기술을 제공합니다! 젠장, 무엇보다 당신은 다시 잉 디 악성 라인이 사람들을 생각 나게하려는 홍콩, HSBC 은행과 스탠다드 차타드 은행이 악성 빔 강간 똥 봉쇄 애플 데일리 장식 상업 계정, 상인 지불 넓은 가오 전송 /에서 기업의 직접 구현 '애플 데일리 ** 본토 호출 빔 똥을 의미 가오 와이드 릴리스, 그것은 [잉 ... @ 노예 레이스] 음 ... 정부 장식 자세 HSBC 은행과 스탠다드 차타드 은행에 의해 억압의 첫 번째 구성원이 될 것입니다 ! 홍콩 최고 경영자 특별한 정말 기괴한, 그리고 아마도 가장 똥 장난 첫째, 특수. ....... 첫째, 하, 하 .... 다시 코믹 세계 오 웃음 ... '' '~ ~
''' 'Frieden, die die Erweiterung auf die Menschen im Juli abstimmen zu bringen - "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai will wissen," die volle Unterstützung der Sponsoren wie eine sinnvolle Demokratie-Bewegung hell Oh ^ ^ -,
Darüber hinaus (82 Jahre alt ^ ^) "Joseph Zen" Geist anti persönlich ", Audrey Eu" - * Arbeitnehmervertreter *, Yan auch keine Angst vor der Sonne unter der Sonne, hat schlanke schlanke schöne Geschlecht zu halten, um in der ersten Teilnahme Tag der Zeile für die "Kardinal Zen" durch einen neuen Slogan "Freiheit und Demokratie haben die Menschen die Würde nicht zu Sklaven, mein Ticket, die durch ihre eigene Taktik gegeben sein", "Anson Chan" {ehemaligen [Hong Kong Politiker, die ]} und Demokraten (72 Jahre alt ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * nicht die Mühe, zu Fuß Schmerzen am Sprunggelenk Schmerz und Trauer, die Mühle zu spenden, sondern auch sich an positiven Licht 毕文明. Demokratie und Freiheit auf der Straße ...
Es Aktien schieben Menschen durch den Geist berührt, Wie groß ....
Reflexion, eine Gemeinde von männlichen und weiblichen Patienten Gehirnstörung'' kommunistischen'', wurde in den SAR China Gräben setzen, wurde die Kommunistische Partei Gehirnwäsche verrückt turbulenten Tao auf die Straße stürzte, wobei Labo Armen beiseite geworfen ... ha ha ha. ..
Geschah, um zu sehen von Apple berichtet - Hafen frühen Morgenstunden des Morgens Hacking Abstimmung Apps, die Notwendigkeit, um die Reparatur zu mobilisieren.
Auch hier sage ich zu dem chinesischen kommunistischen und andere Abfälle links auf Schurken;; Schurkeneintauchen in die nur Kinder Picknick Sachen,
Brunnen Lun Yu'' Fenster'' sinken nicht nach hinten, setzen Sie bitte Ihren Xing-mittelmäßig Updates über sich selbst und ihre Computer, bevor sie herauskommen und bieten Ihre Fähigkeiten hässlich es! Scheiße, was mehr Sie neu ying Di malignen Linien erinnern die Menschen wollen, dass diese Strahlen Bösartige Vergewaltigung Scheiße Blockade Apple Daily in Hong Kong, HSBC Bank und Standard Chartered Bank Ornament Handelskonten, Kaufmann Zahlungs breite Gao Transfer / direkte Implementierung der Unternehmen in der '' Apple Daily ** Gao breite Release, was bedeutet, das Festland Anruf Strahl scheiße, es [... @ ying Sklavenrasse] wird das erste Mitglied der Unterdrückung durch die Regierung Ornament Körperposition HSBC Bank und Standard Chartered Bank sein ... Nun ! Hong Kong Chief Executive wirklich bizarre außergewöhnlich, und vielleicht die Scheiße schelmischen ersten, die besondere. ....... Erste, ha ha .... wieder komische Welt lacht Oh ...'' '~ ~
'' 'La paz que representa la extensión a llevar a la gente a votar en julio - "Apple Daily", "de Hong Kong Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai quiere saber" todo el apoyo de los patrocinadores de una democracia significativa de movimiento, brillante Oh ^ ^ -,
Además (82 años ^ ^) espíritu "Joseph Zen" anti personalmente ", Audrey Eu" - * representante del Trabajo *, Yan también no tiene miedo de que el sol bajo el sol, delgado delgado bello sexo tiene que cumplir para participar en la primera día de la línea para el "Cardenal Zen" de crear un nuevo lema "libertad y la democracia, la gente tiene la dignidad de no ser esclavos, mi boleto, a cargo de sus propias tácticas", "Anson Chan" {[ex políticos de Hong Kong que ]} y los demócratas (72 años ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * se molesta caminar dolor en el tobillo dolor y la pena donar el molino, sino que también se adhieren a 毕文明 luz positiva. la democracia y la libertad en el camino ...
Comparte empujan a las personas tocadas por el espíritu, ¡Qué grande ....
Reflexión, una congregación de los pacientes con trastorno del cerebro masculino y femenino'' comunista'', fue puesto en las zanjas de la República Popular China, el Partido Comunista de lavado de cerebro loco tumultuosa Tao fue trasladado de urgencia a las calles, la gente pobre Labo siendo dejadas de lado ... ja, ja, ja. ..
Pasó a ver los informes de Apple - Port horas tempranas de la mañana de la madrugada hackear aplicaciones de voto, la necesidad de movilizar la reparación.
Una vez más le digo al comunista chino y otros desechos a la izquierda en pícaro;; la inmersión en el pícaro niños sólo de picnic cosas,
No se hunden pozos Lun Yu'' ventana'' al revés, por favor, pon tus Xing actualizaciones mediocres sobre sí mismos y sus equipos antes de que salgan y ofrecer sus habilidades feo! Mierda, ¿qué más quieres volver a ying Di líneas malignas recordarle a la gente que este maligno bloqueo vigas violación mierda Apple Daily de Hong Kong, el Banco HSBC y Standard Chartered Bank cuentas comerciales ornamento, pago comerciante amplia transferencia de Gao / ejecución directa de las empresas en el '' Apple Daily ** Gao liberación de ancho, es decir, la mierda haz llamada continental, que [... ying @ raza esclava] será el primer miembro de la opresión por la posición ornamento Gobierno cuerpo HSBC Bank y Standard Chartered Bank ... Bueno ! Hong Kong el presidente ejecutivo realmente extraño extraordinario, y quizás el más mierda traviesa en primer lugar, la especial. ....... En primer lugar, ja, ja .... mundo otra vez cómica riendo Oh ...'' '~ ~
7月に投票する人々をもたらすために拡張子を表す'' '平和 - ! "アップルデイリー"、 "香港の次の媒体''、Now.com" - 、 - !^ ^ああ、このような意味のある民主主義の明るい動きをスポンサーの全面的な支援を」ライが知りたがっている」
さらに(82才^ ^)「ジョセフ·禅」の精神に反個人的には、「オードリーのEu」 - 太陽の下で太陽の*労働代表*、ヤンも恐れていない、細身のスレンダー公正なセックスは、最初に参加するために遵守しなければならない新しいスローガンの作成による「枢機卿禅」のためのラインの日誰が」アンソンチャン "{旧[香港の政治家"自由と民主主義を、人々は、自らの戦術によって与えられた奴隷、私の切符であるとされないの尊厳を持っている」 ]}と(^ ^ 72歳)民主党* Szetoワウ*ミルを寄付するだけでなく、肯定的な光を毕文明に付着する足首の痛みの悲しみと悲しみを歩いて気にしない。道路上の民主主義と自由...
反射、男性と女性の脳障害患者''共産''の会衆は、ハッハッハ...共産党洗脳狂気の激動のタオが街頭に運ばれた、ラボの貧しい人々が捨てされ、SAR中国溝に入れた。 ..
朝の港早朝に、修理を動員する必要性を議決アプリをハッキング - Appleが報告され見ることが起こった。
後方井戸倫ゆう''ウィンドウ''をシンクしないでください、彼らは出てくる前に、自分自身と自分のコンピュータについてのあなたの興平凡なアップデートを入れてください、それ醜いあなたのスキルを提供します!あなたは再英ディ悪性ラインは、香港、HSBC銀行、スタンダード·チャータード銀行の飾り商用アカウントでこの悪性ビームレイプたわごと遮断アップルデイリー、加盟店の支払い広いガオ振込/の企業の直接的な実装ことを人々に思い出させるために必要以上のものをたわごと''アップルデイリー**本土コールビームたわごとを意味ガオワイドリリースには、[英... @スレーブレース]まあ...政府飾り体位HSBC銀行、スタンダード·チャータード銀行による弾圧の最初のメンバーとなります!香港最高経営責任者(CEO)の臨時本当に奇妙な、そしておそらく最もたわごといたずらまず、特別な。 .......まず、ハハ....再びコミカルな世界がああ笑って...'' '〜〜
7月に投票する人々をもたらすために拡張子を表す'' '平和 - ! "アップルデイリー"、 "香港の次の媒体''、Now.com" - 、 - !^ ^ああ、このような意味のある民主主義の明るい動きをスポンサーの全面的な支援を」ライが知りたがっている」!
'' 'Peace stanowiących rozszerzenie się doprowadzić ludzi do głosowania w lipcu -! "Apple Daily", "Następny Hongkongu media'', Now.com" - "Lai chce wiedzieć" pełnego wsparcia sponsorów takie znaczenie demokracji jasny Ruch Oh ^ ^ -,
Ponadto "Joseph Zen" duchów (^ ^ 82 lata) anty osobiście, "Audrey Eu" - * przedstawiciel Pracy * Yan również nie boi się słońca pod słońcem, smukły szczupła płeć piękna musi stosować się do udziału w pierwszym dnia w kolejce do "kardynał Zen" przez utworzyć nowy slogan "wolność i demokrację, ludzie mają godność, aby nie być niewolnikami, mój bilet, wydane przez ich własne taktyki," "Anson Chan" {byłych [Hong Kong, którzy politycy ]} i Demokraci (72 lata ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * kostki nie przeszkadza chodzenia ból smutek i żal oddać młyn, ale również przestrzegać 毕文明 pozytywnym świetle. demokracji i wolności na drodze ...
Dzieli pchnąć ludzi dotknięty przez ducha, jaki wielki ....
Odbicie, zgromadzenie mężczyzn i kobiet chorych na zaburzenia mózgu'' komunistyczny'', został wprowadzony w rowach SAR Chiny, Komunistyczna Partia prania mózgu szalony burzliwa Tao został przewieziony na ulice, Labo biedni ludzie są odrzuceni ... ha ha ha. ..
Się, aby zobaczyć raporty Apple - Port godziny wcześnie rano porannych hacking aplikacji głosu, potrzeba mobilizacji naprawy.
Tu znowu mówię do chińskiego komunisty i innych odpadów w lewo na nieuczciwych;; zanurzenie w nieuczciwych tylko dla dzieci piknik rzeczy,
Nie tonąć okno studnie Lun Yu'''' do tyłu, należy umieścić swoje Xing mierne informacjami o sobie i swoich komputerów, zanim wyjdzie i zaoferować swoje umiejętności brzydka to! Cholera, co więcej chcesz ponownie-Ying Di złośliwe linie przypomnieć ludziom, że to gówno złośliwe belki gwałt blokada Jabłko dzienne w Hong Kongu, HSBC Bank i Standard Chartered Bank ornament rachunki handlowe, płatność sklep szeroki transferu Gao / bezpośrednia realizacja przedsiębiorstw w '' Jabłko dzienne ** Gao szeroki uwalnianiu, czyli gówno wiązki połączenia kontynent, to [ying ... @ wyścig niewolnik] będzie pierwszym członkiem ucisku przez położenie ornament rząd ciała HSBC Bank i Standard Chartered Bank ... No ! Hongkong Naczelny naprawdę dziwaczny niezwykły, a może najbardziej gówno złośliwy pierwszy, wyjątkowy. ....... Po pierwsze, ha, ha .... ponownie komiczny świat śmiechem Oh ...'' '~ ~
'' 'Paco reprezentanta la kromprogramo por venigi homojn voĉdoni en julio -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong Sekva Media'', Now.com" - "Lai volas scii" la plenan apogon de sponsoroj tia signifoplena demokratio brilaj Movado Ho ^ ^ -!,
Krome (82 jarojn ^ ^) "Jozef zen" spirito anti persone, "Audrey Eu" - * Labor reprezentanto *, Yan ankaŭ ne timas la suno sub la suno, svelta svelta bela sekso havas aliĝi por partopreni en la unua tago de la vico por la "kardinalo zen" de krei novan slogano "libereco kaj demokratio, la homo havas la digno ne por esti sklavoj, mia bileto, donita per ilia propra taktikon", "Anson Chan" {iama [Hongkongo politikistoj kiuj ]} kaj demokratoj (72 jarojn ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * ne tedos promenante maleolo doloro malĝojo kaj doloro donaci la muelejo, sed ankaŭ aliĝas al 毕文明 pozitiva lumo. demokratio kaj libereco en la ŝoseo ...
Ĝi agoj puŝi homoj tuŝis per la spirito, Kiel grandaj ....
Reflekto, a kunveno de vira kaj virina cerbo malordo pacientoj'' komunisma'', estis metita en la SAR China fosaĵoj, Komunista Partio lavita de cerboj frenezaj tumulta Tao estis kuregis al la stratoj, Labo malriĉaj homoj esti jxetita flanken ... ha ha ha. ..
Hazarde vidis Apple Raportas - Haveno matena horo de la mateno hacking balotado apps, la bezono por mobilizi la riparo.
Ĉi tie denove mi diros al la ĉina komunisma kaj aliaj forĵetaĵoj lasis sur fripono;; fripono mergado en la nur infanoj pikniko stuff,
Ne dronu putoj Lun Yu'' fenestro'' malantaŭen, bonvolu meti vian Xing mediocres ĝisdatigojn pri si kaj siaj komputiloj antaux ili eliros kaj proponi viajn lertecojn malbela ĝin! Fek kion pli vi volas re-Ying Di maligna linioj memorigi homojn ke tiu Malignaj traboj seksperforto merdo blokado Apple Daily en Hong Kong, HSBC Banko kaj Standard Chartered Banko ornamaĵo komercaj kontoj, komercisto pago larĝa Gao tradona / rekta apliko de la negocoj en la '' Apple Daily ** Gao larĝa forlaso, signifanta la ĉeftero alvoko trabo merdo, tio [Ying ... @ sklavo raso] estos la unua membro de subpremado de la Registaro ornamaĵo korpo pozicio HSBC Banko kaj Standard Chartered Banko ... Bone ! Hong Kong Chief Executive vere stranga eksterordinaraj, kaj eble la plej merdo petola unue, la speciala. ....... Unue, ha ha .... denove komika mondo ridante Ho ...'' '~ ~
'' 'Peace representing the extension to bring people to vote in July -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong's Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai wants to know" the full support of sponsors such a meaningful democracy bright Movement Oh ^ ^ -!,
In addition (82 years old ^ ^) "Joseph Zen" spirit anti personally, "Audrey Eu" - * Labour representative *, Yan also not afraid of the sun under the sun, slender slender fair sex has to adhere to participate in the first day of the line for the "Cardinal Zen" by create a new slogan "freedom and democracy, people have the dignity not to be slaves, my ticket, given by their own tactics," "Anson Chan" {former [Hong Kong politicians who ]} and democrats (72 years old ^ ^) * Szeto Wah * not bother walking ankle pain sorrow and grief to donate the mill, but also adhere to Bi Wenming positive light. democracy and freedom on the road ...
It shares push people touched by the spirit, How great ....
Reflection, a congregation of male and female brain disorder patients'' communist'', was put in the SAR China ditches, Communist Party brainwashing crazy tumultuous Tao was rushed to the streets, Labo poor people being cast aside ... ha ha ha. ..
Happened to see Apple reports - Port early morning hours of the morning hacking voting apps, the need to mobilize the repair.
Here again I say to the Chinese communist and other waste left on rogue;; rogue immersion into the kids only picnic stuff,
Do not sink wells Lun Yu'' window'' backwards, please put your Xing mediocre updates about themselves and their computers before they come out and offer your skills ugly it! Shit what more you want to re-ying Di malignant lines remind people that this Malignant beams rape shit blockade Apple Daily in Hong Kong, HSBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank ornament commercial accounts, merchant payment wide Gao transfer / direct implementation of the businesses in the'' Apple Daily ** Gao wide release, meaning the mainland call beam shit, it [ying ... @ slave race] will be the first member of oppression by the Government ornament body position HSBC Bank and Standard Chartered Bank ... Well! Hong Kong Chief Executive really bizarre extraordinary, and perhaps the most shit mischievous first, the special ........ First, ha ha .... again comical world laughing Oh ...'' '~ ~
**USA/UK/TW/PT(FDZ)Macau/South of Koren/DE/SP/JP/POLA/Turkish/ ......
...International lauguage**---Peace representing the extension to bring people to vote in July -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong's Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai wants to know" the full support of sponsors such a meaningful democracy bright Movement Oh ^ ^ -!,
'' 'A paz que representa a extensão para trazer as pessoas para votar em julho -! "Apple Daily", "de Hong Kong Próxima mídia'', Now.com" - "Lai quer saber" o total apoio de patrocinadores do Movimento brilhante democracia significativa, tais Oh ^ ^ -,
'' '평화 월에 투표 할 사람을 가지고 확장을 나타내는 -! "애플 일보", "홍콩의 다음 미디어 ', Now.com는"-, -! 그런 의미 민주주의 밝은 이동 오 ^ ^ 후원자의 전폭적 인 지원을 "라이 알고 싶어"
'' 'Frieden, die die Erweiterung auf die Menschen im Juli abstimmen zu bringen - "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai will wissen," die volle Unterstützung der Sponsoren wie eine sinnvolle Demokratie-Bewegung hell Oh ^ ^ -,
'' 'La paz que representa la extensión a llevar a la gente a votar en julio - "Apple Daily", "de Hong Kong Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai quiere saber" todo el apoyo de los patrocinadores de una democracia significativa de movimiento, brillante Oh ^ ^ -,
'' 'Peace stanowiących rozszerzenie się doprowadzić ludzi do głosowania w lipcu -! "Apple Daily", "Następny Hongkongu media'', Now.com" - "Lai chce wiedzieć" pełnego wsparcia sponsorów takie znaczenie demokracji jasny Ruch Oh ^ ^ -,
- Peace representing the extension to bring people to vote in July -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong's Next Media'', Now.com" - "Lai wants to know" the full support of sponsors such a meaningful democracy bright Movement Oh ^ ^ -!,
'' 'Paco reprezentanta la kromprogramo por venigi homojn voĉdoni en julio -! "Apple Daily", "Hong Kong Sekva Media'', Now.com" - "Lai volas scii" la plenan apogon de sponsoroj tia signifoplena demokratio brilaj Movado Ho ^ ^ -!,
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