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(1)) The Hong Kong Jockey Club 2007 version = "upgrade set designed specifically for visually impaired computer screen reading software" dawn "and distributed free to the visually impaired, the association also organized training courses to teach the visually impaired this supports the use of Cantonese, Mandarin, English and Braille output screen reader software! "-http :/ / jcdic.hk / e_pedia / e_pedia_hkbu_nvda.php(2) Hong Kong Blind Union will = "Accessible Digital Technology Center - ** NVDA screen reader software (Hong Kong Version) **! -
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(4). [19 October 2013] crossing dispute screen reading charity version 2013 SP1 (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English)
Crossing dispute charity screen reader version is completely free, and permanently free, do not read the screen version of public pay for the fight to anyone crossing. If you have a blind friend around, and also welcome to tell him.
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Ib tug US lub tsev muag tshuaj noj tshuaj tawm tsam kev txhaum lub suab rau tus tsis pom tsis 12/6/2014 NVDA 2014,2 tso 23/5/2014 Teeb: luv-nqi Braille zaub daws 30/4/2014 Lub tshiab ciab-raws li Braille zaub technologies tab tom tsim 23/4/2014 Service TalkingFlix movies, TV dictated dluab 22/4/2014 TapTapSee Launch hauv xov tooj ntawd version 7/4/2014 Samsung launched nws lub xov tooj txawb Galaxy Core ua ntej 3 yog tsim los pab cov neeg ua hauj lwm tsis pom tsis accessories 17/3/2014 iOS 7.1 kev txhim kho nyob rau hauv cuag tom yam 12/3/2014 fujitsu kov screen tshuab ua qauv qhia 26/2/2014 YouTube video cov cuab yeej dictated dluab 25/2/2014 Microsoft muaj dawb Qhov Rai-muag screen nyeem ntawv software rau lub 2010 los yog newer version ntawm cov neeg siv Office 16/1/2014 View 2013 Xov xwm
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*The Hong Kong Jockey Club 2007 version =http://jcdic.hk/e_pedia/e_pedia_hkbu_nvda.php
廣東話繁體及簡體兼容版本。 。
請單擊這個連結閱讀有關的說明: 參看晨光讀屏軟件說明文檔
要使用晨光讀屏軟件,你先要安裝微軟的英語語音系統(SAPI4.0) 或
其他符合這個標準的英語語音系統。 微軟的SAPI4 語音系統可以在本網頁下載
至於普通話的兩個版本,你也需要安裝一個符合SAPI4 標準的普通話語音系統,
例如是IBM 開發的那個系統。
除了上述的三個版本外, 網主連同香港視網膜病變協會也推出了晨光2011 版本,
這個版本附帶了Scansoft 的語音系統,
並提供讓用者選擇已安裝到視窗的SAPI5 英語語音系統。
由於中文語音版權的限制, 這個版本只能以CD 分發,
雖然如此, 本網站會提供不帶語音系統的保町和升級版,
方便那些獲得CD 版本的朋友下在。
現在提供下在的是2014 的升級版本。
NVDA 2014.2推出23/5/2014
Samsung為其手機Galaxy Core Advance 推出3個為協助視障人事而設的配件17/3/2014
iOS 7.1在無障礙方面的改善12/3/2014
微軟為Office 2010或更新版本的用戶提供免費讀屏軟件Window-Eyes16/1/2014
Nonvisual Desktop Access
Window Eyes
System Access
電腦入門 (Windows XP)
Internet Explorer 網頁瀏覽
Outlook Express入門
Word 文書處理入門(一)
Excel 試算表入門
以下這些快捷鍵基於Internet Explore 6、Outlook Express 6、Office 2007及JAWS 10編制,大多數的命令亦適用於較舊版本。
Internet Explorer 一般快捷鍵
Internet Explorer 的JAWS快捷鍵
Outlook Express 一般快捷鍵
Outlook Express 的JAWS快捷鍵
Word 的JAWS快捷鍵
Excel 一般快捷鍵
Excel 的JAWS快捷鍵
DAISY播放機 Victor Classic Player+使用指南
DAISY播放機 Victor Classic Player+使用指南錄音版(WMA聲音檔)




Note Taker / 個人數碼助理


*(2). Hong Kong Blind Union will = "Accessible Digital Technology Center - **
香港失明人協進會="無障礙數碼科技中心--**NVDA讀屏軟件(香港版)**!- ***
Our services
Accessible Digital Technology Center
NVDA screen reader software (Hong Kong Version)
Brief introduction
NVDA is a free and open source screen reader software. This will make it more suitable for Chinese users, especially for the NVDA add multiple new features. NVDA (Hong Kong Version) The new features include:
- Able to enroll in Chinese speech engine
- Using two different voice were enrolled in English
- Support a variety of popular Chinese input methods to enroll
- Join explain the functionality for Chinese words
Download NVDA screen reader software (Hong Kong Version) - 2013/10 update
Video link on this page will open in a new window
1 ︰ NVDA NVDA teaching video download and install Version Introduction
This section will introduce NVDA download and how to install NVDA.
Click here to watch video |
NVDA teaching video 2 ︰ open and close NVDA
This section will describe how to open, close NVDA, NVDA current
situation and the use of computer systems to see, including the time and
date, etc. information.
Click here to watch video |
Movie 3 ︰ NVDA NVDA teaching language settings, save or restore preferences
This section will describe how by personal preferences, on NVDA
settings related to the sound of the voice, speed, volume, pitch and
tone, as well as how to save and restore the relevant settings.
Click here to watch video |
Teaching Movie 4 ︰ NVDA NVDA mouse settings
This section will describe how to enroll NVDA mouse activity related
settings, when you are done, you can also save and restore settings in
accordance with [the movie] instructions to save and restore settings.
Click here to watch video |
Teaching Movie 5 ︰ NVDA NVDA key Instructions Mode
This section will describe how to easily search NVDA key commands
illustrate various features, as well as open the way NVDA user guide.
Click here to watch video |
NVDA video teaching vocabulary and spelling features 6 ︰
This section will describe how to start NVDA function words and
spelling, vocabulary and spelling capabilities enable users to
understand the main character with the words, in order to avoid
confusion with other homophones.
Click here to watch video |
NVDA 7 ︰ enroll teaching video viewer
This section will introduce the viewer to enroll function as well as his method of operation.
Enroll Viewer main role is to make people see health as the computer is
reading the contents of the report, in order to understand the user is
viewing content.
Click here to watch video |
NVDA teaching video 8:2 browse the Web Application
This section will describe how to put NVDA applications on the web. This will be our website (http://www.hkbu.org.hk) homepage as a demonstration.
Click here to watch video
------------------------------------------------------------------- |
- 能夠報讀中文的語音引擎
- 利用兩個不同語音分別報讀中英文
- 支援多種常用中文輸入法的報讀
- 加入對中文字詞的解釋功能
下載NVDA讀屏軟體 (香港版) - 2013/10 更新
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Web Accessibility Award Scheme
[19 October 2013] crossing dispute screen reading charity version 2013 SP1 (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English)
dispute charity screen reader version is completely free, and
permanently free, do not read the screen version of public pay for the
fight to anyone crossing. If you have a blind friend around, and also welcome to tell him.
Crossing dispute screen reader version of the full package of public (Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English) Crossing
dispute screen reader version 2013 SP1-based charity crossing dispute
cropped compared to 2013 SP2 screen reader comes with the commercial
version, clipping function as follows: First, remove the logical sequence of forty-six simulated mouse navigation and Pareto navigation Second, the full-text translation feature Three, Ctrl key numeric keypad plus QQ messaging features Quick View Four, Office retain only basic support Five, ZDSR normal windows copy text plus X Six, Shift plus a small carriage Seven, the network configuration screen reader sync Eight, crossing dispute cloud clipboard, crossing dispute local clipboard Nine, signpost function Ten, suspended window XI, read mouse Twelve, Win7 sound control XIII, point explicit support Crossing dispute charity screen reader version 2013 SP1 ( (Business Edition 2013 SP2-based cropping)
1. Repair extension under certain circumstances read errors
2. Repair part of the edit box backspace not read the question, as part
of the Web page editor, Outlook e-mail and other text edit box 3 Want to repair the context menu pops up an error when reading spaces 4. Repair Office2003 Word and Excel under certain circumstances repeated reading errors 5 fixes some cases the presence of multiple boot screen reader 6 In the page, switch to edit mode automatically when the mouse is read 7 Unable to get information for certain menu items increased number aloud, such as Desktop Weather show. 8 Other details of the optimization
2013 ( Add a voice library (male and female voices Mandarin, Cantonese male and female voices) New programs and tangential tangential voice sound hotkey Shift + ZDSR + F9/F10 Under
the new system is muted, the startup screen reader automatically turn
the sound feature, the system automatically restored volume is less than
10 to 20 New features daily attendance New version of crossing dispute Information New
crossing dispute notice for publication crossing dispute related
notice, such as screen readers upgrades, major events such as crossing
dispute New editing support QQ2013 (the mouse to follow, the starting point of the end point to select) New
lock mouse functions (in the case of simultaneous open the keyboard to
help lock the mouse and keyboard to help open the equivalent of locking
the mouse and keyboard) 24 solar terms inquiries within one year of the new calendar Plus I added ZDSR positioning controls in multiple pages Select the beginning of the end point of the point on the new website features Added h ,1-6, m, d and other web elements accessed by hotkey Add
page letters N and Shift + N reading pages of text blocks, and win
hotkey added words read aloud text faster adjustment options Add page numbers letters navigation options Win new set of custom hotkey sequence New
way to read Excel cell Grande Custom (10376 items modify info.txt
language, you can customize the ranks, value, content, annotations are
read aloud) Only
when the clipboard add a file or folder, Shift plus point synthesis of
information readout clipboard folder name or file name Details dialog box to add automatic reading New name aloud switch control container Add consecutive identical symbols to accumulate reading (for example, "}" read "three spaces right brace") Add
forty-six follow (like a mouse to follow), the starting point is set to
the current navigation forty-six operating position, remove the focus
synchronized sound and audio prompt box New pixel browsing scope, you can switch between full screen and current window Add forty-six key number by reading the coordinates Add forty-six tree view of the number of key statistics New reading list item number Added finished loading large text tone New Word Tab key on a table text to speech New British Library Microsoft input method support New focus control when control is synchronized to the voice prompts 4,6 Add 4,6 key changes after the window controls automatic refresh Double-click Add ZDSR minus sign, where the operator controls the synchronization object to 4,6 Controls Double-click the new keyboard strategy: double-click speed system and user-defined double-click speed F1
hotkey to increase the local ferry dispute screen reader settings
interface, used to open the crossing dispute screen reader use folders Crossing dispute Windows screen reader settings in the new set, a set of commonly used settings button Crossing
dispute screen reader to follow the mouse settings in the box to
increase the pixel browsing range box, floating window with the same
process to set the focus window combo box New crossing dispute magnifying glass 7 keys to optimize web pages automatically read aloud the text of the editor and fluency Optimize and improve the operating range of pages accessed by the elements Optimization capabilities ZDSR plus pages read aloud the text of W Optimization of web pages in a single box edit mode operation Optimize and improve the parts of speech database support Optimization verbatim reading, lower case appears Dayton card A list of statistics to optimize the number of items Perfect keyboard help Enhanced Clipboard Editor to delete empty rows performance Sound editor clipboard When
the clipboard editor window is open, will no longer be synchronized
system clipboard text. Shift plus keypad will force an update Read confusing part of the twin-engine under bug fixes Grab twin-engine repair leak reading problems reading Repair of full-width punctuation aloud Access to repair the leakage read some pages cursor problem Fix some web editor, move the cursor up and down cursor will always be set to the beginning of the line error After the cursor reaches the space can not be repaired on the page into edit mode Calendar window to open repair problems Deviation calculated calendar throttle fix the problem Repair some focus information processing error reading After entering the program error resulted in some cases repair Tuck input Repair Baidu input method for typing preferences do not read the question Repair existing input repeat reading problems, optimize reading speed input Repair ZDSR plus the word under the cursor parsing errors encountered in some cases Repair ZDSR plus left and right cursor does not read blank characters Repair ZDSR plus about possible duplication cursor reading Under certain circumstances the repair screen reader can not properly use the cursor keys to progressive verbatim reading Win plus pause button does not fix the problem in effect Repair some cases the window initialization errors, leading web letter keys into effect in normal window Repair Office some settings do not read the cursor up and down combo box problem Win7 repair tips and some edit box is not operating normally (such as the Save As dialog box) Some repair status bar 1,3 key problem of incomplete reading When reading information visit the cursor to repair some of the software project failure Repair some password window can not backspace to delete the password Repair ZDSR plus right cursor at the end of the line when the last character is not read Repair ZDSR plus two-tone around the cursor in the library, met some Japanese characters or character does not read Progressive repair all the symbols are not read aloud when Can not read the screen to start repair system problems streamlined voice interface after 5.1 Will read error correction when reading the definition of some symbols repair Hotkeys make the following adjustments: Ctrl plus point with the process sequence switching window ZDSR increase the keyboard to open the crossing dispute knowledge Figure 2 ZDSR plus Q Click to read CPU usage, memory usage, double click to read ZDSR
plus Tab click Double-click to read aloud to repeat the process the
focus path, the number of windows and process information (or page
element code) Shift hotkey will ZDSR plus all current items to ZDSR plus Win hotkey Editor button to the Clipboard menu items; The ZDSR plus 2,4,6,8 mobile voice and read into the mouse to move the mouse sound audio, plus Win hotkey to ZDSR Adjustment hotkey to modify the magnitude of the link hops Adjustment ZDSR plus 5: Click to get the text under the mouse, double the original ranks, coordinate information broadcast Click the button to keep the 13 possible positions Adjust the structure of the relevant documents Adjustment ZDSR spaces operating range (only on the website) Double-click the last 5 to adjust the controls Redesigning
the internal elements of access control, key switch controls 13
subprojects, two key repeat aloud the current project Regulate the release of Sound editing hotkeys occupied key combination Special treatment delete QQ all Tab and cursor keys Delete ZDSR plus F7 hotkey changed to ZDSR plus Win hotkey Delete ZDSR + Ctrl + Space to select the file Rename and delete controls hotkey ZDSR + R Delete Older crossing dispute Information
Crossing dispute is a screen reader running under Windows system screen
reading software, used to help visually impaired people to operate a
computer. There is free public service and commercial editions charge. The main features are:
Good screen reading system compatibility crossing dispute has good
system compatibility, you can install and run under windows7, windows
vista, windows xp systems.
Automated installation process simple installation screen reader
crossing dispute, the city realized the automation and voice prompts,
even a computer novice can easily complete the installation.
For more help and tutorials crossing dispute screen reader comes with
detailed user help documentation, user access at any time during use. For commonly used software also provides sound operation tutorial.
Enrich and improve the speech engine
Screen reader is with us all the time using computers, voice quality is
good or bad has a direct impact on the way we use computers emotions,
crossing dispute screen reader has a rich and comprehensive speech
engine to meet the individual needs of different users.
Most mainstream support voice interface, support for dual-voice mixed
reading library, you can select a different sound card switching output. Users can install their favorite speech database, and can be used with any.
Dual voice mixed with multi-language reading, you can achieve any
bilingual text read aloud, such as Britain mixed reading, the Japanese
mixed reading, English mixed reading, the Russo-Japanese mixed reading
and so on.
Multiple simulation models simulate a mouse is a mouse with a small
keyboard keys to simulate a normal mouse movements, so as to solve the
blind can not use a mouse defect.
Crossing dispute screen readers to further develop and enrich the
simulated mouse functions proposed block-and pixel-two analog mouse
Each type also contains a variety of operating modes, twenty-eight
block-mouse navigation is an innovative, not only to restore the true
layout can maximize the window, but you can make it easier to understand
the blind windows and faster and simpler operation.
Fast and efficient web browsing web browsing computer is already today
one of the most important life component to improve the web browsing
speed and efficiency of screen reading software is a matter of concern.
The introduction of a screen reader crossing dispute Browse by element,
web browsing and text editing / browsing mode and other modes of
operation, maximize operational efficiency website.
International and multi-lingual support in order to meet the needs of
more users, crossing dispute screen reader uses a flexible language
package management mechanism to support multiple national languages,
software built Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and English
language pack. Manager user through language, language packs can be personalized to modify, or even create their own special language pack. We read screen with custom features, will give users greater flexibility and personalization.
Hotkey set of concepts with the increasing screen reading features,
shortcuts are becoming more and more, it will increase the burden on the
user, in order to reduce the heavy burden on the user memory hotkeys,
learn related software experience and in-depth mining, our innovative
concept proposes a hotkey.
Simply put, is a similar set of functions grouped together, and then
hotkey layout, so you only need to remember that this group hotkey
Crossing dispute screen reading program hotkey group currently supports
voice, screen reading and reading habits hotkey set hotkey groups.
Full support office
Crossing dispute screen reader can well support office software,
including word, excel, not only the progressive realization of the word,
verbatim reading of excel cell Grande reading, but also adds a lot of
quick operation, for example, excel formula cell, drag, reading
constituency, as well as the background color, font, font color
selection information.
"Crossing dispute screen reading charity Edition" has the following characteristics: A completely free: This version is installed at zero cost.
This is the cause of our efforts to make information accessibility, but
also hope that more friends to support us, support the development of
the domestic screen reading software. 2 Get easy: As long as you have a network, you can visit our official website to download this version. If you are uncomfortable, find a friend to help you to look around a discerning eye, it can be very easy to obtain. We will log out the official website home page prominently in this version. 3 Easy installation: The installation step is believed to be in contact with each new computer friends dreamed of. 4 easy to get started: with easy to understand instructions and text tutorials within the software. Tutorials by our production team members, allowing you to quickly master the basic operations.
5 basic functions intact: "crossing dispute screen reading charity
Edition" is a permanent basis and can use the full-featured version,
without any time constraints and network authentication, this version
allows you to swim in the Internet, software and basic support routine
third-party software.
6 Service protection: "crossing dispute screen reading charity version
of" contention can enjoy full screen reading crossing service. This is very important and meaningful. We are responsible for any of our products. We cherish every user.
7 We solemnly promise: If you use this version find any problems, as
long as you carry out effective feedback, we will work in the future be
amended. And, we promise "crossing dispute screen reading charity Edition" will be regularly upgraded. 8 Multi-System Support: This version supports Microsoft's latest Windows 7 system and most mainstream Windows XP system. "Crossing dispute screen reading charity version of" crowd:
An economic hardship friends: the economic difficulties of friends,
want to use the computer, but because of economic problems and troubles,
crossing the screen reader now has an indisputable public interest,
this problem can be solved. 2 elderly and children, friends: You may not need to be too complicated, simply everyday applications. This time simple and efficient public service version is your best choice.
3 schools, training institutions, federations, enterprises and other:
We very much hope that the blind friend to popularize computer knowledge
can really feel the many benefits of the computer has brought us.
This version allows applied to each school for the blind, blind
computer training institutions, federations, enterprises and other
computer-based training courses. 4 newly purchased computer friends: You may need a computer to talk immediately. At this time you can be to install this version.
5 very much like to learn to read screen friends crossing dispute: for
crossing dispute screen reader want to learn, eager to experience the
crossing dispute read screen operation friends.
Hope "charity fight ferry screen reader version of" can greatly
facilitate the introduction of blind friends using computers to
popularize basic computer applications, for a new era of blind friends
can spend screen reading software, network and enjoy the wonderful life.
Crossing dispute screen reading charity edition
Crossing dispute screen reading online version
Crossing dispute screen reading online version for LAN environments,
such as massage parlors, schools, libraries, disabled and so on.
Online is divided into server and client in two parts, the server
program installed on a LAN server, and insert the dongle, as long as the
other computers in the LAN to install the client program can use. Network Edition features entirely consistent with the commercial version of the function.
Details (October 19, 2013 update)
Crossing dispute welfare projects in map
Business negotiations
Bulk purchases, and the online version of the company's business, please contact:
Yang whole:
Mobile 13573578733 QQ 13573578733
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(3). [2013年10月19日]爭渡讀屏公益版2013 SP1(簡體中文,繁體中文,英文)
爭渡讀屏公益版完整安裝包(簡體中文、繁體中文、英文) 爭渡讀屏公益版2013 SP1基於爭渡讀屏2013 SP2裁剪而來,
與!!商業版相比,功能裁剪如下: 一、模擬鼠標去掉四六導航的邏輯順序和二八導航 二、全文翻譯功能 三、Ctrl加小鍵盤數字鍵快速查看QQ消息功能 四、Office僅保留基本支持 五、ZDSR加X拷貝普通窗口文本 六、Shift加小回車 七、讀屏配置的網絡同步 八、爭渡雲剪貼板,爭渡本地剪貼板 九、路標功能 十、懸浮窗口 十一、讀鼠標 十二、Win7聲卡控制 十三、點顯器支持 爭渡讀屏公益版2013 SP1( (基於商業版2013 SP2裁剪)
1.修復某些情況下後綴名朗讀錯誤 2.修復部分編輯框退格不讀的問題,如部分網頁編輯器、Outlook郵件正文編輯框等 3.修復旺旺右鍵菜單彈出時朗讀空格的錯誤 4.修復Office2003的Word和Excel某些情況下重複朗讀的錯誤 5.修復某些情況下存在的讀屏多重啟動 6.在網頁中,讀鼠標時自動切換為編輯模式 7.對某些無法獲取信息的菜單項增加序號朗讀,比如桌面天氣秀。 8.其他細節優化
2013( 新增一組語音庫(普通話男女聲,粵語男女聲) 新增反切語音方案和反切聲卡熱鍵Shift+ZDSR+F9/F10 新增在系統靜音情況下,啟動讀屏自動開啟聲音功能,系統音量低於10時自動恢復到20 新增每日簽到功能 新增新版爭渡資訊 新增爭渡通知,用於發布爭渡相關通知,比如讀屏升級,爭渡重大活動等 新增QQ2013的編輯支持(鼠標跟隨,開始點結束點選擇) 新增鎖鼠標功能(在打開鍵盤幫助情況下同時鎖定鼠標,
及打開鍵盤幫助等同於鎖定鼠標和鍵盤) 新增萬年曆中一年內的24節氣查詢 新增ZDSR加I在多個網頁控件的定位功能 新增網頁上選擇開始點結束點功能 新增h、1-6、m、d等網頁按元素訪問熱鍵 新增網頁字母N和Shift+N朗讀網頁文本塊,
同時win熱鍵組加入朗讀文本快字數調整選項 新增網頁字母導航的序號選項 新增Win熱鍵組自定義順序 新增Excel單元格朗讀方式自定義
(修改info.txt的10376語言項,可以自定義行列,值,內容,批註是否朗讀) 新增當剪貼板內只有一個文件或者文件夾時,
Shift加點剪貼板信息綜述讀出文件夾名或文件名 新增自動朗讀對話框詳細信息 新增控件容器名朗讀開關 新增連續相同的符號進行累加朗讀(例如" }"讀作"3個空格右花括號") 新增四六跟隨(類似於鼠標跟隨),將四六導航起點設置到當前操作位置,
去掉焦點同步聲音複選框及音效提示 新增像素式瀏覽範圍,可切換全屏和當前窗口 新增四六鍵序號按坐標朗讀 新增四六鍵樹視圖的數目統計 新增朗讀列表項目序號 新增大文本加載完成的提示音 新增Word上Tab鍵的表格文本朗讀 新增微軟英庫輸入法支持 新增焦點控件同步到4,6控件時聲音提示 新增4、6鍵在窗口控件變化後的自動刷新 新增ZDSR加減號雙擊,將操作對象所在控件同步到4,6控件 新增鍵盤雙擊策略:系統雙擊速度和用戶自定義雙擊速度 爭渡讀屏設置界面增加F1局部熱鍵,用來打開爭渡讀屏使用說明文件夾 爭渡讀屏設置里新增Windows設置,包含一組常用設置按鈕 爭渡讀屏設置裡增加鼠標跟隨複選框、像素式瀏覽範圍複選框、
懸浮窗與同進程窗口設置焦點組合框 新增爭渡放大鏡 優化7鍵的網頁自動朗讀和編輯器全文朗讀流暢度 優化和完善網頁中按元素訪問的操作範圍 優化ZDSR加W朗讀網頁正文的能力 優化網頁中單選框在編輯模式下的操作 優化和完善部分語音庫支持 優化逐字朗讀,降低出現頓卡的情況 優化列表項目的數量統計 完善鍵盤幫助 增強剪貼板編輯器刪除空行性能 完善剪貼板編輯器 當剪貼板編輯器窗口處於打開狀態時,將不再同步更新系統剪貼板文本.
Shift加小鍵盤將會強制更新 修復部分雙引擎下朗讀混亂的錯誤 修復雙引擎搶讀漏讀問題 修復全角標點的朗讀 修復部分網頁光標訪問漏讀問題 修復某些網頁編輯器,上下光標會始終將光標設置到行首的錯誤 修復網頁上光標到達後空格無法進入編輯模式 修復萬年曆窗口多開問題 修復萬年曆節氣計算偏差問題 修復部分焦點信息朗讀處理錯誤 修復永德輸入法某些情況 下導致輸入後程序錯誤 修復百度輸入法的打字首選項不讀的問題 修復輸入法存在的重複朗讀問題,優化輸入法朗讀速度 修復ZDSR加上光標某些情況 下遇到單詞解析錯誤 修復ZDSR加左右光標不讀空白字符 修復ZDSR加左右光標可能出現的重複朗讀 修復讀屏某些情況 下,無法正常使用光標鍵逐行逐字朗讀 修復Win加暫停鍵不生效的問題 修復部分情況窗口初始化錯誤,導致網頁字母鍵在普通窗口生效 修復Office下一些設置組合框上下光標不朗讀的問題 修復Win7下某些編輯框提示和操作不正常(比如另存為對話框上) 修復某些狀態欄1,3鍵朗讀不全的問題 修復部分軟件光標訪問項目時朗讀信息不全 修復部分密碼窗口無法退格刪除密碼 修復ZDSR加右光標在最後一個字符為行尾時不朗讀 修復ZDSR加左右光標在雙音庫下,遇到日語字符或某些字符不朗讀 修復逐行朗讀時全部符號不朗讀 修復系統精簡了5.1語音接口後無法啟動讀屏的問題 修復朗讀修正定義一些符號時會朗讀錯誤 熱鍵做以下調整: Ctrl加點同進程窗口序列切換 ZDSR加大鍵盤2打開爭渡識圖 ZDSR加Q單擊朗讀CPU使用率,雙擊朗讀內存使用率 ZDSR加Tab單擊重複焦點朗讀雙擊朗讀進程路徑,
窗口和進程數量信息(或網頁元素代碼) 將ZDSR加Shift熱鍵組目前所有項目移到ZDSR加Win熱鍵組 將剪貼板編輯器按鈕改為菜單項目; 將ZDSR加2,4,6,8移動聲音與讀鼠標音效合併為鼠標移動音效,
增加到ZDSR加Win熱鍵組 調整熱鍵組修改鏈接跳躍數的幅度 調整ZDSR加5:單擊為獲取鼠標下的文字,雙擊為原來的行列、坐標信息播報 單擊後儘可能保持1 3鍵的位置 調整相關文件結構 調整ZDSR加空格的操作範圍(僅限於網頁內) 調整雙擊5到最後一個控件 重新設計控件內部元素訪問,13鍵切換控件內子項目,2鍵重複朗讀當前項目 釋放聲卡調節熱鍵佔用的編輯鍵組合鍵 刪除在QQ中的所有Tab和光標鍵的特殊處理 刪除ZDSR加F7熱鍵,改到ZDSR加Win熱鍵組 刪除ZDSR+Ctrl+空格文件去選擇 刪除控件重命名及熱鍵ZDSR+R 刪除舊版爭渡資訊
爭渡讀屏是一款運行在Windows系統下的屏幕朗讀軟件,用於協助視力障礙人士操作電腦。 有免費的公益版和付費的商業版。 主要特點有: 良好的系統兼容性爭渡讀屏具有良好的系統兼容性,可以安裝和運行在windows7、windows vista、windows xp等系統下。
詳細的幫助和教程爭渡讀屏自帶了詳細的使用幫助文檔,方便用戶在使用過程中隨時查閱。 對於常用軟件還提供了有聲的操作教程。
豐富和完善的語音引擎 讀屏是伴隨我們使用電腦的每時每刻,語音質量的好壞也直接影響著我們使用電腦的情緒,爭渡讀屏具有豐富且完善的語音引擎,可以滿足用戶不同的個性化需求。
支持目前大多數主流的語音接口,支持雙語音庫混合朗讀,可以選擇不同的聲卡切換輸出。 用戶可以隨意安裝自己喜歡的語音庫,並且可以進行任意的搭配使用。
--全面支持office --
《爭渡讀屏公益版》具有以下特徵: 1 完全免費:此版本安裝零成本。 這是我們對信息無障礙事業做出的努力,
也希望更多的朋友來支持我們,支持國內讀屏軟件的發展。 2 獲取容易:只要您有網絡,登陸我們的官方網站就能下載到此版本。
我們會在官方網站首頁醒目位置登出此版本。 3 安裝簡單:一步到位的安裝方式相信是每個新接觸電腦的朋友都夢寐以求的。 4 上手容易:軟件內附帶通俗易懂的文字說明書和使用教程。
教程由我們的團隊成員製作,能讓您快速掌握基礎操作。 5 基礎功能完整:《爭渡讀屏公益版》是一個基礎功能完整且能永久使用的版本,
支持常規軟件和基本的第三方軟件。 6 服務有保障:《爭渡讀屏公益版》也能享受完整的爭渡讀屏售後服務。
這是非常重要且有意義的。 我們對我們的任何產品都負責。 我們珍惜每一位用戶。 7 我們鄭重的承諾:若您在使用此版本中發現任何問題,只要您進行有效反饋,
我們在今後的工作中會進行修正。 並且,我們承諾《爭渡讀屏公益版》會定期升級。 8 多系統支持:此版本支持微軟最新Windows 7系統和最主流的Windows XP系統。 《爭渡讀屏公益版》適用人群: 1 經濟困難的朋友:對於經濟困難的朋友,想使用電腦,卻因為經濟問題而煩惱,
現在有了爭渡讀屏公益版,這個問題迎刃而解。 2 老年和兒童朋友:您可能不需要太複雜的功能,只要日常應用。
這時候簡單高效的公益版是您最佳的選擇。 3 學校、培訓機構、殘聯、企事業單位等:我們非常希望盲人朋友能普及電腦知識,能真正感受到電腦給我們帶來的諸多好處。 此版本允許應用於各盲人學校、盲人計算機培訓機構、 殘聯、企事業單位等進行計算機基礎課程的培訓。 4 新購買電腦的朋友:您可能需要電腦立即說話。 這時候您大可安裝此版本。 5 非常想了解爭渡讀屏的朋友:對爭渡讀屏想進行了解,迫切想體驗爭渡讀屏操作的朋友。
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**USA/UK/TW/HKS/MACAU-((English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese version)----**Great God according to Google search --- ** Visually Impaired> screen reading software installer ** ** - "There is -(3). choice....
(1)) The Hong Kong Jockey Club 2007 version =
--**依據谷歌大神搜尋的-(英文,繁中,簡中版本)--**視障人士 > 讀屏軟件**的安裝程式**--"有--
(1)). 香港賽馬會2007年版="提升一套特別為視障人士設計的電腦讀屏軟件「晨光」,並免費派發給視障人士使用外,協會更舉辦培訓課程,教導視障人士使用這套支援廣東話、普通話、英語和點字輸出的讀屏軟件!"-http://jcdic.hk/e_pedia/e_pedia_hkbu_nvda.php
(3).[2013年10月19日]爭渡讀屏公益版2013 SP1(簡體中文,繁體中文,英文)-
===MelodyLEE===THE END===>/