*USA(EN)*- "a man circus"
: look carefully at the Patchwork
painting .....
*KO-'"사람 서커스"패치 워크 그림을주의 깊게 봐 .....
*PT(Macau)FDZ- "um homem de circo": olhe atentamente para
a pintura Patchwork .....
*DE*-"ein Mann Zirkus": schauen Sie genau auf die Patchwork-Malerei .....
*Melayu"-"sarkas lelaki": lihat dengan teliti pada lukisan Patchwork yang .....
*FR*-"un homme cirque": regardez attentivement le tableau de Patchwork ....."~!

熱情的表達, 一個人的精彩 感染...
一個人的馬戲團 :用心看的拼布畫
*ZH-TW-"熱情的表達, 一個人的精彩 感染..."
"USA(EN)-"Passionate expression, a wonderful person infected ..." http://melodytoyssexy.blogspot.com/2014/03/zh-tw-usaen-man-circus-look-carefully.html
"KO-"열정적 인 표현, 감염 멋진 사람 ..."
*PT(MACAU)FDZ-"Expressão apaixonado, uma pessoa maravilhosa infectado ..."
*Melayu -"Ungkapan Ghairah, seorang yang hebat dijangkiti ..."
*DE"-'Leidenschaftlicher, ein wunderbarer Mensch infiziert ...
"FR-*Expression passionnée, une personne merveilleuse infecté ...
*ZH-TW"一個人的馬戲團 " :用心看的拼布畫....
*USA(EN)*- "a man circus": look carefully at the Patchwork painting .....
*KO-'"사람 서커스"패치 워크 그림을주의 깊게 봐 .....
*PT(Macau)FDZ- "um homem de circo": olhe atentamente para a pintura Patchwork .....
*DE*-"ein Mann Zirkus": schauen Sie genau auf die Patchwork-Malerei .....
*Melayu"-"sarkas lelaki": lihat dengan teliti pada lukisan Patchwork yang .....
*FR*-"un homme cirque": regardez attentivement le tableau de Patchwork ..... "~!
=MelodyRO =à la fin =>/
if you like make fds, wellcome you here~~anytime***
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