and finally in a final ruling on the 22nd, the acquitted release ..... ~ ~!! "-
卻 因着迂腐扭曲的政治黑官謬論,把人以死物/酷刑對待之恶行為,由''新唐人電視臺''讓我們看清楚中國內地如何黑暗,為昇官,為財金,而令百姓受屈受辱的 專題:(1).**念斌案七年八审无果 ,,念母除夕含恨离世!-(2).**念斌案沉冤未雪,, 港专家疑公安造假!!!"-(3).**8年4死4生 ,,念斌案再曝中国法制不公!!!"-【新唐人2014年08月23日讯】--中国福建男子念斌,2006年在当地警方的刑讯逼供下屈打成招,变成了一宗 投毒杀人案的凶手。八年间,他四次被判死刑、三次被撤回重审,终于在22号的最终裁决中,被判无罪释.....??!!"--
--- ** 마음이 무엇에서 법 세트의 중국의 규칙은, 우리는 충격을 받았다와 교감, 잘하지 문제가 보통 본토 사람들은 왜 때문에 낡은 정치 왜곡, 중국 명 동일한 인류와 사람을 넣을 수 있습니다 (1) ** 빈 케이스 칠 읽기 : 검정 임원 착오에서 죽은 / 고문을 가진 사람들이 'NDTV'에 의해 악한 행동 치료 '의 중국 본토, 승진, 금융, 그리고 사람들이 창피 주제를 억압하게하는 방법 어두운 보자. 팔 보람 재판,, 읽기 복수심에 불타는 어머니 이브는 사망 -.!. (2) ** 니안 첸 위안 빈 케이스가 눈하지 않았다,, 하버 경찰 전문가들이 사기를 의심!. "- (3) ** 팔년 4 죽은 사 학생들이 읽기 경우 다음 빈 불공정 중국의 법률 시스템을 노출,,! "- [NTD 8월 23일을, 2014 로이터 - 중국 복건 남자 고문 현지 경찰에서 2,006 추출물의 고백은, 팔 독극물 살인 살인자가되었다 빈을 참조하십시오. 년, 그는 죽음에 네 번, 세 번 재 시도를 철회하고, 한을 선고 받았다 마침내 22 일 무죄를 선고 릴리스 ..... ~ ~! "에 대한 최종 판결에서 -
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/KOREN/FR/UKN/JP/ROMA/........all the world lauguage**-
*---**China's rule of law set from what is, at heart we are shocked and sympathetic, well not trouble the ordinary mainland people, why can put someone with the same human race is the Chinese people, because of the antiquated political distortions from black officer fallacy, the people with dead / torture treat evil acts by ''NDTV'' let's see how dark mainland China, for promotion, for finance, and make people aggrieved humiliated topics: (1).**read Bin case seven eight fruitless trial,, read Vengeful mother Eve died -!. (2).**Nian Chen Yuan Bin case did not snow,, Harbor Police experts suspect fraud !!! "- (3).** 8 years 4 dead four students,, read the case and then exposed the Chinese legal system Bin unfair !!! "- [NTD August 23, 2014 Reuters - China Fujian man read Bin, 2006 extract confessions under torture local police ,
**--Please use Google with a
large family of God translator to translate your country / language city Oh ^ ^
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(1) Updated: 2014-01-30 11:14 PM [New York time]
- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html#sthash.lO7GnTa4.dpuf
(1).**read Bin case seven eight fruitless trial,, read Vengeful mother Eve died -!.
Bin case seven eight fruitless trial read Vengeful mother passed away
New Year's Eve - See more at:
Bin case seven eight fruitless trial read Vengeful mother passed away
New Year's Eve - See more at:
Bin case seven eight fruitless trial read Vengeful mother passed away
New Year's Eve - See more at:
Yansheng lawyer immediately tweeting: Today is New Year's Eve, Chinese
New Year as well as one hour is up, I had read here condolences Bin's
mother, she did not go through this year, did not see his son on the
last one left this world.
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
Tag read Bin Case | poisoning case
Zhang Yansheng lawyer immediately tweeting: Today is New Year's Eve, Chinese New Year as well as one hour is up, I had read here condolences Bin's mother, she did not go through this year, did not see his son on the last one left this world.
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.

Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence

February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.

Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
Yansheng lawyer immediately tweeting: Today is New Year's Eve, Chinese
New Year as well as one hour is up, I had read here condolences Bin's
mother, she did not go through this year, did not see his son on the
last one left this world.
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
January 31, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Dondi roundup) at 9:14 on
January 30, Fuzhou Pingtan County poisoning case suspect's sister read
Bin issue microblogging: "My mother is gone. " - See more at:
January 31, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Dondi roundup) at 9:14 on
January 30, Fuzhou Pingtan County poisoning case suspect's sister read
Bin issue microblogging: "My mother is gone. " - See more at:
Bin case seven eight fruitless trial read Vengeful mother passed away
New Year's Eve - See more at:
Bin case seven eight fruitless trial read Vengeful mother passed away
New Year's Eve - See more at:
January 31, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Dondi roundup) at 9:14 on
January 30, Fuzhou Pingtan County poisoning case suspect's sister read
Bin issue microblogging: "My mother is gone. " - See more at:
Yansheng lawyer immediately tweeting: Today is New Year's Eve, Chinese
New Year as well as one hour is up, I had read here condolences Bin's
mother, she did not go through this year, did not see his son on the
last one left this world.
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
(1) Updated: 2014-01-30 11:14 PM [New York time]
- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html#sthash.lO7GnTa4.dpuf
念斌案七年八审无果 念母除夕含恨离世

更新时间: 2014-01-30 11:14 PM [纽约时间] - See more at:



最高法的不核准裁定让念建兰再次燃起希望,但打击再次来临 。2011年9月开庭,第四次宣判死刑,情绪失控之下,念建兰大声控诉法院让自己家破人亡。念斌这时才知道父亲已经去世5年。双重打击之下,念斌回到监所即病倒,后来他写信告诉姐姐:〝一次次被判死刑,
在此之前,该案历经7次审理,被告念斌先后4次被法院判处死刑立即执行,3次被撤销判决或裁定发回重审。 - See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html#sthash.lO7GnTa4.dpuf
빈 케이스를 읽기 7 ~ 8 보람 재판 읽어 복수심에 불타는 어머니는 새해 사망

업데이트 시간 : 2014년 1월 30일 오후 11시 14분 [뉴욕 시간]
- See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=ko&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186
(1) Updated: 2014-01-30 11:14 PM [New York time]
- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html#sthash.lO7GnTa4.dpuf
장 Yansheng 변호사는 즉시 트윗 : 오늘 새해, 중국어 새해뿐만 아니라 한 시간까지, 나는 애도이 빈의 어머니, 그녀는이 년을 통과하지 않았다 여기에 읽은 바와 같이, 마지막에 그의 아들을 보지 않았다 이 세상을 떠났습니다.
뉴스는 즉시 우려에게 많은 변호사들과 쑤 사이와 한숨의 친구의 경우가 발생했습니다.
변호사 위안 유 리 수수가 쟈오 변호사, 쑤 된 Liping 변호사, 샤오 Wenbin 변호사는 메시지를 가지고는, 빈의 어머니가 "고통스러운"죽음에 대한 자신의 분노를 삼켜보세요! 마이크로 블로깅 불이 촛불 애도에 많은 사용자.
천진 주홍 Jiaqi : 가족 해체를 박탈하는 사법 불의의 빈 것이 좋습니다.
작은 철학 : Aggrieved'll 당신이 내 하늘 공무원에게 그것을하자? 물어? ! !
눈 스마트 110 : 당신이 빈은 결국 무죄 선고를 읽는다면, 어떻게 정의를 얼굴에? !
Tanchu시 : 나를 포함해서이 나라, 우리 모두가 그에게 가정을 빚
이전 T를 특종 : 정의 실행 남자 주셔서 감사합니다.
오래된 토끼 : 수십 년 동안 불의 알아? 피해자, 통증, 통증, 고통, 불길 고대와 현대 모두 상태.
이 불의, 어머니 낭비 단계 아 : 더 피아노 곡이 없습니다
리우 두 Muzi : 빈 집에 와서 읽어! 좋은 즉시 희망찬! 부패 관리들은 즉시 죽어야한다! 변덕 즉시 갑자기 죽었다!
Q. 일 2014 년 : 슬픔했다! 이 비극은 우리의 공동의 불행입니다!
시에 유빈 : 날조에 초점! 어떤 구제를 제공하기 위해 하늘의 눈을 뜨게의 포부!
엄숙한 법 : 읽기 빈 자매 어서! 당신과 함께 궁전 Shaohong 취조 불의 파티와 친구, 시민의 권리를 유지, 법의 존엄성을 유지 공을 준수합니다.
폭풍우 317802093 : 결국 중국어 정의! 중국의 많은 변호사들이 주요 가지 경우에 대해 우려하고 있었다 왜 제대로 해결되지? 지방 정부가 시간에 해결 될 수없는 이유를 중앙 정치 법률위원회와 최고 인민 법원 및 최고 인민 검찰 원은, 끌고있다? 어떤 박람회? 어떤 박람회? 법무부는 정말 죽었나요?
7 ~ 8 보람 재판 빈 의심 읽기 중독 케이스
죽음도 맞지 않는에 빈의 어머니를 읽고, 그녀가 잘못 무고한 아들 함을 읽고 유죄 판결을 확신한다.
루 언론 보도에 따르면, 1976 년에 태어난 빈, 복주 평탄 사람들을 읽습니다. 빈 새우와 땡 윤 라이 평탄 카운티 타운 마을을 읽기 전 호주는 과일, 식료품 및 기타 유사한 제품을 운영, 17 첸 얀 지아오 두 개의 인접한 저장 전에 개별적으로 임대했다. 2006년 7월 27일의 저녁, 첸 딩 그녀가 죽은 후 6, 땡 윤 새우 어린이 한 쌍의 식사 후 같은 중독에서 이명. 나중에, 경찰 시험은 두 줄이 쥐약 중독 트리 플루오로 아세트산 보여 주었다. 올해는 8 월 7 일 빈 경찰에 의해 멀리 찍은 읽기. 이틀 후, 경찰은 빈은 살인자 마을에서 아이디어를 발표했다.
빈 중독은 뉴스를 읽은 후, 가족이 박살 2 층 집에 실려 가족 수백명의 아이들의 죽음을 믿지 기절 아직 읽어 보시기 바랍니다. 신비 지움은 부모와 함께 읽고 조카가 황급히 복주 탈출을 탈출했다. 충격과 공포에, 그녀는 한 번 급격한 변화에 기절. 고생 위대한 정신 압력 아버지가 일 잘 수 없었다, 사고 발생 4 개월 이상이 사망했다.

2007 년 2 월, 복주 검찰은 빈은 기소 푸 저우 중급 인민 법원에 위험 물질을 넣어 커밋 읽어보십시오. 경찰이 인식 한 후 3 월 사건의 처음으로 청문회 푸 저우 중급 인민 법원에서와 재판의 해에 빈 법정에서 후퇴하고 죄의 고백을했다고 말했다 읽고, 심한 고문을 겪고있는 .

2008년 12월 31일가, 복건 대법원 판결 : 사실이 불분명, 증거 불충분, 파기, 구류, 2009년 6월 8일을, 푸 저우 중급 인민 법원의 판결을 다시 빈의 죽음을 읽고 즉시 빈의 매력을 읽고, 2009 6월 8일에서 복건 고등 법원은 사건이 사형 검토 프로세스에 최고의 법률로 전송, 판결을지지했다.
대법원은 사건의 사실이 불분명 판결에 따라 2011 년 4 월 발행, 증거 불충분, 파기, 복건 고등 법원은 재심에 다시 보냈습니다.
2011년 5월 5일는, 복 대법원 판결 : 사실은 불분명, 증거 불충분, 파기, 푸 저우 중급 인민 법원은 재심에 다시 보냈습니다.
2011년 9월 7일는, 빈 케이스 읽고 다시 11 월 24 일 피고가 "또 다른"푸 저우 중급 인민 법원은 즉시 사형을 선고이다 휴지통을 읽고 그 해에 첫 번째 인스턴스 청문회의 푸 저우 중급 인민 법원에 의해 실시를 한 후 세 번째 함을 읽고 케이스는 호소 때문입니다.
, 구금 센터 bin에 그녀의 동생을 알려주는 편지를 읽고 2010 년 5, 복건 베이징에서 최고 법의 두 심사 위원은 그를 소환 그가 다시 증명에는 빛 고백을했다. "자매,이 날보고 5 년 첫번째 판사이지만, 수천 마일 떨어진 곳에서,"빈 읽고 편지에서 말했다.
그러나 변호사 쿵 눈 최고 법률에 호출 한 다음, 년 반을 기다렸다, 신비 지움 알고 읽어 년 10 월 28 일에 다시 승인하지 않는 죽음에 보냈지 만했다 빠르면 2010와 최고 법률 2011년 4월 7일까지 빈을 읽을 발표되었다.
단어 "사실이 불분명, 증거 불충분 아르는"판결 승인 및 구금 센터로 읽지 않습니다했다 파란색을 반영하기 위해 만들어진, 내 동생은 사형 입고 다리 아이언을 제거 할 수 있었다.

복건 지방 고등 법원이 재판을 실시 년 7 월 4 2013, 사형 선고를 다음과 같은 네 가지가 빈 여덟째 경우를 참조하십시오.
법원 이외의 천의 "무죄"큰 소리로 자신의 요구를 표현하기 위해 편지에 싸서 머리와 허리 신비 지움을 읽습니다. 빈시 웨이 장, 장 Yansheng, 무죄의 그것의 방어의 일환으로 두 개의 잘 알려진 범죄 변호사를 읽어보십시오. 검찰은 빈 범죄를 읽을 수있는 다른 증거가 없으며, 변호인이 추가로 자백을 얻기 위해 고문의 빈 범죄를 읽어 볼 것을 주장했다. 한편, 시민 제품은 또한 베이징의 변호사 리 Xiaolin, 장 레이 도움. 그러나 마라톤 재판이 끝난 사일은 복건 지방 고등 법원은이 판결에 예약 할 것이라고 말했다.
8월 25일 재판이 마지막 시험 기간이어야한다, 그러나, 피고의 변호사는 빈 장 Yansheng는 알림 푸젠 성 고급 인민 법원을받은 인해 사건의 특별한 상황에, 최고 인민 법원은 마감 유적의 연장을 승인 한 것을 알 수 읽기 대법원의 승인을 체결 할 수 없습니다 다시 3 개월 시험 기간을 확장합니다.
"경내 폐회. 케이스에 예외적 인 상황에서 복건 고등 법원 사일 밤낮을 듣고, 경우에 이것은 매우 일반적인 잘못된 경우입니다 완전히 명확했다, 빈은 '재판의 연장 무엇 잘못한 무죄 읽기 특별한 상황은 '? "장 Yansheng 말했다.
이에 앞서, 케이스 일곱 번 듣고, 빈 피고가 사형을 선고 한 법원은 즉시, 세 번 판결 또는 판결이 환송을 해지 네 번 읽어 보시기 바랍니다. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=ko&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhi5aAcQR4cZC3K9JWdyL_Bf0OLGhg#sthash.KucOQ5Yj.dpuf
念斌案七年八审无果 念母除夕含恨离世
Yansheng lawyer immediately tweeting: Today is New Year's Eve, Chinese
New Year as well as one hour is up, I had read here condolences Bin's
mother, she did not go through this year, did not see his son on the
last one left this world.
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf
The news immediately caused concern the case of many lawyers and friends of Xu Xi and sigh.
Yuan Yu to lawyers, Li Xiu Jiao lawyer, Xu Liping lawyer, Xiao Wenbin lawyers have a message, read Bin's mother swallowed their anger against the death that "painful"! Many users on the microblogging lit candles condolences.
Tianjin Zhu Jiaqi: Bin good idea of judicial injustice depriving a family breakup.
Small philosophy: Aggrieved'll let you be my heavenly officials it? I ask? ! !
Snow smart 110: If you read Bin eventually acquitted, how to face justice? !
Tanchu Si: this country, including me, every one of us owe him a home
Scoop old T: thanks for justice running man.
old rabbit: For decades, injustice Know? The victims, pain, pain, pain, the state, ominous, ancient and modern alike.
There are no piano song: this injustice, the mother wasted step ah
Liu two Muzi: read Bin come home! Good immediately wishful! Corrupt officials must die immediately! Capricious and immediately died suddenly!
Q. days were 2014 :: grief! This tragedy is our common misfortune!
Xie Yubin: Focus on trumped! Aspiration of opening the eyes of heaven to give any redress!
Solemn law: read Bin sister Come on! Palace Shaohong inquisition injustice parties and friends with you to maintain the dignity of the law, maintaining civil rights, adhere to justice.
Stormy 317802093: the Chinese justice in the end! Why China's many lawyers have been concerned about major cases are not properly resolved? Central Political and Law Commission and the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate why local governments can not be solved in time, have dragged on? Fair in what? Fair in what? Justice is really dead?
Seven eight fruitless trial read Bin suspected poisoning case
Read Bin's mother to death also does not fit, is convinced she was wrongly convicted innocent son read bin.
According to Lu media reports, read Bin, born in 1976, Fuzhou Pingtan people. Read Bin shrimp and Ding Yun Lai Pingtan County Town Village, former Australia had rented separately before the 17th Chen Yan Jiao two adjacent stores, operating fruits, groceries and other similar products. On the evening of July 27, 2006, Chen Ding two people at the same poisoning after dining 6, Ding Yun shrimp a pair of children after she died. Later, the police test showed two lines trifluoroacetate rodenticide poisoning. Year August 7, read Bin was taken away by police. Two days later, police announced the idea in the village Bin is a murderer.
Bin poisoning after reading the news, read the family is still in stunned not believe in the death of hundreds of children in the family rushed to the two-story house smashed. Cymbidium read with parents and nephew had hurriedly fled Fuzhou escape. In shock and fear, she once fainted due to sudden changes. Suffered great mental pressure father could not sleep a day, more than four months to the incident died.
Read Bin sister read Cymbidium heart does not believe his brother would be poisoned, while his brother and then asked the same people who bring out the letter, let her more determined in its sole discretion. Read Bin said he beaten during interrogation in the letter, "I am dead, please believe that I did not do it." Received a distress signal, and read Cymbidium began to seek a lawyer's help. Under the multi-party looking to find a lawyer Zhang Yansheng. For seven years, always adhere to read Bin Zhang Yansheng for innocence
February 2007, Fuzhou Procuratorate read Bin commit put dangerous substances to the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for prosecution. In March, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court for the first time hearing of the case, and in the year of the trial, read Bin retracted in court, and said that it made a confession of guilt, are suffering severe torture after police recognized .
February 1, 2008, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance ruling on the case to make, and then read Bin appealed his conviction appeal.
December 31, 2008, Fujian High Court ruled that: facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, remand; June 8, 2009, the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court ruling read again Bin death immediately, read Bin appeal; 2009 On June 8, Fujian High Court upheld the verdict, the case is sent to the supreme law into the death penalty review process.
April 2011 issued under the Supreme ruled that the facts of the case is unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fujian High Court sent back for retrial.
May 5, 2011, Fujian High Court ruled: the facts are unclear, insufficient evidence, cassation, Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sent back for retrial.
September 7, 2011, read Bin case again conducted by the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court of First Instance hearing, on November 24 that year, the defendant read Bin "another" is the Fuzhou Intermediate People's Court sentenced to death immediately, then read the third time bin Because the case appealed.
May 2010, read a letter telling her sister in the detention center bin, two judges of the supreme law from Beijing to Fujian arraigned him and said he would re-proof light confessions. "Sister, this is the first judge to five years to see me, but from thousands of miles away," Bin said in the letter read.
But waited a year and a half, after a call to a lawyer Kung snow supreme law, read Cymbidium know, the supreme law as early as 2010 on October 28 had been sent back to death does not approve, but until April 7, 2011 was announced to read bin.
Took the words "facts are unclear, insufficient evidence," the ruling does not approve, and read to the detention center was built to reflect the blue, my brother was able to remove the death row wearing leg irons.
The decision not to approve the supreme law allows read Cymbidium kindled hope again, but blow coming again. September 2011 hearing, under the fourth sentence to death, emotional control, the court read the indictment aloud Cymbidium make their family members dead. Then read Bin knew his father had died five years. Under the double blow, read back to prison that Bin ill, he later wrote to her sister:. "Again and again sentenced to death, to be got me, unable to conquer my heart."
July 4, 2013, the following four sentenced to death, read Bin eighth case in Fujian Provincial High Court conducted the trial.
Outside court, read Cymbidium in the head and waist wrapped in a letter to "innocent" of the cloth loudly express their demands. Read Bin Si Wei Jiang, Zhang Yansheng, two well-known criminal lawyer as part of its defense of not guilty. The prosecution alleged that defense counsel read Bin crime of torture to obtain confessions in addition, there is no other evidence to read Bin crime. Meanwhile, the civil part also aid Beijing lawyer Li Xiaolin, Zhang Lei. But four days marathon trial ended, Fujian Provincial High Court said it would be scheduled for sentencing.
August 25 the trial should be the last trial periods, however, the defendant's lawyer read Bin Zhang Yansheng received notification Fujian Provincial Higher People's Court, notice that due to the special circumstances of the case, the Supreme People's Court approved the extension of the deadline remains can not be concluded, approved by the Supreme extend the trial period of three months again.
"Fujian High Court in exceptional circumstances on the grounds adjournment. Case after hearing four days and nights, the case has been completely clear that this is a very typical false cases, read Bin is innocent wronged What is the extension of trial ' special circumstances'? "Zhang Yansheng said.
Prior to this, the case after hearing seven times, read Bin defendant was sentenced to death four times the court immediately, three times a judgment or ruling is revoked remand. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/01/31/a1054186.html&usg=ALkJrhikzY3vlGUQeJHtjzyAzr-IrtPpYg#sthash.VgR4c0ia.dpuf

(2) Updated: 2014-02-07 02:00 PM [New York time]
Nian Chen Yuan Bin case not snow Hong Kong Police suspect fraud expert -
- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/02/08/a1058048.html#sthash.cSDrdauD.dpuf
To read Bin injustice, my sister read Cymbidium first came to Hong Kong and held a press conference to announce a toxicology by the Hong Kong Government Laboratory scene right before the group in charge of Mo appraisal report, which refers to when the Police do Jianzheng flawed, questioned the report's credibility.

February 22 is read Bin case of sentencing deadline. Read Bin Zhang Yansheng, lawyers representing the means of public security court last year has proven many counterfeiters, but read Bin still trapped in prison, this is their last chance.
Solicitor read Bin Zhang Yansheng: "By February 22 of this year, the Supreme Court has approved the extension of the first anniversary of the trial periods, and still no results so I do not have confidence on the court more and more, more and more do not have confidence, so go. Hong Kong, it should be driven to revolt. "

Press conference, read Cymbidium also repeatedly crying because his brother injustice, causing parents have died young, but also because of her petition to suppress much more worried about his brother being tortured in prison, life safety is at stake.
Cymbidium read Bin sister read: "Before also want to meet with a younger brother and mother, this is forever regret, Farewell, I hope to read bin can be like individuals (the same treatment), even if you killed him tomorrow."
Hong Kong redress after reading Cymbidium will instantly back to Fujian, ready to February 8 Pimadaixiao funeral for the mother, she hopes to be able to rest in peace mother passed away, his brother also hope to get an early read Bin injustice innocence.

(2) Updated: 2014-02-07 02:00 PM [New York time]
Nian Chen Yuan Bin case not snow Hong Kong Police suspect fraud expert -
- See more at: http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/02/08/a1058048.html#sthash.cSDrdauD.dpuf
念斌案沉冤未雪 港专家疑公安造假
及律师专程来香港寻求专家监证,质疑公安报告造假,家属痛斥中共法律的黑暗,希望还念斌清白。 - See more at:



(2) 업데이트 : 2014년 2월 7일 오후 2시 [뉴욕 시간]
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니안 첸 위안 빈의 경우가 눈 홍콩 경찰은 용의자 사기 전문가
업데이트 시간 : 2014년 2월 7일 오후 2시 [뉴욕 시간]
태그 빈 케이스 읽을 | 첸 위안 눈이하지 않았다 | 경찰 사기
프로그램 글로벌 시계
항목 중국의 인권
240P 시계 다운로드 소스 1 : 이 오기 :
[NTD 년 2 월 8 일, 복건 2014 년 로이터 선정적인 아이디어 빈 중독의 경우, 빈 고문 고백에서 주장 읽을 수 있지만 팔년 팔에 네 번 사형을 선고 재판이, 그의 가족이 아무 소용이 무죄 주위에있을지라도. 전문가 Jianzheng을 추구하기 위해 홍콩에 온 빈의 여동생과 변호사를 읽기, 가정 법률도 빈 무죄를 읽고 희망, 공산주의 어둠을 비난 경찰 보고서 사기 의문을 제기했다.

빈 불의를 읽으려면, 내 여동생이 보고서의 신비 지움 처음 홍콩에 와서 읽고 바로 경찰 Jianzheng 결함이 수행 할 때를 말합니다 모 평가 보고서, 담당 그룹 전에 홍콩 정부 실험실 장면에 의해 독성을 발표하는 기자 회견을 개최, 의문을 제기 신뢰성.
신비 지움은 빈 자매 읽고 읽기 : 아직 만든 실험실 보고서 샘플이 와서 "이 정도 사기를보고 그들이 인에 대해 작성하는 그림을 자유롭게, 실제 테스트를 할 경우에도 너무 게으른, 죽일 무료 어느 정도 죽은 자의 피 구토. "
2월 22일입니다 빈 케이스 읽을 선고 기한을. 빈 장 Yansheng 지난해 치안 법원의 수단을 대표하는 변호사가 입증 된 많은 위조 읽기,하지만 여전히 감옥에 갇혀 빈을 읽고,이 마지막 기회입니다.
불의를 읽으려면, 내 여동생이 보고서의 신비 지움 처음 홍콩에 와서 읽고 바로 경찰 Jianzheng 결함이 수행 할 때를
말합니다 모 평가 보고서, 담당 그룹 전에 홍콩 정부 실험실 장면에 의해 독성을 발표하는 기자 회견을 개최, 의문을 제기 신뢰성.
신비 지움은 빈 자매 읽고 읽기 : 아직 만든 실험실 보고서 샘플이 와서 "이 정도 사기를보고 그들이 인에 대해 작성하는 그림을 자유롭게, 실제 테스트를 할 경우에도 너무 게으른, 죽일 무료 어느 정도 죽은 자의 피 구토. "
2월 22일입니다 빈 케이스 읽을 선고 기한을. 빈 장 Yansheng 지난해 치안 법원의 수단을 대표하는 변호사가 입증 된 많은 위조 읽기,하지만 여전히 감옥에 갇혀 빈을 읽고,이 마지막 기회입니다. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=ko&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/02/08/a1058048.html&usg=ALkJrhiHRkM5ViO6r25t3RXrw1BCY_XWNQ#sthash.RBk2uxiI.dpuf
신비 지움은 빈 자매 읽고 읽기 : 아직 만든 실험실 보고서 샘플이 와서 "이 정도 사기를보고 그들이 인에 대해 작성하는 그림을 자유롭게, 실제 테스트를 할 경우에도 너무 게으른, 죽일 무료 어느 정도 죽은 자의 피 구토. "
2월 22일입니다 빈 케이스 읽을 선고 기한을. 빈 장 Yansheng 지난해 치안 법원의 수단을 대표하는 변호사가 입증 된 많은 위조 읽기,하지만 여전히 감옥에 갇혀 빈을 읽고,이 마지막 기회입니다. - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=ko&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/02/08/a1058048.html&usg=ALkJrhiHRkM5ViO6r25t3RXrw1BCY_XWNQ#sthash.RBk2uxiI.dpuf

올해 2 월 (22)에 의해, 대법원 재판 기간의 첫번째 기념일의 연장을 승인했다 "아직 결과가 그래서 나는 자신감을 가지고, 그렇게하지 않을 경우 더 많은, 더 많은 법원에 자신감을 가지고하지 않습니다 변호사는 빈 장 Yansheng을 참조하십시오. 홍콩, 그것은 반란을 구동해야합니다. "
기자 회견은, 부모가 훨씬 더 걱정 그의 형제가 감옥에서 고문에 대한 억제하는 젊은뿐만 아니라, 때문에 그녀의 청원의 사망 원인이 동생의 불의 때문에 울고 반복도 신비 지움을 읽고, 생명 안전이 위험에 처해 있습니다.
신비 지움은 빈 자매 읽고 읽기 ". 또한 동생과 엄마와의 만남을 원하는 전에,이 영원히 당신이 내일 그를 죽인 경우에도 (동일한 처리) 개인처럼 될 수 있습니다 함을 읽을 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다,, 이별을 후회한다"
즉시 다시 복건에, 준비 2월 8일 Pimadaixiao 장례식에 어머니, 그녀는 평화의 어머니 휴식 할 수있는 희망 것 신비 지움을 읽은 후 홍콩 구제 동생도 일찍 빈의 부정 무죄를 읽을 얻을 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다 세상을 떠났다.
NTD 기자 리앙 젠 홍콩에보고
해 2 월 (22)에 의해, 대법원 재판 기간의 첫번째 기념일의 연장을 승인했다 "아직 결과가 그래서 나는 자신감을 가지고,
그렇게하지 않을 경우 더 많은, 더 많은 법원에 자신감을 가지고하지 않습니다 변호사는 빈 장 Yansheng을 참조하십시오.
홍콩, 그것은 반란을 구동해야합니다. "
기자 회견은, 부모가 훨씬 더 걱정 그의 형제가 감옥에서 고문에 대한 억제하는 젊은뿐만 아니라, 때문에 그녀의 청원의 사망 원인이 동생의 불의 때문에 울고 반복도 신비 지움을 읽고, 생명 안전이 위험에 처해 있습니다.
신비 지움은 빈 자매 읽고 읽기 ". 또한 동생과 엄마와의 만남을 원하는 전에,이 영원히 당신이 내일 그를 죽인 경우에도 (동일한 처리) 개인처럼 될 수 있습니다 함을 읽을 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다,, 이별을 후회한다"
즉시 다시 복건에, 준비 2월 8일 Pimadaixiao 장례식에 어머니, 그녀는 평화의 어머니 휴식 할 수있는 희망 것 신비 지움을 읽은 후 홍콩 구제 동생도 일찍 빈의 부정 무죄를 읽을 얻을 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다 세상을 떠났다.
NTD 기자 리앙 젠 홍콩에보고 - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=ko&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/02/08/a1058048.html&usg=ALkJrhiHRkM5ViO6r25t3RXrw1BCY_XWNQ#sthash.RBk2uxiI.dpuf
기자 회견은, 부모가 훨씬 더 걱정 그의 형제가 감옥에서 고문에 대한 억제하는 젊은뿐만 아니라, 때문에 그녀의 청원의 사망 원인이 동생의 불의 때문에 울고 반복도 신비 지움을 읽고, 생명 안전이 위험에 처해 있습니다.
신비 지움은 빈 자매 읽고 읽기 ". 또한 동생과 엄마와의 만남을 원하는 전에,이 영원히 당신이 내일 그를 죽인 경우에도 (동일한 처리) 개인처럼 될 수 있습니다 함을 읽을 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다,, 이별을 후회한다"
즉시 다시 복건에, 준비 2월 8일 Pimadaixiao 장례식에 어머니, 그녀는 평화의 어머니 휴식 할 수있는 희망 것 신비 지움을 읽은 후 홍콩 구제 동생도 일찍 빈의 부정 무죄를 읽을 얻을 수 있도록 노력하겠습니다 세상을 떠났다.
NTD 기자 리앙 젠 홍콩에보고 - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=zh-CN&tl=ko&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/02/08/a1058048.html&usg=ALkJrhiHRkM5ViO6r25t3RXrw1BCY_XWNQ#sthash.RBk2uxiI.dpuf

(3) Updated: 2014-08-23 12:21 AM [New York time]
8 years 4 dead four students read the text and then exposed the Chinese legal system Bin unfair -
[NTD August 23, 2014 Reuters China Fujian man read Bin, 2006 at the local police torture to extract confessions, turned into a case of poisoning murder murderer. For eight years, he was sentenced to death four times, three times a retrial was withdrawn, and finally in the final decision on the 22nd, was acquitted. In a family cried, while there are more legal persons concerned in the judicial system under the rule of the CCP, what created a number of " read-bin case "has wronged not snow.

Pile of suspected poisoning caused by the murder of two children poisoned to death, shocked the entire Pingtan County, Fuzhou City, the police locked the suspect read bin.
This is one of the top ten criminal cases in 2006 in Fujian Province, 12 days after the incident, the police quickly announced solve the case. At that time the idea has been identified as suspects bin afterwards that he was the police with a toothpick inserted ribs with a hammer to knock a small body, was tortured to extract confessions.

Bin Zhang Yansheng, defense counsel read: "He said I could not carry the Public Security Bureau is because beating me."
Defense lawyer Si Wei Jiang: "It's torture come."
2004, when Rengong Minister Zhou Yongkang, that "Deadline for Homicide" slogan. That year, the CPC announced public security, the detection of murder backlog over the previous year, an increase of 172%. And to read bin injustice of 2006, the Ministry said that the murder detection rate of Chinese Public Security, and has more than Britain, the United States, France and other countries. The county level filing units in urban areas, nearly half of the murder detection rate has reached 100 percent, read Bin case of investigators, claiming the so-called "well-detection" be amply rewarded.
China experts Yokogawa: "There is a special case in China, is the Public Security Bureau, courts, prosecutors, the three are unequal is the largest police department, the reason is that from the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong to the maintenance of stability to public security for the most. main main in the courts and prosecutors in this layer no error correction mechanism, in this case, cause a lot of opportunities to miscarriages of justice. "

China is recognized as the world, sentenced to death and executed the largest number of countries, but the exact number is treated as confidential Chinese authorities never released. How many cases of injustice, the more impossible to clarify.
Chinese mainland lawyer Peng Yongfeng: "We often do defense lawyers when they knew police officers evidence is illegal, it should be excluded by law, but then, it's Procuratorate used, then the court also adopted, which is the most unacceptable . "
And read Bin case after eight years, finally righted. User sad to say that the biggest reason is not judicial progress, but there is a read-bin for his eight years of continuous redress, he was willing to "roll the nail board" sister.
Bin sister read: "This is an undignified way."
Fumiaki: "This case can be commuted, there are many specific factors that are not replicated itself CCP's judicial reform, one thing will not change, that is, within the system of justice 'the will' in fact this kind of reverse the verdict, in the past. For decades there have been many times, do not make the whole system more just. "
NTD reporters Lan Lin New York reported - See more at: http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=zh-CN&rurl=translate.google.com&sandbox=0&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http://www.ntdtv.com/xtr/gb/2014/08/23/a1132434.html&usg=ALkJrhip6pbQnP6xoNlT8nAh0T9MCNC6yQ#sthash.fEETucva.dpuf

(3).更新时间: 2014-08-23 12:21 AM [纽约时间]
8年4死4生 念斌案再曝中国法制不公



而念斌案历经八年,终于昭雪。网友心酸地说,最大的原因不是司法进步,而是念斌有一个8年来持续为他申冤 ,甘愿为他〝滚钉板〞的姐姐。

(3) 업데이트 : 2014년 8월 23일 오전 12시 21분 [뉴욕 시간]
팔년 4 죽은 4 명의 학생이 텍스트를 읽고 다음 빈 불공정 중국의 법률 시스템을 노출
팔년 4 죽은 4 명의 학생이 텍스트를 읽고 다음 빈 불공정 중국의 법률 시스템을 노출
업데이트 시간 : 2014년 8월 23일 오전 12시 21분 [뉴욕 시간]
태그 빈 케이스 읽을 | 부정 | 소송 변호사
프로그램 글로벌 뉴스
320P 시계 다운로드 소스 1 : 이 오기 :
[NTD 8 월 23 일 2014 로이터 중국 복건성 남자의 고백을 추출하기 위해 지역 경찰의 고문에 빈, 2006를 읽고, 중독 살인 살인자의 경우로 바뀌. 팔년를 들어, 그는 죽음에 네 번, 세 번 재 시도를 철회하고, 마지막으로 22 일 최종 결정에서 무죄 선고를 선고 받았다. 가족이 울었다에서 "다수의 생성 무엇 CCP의 지배 아래에있는 사법 시스템에 관련된 더 많은 법인, 거기에있는 동안 읽기 빈 경우는 "눈이없는 잘못한있다.

복건이 네 사람이 빈 앞뒤로 푸 저우 중급 인민 법원의 재판과 그의 읽기 경우 사형을 선고 받았습니다, 고등 법원 및 대법원 복건 팔년, 최종 판단은 결국 자신의 무죄를 선언했다. 그리고 Zhefan의 우여곡절은 중독의 살인 2006에서 유래.
죽음에 중독이 아이들의 살인으로 인한 의심 중독의 더미, 전체 평탄 카운티, 복주시, 경찰이 용의자 읽기 함을 고정 놀라게했다.
이 푸젠 성에서 2006 년 10 대 형사 사건 중 하나입니다 12 일 사건 이후, 경찰은 신속하게 사건을 해결 발표했다. 그는 작은 몸을 노크 망치로 이쑤시개 삽입 리브 경찰이라고 생각 나중에 용의자 빈으로 확인 된 그 때, 자백을 강요하는 고문.
빈 읽기 소송 변호사 시 웨이 지앙 : "읽기 빈 고백 법원은 올 어떻게 죽음을 여러 번 비장의 증거로 자신의 간증을 선고?"
빈 장 Yansheng는 변호인 읽기 : "그는 내가 공안국이 나를 구타하기 때문에 수행 할 수 없습니다"고 밝혔다.
국방 변호사시 웨이 지앙은 "이 고문이왔다."

중국 전문가 요코는 "특별한 경우가 중국에있다, 공안국, 법원, 검찰, 셋이 동일하지 최대 규모의 경찰이다, 이유는 공공 안전에 대한 안정성의 유지에 파룬궁에 대한 박해의 시작 부분에서 가장이다. 이 계층의 코트와 검찰의 주요 메인은 오류 정정 메커니즘이 경우, 정의의 유산에 기회를 많이 발생하지 않습니다. "

중국어 본토 변호사 펭 영풍 : "우리는 종종 가장 받아 들일 수있는 증거는 법에 의해 제외하지만, 그 다음 법원도 채택, 검찰이 사용되는되어야한다, 불법 경찰을 알고 변호인을 . "
그리고 팔년 후 빈 케이스를 읽고, 마지막으로 고치게. 슬픈 사용자는 가장 큰 이유는 재판 진행이 아니라고 말하고 있지만, 읽기 빈 연속 구제 그의 팔년 거기에, 그는 여동생 "네일 보드를 롤"기꺼이.
빈 자매 읽기 : "이것은 품위 방법입니다."
후미 아키 : "이 사건은 과거에, 정의 사실 '의지'판결을 반대로 이런 종류의 시스템 내에서, 즉, 한 가지가 변경되지 않습니다, 자체 CCP의 사법 개혁을 복제되지 않습니다 많은 다른 요소가, 감형 할 수 있습니다. 수십 년 동안 더 많은 단지 전체 시스템을하지 않는 많은 시간이 있었다. "
란 린 뉴욕보고 NTD 기자

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"There are more shameless than this thing!!
We deeply appreciate the humiliation, persecution by the government of China E magic mainland,
Their mind was devastated tens of thousands of times.
Civilization superficial, the real magic of behavior such as E,
Most hated most indignant .... not for humanity!!
Shame. Shame. Shame!"
"이 일보다 더 뻔뻔한 있습니다!
우리는 깊이, 중국 E 마법 본토의 정부에 의해 굴욕, 박해를 주셔서 감사합니다
그들의 마음은 수십 수천 배의 황폐화되었다.
피상적 문명 같은 E와 같은 행동의 진짜 마법,
대부분의하지 인류 .... 가장 분개 싫어!
수치. 수치. 부끄러운 줄 아세요! "

Nous apprécions profondément l'humiliation, de la persécution par le gouvernement de la Chine continentale E magie,
Leur esprit a été dévasté des dizaines de milliers de fois.
Civilisation superficielle, la vraie magie de comportements tels que E,
Le plus haï plus indignés .... pas pour l'humanité !!
Honte. Honte. Honte! "
"Є більш безсоромною, ніж ця річ !!
Ми глибоко цінуємо приниження, гоніння з боку уряду Китаю E материка чарівної,
Їх розум був спустошений десятки тисяч разів.
Цивілізація поверхневим, справжня магія поведінки, такі як E,
Самі ненавидів найбільше обурюються .... не для людства !!
Ганьба. Ганьба. Ганьба! "
"Există mai nerușinat decât acest lucru !!
Apreciem profund umilința, persecuția de către guvernul Chinei E continent magie,
Mintea lor a fost devastat zeci de mii de ori.
Civilizația superficial, magia reală de comportament, cum ar fi E,
Cel mai urât cel mai indignat .... nu pentru umanitate !!
Rușine. Rușine. Rușine! "

---**China's rule of law set from what is, at heart we are shocked and sympathetic, well not trouble the ordinary mainland people, why can put someone with the same human race is the Chinese people, because of the antiquated political distortions from black officer fallacy, the people with dead / torture treat evil acts by ''NDTV'' let's see how dark mainland China, for promotion, for finance, and make people aggrieved humiliated topics: (1).**read Bin case seven eight fruitless trial,, read Vengeful mother Eve died -!. (2).**Nian Chen Yuan Bin case did not snow,, Harbor Police experts suspect fraud !!! "- (3).** 8 years 4 dead four students,, read the case and then exposed the Chinese legal system Bin unfair !!! "- [NTD August 23, 2014 Reuters - China Fujian man read Bin, 2006 extract confessions under torture local police , became a poison murder murderer. For eight years, he was sentenced to death four times, three times a retrial was withdrawn, and finally in a final ruling on the 22nd, the acquitted release ..... ~ ~!! "-
---**中國的法治從甚麼訂定律則,我們打從心底的感到震驚和同情,好好不惹事的平凡內地人,有人為何可把同是人類更是同種族的中國人,卻因着迂腐扭曲的政治黑官謬論,把人以死物/酷刑對待之恶行為,由''新唐人電視臺''讓我們看清楚中國內地如何黑暗,為昇官,為財金,而令百姓受屈受辱的專題:(1).**念斌案七年八审无果 ,,念母除夕含恨离世!-(2).**念斌案沉冤未雪,, 港专家疑公安造假!!!"-(3).**8年4死4生 ,,念斌案再曝中国法制不公!!!"-【新唐人2014年08月23日讯】--中国福建男子念斌,2006年在当地警方的刑讯逼供下屈打成招,变成了一宗投毒杀人案的凶手。八年间,他四次被判死刑、三次被撤回重审,终于在22号的最终裁决中,被判无罪释.....??!!"--
--- ** 마음이 무엇에서 법 세트의 중국의 규칙은, 우리는 충격을 받았다와 교감, 잘하지 문제가 보통 본토 사람들은 왜 때문에 낡은 정치 왜곡, 중국 명 동일한 인류와 사람을 넣을 수 있습니다 (1) ** 빈 케이스 칠 읽기 : 검정 임원 착오에서 죽은 / 고문을 가진 사람들이 'NDTV'에 의해 악한 행동 치료 '의 중국 본토, 승진, 금융, 그리고 사람들이 창피 주제를 억압하게하는 방법 어두운 보자. 팔 보람 재판,, 읽기 복수심에 불타는 어머니 이브는 사망 -.!. (2) ** 니안 첸 위안 빈 케이스가 눈하지 않았다,, 하버 경찰 전문가들이 사기를 의심!. "- (3) ** 팔년 4 죽은 사 학생들이 읽기 경우 다음 빈 불공정 중국의 법률 시스템을 노출,,! "- [NTD 8월 23일을, 2014 로이터 - 중국 복건 남자 고문 현지 경찰에서 2,006 추출물의 고백은, 팔 독극물 살인 살인자가되었다 빈을 참조하십시오. 년, 그는 죽음에 네 번, 세 번 재 시도를 철회하고, 한을 선고 받았다 마침내 22 일 무죄를 선고 릴리스 ..... ~ ~! "에 대한 최종 판결에서 -
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/KOREN/FR/UKN/JP/ROMA/........all the world lauguage**-
--- ** La règle de la Chine ensemble de ce qui est de la loi, à cœur, nous sommes choqués et sympathiques, bien de ne pas troubler les gens du continent ordinaires, pourquoi ne peut mettre quelqu'un avec le même genre humain est le peuple chinois, en raison des distorsions politiques archaïques du noir officier erreur, les personnes atteintes de mort / torture traitent mal agit en '' NDTV '«voyons comment sombre Chine continentale pour la promotion, de la finance, et rendent les gens lésés sujets humiliés:. (1) ** lire cas Bin sept huit procès inutile,, lu mère vengeur Eve est mort - !. (2). ** Cas Nian Chen Yuan Bin n'a pas neigé,, experts Port police suspicion de fraude !!! "-. (3) ** 8 années 4 quatre morts étudiants,, lire le cas et ensuite exposés le système juridique chinois Bin injuste !!!" - [MTN 23 août 2014 Reuters - Chine Fujian homme lire Bin, 2006 confessions extrait sous la torture la police locale, est devenu un meurtrier poison assassiner. Pendant huit ans, il a été condamné à mort quatre fois, trois fois un nouveau procès a été retirée, et enfin à une décision finale sur le 22, la libération acquitté ..... ~ ~ !! "-
--- ** Правило Китаю правоохоронних набору від того, що є, по своїй суті, ми шоковані і співчуваючі, а не біда звичайні материка люди, чому може поставити кого з тієї ж людської раси китайського народу, бо з застарілих політичних спотворень з чорного офіцера оману, люди з мертвої / катувань лікування злодіяння від '' NDTV '' давайте подивимося, як темно-материковий Китай, для просування, для фінансування, і щоб люди потерпілий принизили теми :. (1) ** читати бен випадок сім вісім безплідними суд,, читати мстивого матір Єва померла -!. (2). ** Нянь Чень Юань Бін справа не сніг,, Харбор Поліцейські експерти підозрюють шахрайство !!! "-. (3) ** 8 років 4 мертві чотири студента,, читати справу, а потім піддається китайської правової системи Бен несправедливо !!!" - [NTD 23 серпня 2014 Reuters - Китай Фуцзянь людина читають Bin, 2006 отримання зізнань під тортурами місцевої поліції, став вбивцею отрута вбивство. Протягом восьми років, він був засуджений до смерті в чотири рази, три рази повторний розгляд був знятий, і, нарешті, в остаточному рішенні на 22, виправданий випуск ..... ~ ~ !! "-
---**中心にあるものとは、法律·セットの中国の規則は、私たちはショックを受けていると交感神経、うまくしないトラブル一般の本土の人は、なぜ理由時代遅れの政治的な歪みにより、中国の人々されているのと同じ人類で誰かを置くことができます黒の役員誤謬から、死んだ/拷問を持つ人々が「NDTV''による邪悪な行為を扱う「人は屈辱のトピックを被害者がどのように暗い中国本土、昇進のために、財政のために見てみましょう、とmake:(1)**ビンケース7を読む8無益な裁判は,,イブが死んだ復讐母親を読んで - ! (2)。**インディアン陳垣ビンケースが雪なかっ,,ハーバー警察の専門家が詐欺容疑者! " - 。(3)**8年4死んだ4人は、ケースを読んで,,してからビン不公平な中国の法制度露出!" - [NTD2014年8月23日ロイター - 中国福建省の男ビンを読んで、2006エキス自白拷問地元警察の下で、毒殺人殺人者となった。 8年間、彼は死刑を宣告された4回、三回再審を回収し、最終的に22日、最終的な判決にあった、無罪リリース.....〜〜! " -
--- ** Regulă din China a stabilit drept de ceea ce este, la inimă suntem șocați și simpatic, bine nu probleme oamenilor obișnuiți continent, de ce se poate pune pe cineva cu aceeasi rasa umană este poporul chinez, din cauza distorsiunilor politice învechite de la negru ofițer eroare, persoanele cu morți / tortura trata fapte rele de 'NDTV' să vedem cât de întuneric China continentală, pentru promovare, pentru finanțe, și face pe oameni vătămate subiecte umilit:. (1) ** citit Bin caz de șapte opt proces zadarnic,, citit mama răzbunător Eva a murit - !. (2). ** Caz Nian Chen Yuan Bin nu a nins,, experți portuar suspectați de fraudă !!! "-. (3) ** 8 ani 4 Dead patru elevi,, citit cazul și apoi expus sistemul juridic chinez Bin nedrept !!!" - [NTD 23 august 2014 Reuters - China Fujian om citit Bin, 2006 confesiuni extract sub tortură local de poliție, a devenit un criminal crimă otravă. Timp de opt ani, a fost condamnat la moarte de patru ori, de trei ori rejudecarea cauzei a fost retrasă, iar în cele din urmă într-o hotărâre definitivă pe data de 22, eliberarea achitat ..... ~ ~ !! "-
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/KOREN/FR/UKN/JP/ROMA/........all the world lauguage**-
===Melody.Blog===THE END===>/