*US-en-** A brand exposure Thai net friends how to look ten years in Thailand overcast cards??!*
*在泰國,古曼是金童子也就是招財童子的意思,其實跟小鬼沒多大關係, 雖然也有師父會用人骨屍油等這些陰物來作為材料製作(比如說龍波爹),不過多數的龍波師父是不這麼搞的也沒有招所謂的小鬼來入靈, 祇是加持一些吉祥招財的經文當作開光跟祝福提共給善信供請而已。至於您所說的類似於養小鬼,這種的叫做匹仔,或是路葛,材料一樣是陰物甚至是完整的人胎,則有招小鬼來入靈.供奉的規矩多,他們受的制限也多,不過老實說,中國的鬼神陰差也不是混飯吃的,這些泰國來的外來靈,其實根本就自身難保,不過這是另外一回事了,我主要想說的是我的經驗,我請過太多泰國的東西了,市面上你看的到陰物(陰牌)的我幾乎都有,結果呢??破財傷身腦筋還變的不正常,幸虧後來回到正法上來,又遇到茅山的高人幫我化解…師兄阿,真心建議你,這種東西少碰為妙…言盡於此,我也不想擋牌商的財路。不過鬼神的情形,其實牌商們真的不了解,說的再好聽也只是要賣屍體牌,屍油牌而已.請您真的要三思阿!!
受持三歸五戒, 就會有61位護法鬼神跟著,晝夜守護,除非自己不精進,令護法失望而默默離去,所以真低不要去請什麼泰國小鬼,這些泰國小鬼來到中國也是被關在家裡,啥事都不能辦,到頭來也只是吃飯的而已.二郎十年前就已經接觸此物,相信我,真低祇是浪費錢而已。
想藉由養鬼來獲取財富這個心態本身就是”有鬼”,二郎當初便是如此,因此讓冤家給趁虛而入,睡不能睡,醒不似醒,腦袋不正常,甚至有點小鬼通還自以為是的沾沾自喜,整整十年來我怎麼過日子的我自己都不清楚,記憶模模糊糊的,真要我形容的話,那就是一字記之曰”慘”,當然也有朋友養小鬼相安無事的,但是也沒看他發達過,真不知道到底養來幹嘛的!!至於其他關於鬼神界的事情,為免怪力亂神跟造成誤會,二郎且置不論總歸一句話,二郎已出糗在前,望師兄引以為鑑。最後引雜寶藏經中一段偈語與諸位師兄共勉:「福業如果熟不以祠祀得 人乘持戒車後得至天上 定智如燈滅得至於無為 一切由行得求天何所為」
PS:人的福報就像是一桶水,命中註定有,那是你祖上,或者自己的上輩子,或者這一世積了德,桶裡面的水多了,你才能夠享受這麼多福報。所以,很多沒有做善事而請陰牌的人,就會在短時期內透支福報太大,以至於後半生非常悲慘,這樣的例子是有很多的。所以很多接觸佛牌很長時間的人都一致認為,請陰牌就是透支福報。所以除非你真的做很多很多的善事,不然真的很難補回這麼多福報。 泰國陰牌古曼童之觀點

陰牌,只有說好好供,供的好,有些困難不用說自然會幫,供的不好,再小的也不會幫。鬼也是有感情有思維的,生前也是人啊,你若是乞丐,討來的飯吃一半,供一半,那兔靈必定盡力幫助。你每個月幾萬收入,供給鬼靈鹹菜蘿蔔還朝不保夕的,天天嫌棄求事不成,人都不會幫,更何況是鬼?其實對於陰牌,更多是責任和義務。到了時間你給供,平時必須做多功德,不然可能就做事不順,這本身也是讓人養成一種習慣.當了解陰牌時就知道養陰也是一種修行,首先修心,心不正則養不好,不是跟著一堆人買個烏龜丟水里讓它記得是你放的就是功德了.布施也不僅僅只是捐錢,不停的捐錢.看到人有困難上去幫助,不要說粗口髒話,甚至給人讓個路讓個位置,這都是功德啊.做了什麼好事大善也不一定要說迴向給我所供養的靈,所做的功德會給你所養的靈以及之前所得罪的靈和前世的冤親債主的.多做善事,擋你的靈自然就少了,擋你的少 了,幫你的多了,生活自然就順了。如果迴向,那對自己供養的靈當然是最好的。
*US-en*-*In Thailand, Goodman is the Golden Boy Lucky Boy is meant , in fact, not much to do with the devil , although there will be employing bone corpse oil Master femininity as these materials ( for example, long wave father ) , but most of the dragon wave Master is not so engaging is also not to move into the so-called devil spirit , but the blessing of some auspicious opening of lucky verses as mentioned with the blessing of good faith to ask for it . As you said is similar to raising kid, this is called horse earners , or road Ge , the same material is femininity even fully human fetus , there kid to move into the spirit. Enshrined rules and more, they are subject of Restraints are many, but to be honest, China 's spirits shade difference is not bread , and alien to the spirit of these Thailand , in fact, is simply unable to help themselves , but this is another matter , I want to say is my main experience, I ask too many things in Thailand , the market you are looking to femininity ( yin card ) , I almost always the result of it ? ? even bankruptcy beverages brain also becomes abnormal , thanks Dhamma come back later , an expert Maoshan encountered to help me resolve ... brother Ah , really recommend you , this thing is wiser ... made to do this , I do not want to stop getting money card providers . But the spirits of the case , in fact, card makers do not really know , that's nice just to sell another brand corpse , the corpse oil licensing only refer you really want three思阿! !
Shouchi three owned by the five precepts , there will be 61 followed by the Custodian of the spirits , guarded day and night , unless they are not sophisticated, so law enforcement disappointed quietly leave, so please do not go really low what Thailand kid , these little devils come to China , Thailand and it was closed at home, losers can not do , in the end just to eat it. Jiro decade ago had contact with this thing , believe me, really low just a waste of money.
As I said before, China 's spirits shade difference really is not bread , and Jiro is Sambo disciples, if I had not experienced such a thing before, even I can not believe it. Spirits have real Ah , also have their own one set order. As the Supreme mainland who cause coincidence Seoul ( Jiro is Taiwanese ) did not go through because his consent, so I am afraid not to disclose the expert Jiro , ( in fact, I really do not know where he is now ? ? ) Anyway , Thailand things look lively enough, amulets can ask for , but those Goodman , body oil, tires and other cats , after all, is not the right way Ah , never again commit Jiro has been guilty of too low stupid ! !
By raising a ghost want to get the wealth of this state of mind itself is the " ghosts " , Jiro is so original , so let the enemy to swoop , sleep can not sleep , wake up not like to wake up , his head is not normal , even a little kid through yet self-righteous complacency , a full decade to how I live my own are not clear, vague memories , really want me to describe it, that word in mind , saying , " miserable " , of course, also have a friend who raised the devil live in peace , but he did not see the developed before, I really do not know in the end to keep doing it ! ! the other thing about the spirits sector, in order to avoid causing misunderstanding with bizarre , Jiro and is always set regardless of the word, Jiro has been embarrassing in front, Wang brothers learn a lesson. Finally, in the period cited by Jiyu miscellaneous treasures with you brothers and encouragement: " After the good karma if not cooked to cults get people to take the precepts car was heavenly wisdom as the lamp was given as for doing nothing all day by the Bank may ask what that is ."
PS: people 's blessings like a bucket of water , destined to have , it is your ancestors , or their previous life , or this world plot of Germany , more than a bucket of water inside , you will be able to enjoy so many blessings . So, do not do a lot of good things but please overcast brand who will in the short term overdraft blessings too , so later in life very miserable , so there are a lot of examples . So many contacts amulets long time people have agreed that please overcast reward card is overdrawn . So unless you really do a lot of good things , not really hard to make up for so many blessings . Thailand views Tong Yin card Goodman
About Thailand shade card, Thailand Goodman child , to be honest , I really do not recommend a novice , please , do not understand , especially white , or with a genuine convenience . In fact, being female , and it does not matter , just that fills people's hearts , Yin license who is not necessarily rabbit minded fans , extremely evil . Some people likened the Yangyin cards drowning person , indeed likens himself standing on the shore , who says he's not in the water ? Maybe drowning person has stepped foot in the end he could come ashore , and stood on the shore of the person in the swamp mud without knowing it. The mere mention of a bunch of people talk about yin and why ? Ghosts replied that it was , because they would harm ah, right people is not good , it will suck yang , ah, ah will be shortened , it will backfire . I would like to ask in the end who told ? Spirits everywhere, some people born with the spirit to follow , the hospital Yin Ling countless grave Baizu not for overcast ? There are a group of people under the banner name of genuine low malicious damage , mouth nonsense , they can repair what ? People will die , as is the spiritual death , bardo Is it not the spirit of ? Who die ? Who can promise that says death was connected to the Buddhist Pure Land ? Will be able to read a Buddha died offset karma reborn in paradise ? If this is true it is also believed what repair ? When alive misbehave eat, drink , read the death look like a thing ! For reborn , evil and all you have done wrong in this life , has been clear and sincere repentance, Taichetaiwu understand the meaning of the Buddha said , knowing the karma of things encountered in past lives , after Taichetaiwu sentence Namo Amitabha , the Buddha will naturally pick lead you . These people the most basic thing is not to spread their ignorance..*
The Yin Ling , before the same person , he would not be lower than alive , which is caused the death , died of non- natural death never in this for himself and not willing to suddenly die , some do not even know he was dead , also as usual doing the same thing . These can only tell it by the master of the dead , if the grievances heavier , salvation can not be reborn . ( Thailand is not without salvation , but no anger and resentment is not heavy to be reborn through the ritual . ) So we see a lot of tablets , are the kids or the prime of youth, as reconciled , he still has a lot of things that did not completed, but people have died , the master will be made into a ghost of its tablets , let it do more good deeds to alleviate karma , reincarnation help as soon as possible . Some other home environment is not good , no money to approach things the deceased , then to the master , the master will be with family and spiritual body made it clear that the dead will be reborn as soon as possible to help shade card . A lot of people talk about Yangyin card will backfire ah , it will backfire , ah, good bite of terror will not die . What is the bite in the end understand? Yangyin card will bite it? Bite is dead ? If the bite is dead , then I guess a lot of people did not give birth died . Bite mean boomerang , because there is only the fruit , not the spirit of the time will be for the good bite , bite the maximum performance is just bad luck , bad luck, this time you are aware of , oh , is not licensed for the good , integrity to apologize , good for , it all right . Spirit and the people are the same , ah, spirit also has temper , like you asked people to come to work, you want people to do things all day long complained that people do not do this right , people will not have temper complain ah ? To pay to end when you do not give , people affected by the useless gas , the living must fight, not to mention the ghosts ? If the card is really bite to let female dependents dead point , that nobody is to blame , only that dependents are not a man. Yin rely on your brand of incense to eat ah , so what are the benefits for dependent persons dead ? Not a desperate last resort would be like this?
For ghost tablets , the fact is not so much the effect that is you, is your ghost tablets boost for people just to help reduce drag , making things more smoothly achieved. Life just can not be changed, is to look at how you go and change , multi- Busch is the easiest method to change it , put this behind talk . For amulets , whether positive overcast , shade cards are not a panacea, with an amulet in the body, to fight the dragon symbol tube when the belt, if doomed to die , then he will die with a spray two spray much spray is useless, nothing but prolong the point in time or for a month to die . You know, a lot of triad also bring genuine . Those playing with the feelings of the hook too many people go to bed with is genuine , including some card providers use amulets or dry with this amulet exchange activities . Impossible to say with the dead is a genuine karma , people raised in rabbits shade card is haunted by the spirit , right ?
Shade card, can only say good for , for good, some difficulties will naturally help needless to say , for the good, then it will not help small . There is also a ghost emotional thinking, are people alive , ah, if you are a beggar , begged for food to eat half for the half , and that the Spirit will certainly try to help the rabbit . Tens of thousands of your monthly income , supply Ghosts radish pickles also precarious , despise the things which are not every day , people are not going to help , not to mention the ghosts ? In fact, for shade card, more responsibility and obligation . Time for you to give , usually have to do more than merit , or may work flow, which itself makes a habit . When you know when you understand the yin and yin card is also a practice , first cultivation of the mind , heart is not right then raise good, is not lost to follow a bunch of people to buy a water turtle remember you put it is merit it. Busch also not just donate money , donate money kept . Have difficulty seeing people go for help , not to mention the foul language and swearing, and even make a way so that gives positions, which are merit ah. What do the greater good is not necessarily a good thing to give back to say that I support the spirit, do merit raise will give you the Spirit , and the Spirit of previously offended and past life karmic creditors . Do good things , stop your spirit naturally less, stop you less, to help you more, living naturally shun . If you return to that of their dependents spirit is certainly the best.
For now the amulet market confusion, not an individual person 's fault. Now many people exaggerate the effect of shade card , ask what can and what can help , do not feel into a strong brand , but also into one , stop into . While not willing to feel brand in question , to enter a stronger , more violent . If you have very fierce , they think it is a method for the wrong to be so available , so for , how strange how come , it really makes no mess hell . For how to teach respect for how not to casually go for . For some vegetarian , some for meat dishes , some for betel nuts, some for eggs. This person is the same, and some like to eat sweet, some like spicy , some like to eat sour . Chaos for some people eat it like you are , I'm coming to you bowl sprinkle Tukou saliva or blood you try ? That, of course strong spiritual matter, angry thing ! As for help does not help things I do not know , for those unlucky people that for sure. Some even taught with blood supply, take the napkin wrap wears . You try to get a used sanitary napkins paste your dad 's face to see, it is estimated that let you live large spiritual insight into what is really bite .
Joker , he was helped to help , he can not do anything to help , he is also to be reborn , to help you actually worsened their karma can not be reborn , he will not help the . For Xiu fine spirits ( for the current banana essence, some Dryads and female Gumiho other commercial brand , into the female spirit is in fact not the fine . ) , He helped you get does not belong to you, he would to you , but also more . I think we should have heard ramshackle general spirituality does not change your own , good luck blessings . Powerful spirituality at most only four became towards evening three , so that you can enjoy in advance. But Fey spirit but bring your own to change directly toward four becomes two or toward evening twilight without the five . The more you ask , the more bound to take , it is generally dependent people not to seek licenses to be fierce , powerful brand , especially in Cambodia and Myanmar in the vicinity of a black female law is best not to touch this card , you do not know into the in the end is what , in particular, offering more strange , more not to touch , not to be reborn and to help them with the support , in order to enhance their mana only to help . So life, in fact, is a set number , you are born , in fact, on the set , which is the first destiny number , which can be used crape myrtle and derived from the astrolabe . You do good things good things , the more you have accumulated reward the more bad karma you brought the less , this is the number of destiny. Like deposits , like last year saved 10,000 yuan in the bank , from starting the year on year to spend , and that is certainly the end it took no more. If withdrawals spend every month , but every month and deposited in 2000 one thousand , then to the end of your money and more natural . This is the reward of metaphor. Raising a ghost card, the equivalent of a little aside each month and deposited into their account.
( Nine amulets website www.9fopai.com ) Ghosts debt it owes to a minimum
of 10,000 lobbied to go to be reborn , reborn soon you help them , they help you solve your difficulties . How do you still owe ? This will also , and you die to be reborn again reincarnation of this is due to karma captive would have otherwise would repay. Why do some children are born parents speak broken heart , how to teach are getting worse and worse , to be called Avenger ? But some small sensible obedient ? Why some people run the business smooth, fraternizing with his boss and some clerk in the office should intrigue ? This karma are inseparable. Dependents of ghosts is to help you boost from the good things closer , let bad things farther away from you , you feel happy, happy, make money, you should do good and help themselves support of ghosts , so the bad things you encounter on a smaller force , let the Spirit to help you delay even longer time points , the difficulties you will encounter from the cliff into a small hillside. Fey spiritual strength and capacity, to help you like a loan shark , but also that it is not generally difficult.
Also home to many Buddhists are said to avoid the ghosts that this human spirituality is not good, that's for sure , and no doubt , are considered domestic ancient Orthodox spirituality is that of rancor , would produce no man alive good influence for heresy warlock magic beam ilk to send all their scorn for the Spirit . Simply put , there is no purified spirits and the spirit of evil warlock to a battle of wits , nature is evil. After the dragon woman, white Azan , Cuba purified spirit into the spirit or ghost card trick , then people will not have any effect . 66 years before the majority of the house does not have his own ancestral tablets for you ? This is not a license for dependent overcast ? Now nothing more exotic offerings are nothing . And it is easy for you to spend money to buy the cards , and not the so-called harm.
Write too much, might be a bit messy . A brief summary , the shade is not no pet cards , but do not know who to support , or harm to others also harm the spirit . Yangyin brand must do good deeds and not to collect evidence, for the how , on how evidence. Yin brand like people, you good for him , he Hello , you bad for him , do not expect him to be able to hello . Unknown fey card, lock tablets , pail brand dependents generally do not enter . To know the origin of yin card, normal support is to help rather than harm dependents dependents .Mindfulness is the letter not mean as people with genuine , but people. Good attitude, good wishes, genuine shade cards are no problem. There are a good teacher , a good opening ceremony , made a good purpose as a female brand Miyoshi card.Road users ghost magic of the original author , nine amulets site feel more understanding of the pertinent licensing overcast , so sharing over. In addition to the text content of a few , there are little to add.
Supplement 1 : ghosts do exist everywhere , every household has a lot of ghosts , so keep monks Purified Goodman whether there will be a negative impact , this is debatable ;
Supplement 2 : If you practice really Taichetaiwu without escorts can freely go to the Buddha Pure Land ; rather read Namo Amitabha is the Pure Land Dharma , the Buddha escorts reliable , but it also requires effort, as one does not need to read into chaos, martial arts into the film, in order to hundred percent confident in the dying Buddha obtained escorts ;
Supplementary 3 : There is the ghost of dead relatives come back to visit family , immediately after a child is sick at home , more than a fever , but this is not the intention of the ghosts of loved ones , but the magnetic field problem , that is, we are talking about chi bar. So Yangyin brand seems to have absolutely no impact can not say .
Supplementary 4 : There are some players out after Goodman reflects please , not long sick, but then went right. Said it was overcast with run- licensing process required . People, ghosts different frequencies , the magnetic field is not the same , there will be a certain degree of repulsion .
Supplemental 5 : In summary , the non- brand best female monks do not please even the temple monks are making shade cards, such as non-essential should be cautious please shade card, but if it is determined to please , must be psychologically prepared .=======================***一個接觸泰國陰牌十多年的網友怎麼看待泰國陰牌??!*US-en-** A brand exposure Thai female friends how to look ten years in Thailand overcast cards??!*===END===>/
Also home to many Buddhists are said to avoid the ghosts that this human spirituality is not good, that's for sure , and no doubt , are considered domestic ancient Orthodox spirituality is that of rancor , would produce no man alive good influence for heresy warlock magic beam ilk to send all their scorn for the Spirit . Simply put , there is no purified spirits and the spirit of evil warlock to a battle of wits , nature is evil. After the dragon woman, white Azan , Cuba purified spirit into the spirit or ghost card trick , then people will not have any effect . 66 years before the majority of the house does not have his own ancestral tablets for you ? This is not a license for dependent overcast ? Now nothing more exotic offerings are nothing . And it is easy for you to spend money to buy the cards , and not the so-called harm.
Write too much, might be a bit messy . A brief summary , the shade is not no pet cards , but do not know who to support , or harm to others also harm the spirit . Yangyin brand must do good deeds and not to collect evidence, for the how , on how evidence. Yin brand like people, you good for him , he Hello , you bad for him , do not expect him to be able to hello . Unknown fey card, lock tablets , pail brand dependents generally do not enter . To know the origin of yin card, normal support is to help rather than harm dependents dependents .Mindfulness is the letter not mean as people with genuine , but people. Good attitude, good wishes, genuine shade cards are no problem. There are a good teacher , a good opening ceremony , made a good purpose as a female brand Miyoshi card.Road users ghost magic of the original author , nine amulets site feel more understanding of the pertinent licensing overcast , so sharing over. In addition to the text content of a few , there are little to add.
Supplement 1 : ghosts do exist everywhere , every household has a lot of ghosts , so keep monks Purified Goodman whether there will be a negative impact , this is debatable ;
Supplement 2 : If you practice really Taichetaiwu without escorts can freely go to the Buddha Pure Land ; rather read Namo Amitabha is the Pure Land Dharma , the Buddha escorts reliable , but it also requires effort, as one does not need to read into chaos, martial arts into the film, in order to hundred percent confident in the dying Buddha obtained escorts ;
Supplementary 3 : There is the ghost of dead relatives come back to visit family , immediately after a child is sick at home , more than a fever , but this is not the intention of the ghosts of loved ones , but the magnetic field problem , that is, we are talking about chi bar. So Yangyin brand seems to have absolutely no impact can not say .
Supplementary 4 : There are some players out after Goodman reflects please , not long sick, but then went right. Said it was overcast with run- licensing process required . People, ghosts different frequencies , the magnetic field is not the same , there will be a certain degree of repulsion .
Supplemental 5 : In summary , the non- brand best female monks do not please even the temple monks are making shade cards, such as non-essential should be cautious please shade card, but if it is determined to please , must be psychologically prepared .=======================***一個接觸泰國陰牌十多年的網友怎麼看待泰國陰牌??!*US-en-** A brand exposure Thai female friends how to look ten years in Thailand overcast cards??!*===END===>/