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German,Greek, Hungarian, Italian,
Japanese, Lithuanian,Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Romanian,
Russian,Slovak, Spanish
* 最後更新: *gphoto的是一個程序和庫的框架,它允許用戶從他們的數碼相機下載照片。
* http://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/gphoto/libgphoto/2.5.3/libgphoto2-2.5.3.tar.bz2

Manual Focus
- Nikon DSLR: Manual focusing only works in the "liveview" aka "preview" mode (with mirror up). In "non preview" mode the focus motor is only controllable by the autofocus engine.
--set-config manualfocusdrive=step size
Here a value between-32768
can be specified that is the direction and pulse length to the focus ring motor.
Setting this value causes a relative movement, fixed positions cannot be driven to. To achieve the wanted focus, multiple calls might need to be done.
An error will be reported if the end of the focus range is reached. - Canon EOS DSLR: Manual focus driving only works on the "liveview" aka "preview" mode (with mirror up). In "non preview" mode the focus motor is only controllable by the autofocus engine.
--set-config manualfocusdrive=Mode
where mode is "Near 1" "Near 2" "Near 3" "Far 1" "Far 2" "Far 3". These are 3 different relative stepsizes for both focusing directions. To achieve focusing, multiple calls might need to be done.
List of cameras
Camera Name | Libgphoto2 capture support | Controllable aspects | Megapixel | Notes |
Canon Digital IXUS II/PowerShot SD100 | Yes | Quality, Imagesize, ISO, Whitebalance, Photoeffect, Zoom, Assistlight, ExpComp, Flashmode, Aperture, Focuspoints, Shutterspeed, Metering Mode, AF Distance, Focus Locking, Viewfinder | 3 | |
Canon PowerShot SD110 | Yes | All (like SD100),Viewfinder | 3 | |
Canon Digital IXUS 400 | Yes | All,Viewfinder | 4 | |
Canon Digital IXUS 430 / ELPH S410 | Yes | ?,Viewfinder | 4 | In PTP mode |
Canon IXY Digital 300 | Yes | All,Viewfinder | 2 | |
Canon EOS 1000D / Rebel XS / Kiss F | Yes | Image Format, ISO, WhiteBalance, Whitebalance Adjust, DriveMode, Picture Style, Bulb Mode, BracketMode, Aperture, ShutterSpeed, Autofocus (in LiveView mode), Manual Focus (in LiveView mode), Viewfinder | 10 | Use libgphoto2 2.4.9 Use the Modewheel on the Camera to get to different settings. Shutterspeed and Aperture not available in Auto or P setting, only in the more manual ones. For Bulb mode: Switch dial to 'M'anual mode, gphoto2 --set-config shutterspeed=bulb , and run something like: gphoto2 --set-config bulb=1 --wait-event=10s --set-config bulb=0 --wait-event-and-download=5s |
Canon EOS 1100D / Rebel ?? / Kiss ? | Yes | Image Format, ISO, WhiteBalance, Whitebalance Adjust, DriveMode, Picture Style, Bulb Mode, BracketMode, Aperture, ShutterSpeed, Autofocus (in LiveView mode), Manual Focus (in LiveView mode), Viewfinder | 10 | Use libgphoto2 2.4.14 Use the Modewheel on the Camera to get to different settings. Shutterspeed and Aperture not available in Auto or P setting, only in the more manual ones. For Bulb mode: Switch dial to 'M'anual mode, gphoto2 --set-config shutterspeed=bulb , and run something like: gphoto2 --wait-event=2s --set-config eosremoterelease=Immediate --wait-event=5s --set-config eosremoterelease=Off --wait-event-and-download=5s |
Canon EOS 300D/Digital Rebel | Yes | ISO, Shutterspeed, Zoom (? likely read only), Aperture, Resolution (RAW, Normal JPEG, ...), Focus Mode (read-only?), Flash Mode (read-only) | 6.5 | Uses "Normal" mode in the camera (and the "canon" driver in libgphoto2). Set Modewheel to "M" to get all settings. |
Canon EOS 40D | Yes | limited level of configurability (see EOS 1000D), Viewfinder | 10.1 | use libgphoto2 2.4.9 |
Canon EOS 400D / Rebel XTi / Kiss Digital X | Yes | limited level of configurability (see EOS 1000D), no Viewfinder | 10.1 | use libgphoto2 2.4.9 |
Canon EOS 450D / Rebel XSi / Kiss X2 | Yes | Image Format, ISO, WhiteBalance, DriveMode, Picture Style, Aperture, Shutterspeed, Viewfinder | 12 | Use libgphoto2 2.4.9. Use the ModeWheel on the Camera to get to different settings. Shutterspeed and Aperture not available in Auto or P setting, only in the more manual ones. |
Canon EOS 50D | Yes | limited level of configurability (see other EOS), Viewfinder | 15.1 | Use libgphoto2 2.4.9. Use the ModeWheel on the Camera to get to different settings. Shutterspeed and Aperture not available in Auto or P setting, only in the more manual ones. |
Canon EOS 500D / Rebel T1i / Kiss X3 | Yes | limited level of configurability (see other EOS), Viewfinder | 15.1 | Use libgphoto2 2.4.9. Use the ModeWheel on the Camera to get to different settings. Shutterspeed and Aperture not available in Auto or P setting, only in the more manual ones. |
* Download libgphoto2-2.5.3.tar.bz2 (6.7 MB)
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- "一網站式免費發放!`--
- *USA(en)-* Mac graphics software -(Multi-lingual )[Edit.. plug-effects ... etc..] -
- "The whole collection at'' Sourceforge "a web-based distributed free^~*
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