在使用電腦享受上網的樂趣的同時,我們也不得不面對電腦出現的各種各樣怪異的問題,今天在網絡上收集了一些Windows操作系統----常見故障解決方法彙總(本文適用於Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8)
1、內存原因 :由於內存原因引發該故障的現像比較常見,出現此類故障一般是由於芯片質量不佳所造成,但有時我們通過修改CMOS設置中------的延遲時間CAS(將其由3改為2)可以解決該問題,倘若不行則只有更換內存條。
2、主板原因 :由於主板原因引發該故障的概率較內存稍低,一般由於主板原因出現此類故障後,計算機在藍屏後一般不會死機,而且故障出現頻繁,對此唯有更換主板一途。
3、CPU原因 :由於CPU原因出現此類故障的現像比較少見,一般常見於cyrix的CPU上,對此我們可以降低CPU頻率,看能否解決,如若不行,則只有更換一途。
二、計算機以正常模式在Windows啟動時------出現一般保護錯誤 !
1、內存條原因 :倘若是內存原因,我們可以改變一下CAS延遲時間看能否解決問題,倘若內存條是工作在非66MHz 外頻下,例如75MHz 、83MHz 、100MHz甚至以上的頻率,我們可以通過降低外頻或者內存頻率來試一下,如若不行,只有將其更換了。
2、磁盤出現壞道 :倘若是由於磁盤出現壞道引起,我們可以用安全模式引導系統,再用磁盤掃描程序修復一下硬盤錯誤,看能否解決問題。硬盤出現壞道後,如不及時予以修復,可能會導致壞道逐漸增多或硬盤徹底損壞,因此,我們應儘早予以修復 !
3、Windows系統損壞 :對此唯有重裝系統方可解決。
4、在CMOS設置內開啟了防病毒功能 :此類故障一般在系統安裝時出現,在系統安裝好後開啟此功能一般不會出現問題。三、計算機經常出現隨機性死機現象
①系統啟動時間延長;②系統啟動時自動啟動一些不必要的程序;③無故死機 ;④屏幕上出現一些亂碼。
對此,我們可以讓電腦運行一段時間,待其死機後,再用手觸摸以上各部件,倘若溫度太高則說明該部件可能存在問題,我們可用替換法來診斷。值得注意的是在安裝CPU風扇時------最好能塗一些散熱矽脂,但在某些組裝的電腦上卻是很難見其踪影,實踐證明,矽脂能降低溫度5—10度左右,特別是P Ⅲ 的電腦上,倘若不塗散熱矽脂,計算機根本就不能正常工作,曾遇到過一次此類現象。該機主要配置如下:磐英815EP主板、PⅢ733CPU、133外頻的128M內存條,當該機組裝完後,頻繁死機,連Windows系統都不能正常安裝,但是更換賽揚533的CPU後,故障排除,懷疑主板或CPU有問題,但更換同型號的主板、CPU後該故障也不能解決。後來由於發現其溫度太高,在CPU上塗了一些散熱矽脂,故障完全解決。實踐證明在賽揚533以上的CPU上必須要塗散熱矽脂,否則極有可能引起死機故障。
此類故障,一般都會發生在同一點,對此可將該軟件卸掉來予以解決。四、計算機在Windows啟動系統時------出現*.Vxd或其它文件未找到,按任意鍵繼續的故障 !
此類故障一般是由於用戶在卸載軟件時------未刪除徹底或安裝硬件時驅動程序安裝不正確造成,對此,我們可以進入註冊表管理程序,利用其查找功能,將提示未找到的文件,從註冊表中刪除後即可予以解決 .五、在Windows以正常模式------引導到登錄對話框時,點“取消”或“確定”後桌面無任何圖標,不能進行任何操作。
根據上述故障現象,中文Windows發生漢字亂碼,大多是因註冊表中有關漢字顯示的內容丟失而造成。此時,打開註冊表編輯器(Windows\REGEDIT.EXE),再打開有“Associated Default Fonts”及“Associated Char Set”這兩行關鍵字,若有,再分別打開這兩行關鍵字即可看到其中內容。當只有“默認”一行而無其他內容,表明無法定義有關的漢字顯示,為漢字亂碼的原因。
(3)展開“我的電腦\HKEY—LWCAL—MACHINE\System\current Control Set\Control Fontassoc” ----查看底下有無“Aossiated Char Set文件夾圖標,在窗口的右欄中,將增加以下內容:
增加方法為:在編輯\新建菜單中,單擊“串值”,再在右欄中出現的文字框中,鍵入 ANSI(00) .之後雙擊該文字框,在出現的對話框中,鍵入Yes,單擊“確定”,其餘增加的內容依此類推。
( 4)按照上述方法,單擊Associated Default Fonts文件圖標,其窗口的右欄中將增加以下內容:
Assoc System Font“Simsun、ttf” Font Package Decorative“宋體”
Font Package Dont Care“宋體” Font Package Modern“宋體”
Font Package Roman“宋體” Font Package Script“宋體”
Font Package Swiess“宋體”(5)當沒有“Associated Char Set”及“Associated Default Fonts”兩行關鍵字時,則Fontassoc文件夾,在編輯\新菜單下,單擊“主鍵”,再在出現的文字框中,分別鍵入上述兩行關鍵字,之後按步驟(4)增加所列之內容。(6)關閉系統,重新啟動計算機。八、在Windows下打印機不能打印在確認打印機完好的情況下,首先用戶進入DOS狀態(純DOS),在命令提示行輸入dir>prn或按鍵盤上的“Print screen sysrq”鍵,看打印機能否打印,倘若不行一般可判斷主板的打印口或打印線纜有問題,但據筆者經驗有可能與cmos設置中的打印口模式(一般有Ecp、Epp、Spp幾種)設置有關,用戶可相應調換試驗,還有一種比較特殊的情況,當打印口損壞後ucdos、Windows下均能打印,*但按上述檢測方法或理德名片系統下卻不能打印,對此唯有加多功能卡方能解決(加多功能卡後要屏蔽主板上的IDE、com、打印口)。倘若Dos下能夠打印,可按以下方法來予以解決:①在Windows下,進入控制面板的系統屬性,看打印端口LPT1是否存在,倘若沒有可進入控制面板——添加新硬件,讓其搜索新硬件,再將找到的打印口添加進去就可以了。②驅動程序是否已經正確安裝,重新安裝打印機驅動程序。③安裝系統文件的磁盤是否有剩餘空間,一般空間不足會有內存不足的提示,只要卸除一些軟件就可以了。④計算機可能感染病毒。九、在Windows下運行應用程序時提示內存不足一般出現內存不足的提示可能有以下幾種原因:①磁盤剩餘空間不足,只要相應刪除一些文件即可。②同時運行了多個應用程序。③計算機感染了病毒。十、在Windows下打印機打出的字均為亂碼此類故障一般是由於打印機驅動程序未正確安裝或並行口模式設置不符有關,對於第一種情況解決辦法比較簡單,如若是第二種情況可進入Cmos設置後更改------並行口模式且逐個試驗即可 !(一般有Ecp、Epp、Spp三種) .十一、在Windows下運行應用程序時出現>>>非法操作的提示此類故障引起原因較多,有如下幾種可能:①系統文件被更改或損壞。倘若由此引發則打開一些系統自帶的程序時------就會出現非法操作的提示,(例如打開控制面板)。②驅動程序未正確安裝,此類故障一般表現在顯卡驅動程序之上,倘若由此引發,則打開一些遊戲程序時均會產生非法操作的提示,遇到過一例由此引發的特殊現象,有時在打開某些網頁時出現非法操作的提示。③內存條質量不佳引起(有時提高內存延遲時間即將系統默認的3改為2可以解決此類故障)。④有時程序運行時倘若未安裝聲卡驅動程序亦會產生此類故障,例如搶灘登陸戰 ,倘若未安裝聲卡驅動程序,運行時就會產生非法操作錯誤。⑤軟件之間不兼容,例如IE6.5裝於win9X第二版的系統上,當IE同時打開多個窗口時有時會產生非法操作的提示。十二、撥號成功後不能打開網頁出現此類故障後有以下幾種現象:1、提示無法打開搜索頁 .此類故障一般是由於網絡配置有問題造成。進入“控制面板”—“網絡”,將撥號適配器以外的各項全部刪除,重新啟動計算機後再添加microsoft的------“TCP/IP協議”重新啟動計算機後即可解決。2、 一些能夠進去的站點------不能進去且長時間查找站點。有一些MODEM如若用戶沒有為其指定------當地的IP地址就會出現此類故障,可進入MODEM設置項再為其指定當地的IP地址即可,例如湖南的IP地址為:還有一種可能是由於用戶用軟件優化過,對此也可按上面介紹的方法重新安裝網絡選項或恢復一下註冊表看能否解決問題,如若不行的話,只有重新安裝系統方可解決。3、在Windows的IE瀏覽器中,為了限制對某些internet站點的訪問,可以在“控制面板”的“internet”設置的“內容”頁中啟用“分級審查”,用戶可以對不同的內容級別進行限制,但是當我們瀏覽含有activex的頁面時,總會出現口令對話框要求我們輸入口令,如果口令不對,就會無法看到此頁面。這個口令被遺忘後,用戶便無法正常瀏覽。解決的辦法就是通過修改註冊表,刪除這個口令。方法如下:打開註冊表編輯器,找到HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\microsoft\Windows\current version\policies\ratings.在這個子健下面存放的就是加密後的口令,將ratings子鍵刪除,IE的口令就被解除了。十三、3DMAX正常安裝完成後不能啟動此類故障一般是由於用戶的Windows系統文件安裝不全所造成,
Windows一般在正常安裝情況下會少裝如下幾個文件:vdd.vxd、vcomm.vxd、vmouse.vxd、vflatd.vxd、vdmad.vxd、configmg.vxd、ntkern.vxd,我們只要將其添加進去即可,方法如下:點擊開始—程序—附件—系統工具—系統信息,再點擊“工具”—系統文件檢查器,選取從安裝軟盤提取文件,在空白欄內輸入以上提到的各個文件,提取完成後即可解決故障。十四、計算機自動重新啟動此類故障表現在如下幾個方面:在系統啟動時或在應用程序運行了------一段時間後出現此類故障。引發該故障的原因一般是由於內存條熱穩定性不良----或電源工作不穩定所造成,還有一種可能就是CPU溫度太高引起。還有一種比較特殊的情況,有時由於驅動程序或某些軟件有衝突,導致Windows系統在引導時產生該故障喔~!**-------------------------------------------------- --------------兩招就解決顯卡驅動無法加載的毛病一向運用的是Windows XP操作體系,
將操作系統從Windows XP晉級為了Windows 7,
為什麼體系還會彈出顯卡驅動無法載入的提示呢?首要考慮到顯卡驅動程序在------Windows XP操作體系下可以正常作業,而在Windows win7下不能正常作業,這表明當時運用的顯卡驅動程序可能對win7不適用,此刻咱們無妨到網上尋覓並下載與Windows 7相對應的顯卡驅動程序,然後將下載得到的驅動程序正確裝置到win7中;當然要是指定顯卡的驅動程序沒有win7或找不到合適win7的顯卡驅動程序,應該盡可能地運用最新版別的顯卡驅動程序,以便有用防止體係與顯卡驅動程序不相兼容的工作發作。若是依照上面的辦法還不能掃除ATI控制面板程序------無法載入的過錯提示時,那很有可能是咱們在將win7裝置好之後,沒有將顯卡本身的硬件加速功用啟用,此刻咱們無妨依照如下操作過程將顯卡------本身的硬件加速功用啟用成功:將屏幕狀況切換到win7到桌面上,然後用鼠標右擊桌面的空白區域,從彈出的右鍵菜單中單擊“特點”選項,翻開體系的顯現特點窗口;單擊該窗口的“設置”標籤,再在對應的標籤頁面中單擊“高檔”按鈕,進入到高檔顯現特點設置界面;接下來再單擊該設置界面中的“疑難解答”選項卡,並在這以後呈現的選項設置頁面中,將“硬件加速”設置為“徹底”,一起將“啟用寫入兼併”選項,並單擊“斷定”按鈕,再將計算機體系重新啟動一下,這樣說不定就能將顯卡驅動無法載入的毛病順暢排除了!!-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------**windows下開機numlock燈不亮的解決辦法彙總**numlock 燈亮不亮代表小鍵盤的數字輸入是否處於開啟狀態,亮則開啟,不亮則關閉,一般為了方便輸入數字,我們都希望它開機自動亮起,以下為 windows 下的設置方法:第一步,剛開機時按Del 鍵進入bios 設置,再進到 Advanced BIOS Features 項裡,將Num Lock 後的選項設置為on 後保存退出。如果不清楚具體什麼時候按 Del 鍵,可以在開機時顯示器剛出現畫面的一兩秒後>>>就開始不停按,一會兒就進去了,這樣雖然比較笨ioi,也很不專業,但是很有效ioi。第二步,在開機後出現登錄畫面時,按小鍵盤上的numlock 鍵使numlock 燈亮起,然後直接點關閉計算機關機或重啟。如果你設置了bios 卻發現numlock 燈依然開機不亮,那就是需要進行第二步了。經過這兩步,一般就能使numlock 燈開機自動亮起了,但也有個別不亮的,可以進行第三步。第三步,進入開始菜單,點運行,輸入 regedit 點確定,打開註冊表編輯器,找到HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Keyboard 項,將其中的InitialKeyboardIndicators 數值改為2 。重新啟動就可以看到numlock 燈自動亮起了ioi ~
*WindowsXP/Vista/Windows7/Windows8- operating system *
* solve common faults method summary ~ ! **
When using a computer to enjoy the fun------ of the Internet at the same time ,We also had to face various weird computer problems arise ,Today, the network collected some Windows operating systems -- Troubleshooting Solution Summary( This article applies to Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8)
One , often appear in the Windows blue screen failure
The performance of such failure and diverse,Sometimes occur when Windows starts ,Sometimes some software running under Windows appears ,Such failures are generally due to user mishandling ------ Prompting Windows system damage causedSuch phenomenon is embodied in a safe mode boot ------ Not normally enter the system, a blue screen crash .Sometimes too much debris can also cause such a failure ,There is debris in order to solve the fault after ,Should exclude this possibility , there are several reasons
might cause the failure.
1 , the memory reasons:Because memory reasons that caused the failure
phenomenon is relatively common ,Recurrence of such failures are generally caused by
poor quality of the chip ,But sometimes we modify the CMOS settings ------ Delay time CAS ( to change it from 3 to 2 ) can solve the problem,If not then only replace the memory .
2 , motherboards reasons:Because the motherboard reasons that caused the failure
probability lower than memory ,Reasons , usually because the motherboard after such failure ,Computer blue screen usually do not crash,And fault occurs frequently ,This is only one way to replace the motherboard .
3, CPU reasons:Since the CPU reason for this failure is relatively rare phenomenon ,Generally common in cyrix on the CPU ,Which we can reduce the CPU frequency ,See if you can solve , should not,Replace only one way .
Second, the computer in normal mode when Windows starts ------ As a general protection fault !
The general reasons for this failure are the following:
1 , memory reasons:Where is the memory reasons,We can change the look CAS latency see--
-- if that resolves the problem ,If the memory is working in the non- 66MHz FSB ,For example 75MHz, 83MHz, 100MHz or above frequency ,We can reduce the FSB or memory frequency to try ,Should not, only to be replaced.
2, the disk has bad sectors :If it is caused due to a disk bad sectors ,We can use safe mode to boot the system ,And then click ScanDisk repair disk errors,See if you can solve the problem. Hard disk bad sectors ,
the ...If not promptly repaired,May lead to gradual increase or hard disk bad
sectors completely damaged,Therefore, we should be repaired as soon as possible !
3, Windows system damage :This can only be resolved reinstall the system .
4, in the CMOS settings open within the anti-virus features:Such failure generally occurs when the system is installed ,After the system is installed,
turn this feature is generally not a problem.Third, the phenomenon of computer random crashes frequently
Crash failures are more common, but because they involve
a wide range of maintenance is too much trouble ,
and now I will gradually be explain.
1, the virus causes frequent computer crashes
Because these causes of the failure are quite common ,When a computer is infected with virus,
mainly in the following aspects:
① system startup time extension ;② system starts automatically when you start
some unnecessary procedures ;③ no reason to panic ;④ some garbage on the screen .
Its manifestations endless,Due to space reasons on the introduction to this ,This needs to be made is thatIf the virus damage because some system files,Cause system instability,We can in safe mode ------ Use the System File Checker to repair the system files .
2, due to poor thermal stability of some components ------ Cause of such failure( Specifically in the CPU, power supply , memory , motherboard )
In this regard, we can let the computer run for some time,Wait until after the crash , and then touch the above components ,If the temperature is too high, it shows that the
component may be a problem ,We can replace the method to diagnose .It is noteworthy that when installing the CPU fan ------ Best to apply some thermal grease ,But in some assembled computers is difficult to see its trace,Practice has proved that grease can reduce the
temperature of 5-10 degrees,P Ⅲ particular computer,If not coated with thermal grease ,Computer simply will not work ,Have encountered one such phenomenon .This machine is configured as follows:EPoX 815EP motherboard , P Ⅲ 733CPU,133 FSB 128M memory,When the machine is assembled finished, frequent crashes ,Even Windows systems are not properly installed ,But after replacing the Celeron 533 CPU ,Troubleshooting, suspect motherboard or CPU problem.However, replacement of the same type of motherboard ,CPU after the fault can not be resolved.Later, due to the discovery of its temperature is too high ,Some painted on the CPU thermal grease ,Failure fully resolved.Practice has proved that more than the Celeron 533 CPU
thermal grease must be painted ,Or is likely to cause crashes failure.
3, due to the various components cause the computer
to crash frequently poor contact
Such phenomenon is relatively common ,Especially in the later period of the computer.Since most of the parts in contact with the motherboard by Goldfinger ,After some time there will be parts of the finger oxidation ,After you unplug the card will find cheat site has yellowed ,At this point, we can use the eraser to wipe back and forth
at its yellowed be cleaned .
4 , due to hardware incompatibility between cause
your computer to crash frequently
Such phenomenon is common in graphics card is not
compatible with other components or memoryIs not compatible with the motherboard ,Such as the SIS graphics,Of course, other devices may also occur incompatibilitiesThis can be other unnecessary equipment such as Modem,Sound and other equipment to be removed after the judgment .
5 , software conflicts or damage caused by crashes
Such failures usually occur at the same point ,The software may be relieved this to be addressed.Fourth, the computer at Windows startup system ------ Appears *. Vxd or other file not found ,Press any key to continue fault !
Such failures are generally due to the
user uninstall the software ------ Not deleted completely orInstall the hardware driver installation when caused by incorrect ,In this regard, we can go into the registry management procedures,Use its search function , you will be prompted File not found, After being removed from the registry can be solved.Five in Windows in normal mode ------ Boot to the login dialog box appears,Point " Cancel " or " OK" to the desktop without any icons,Not carry out any operation.
Such failures are generally due to user mishandling ,Cause damage to the system .Solution as follows :First we boot the system in safe mode ,Go to Control Panel ,Into the " Password" option , the " user profile "Set to " This desktop users with the same desktop and preferences "Then enter the "Network" ,The " Dial-Up Networking Adapter " outside of the deletion,So login to the Windows registry ,Restart your computer , you can be solved.Six , when you shut down your computer under Windows >>>
computer restarts ? !
Computer reported in a recent article to see its solution ------ Is defragment the hard disk or reinstall Windows to solve,In actual fact,Produce such failures are generally due to the user inadvertently orSet the system to use some software,Using the Windows system fast shutdown functionCausing the failure ,The solution is as follows:Click "Start" - "Run " - "msconfig",Then in the " System Configuration Utility" panel -- Select Advanced ,Will be one of " Disable Fast Shutdown" is selected ,Restart the computer can be addressed.Seven , Windows lost Chinese characters
Installed in the computer after Windows >>>
and installed other software ,Defragment your hard disk , theSystem prompts: " Hard fragment contains the error ."With SCANDISK repair,Fragments of truth can not be used,When re-entering the Windows accessory ,Found kanji gone.The inspection is not a virus,Then view SCANDIDSK.LOG documents,Tip: "folder C: \ Windows has been corrupted ......... ."
According to the above symptoms ,Chinese character display Windows occur ,Mostly because the registry is lost for the content of
Chinese characters display caused .At this point, open the Registry Editor (Windows \ REGEDIT.EXE),Then open a "Associated Default Fonts" and"Associated Char Set" two lines of keywords,If so, then the two lines were opened to see which keyword content.When only the "default" line without other content ,Indicates that you can not define the character display,The reason for the character display .
Manual methods can be used to repair .
( 1 ) Click "Start" , select "Run ."
( 2 ) In the " Run" dialog box,Type regedit, and click "OK"Open the Registry Editor.
( 3 ) Expand "My Computer \ HKEY-LWCAL-MACHINE \
System \ current Control Set \ Control Fontassoc" -- Check whether the bottom "Aossiated Char Set the folder icon ,Right-hand column of the window , you will add the following:
ANSI (00) "Yes"
GB2312 (86) "Yes"
WEM (FF) "Yes"
SYMBOL (02) "on"
Add method:On the Edit \ New menu, click " String Value "And then in the right column appears in the text box ,Type ANSI (00).Then double-click the text box ,In the dialog box that appears , type Yes,Click "OK " and the rest added content and so on.
( 4 ) According to the above method ,Click Associated Default Fonts file icon,The right column of its window will add the following:
Assoc System Font "Simsun,
ttf" Font Package Decorative " Times New Roman"
Font Package Dont Care " Arial "
Font Package Modern " Times New Roman"
Font Package Roman " Arial " Font Package Script " Arial "
Font Package Swiess " Times New Roman"( 5 ) When there is no "Associated Char Set" and"Associated Default Fonts" two lines of keywords,Then Fontassoc folderOn the Edit \ new menu , click the "primary key "In the text box, and then ,Type a keyword above two lines , respectively ,Then follow the steps ( 4 ) to increase the content listed .( 6 ) Turn off the system , restart the computer .Eight , the printer can not print in WindowsMake sure the printer intact in the case ofFirst, the user enters DOS state ( pure DOS),At the command prompt enter dir> prn orPress the keyboard "Print screen sysrq" key ,See whether the printer can print,No general can determine if the printer port or motherboardPrint problem with the cabling ,But according to my experience may differ cmos
settings printer port mode( Generally Ecp, Epp, Spp several ) set about ,Users can exchange the corresponding testThere is also a special case ,When the printer port is damaged ucdos,Under Windows can print,* However, according to the detection method orReed card system , but can not print ,This versatile card can only solve only add( Plus multifunction card on the motherboard to
shield IDE, com, printer port ) .If the Dos able to print ,According to the following method to be addressed :① Under Windows,Go to Control Panel 's System Properties ,See print port LPT1 exists,If no go to Control Panel - Add New Hardware,Let it search for new hardware ,Then find the printer port can be added to it .② whether the driver has been installed correctly ,Reinstall the printer driver.③ installation disk for the file system space ,Usually there is insufficient memory space tips,Just drop some software on it.④ computer may be infected with a virus .Nine , running under Windows application prompt memoryGeneral memory message appears there may be several reasons:① remaining disk space,As long as the corresponding delete some files.② simultaneously run multiple applications.③ computer is infected with a virus.Ten , played under Windows printer words are garbledSuch failures are generally due to the printer driver is not
installed correctly orParallel Port Mode setting does not match the information ,In the first case is relatively simple solution ,Should the second case can be changed after
entering Cmos setting ------ Parallel port mode and one by one test can !( Generally Ecp, Epp, Spp three kinds ) .Eleven , applications running under Windows when
prompted illegal operation >>>Such failure caused by many reasons ,There are several possibilities:① system files have been changed or damaged.Event which triggered the open some system comes with the program ------ Prompt appears illegal operation ,( For example, open the Control Panel ) .② driver is not installed correctly ,Such failures are generally reflected in the graphics driver on topIf triggered ,When you open some games will generate an illegal operation tips,Encountered one case which triggered a particular phenomenon ,Sometimes when you open certain pages illegal operation tips.③ memory caused by poor quality( Sometimes improve memory system default delay
time is about 3 to 2 can solve such failure ) .④ If the program is running and sometimes the
sound card driver is not installed, will produce such a failure ,Beach landing for example ,If the sound card driver is not installed ,Runtime will generate an illegal operation error .⑤ incompatibility between the software ,For example IE6.5 installed in win9X second edition of the systems,When IE to open multiple windows sometimes produce
illegal operation tips.Twelve , dial-up is successful can not open the pageAfter such failure are the following phenomenon:1 , suggesting that not open the search page .Such failures are generally caused due to
network configuration problem .Go to "Control Panel" - "Network" ,Outside of the dial-up adapter will delete allRestart the computer and then add microsoft 's ------ "TCP / IP protocol " can be solved after
restarting your computer .2 , a number of sites that can go ------ Can not go in and find the site for a long time .Should the user does not have some MODEM assign ------ Local IP address such a failure occurs ,MODEM setting item and then can enter
the local IP address assigned to ,For example, the IP address of Hunan : Another possibility is to use the software
because the user optimized ,In this regard the method described above can also be
re- install the network option, orRestore your registry to see if that resolves the problem ,Should not, then , only to re- install the system be resolved.3 , in the Windows IE browser ,In order to limit access to certain internet sites ,In the " Control Panel""Internet" settings "Content"Page, enable the " Content Advisor "Users can restrict different content levels ,But when we browse a page containing activex ,Password dialog box appears always ask us to enter a password ,If the password is wrong, it will not be able to see this page.After this password is forgotten ,Users can not normally get .The solution is to modify the registry,Delete the password.As follows:Open the Registry Editor , locate the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ microsoft \ Windows \ current version \ policies \ ratings.In this Zijian is stored below the encrypted password ,The ratings subkey will be deleted ,IE password was lifted .Thirteen , 3DMAX normally does not start after installationSuch failures are generally due to the user's Windows system
files are installed insufficiency caused ,
Windows generally installed in normal circumstances would be
less loaded a few files as follows :vdd.vxd, vcomm.vxd, vmouse.vxd, vflatd.vxd,vdmad.vxd, configmg.vxd, ntkern.vxd,As long as we can be added to it ,As follows:Click Start - Programs - Accessories -
System Tools - System Information ,Then click on " Tools" - System File Checker ,Select extract files from installation disk ,In the blank column enter the above -mentioned individual files ,After the extraction is complete, you can solve the problem .Fourteen , the computer automatically restartsSuch failure manifested in the following aspects:At system start or when the application is running a ------ Some time after such failures.The reason that caused the failure is generally due to poor
thermal stability of memory -- Or power caused by job insecurity ,Another possibility is to cause the CPU temperature is too high .There is also a special case ,Sometimes, because of the driver or some software conflict ,Cause Windows system generates this error at boot time Oh ~ ! **-------------------------------------------------- --------------Two strokes to solve problems graphics driver could not be loadedAlways use the Windows XP operating system, the system
next to normal ; ratio because of work demands , I will qualify
for the operating system from Windows XP to Windows 7,
but just this time inadvertently cut , resulting in the system
each time graphics started showing ATI control panel applet
can not load the fault tips, but in fact the author has the
graphics device driver into the system correctly , why system
will pop up a prompt graphics driver failed to load it ?Primary consideration to the graphics card driver ------ Windows XP operating system under normal operations,In Windows win7 can not work properly,This indicates that when using graphics drivers may not apply for win7 ,At the moment we no harm to the Internet to find and downloadWindows 7 corresponding graphics driver,Then downloaded the correct device driver to win7 in ;Of course, if the graphics card driver is not specified or win7Can not find a suitable graphics card driver win7 ,Should be possible to use the latest version of the
other video card driver,In order to be useful to prevent the system and graphics card
drivers are not compatible with the work of seizures.If in accordance with the above approach can not
remove ATI Control Panel program ------ Can not load fault prompted,It is likely that we will win7 device in ready,The card itself is no hardware acceleration function is enabled ,At the moment we anyway according to the following
procedure will Graphics ------ Itself enable hardware acceleration function was successful:The screen position to switch to win7 desktop,Then right-click an empty area of the desktop ,From the pop -up menu, click on "Features " option,The show features open system window ;Click on the window of the " Settings" tab ,Then in the corresponding tab page, click the "high-end " buttonHigh-end features into the show setup interface ;Next, and then click the settings interface " Troubleshooting" tab ,And after this rendering option settings page,The " hardware acceleration " is set to "complete "Together the " Enable write annexation " option and
click "OK " buttonAnd then restart the computer system ,So maybe you can not load the graphics driver
illnesses smooth excluded ! !-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------** windows next boot numlock light does not shine solution summary **numlock light does not shine on behalf of a small number of
keyboard input is in the open state ,Light is turned on , do not turn off the light ,General in order to facilitate the importation of numbers,We all want it to start automatically lightsThe following is the windows of settings:The first step , just machines Press Del to enter bios settings,Then into the Advanced BIOS Features -ri ,After the Num Lock option is set to on after save and exit.If it is unclear exactly when press the Del key ,You can boot the display screen just appeared after twelve seconds >>>Began to stop by , while on the inside,Although this is stupid ioi, but also very professional,
but very effective ioi.The second step, after turning the login screen,Press the key on the keypad to make numlock numlock lights ,Then shut down your computer directly point to shutdown or restart .If you set the bios but found numlock light still does not turn off ,That is a necessary step .After these two steps , the general can make numlock lights
automatically turn on the power ,But there are also individual does not shine , you can be the third step.The third step is to enter the Start menu,Point Run, type regedit point determination ,Open the Registry Editor ,Find HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Control Panel \ Keyboard entryWill be one of InitialKeyboardIndicators value to 2.Restart can see numlock lights automatically turn on the ioi ~*

**解決 WindowsXP/Vista/Windows7/Windows8-
Windows7/Windows8- operating system*
*solve common faults method summary~!*
* THE END===============>**
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