---享用Windows 8的升級版 (固升級版的(優惠)序列號--
---亦不能用)囉 !**若想
---亦不能用)囉 !**若想
全新安裝 Win 8~^*亦可受惠到---
---升級版的序列號生效之小密技~*偷偷報 ioi *! 不要告訴別人喔~^哈**
** If you have not installed a new computer had been Win7 \ Vitsa \ XP and
other operations ** they can not enjoy the upgrade version of Windows 8 --
--(solid upgraded version of (preferential) serial number and can not use) Hello! *
* To New install Win 8 ~ ^ also benefit to the upgraded version of the ---
---serial number of the entry into force of a small cheat ~^!
**^ Do not tell anyone oh Ha*~^^
而且還要把完全打掉重練,這次我也不想要直接從現有的 Windows 升級過去,
想直接安裝一個全新的 Windows 8 環境喔 !!*
**I think many people probably a lot of people like to look at the computer --
--every few days on reperfusion, but also completely destroyed the re-training,
this time I do not want to upgrade directly from an existing Windows past,
would like to directly install a new Windows 8 environment *!
**第一步:先準備好 Windows 8 安裝光碟 **
這次的 Windows 8 升級方式比較特別,是透過「Windows 8 升級小幫手」
那麼你取得的 Windows 8 就會是英文版;原本的作業系統是 32 位元,
就會取得 32 位元版本的 Windows 8 ,其實序號是都通用的,
不會限制某個版本或語系 ~**
**The first step: the first ready Windows 8 Installation CD
Windows 8 upgrade this rather special, is through the ---
--- "Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant" to download the installer directly
after the upgrade, which means if your original operating system --
-- is in English, then you will get the English version of Windows 8 ;
originally a 32-bit operating system **
**you will get 32-bit version of Windows 8, in fact, are common number
is not a version or language restrictions ~**
**當你使用「Windows 8 升級小幫手」來下載 Windows 8,
這時候你可以選擇此選項來建立 ISO 檔或是 USB 磁碟,
就能以燒錄機來製作 Windows 8 安裝光碟。
這是本文的第一個步驟,你必須要先弄到這個安裝媒體才能夠進行全新安裝 ^^~
**When you use "Windows 8 Upgrade Assistant" to download --
-- Windows 8, you can decide to immediately after completion --
--of the upgrade, or "through the establishment media to install",
this time you can select this option to create an ISO file,
or a USB drive, will be able to burn a machine to make ---
--- Windows 8 installation disc. This is the first step in this article,
you must first be able to get the installation media for a new installation ^^~
**繁 CHT\ 英 EN \ 簡 CN 各升級包下載 網址 :
將執行舊版 Windows 的電腦升級為 Windows 8 或 Windows 8 專業版,
即可體驗美麗的全新 [開始] 畫面、更快的啟動速度以及更長效的電池續航力 *
**>> 下載升級 <<<<
**United Kingdom — English **Breathe new life into your PC
This key is invalid, please check the product key and try again, or try other keys**
**沒有啟用 Windows 之前,很多功能都是只能看、而沒辦法使用 !
**Before Windows is not enabled, many features are only see,
but no way to use!*
**如果不能用那就太悲慘了,不就每次重灌前都必須先安裝 Windows XP
、Vista、7 嗎?其實不用這麼麻煩。 先回到 Windows 8 的 Metro 動態磚畫面,把滑鼠移到右下角,
」****If you can not use it would be too sad, and not to each refilled before
they must install Windows XP, Vista, 7 do? In fact, not too much trouble.
First return to the Windows 8 Metro dynamic brick screen, put your
mouse over the bottom right corner, when the far right of the row of--
-- menu come out, select "Settings"**
」****Click on the bottom of the "Changing Computer Settings"*
移除所有項目並重新安裝 Windows
」。**Select from the left "General" find "Remove all items and reinstall Windows"
and click on "Getting Started" **
**請注意:此動作將會刪除所有電腦裡的資料,並重設為出廠設定 **
**Please Note: This action will delete all the computer data, and reset
to factory settings **
- 將移除你的所有個人檔案與應用程式。
- 你的電腦設定將變更為預設值 **
• will remove all of your personal files and applications.
• Your computer settings will be changed to the default value **
」****In the "Do you want to completely clear your drive?
" Option select "completely erase the drive." **
![[教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號? [教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號?](http://i1.wp.com/www.freegroup.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2012-10-29-13.png?zoom=1.5&resize=640%2C480)
**接著 Windows 8 就會開始進行重新設定,
重設完成後勾選接受授權條款即可開始使用 **
**The Windows 8 will begin to re-set after the reset is complete
check accept the license terms to get started **
**當 Windows 8 重設完成後,回到控制台的「系統」,
可以發現 Windows 8 已啟用**
**When Windows 8 reset is complete, go back to the console "system" that
can be found are enabled Windows 8**
這時候就可以享受全新的 Windows 8 專業版囉!***
**The original "Enable Restrictions" also disappeared,
this time you can enjoy the new Windows 8 Professional Edition Hello!**
![[教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號? [教學] 如何全新安裝 Windows 8 升級版並啟用序號?](http://i2.wp.com/www.freegroup.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/2012-10-29-16.png?zoom=1.5&resize=640%2C480)
**Start using Windows 8 yet? Small cheat secretly waiting for you to explore at ... Oh!**!
**以下再提供Windows 8 TW-ZH繁體版下載(百度網盤共分小一點的檔--
**The following longer provide Windows 8 TW-ZH English version download
(Baidu network disk is divided into smaller files convenience of the users to test --
--the network speed, please 24 hours after the download is complete delete files --
-- not for commercial or illegal!!****
**iso~*Win 8~ 4in1 ZH-TW **
**Windows 8 4in1 繁體中文 ZH-TW BY GDaily.part19等(19)个文件
大文件下载更稳定 浏览器单线程下载 **
** http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=3047720895&uk=2737844076#dir/path=%2FW%208%204in1%20%20ZH-TW *
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