[NTDTV June 18, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Chang charming roundup) outside long in dense fog and fraud severe economic data in China, the Chinese economy to find the truth. However, Google the company through high-definition satellite images , can be more intuitive to help restore the true Chinese economy.
Massive space satellites captured images with great development
potential, can be used to understand the future of the country's
economic and enterprise development, and even personal behavior
Ghost Town, GDP fraud escape satellites' eyes. "
June 11, Google 's price of $ 500 million acquisition of satellite imagery services company Skybox. Skybox at a lower cost, high-resolution satellite imagery provides the most accurate up to one meter, which is already more than many countries in military satellites resolution. The acquisition gave Google placement as an "eye in the sky", small enough to predict the most popular summer beach pants colors and a private car shopping, large coal-fired thermal power plant units started, some of the companies or the government wants to hide the data can be satellite images taken from space of recording.
Early 2013, the United States through a commercial website satellite images found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.
If you want to know how China's economic development, Google might be able to tell you more than the GDP data released by the CCP truer answers. In addition, more specific questions, such as: how many of the Qinhuangdao coal pier pressure port? Daqing oil field oil production this month how? This year's summer grain harvest will get it? From Google's satellite images can also be found the true answer.
Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden Production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.
- See more at:
****--Please use Google with a large family of God translator to translate your country / language city Oh ^ ^Ghost Town, GDP fraud escape satellites' eyes. "
June 11, Google 's price of $ 500 million acquisition of satellite imagery services company Skybox. Skybox at a lower cost, high-resolution satellite imagery provides the most accurate up to one meter, which is already more than many countries in military satellites resolution. The acquisition gave Google placement as an "eye in the sky", small enough to predict the most popular summer beach pants colors and a private car shopping, large coal-fired thermal power plant units started, some of the companies or the government wants to hide the data can be satellite images taken from space of recording.
Early 2013, the United States through a commercial website satellite images found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.
If you want to know how China's economic development, Google might be able to tell you more than the GDP data released by the CCP truer answers. In addition, more specific questions, such as: how many of the Qinhuangdao coal pier pressure port? Daqing oil field oil production this month how? This year's summer grain harvest will get it? From Google's satellite images can also be found the true answer.
Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden Production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.
Related Tags
--Por favor, use o Google com uma grande familia de Deus tradutor para traduzir sua cidade pais / idioma Oh ^ ^
--** - 국가 / 언어 시 를 번역하는 하나님 번역기 의 큰 가족과 함께 구글을 사용하십시오 아 ^ ^
--S'il vous plait utilisez Google avec une grande famille de Dieu traducteur pour traduire votre ville de pays / langue Oh ^ ^
--Bitte verwenden Sie Google mit einer grosen Familie Gottes Ubersetzer zu Ihrem Land / Sprache ubersetzen Stadt Oh ^ ^
--*** - あなたの国/言語の街を翻訳する神トランスレータの大きなファミリーでGoogleを使用してくださいああ^ ^
** - Sila gunakan Google dengan keluarga besar penterjemah Tuhan untuk menterjemahkan bandar negara / bahasa anda Oh ^ ^
--** - Utilice Google con una gran familia de Dios traductor para traducir tu ciudad país / idioma Oh ^ ^
** - Si prega di utilizzare Google con una grande famiglia di Dio traduttore per tradurre la tua città paese / lingua Oh ^ ^
--Sila gunakan Google dengan keluarga besar penterjemah Tuhan untuk menterjemahkan bandar negara / bahasa anda Oh ^ ^
--Bonvole uzu Google kun granda familio de Dio tradukisto traduki via lando / lingvo urbon Ho ^ ^

[NTDTV June 18, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Chang charming roundup) outside long in dense fog and fraud severe economic data in China, the Chinese economy to find the truth. However, Google the company through high-definition satellite images, can be more intuitive to help restore the true Chinese economy. Massive space satellites captured images with great development potential, can be used to understand the future of the country's economic and enterprise development, and even personal behavior patterns.
Ghost Town, GDP escape fraud satellite "eyes."

Early 2013, a U.S. commercial websites via satellite pictures found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.

Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.


6月11日,谷歌以 5億美元的價格收購了衛星圖像服務公司Skybox。Skybox能以較低的成本,提供高解析度衛星圖像,最高精度可達一米,這已經超過很多國家軍用衛星 的解析度。這一收購如同給谷歌安上一隻「天眼」,小到預測今夏最流行沙灘褲的顏色和私人駕車購物,大到火電廠燃煤機組開工,一些公司或政府希望隱瞞的數 據,都可以被衛星從太空中拍攝的圖像一一記錄。
全 球任何國家的主要經濟指標,同樣也可以藉助衛星圖像推算出個大概。例如,Skybox可以從太空觀測沙特阿拉伯的石油儲量,並以此推測該國的經濟增速。耶 魯大學經濟學教授威廉•諾德華斯的十多年觀察表明,對於發展中國家而言,衛星圖像所揭示的事實,往往比官方數據更為可信。

[NTDTV 18 jun 2014 Reuters (repórteres DTN Chang charmoso roundup) fora muito tempo no nevoeiro e fraude dados econômicos graves densos na China, a economia chinesa para descobrir a verdade. No entanto, o Google a empresa através de imagens de satélite de alta definição, pode ser mais intuitivo para ajudar a restaurar a verdadeira economia chinesa. Satélites espaciais maciços capturadas imagens com grande potencial de desenvolvimento, pode ser usado para entender o futuro do desenvolvimento económico e empresarial do país, e os padrões de comportamento até mesmo pessoal.

11 de junho de preço do Google de US $ 500 milhões de aquisição de Skybox satélite empresa de serviços de imagens. Skybox a um custo mais baixo, as imagens de satélite de alta resolução fornece o mais preciso até um metro, o que já é mais do que muitos países da resolução dos satélites militares. A aquisição deu colocação Google como um "olho no céu", pequeno o suficiente para prever as cores mais populares calças da praia do verão e um carrinho de carro particular, grandes unidades de usinas térmicas a carvão começou, algumas das empresas ou o governo quer ocultar os dados podem ser imagens de satélite tiradas do espaço de gravação.
No início de 2013, um sites comerciais dos EUA através de fotos de satélite encontrados em toda a China, "Ghost Town": construção Mongólia Interior Erdos Kangbashi Metro não está apto para a habitação humana no deserto de Gobi, Kunming Chenggong Cidade Nova e Henan Zhengdong New District arranha-céus em todos os lugares , mas nas ruas desertas, veículos raros e pedestres.

Se você quer saber como o desenvolvimento econômico da China, o Google pode ser capaz de dizer-lhe mais do que os dados do PIB divulgados pelo PCC respostas mais verdadeiras. Além disso, questões mais específicas, tais como: quantos de porta de pressão cais carvão Qinhuangdao? Daqing produção de petróleo do campo petrolífero este mês como? Este ano, a safra de grãos de verão vai buscá-la? A partir de imagens de satélite do Google também pode ser encontrada a resposta verdadeira.
As imagens de satélite são mais credíveis do que os dados oficiais dos países em desenvolvimento
De acordo com relatos da imprensa estrangeira que, com base no estudo de imagens de satélite, os especialistas podem desbloquear um monte de segredos comerciais: o número de carros por entender o estacionamento em centros comerciais, podem predizer dados de vendas no varejo; Escombros mina no pit e as imagens são realmente escondido informações sobre a capacidade de produção; observar as mudanças no número de contêineres no porto, em seguida, compreender a importação e exportação de verdade.
Os principais indicadores económicos de qualquer país do mundo, também pode fazer uso de imagens de satélite calcular uma estimativa. Por exemplo, Skybox pode ser observado em reservas de petróleo da Arábia Saudita a partir do espaço e, assim, especularam que o crescimento econômico do país. Professor de economia da Universidade de Yale, William Arnold Wentz • Dez anos de observação mostra que, para os países em desenvolvimento, imagens de satélite revelaram o fato de que tendem a ser mais credível do que os dados oficiais.
Espaço atirar para se beneficiar de um governo federal dos EUA para promover a estratégia era Clinton "céu aberto", bem como a introdução de "Lei de PDD-23." A lei permite que as empresas privadas dos Estados Unidos tirar fotos de alta resolução a partir do espaço, exceto em situações de segurança nacional está ameaçada, o governo de cada empresa onde tiro fotos sem intervenção.
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[NTDTV 2014년 6월 18일 로이터 외부 긴 중국에서 짙은 안개 및 사기
심각한 경제 데이터 (NTD 기자 장 매력적인 검거), 중국 경제는 진실을 찾을 수 있습니다. 그러나, 구글 고화질 위성 사진을 통해이 회사는 진정한 중국 경제를 복원 할 수 있도록보다 직관적이 될 수 있습니다. 큰 발전 잠재력을 가진 이미지를 캡처 대규모 공간 위성, 국가의 경제 및 기업 발전의 미래를 이해하는 데 사용, 심지어 개인의 행동 패턴을 할 수 있습니다.

고스트 타운 (Ghost Town), GDP 탈출 사기 위성 "눈."
6 월 11 일 위성 이미지 서비스 회사 스카이 박스의 500,000,000달러 인수 구글의 가격.
저렴한 비용으로 스카이 박스는 고해상도 위성 사진은 이미 군사 위성의 해상도의 많은
국가보다 하나 미터까지 가장 정확한 정보를 제공합니다. 인수는 가장 인기있는 여름
해변의 바지 색상을 예측할 수있을만큼 작은 "하늘의 눈", 전용 자동차, 쇼핑,
대형 석탄 화력 발전소 단위 시작, 회사의 일부 또는 정부가 제공하려고 구글
배치했다 데이터 기록의 공간에서 촬영 한 위성 영상 숨겨 질 수 있습니다.
2013 년 초, 중국에서 어디에나 위성 사진을 통해 미국의 상업용 웹 사이트,
"유령 도시"내몽고 에르 도스 Kangbashi 지하철 건설,

사막에서 인간의 거주에 적합하지 않다 하지만, 거리에 버려진,
희귀 차량 및 보행자에.
이 위성 사진을 바탕으로 중국의 부동산 웹 사이트 예측 네 번째 계층 도시의이 그룹은 다운 될 것입니다. 나중에 에르 도스는, 가격을 인하 온주에서 발생, 선견지명이 위성 영상을 기반으로 분석 결과를 확인합니다.

위성 이미지는 개발 도상국의 공식적인 자료보다 더 신뢰할 수 있습니다
위성 영상의 연구를 기반으로 외국 언론의 보도에 따르면, 전문가들은 영업 비밀을 많이 잠금을 해제 할 수 있습니다 : 쇼핑 센터 주차장을 이해하여 자동차의 수는, 소매 판매 데이터를 예측할 수있다; 내 슬래그 구덩이에 힙 및 사진은 실제로 생산 능력 정보를 숨겨진; 다음 진리의 가져 오기 및 내보내기를 이해하고, 컨테이너에서 포트의 수의 변화를 관찰한다.
세계 모든 국가의 주요 경제 지표는 또한 위성 이미지의 사용은 야구장을 계산 할 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 관람석 공간에서 사우디 아라비아의 석유 매장량에서 관찰하고, 따라서 국가의 경제 성장을 추측 할 수있다. 예일 대학의 경제학 교수 윌리엄 아놀드 웬츠 • 관찰 10 년 개발 도상국, 위성 이미지가 공식적인 자료보다 더 신뢰할 수있는 경향이있다는 사실을 밝혀 것을 보여줍니다.
클린턴 시대 "자유화"전략뿐만 아니라, 도입 촉진하기 위해 미국 연방 정부의 혜택을 공간 촬영 "PDD-23 법." 이 법은 국가 안보 상황을 제외하고, 미국의 민간 기업이 우주에서 고해상도 사진을 촬영 허용이 위협 받고, 각 회사의 정부 어디 개입없이 사진을 촬영.


あなたはどのように中国の経済発展を知りたい場合は、Googleはあなたに、CCP真実の答えが発表し、GDPデータよりも多くを伝えることができるかもしれません。また、このような、より具体的な質問:どのように多くの秦皇島石炭桟橋圧ポートの?今月はどの油田の石油生産を大慶?今年の夏の穀物の収穫は、それを得るのだろうか? Googleの衛星画像からも真の答えを見つけることができます。

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------

- ** Verdade econômica chinesa - Google sabe tudo (Figura) **-so Good-haha ... -- **'한강 말했다 유럽 아미 국제 언어에서 남동쪽 미국과 영국은 ** ---- ** NTDTV 보고서 "-"구글 위대한 하나님의 대 약진, 최초의 극단적 인 패션의 초자연적, 최첨단 기술이었다 ^ ^! - ** 중국어 경제적 진실 -? - 구글은 ** - 너무 좋아 - 하하 ... 모든 (그림을) 알고 -- ** 중국어 경제적 진실 -? 구글은 모든 (그림을) 알고 ** - 너무 좋아 - 하하 ... --- "*NTDTV は*と述べGoogleのすばらしい神が大躍進、最初の極端なファッションの技術を最先端の、超自然的だった^^! -- **中国の経済の真実 - Googleがすべてを知っている? (図)**-SOグッド笑 -*
===MelodyRO===THE END===>/
[NTDTV June 18, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Chang charming roundup) outside long in dense fog and fraud severe economic data in China, the Chinese economy to find the truth. However, Google the company through high-definition satellite images , can be more intuitive to help restore the true Chinese economy.
Massive space satellites captured images with great development
potential, can be used to understand the future of the country's
economic and enterprise development, and even personal behavior
Ghost Town, GDP fraud escape satellites' eyes. "
June 11, Google 's price of $ 500 million acquisition of satellite imagery services company Skybox. Skybox at a lower cost, high-resolution satellite imagery provides the most accurate up to one meter, which is already more than many countries in military satellites resolution. The acquisition gave Google placement as an "eye in the sky", small enough to predict the most popular summer beach pants colors and a private car shopping, large coal-fired thermal power plant units started, some of the companies or the government wants to hide the data can be satellite images taken from space of recording.
Early 2013, the United States through a commercial website satellite images found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.
If you want to know how China's economic development, Google might be able to tell you more than the GDP data released by the CCP truer answers. In addition, more specific questions, such as: how many of the Qinhuangdao coal pier pressure port? Daqing oil field oil production this month how? This year's summer grain harvest will get it? From Google's satellite images can also be found the true answer.
Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden Production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.
- See more at:
Ghost Town, GDP fraud escape satellites' eyes. "
June 11, Google 's price of $ 500 million acquisition of satellite imagery services company Skybox. Skybox at a lower cost, high-resolution satellite imagery provides the most accurate up to one meter, which is already more than many countries in military satellites resolution. The acquisition gave Google placement as an "eye in the sky", small enough to predict the most popular summer beach pants colors and a private car shopping, large coal-fired thermal power plant units started, some of the companies or the government wants to hide the data can be satellite images taken from space of recording.
Early 2013, the United States through a commercial website satellite images found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.
If you want to know how China's economic development, Google might be able to tell you more than the GDP data released by the CCP truer answers. In addition, more specific questions, such as: how many of the Qinhuangdao coal pier pressure port? Daqing oil field oil production this month how? This year's summer grain harvest will get it? From Google's satellite images can also be found the true answer.
Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden Production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.
Related Tags
[NTDTV June 18, 2014 Reuters (NTD reporters Chang charming roundup) outside long in dense fog and fraud severe economic data in China, the Chinese economy to find the truth. However, Google the company through high-definition satellite images , can be more intuitive to help restore the true Chinese economy.
Massive space satellites captured images with great development
potential, can be used to understand the future of the country's
economic and enterprise development, and even personal behavior
Ghost Town, GDP fraud escape satellites' eyes. "
June 11, Google 's price of $ 500 million acquisition of satellite imagery services company Skybox. Skybox at a lower cost, high-resolution satellite imagery provides the most accurate up to one meter, which is already more than many countries in military satellites resolution. The acquisition gave Google placement as an "eye in the sky", small enough to predict the most popular summer beach pants colors and a private car shopping, large coal-fired thermal power plant units started, some of the companies or the government wants to hide the data can be satellite images taken from space of recording.
Early 2013, the United States through a commercial website satellite images found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.
If you want to know how China's economic development, Google might be able to tell you more than the GDP data released by the CCP truer answers. In addition, more specific questions, such as: how many of the Qinhuangdao coal pier pressure port? Daqing oil field oil production this month how? This year's summer grain harvest will get it? From Google's satellite images can also be found the true answer.
Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden Production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.
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Ghost Town, GDP fraud escape satellites' eyes. "
June 11, Google 's price of $ 500 million acquisition of satellite imagery services company Skybox. Skybox at a lower cost, high-resolution satellite imagery provides the most accurate up to one meter, which is already more than many countries in military satellites resolution. The acquisition gave Google placement as an "eye in the sky", small enough to predict the most popular summer beach pants colors and a private car shopping, large coal-fired thermal power plant units started, some of the companies or the government wants to hide the data can be satellite images taken from space of recording.
Early 2013, the United States through a commercial website satellite images found everywhere in China, "Ghost Town": Inner Mongolia Erdos Kangbashi Metro construction is not fit for human habitation in the Gobi desert, Kunming Chenggong New City and Henan Zhengdong New District high-rise everywhere, but on the streets deserted, rare vehicles and pedestrians.
Based on these satellite images, this group of Chinese real estate website forecast fourth-tier cities will be down. Later Erdos, cut prices occurred in Wenzhou, confirms the results of the analysis based on satellite images prescient.
If you want to know how China's economic development, Google might be able to tell you more than the GDP data released by the CCP truer answers. In addition, more specific questions, such as: how many of the Qinhuangdao coal pier pressure port? Daqing oil field oil production this month how? This year's summer grain harvest will get it? From Google's satellite images can also be found the true answer.
Satellite images are more credible than the official data in developing countries
According to foreign media reports that based on the study of satellite images, the experts can unlock a lot of trade secrets: the number of cars by understanding the shopping center parking lot, can predict retail sales data; mine slag heap in the pit and the pictures are actually hidden Production capacity information; observe changes in the number of containers in the port, then understand the import and export of truth.
The main economic indicators of any country in the world, also can make use of satellite imagery calculate a ballpark. For example, Skybox can be observed in Saudi Arabia's oil reserves from space, and thus speculated that the country's economic growth. Yale University economics professor William Arnold Wentz • Ten years of observation shows that, for developing countries, satellite images revealed the fact that tend to be more credible than the official data.
Space shoot to benefit from a U.S. federal government to promote the Clinton era "open skies" strategy, as well as the introduction of "PDD-23 Act." The Act permits the United States private companies take high-resolution pictures from space, except in situations of national security is threatened, the government of each company where shooting photos without intervention.
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