**(evasion7下載 免費) Evasi0n7.1.0.8**---"完美越獄越獄的iOS 7.0.5終於發布了"~!^-
--** (Evasion7 download gratuito) Evasi0n7.1.0.8 ** --- "Jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 jailbreak untethered finalmente lançou o" ~! ^ -
--"의 미국* -- * (무료 전체 다운로드 evasion7) * Evasi0n7.1.0.8 ** --- ~! ^ "본때를 보여 주 아이폰 OS 7.0.5 풀려 탈옥 드디어 출시했습니다" -
--** (Free Full Download evasion7) * Evasi0n7.1.0.8 ** --- "Jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 untethered Jailbreak hat endlich die" ~ ^! -
--* (Libre plein Télécharger evasion7) * Evasi0n7.1.0.8 ** --- "Jailbreak iOS 7.0.5 jailbreak untethered a finalement été libéré le" ~ ^! -
--* (Senpaga plena Elŝutu evasion7) * Evasi0n7.1.0.8 ** --- "Jailbreak IOS 7.0.5 untethered jailbreak finfine eldonis la" ~ ^! - *
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--Publisher's description--
*Evasi0n7 1.0.8 is a perfect escape tool ,
All iPhone, iPod touch running iOS 7.0 and the iPad models -
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7 Support for the iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C,
iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPhone iPad 4, iPad 2 , and 3 ,
Air iPad , iPad mini , iPad,
Running iOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3 the iPod Touch.
The iOS 7.0.4 7.0.5 and 7.0.6 .
- IMPORTANT: Please note that most of the adjustments are still Cydia does not work with -
-IOS7 and later.
Therefore , always keep the theme before installing Cydia backup all your data ,
Adjustments or utility.
You can use the saved backup , if something goes wrong,
The jailbreak or restore your test adjustments iPhone, iPad or iPod.
This matter will be overcome very quickly iOS developers to create new applications ,
IOS7 and later themes and adjustment .
To escape the jailbreak Windows (XP or later ) ,
For Mac OS X ( 10.6 and above) or Linux (86 / x86_64 's ) -
- Require any iPhone or iPad running iOS 7.0 to 7.0.6
(Ckeck in your iOS Settings / General / About - version ) USB cable to connect the device to a computer step by step guide to install evasion7 Step 1 - Download Evasion7 Jailbreak iOS 7.0 to 7.0.4 of the Windows version and the Mac version 2 step - with your device and PC step 3 - start the process click on the " jailbreak " button . It takes a few minutes to complete Step 4 - Once it is finished , the installation program will think you need to unlock your device and click New \ "evasi0n 7 \" application icon on your device continues to find notify you . Click on the application icon , allowing you to connect the device , it will automatically restart. Step 5 - After the reboot is complete dodge require you to unlock your device again. Once you do, it will restart again. Finally , Cydia icon on your home screen appears , then exit in the process Evasi0n 7 , disconnect your device from your computer , and the establishment of the codling
Download now through our direct download link evasion7 1.0.8 jailbreak
Download now and use it : evasion7 download Evasion7-1.0.8 free download...
.zip= http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide.
Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide.
Apple released iOS 7.1 download Links for iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch iOS 7.1 IPSW Links work on Mac and Windows PC If you want download it -.. You can make it here .? What the next Jailbreak!

Evad3rs team confirmed, that Apple closed all vulnerables for Evasi0n7 utility. You can't make Jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 5S, 5C, 5, 4S, iPad Air (5), 4,3,2 and iPod Touch 5-Gen. Jailbreak 7.1 for iPhone 4 coming soon. Wait confirmed links.
Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1:Update:
19.5.14 - Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 5S untethered You can see how it works..
18.5.14 - Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 4 untethered You can see how it works..
Q: Can I make jailbreak 7.1 on my iPhone 5S?
A:. No You can't.
Q: I heard that Evasi0n7 can make jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 4?
A: You can make 7.1 Jailbreak for iPhone 4 with Geeksn0w ->. How
Q: Can I Downgrade 7.1 to 7.0.6 or lower ipws?
A: No, You can't
Q: I found some pages with jailbreak iOS 7.1 utility.
A: You found scam and fake pages Don't download it, don't install it Jailbreak 7.1 not yet...
Q: What Evasi0n7 version is last?
A:. Evasi0n7 1.0.8 for Jailbreak 7.0.6 - 7.0 You can download it here .
Q: When I can make jailbreak 7.1?
A: We don't have such information Wait..
Q: I want install Cydia tweaks on my new iOS 7.1 Can I it.?
A: No.
Q: I found Evasi0n7 1.0.8 download links Wow..
A: You found Fake Links, Do not download / install Version Last Evasi0n7 you can download. here .
Before asking a question, check Frequently Asked Questions to find quick answers!
A:. No You can't.
Q: I heard that Evasi0n7 can make jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 4?
A: You can make 7.1 Jailbreak for iPhone 4 with Geeksn0w ->. How
Q: Can I Downgrade 7.1 to 7.0.6 or lower ipws?
A: No, You can't
Q: I found some pages with jailbreak iOS 7.1 utility.
A: You found scam and fake pages Don't download it, don't install it Jailbreak 7.1 not yet...
Q: What Evasi0n7 version is last?
A:. Evasi0n7 1.0.8 for Jailbreak 7.0.6 - 7.0 You can download it here .
Q: When I can make jailbreak 7.1?
A: We don't have such information Wait..
Q: I want install Cydia tweaks on my new iOS 7.1 Can I it.?
A: No.
Q: I found Evasi0n7 1.0.8 download links Wow..
A: You found Fake Links, Do not download / install Version Last Evasi0n7 you can download. here .
Before asking a question, check Frequently Asked Questions to find quick answers!
p.s. --We did not scan evasion7 download Evasion7-1.0.8 viruses, adware, spyware or other types of malicious software. For your own protection it's recommended to have come from Soft112 when downloading and installing programs installed on your computer to update the anti-virus software.
*Evasi0n7 1.0.8是一個完美越獄工具,
所有iPhone,iPod touch和iOS上運行7.0的iPad機型 --
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7支持為iPhone 5S,iPhone 5C,
iPhone 5,iPhone 4S,iPhone 4,iPad 2的,的iPad 3,
運行iOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3的iPod Touch。
的iOS 7.0.4 7.0.5和7.0.6。
-- IMPORTANT:請注意,大多數仍Cydia的調整都無法正常工作與--
Mac OS X的(10.6以上)或Linux(86 / x86_64的)--
--要求任何iPhone或iPad運行iOS 7.0到7.0.6
(Ckeck你的iOS在設置/常規/關於 - 版本)的USB電纜--
--第1步 - 下載Evasion7越獄的iOS 7.0至7.0.4的Windows版本和Mac版本.
--第2步 - 與您的設備和PC
--第3步 - 啟動過程點擊“越獄”按鈕。
--第4步 - 一旦它完成後,
安裝程序會認為你需要--->解鎖你的設備並單擊新\“evasi0n 7 \”應用程序圖標--
--第5步 - 重啟後完成閃避要求你再次解鎖您的設備。
然後退出Evasi0n 7的過程中,
立即下載,通過我們的直接下載鏈接evasion7 1.0.8越獄
立即下載並使用它: evasion7下載Evasion7-1.0.8免費下載-
.zip= http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
說明越獄7.1。 完成嚮導。
蘋果發布的iOS 7.1的下載鏈接的iPhone,iPad,iPod Touch的。 的iOS 7.1 IPSW鏈接在Mac和Windows PC上運行。 如果你想下載它-你可以把它在這裡 。 什麼樣的未來? 越獄!

Evad3rs小組證實,蘋果關閉了所有vulnerables為Evasi0n7實用。 你不能在iPhone 5S,5C,5,4S,iPad的空氣(5),4,3,2和iPod Touch 5根讓越獄7.1。 7.1越獄的iPhone 4即將上市。 等待確認鏈接。
14年5月19日 - 越獄7.1.1在iPhone 5S不受限制。 你可以看到它是如何工作的。
14年5月18日 - 在iPhone 4完美越獄7.1.1。 你可以看到它是如何工作的。
Q:我可以做7.1越獄我的iPhone 5S?
問:我聽說Evasi0n7可以越獄7.1的iPhone 4?
答:你可以讓7.1越獄的iPhone 4與Geeksn0w。 - > 如何
問:我發現越獄的iOS 7.1實用一些網頁。
答:你發現詐騙和偽造的網頁。 不下載,不安裝它。 越獄7.1還沒有。
答:Evasi0n7 1.0.8的越獄7.0.6 - 7.0。 你可以把它下載在這裡 。
答: 我們沒有這樣的信息。 等待。
問:我想在我的新的iOS 7.1安裝Cydia的調整。 我可以嗎?
問:我發現Evasi0n7 1.0.8下載鏈接。 哇。
答:你找到假鏈接,不要下載/安裝。 最後Evasi0n7版本,你可以下載在這裡 。
PS一些原因更新到iOS 7.1:除了提高性能和糾正問題,有時導致家庭屏設備的故障,的iOS 7.1更改了用戶界面的級別進行。 在OS,新的開關,按鈕和其他用戶界面。 在IOS 7.1一些更改僅觸及iPhone 5秒。行李了解到自動激活照片拍攝高動態範圍(HDR)。 在普遍接入的iOS 7.1有一個新的菜單項目的設置,可以激活“背光”按鈕(按鈕,單擊窗體。)然而,一些聯繫越來越強調。
IOS 7.1.2,7.1.1下載鏈接,安裝,如何

的iOS 7.1.1下載為iPhone 5S/5C/5,iPhone 4S,iPad的4,3,2和iPod Touch已經被釋放。 點擊一下,...你可以IOS 7.1.1下載並安裝到iPhone,iPad或iPod touch上。 我們將開始與在其他之中最有趣 - 跟iOS 7.1。 如何更新到iOS 7.1下載免費的嗎? 由於通常情況下,該公司通過奇觀注意細節。 新的iOS 7.1.1的設計是高於一切的一致好評。 在這裡,工程師和設計師獲得公司100。IOS 7.1.1 IPSW下載鏈接被下載次數最多的和先進的移動操作系統的鏈接進行下載。
的iOS 7.1.2 IPSW下載鏈接:
友情鏈接即將到來。 (週末)
的iOS 7.1.1 IPSW下載鏈接:
- iPad的空氣(第五代的WiFi +蜂窩)
- iPad的空氣(第五代無線)
- iPad的(第四代CDMA)
- iPad的(第4代GSM)
- iPad的(第四代無線網絡)
- iPad的迷你(CDMA)
- iPad的迷你(GSM)
- iPad的迷你(無線)
- iPad的迷你2(WIFI +蜂窩)
- iPad的迷你2(WIFI)
- iPad 3的無線網絡連接(第3代)
- 的iPad 3的Wi-Fi +蜂窩(型號為AT&T)
- 的iPad 3的Wi-Fi +蜂窩(型號為Verizon)
- iPad 2的無線網絡連接(修訂版A)
- iPad 2的無線網絡連接
- 的iPad 2的Wi-Fi + 3G(GSM)
- 的iPad 2的Wi-Fi + 3G(CDMA)
- iPhone 5(CDMA)
- iPhone 5的(GSM)
- iPhone 5C(CDMA)
- iPhone 5C(GSM)
- iPhone 5秒(CDMA)
- iPhone 5秒(GSM)的
- iPhone 4S
- iPhone 4(GSM版A)
- iPhone 4(GSM)
- iPhone 4(CDMA)
- iPod touch(第5代)
3)選擇從左側導航面板上的iTunes 11您的設備
4)按住Shift鍵(Windows)或Alt / Option鍵(Mac)鍵並點擊iTunes上的恢復按鈕
5)瀏覽並選擇下載的iOS 7 IPSW文件。 讓恢復過程完成。
1)選擇您的設備,然後點擊“ 設置 ”
2)單擊“ 常規 ”
3)點擊“ 軟件更新 ”
4)下載新的iOS 7.0.4
Descrição do Produto -
* Evasi0n7 1.0.8 é uma ferramenta de escape perfeito ,
Todos os iPhone, iPod touch rodando iOS 7.0 e os modelos de iPad -
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7 Suporte para o iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C ,
iPhone 5, iPhone 4S , iPhone 4 iPad , iPad 2 , e 3 ,
iPad Air , mini iPad, iPad,
Correndo iOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3 o iPod Touch.
O iOS 7.0.4 7.0.5 e 7.0.6 .
- IMPORTANTE : Por favor note que a maioria dos ajustes são ainda Cydia não funciona com -
- IOS7 e posterior.
Por isso , mantenha sempre o tema antes de instalar o Cydia backup de todos os seus dados,
Ajustes ou utilitário .
Você pode usar o backup salvo , se algo der errado,
O ajuste para restaurar jailbreak ou testar o seu iPhone , iPad ou iPod.
Essa questão será superada muito rapidamente desenvolvedores iOS para criar novas aplicações ,
IOS7 e temas e ajuste posteriores.
Para fugir do jailbreak do Windows ( XP ou superior) ,
Para o Mac OS X ( 10.6 ou superior) ou Linux (86 / x86_64 de ) -
- Exigir qualquer iOS execução iPhone ou iPad 7.0 para 7.0.6
( Ckeck em seus iOS Configurações Gerais / about / - versão ) cabo USB -
- Ligue o dispositivo a um computador passo a passo para instalar evasion7
- Passo 1 - Transfira Evasion7 Jailbreak iOS 7.0 para o 7.0.4 versão de versões Windows e Mac .
- O primeiro Passo 2 - com o dispositivo eo PC
- Passo 3 - Iniciar o processo , clique no botão " Jailbreak " .
Ele leva vários minutos para ser concluído.
- O primeiro Passo 4 - Depois que ele for concluído,
O instalador irá pensar que você precisa ---> para desbloquear o dispositivo e clique em Novo \ " evasi0n 7 \ " ícone do aplicativo -
- Continue para encontrar o seu dispositivo para notificá-lo .
- Clique no ícone do aplicativo , para que o seu dispositivo conectado, ele irá reiniciar automaticamente.
- Passo 5 - Após a reinicialização está completa esquivar exigem que você desbloquear o dispositivo novamente.
Uma vez que você fizer isso, ele irá reiniciar novamente.
- Finalmente , ícone Cydia em sua tela inicial aparecer,
Então processo de saída Evasi0n 7, o
Desconecte o dispositivo do computador , bem como o estabelecimento do codling
Faça o download agora através do nosso link de download direto evasion7 1.0.8 jailbreak
Faça o download agora e usá-lo : evasion7 baixar Evasion7 - 1.0.8 download gratuito -
. Zip = http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
IOS 7.1.2, 7.1.1 Download Links, Install, How To

iOS 7.1.1 Download for iPhone 5S/5C/5, iPhone 4S, iPad 4, 3,2 and iPod Touch has been released. One click and ...You can iOS 7.1.1 Download and install on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. We will start with the most interesting among the others - with the iOS 7.1. How to Update to iOS 7.1 Download for free? As usually, the company wonders by attention to the details. Design of the new iOS 7.1.1 is above all praise. Here, engineers and designers get firm 100. IOS 7.1.1 ipsw Download links are most downloaded and advanced mobile OS links for download.
iOS 7.1.2 Download IPSW Links:
Links coming soon. (week-end)
iOS 7.1.1 Download IPSW Links:
- iPad Air (5th generation WiFi + Cellular)
- iPad Air (5th generation WiFi)
- iPad (4th generation CDMA)
- iPad (4th generation GSM)
- iPad (4th generation WiFi)
- iPad mini (CDMA)
- iPad mini (GSM)
- iPad mini (WiFi)
- iPad mini 2 (WiFi + Cellular)
- iPad mini 2 (WiFi)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for ATT)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for Verizon)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA)
- iPhone 5 (CDMA)
- iPhone 5 (GSM)
- iPhone 5c (CDMA)
- iPhone 5c (GSM)
- iPhone 5s (CDMA)
- iPhone 5s (GSM)
- iPhone 4s
- iPhone 4 (GSM Rev A)
- iPhone 4 (GSM)
- iPhone 4 (CDMA)
- iPod touch (5th generation)
2) Open iTunes and connect your iDevice via USB cable
3) Select your device from the left navigation panel on iTunes 11
4) Hold down the Shift (Windows) or Alt/Option (Mac) key and hit the restore button on iTunes
5) Browse and select the downloaded iOS 7 IPSW file. Let the restore process complete.
Method 2 .
1) Select your device and click “Settings”
2) Click “General”
3) Click “Software Update”
4) Download new iOS 7.0.4
Instructions for Jailbreak 7.1. Complete Guide.*
IOS 7.1.2, 7.1.1 Download Links, Install, How To..
iOS 7.1.1 Download for iPhone 5S/5C/5, iPhone 4S, iPad 4, 3,2 and iPod Touch has been released. One click and ...You can iOS 7.1.1 Download and install on iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch. We will start with the most interesting among the others - with the iOS 7.1. How to Update to iOS 7.1 Download for free? As usually, the company wonders by attention to the details. Design of the new iOS 7.1.1 is above all praise. Here, engineers and designers get firm 100. IOS 7.1.1 ipsw Download links are most downloaded and advanced mobile OS links for download.
iOS 7.1.2 Download IPSW Links:
Links coming soon. (week-end)
iOS 7.1.1 Download IPSW Links:
- iPad Air (5th generation WiFi + Cellular)
- iPad Air (5th generation WiFi)
- iPad (4th generation CDMA)
- iPad (4th generation GSM)
- iPad (4th generation WiFi)
- iPad mini (CDMA)
- iPad mini (GSM)
- iPad mini (WiFi)
- iPad mini 2 (WiFi + Cellular)
- iPad mini 2 (WiFi)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi (3rd generation)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for ATT)
- iPad 3 Wi-Fi + Cellular (model for Verizon)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi (Rev A)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (GSM)
- iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G (CDMA)
- iPhone 5 (CDMA)
- iPhone 5 (GSM)
- iPhone 5c (CDMA)
- iPhone 5c (GSM)
- iPhone 5s (CDMA)
- iPhone 5s (GSM)
- iPhone 4s
- iPhone 4 (GSM Rev A)
- iPhone 4 (GSM)
- iPhone 4 (CDMA)
- iPod touch (5th generation)
2) Open iTunes and connect your iDevice via USB cable
3) Select your device from the left navigation panel on iTunes 11
4) Hold down the Shift (Windows) or Alt/Option (Mac) key and hit the restore button on iTunes
5) Browse and select the downloaded iOS 7 IPSW file. Let the restore process complete.
Method 2 .
1) Select your device and click “Settings”
2) Click “General”
3) Click “Software Update”
4) Download new iOS 7.0.4
** Atualização:
18.5.14 - Jailbreak 7.1.1 no iPhone 4 untethered. Você pode ver como funciona. *
** Q: Posso fazer jailbreak 7.1 no meu iPhone 5S?
R: Não. Você não pode.
Q: Ouvi dizer que Evasi0n7 pode fazer jailbreak 7.1 no iPhone 4?
R: Você pode fazer o jailbreak 7.1 para iPhone 4 com Geeksn0w. -> Como
Q: Posso Downgrade 7.1 para 7.0.6 ou inferior IPWS?
A: Não, você não pode
Q: Eu encontrei algumas páginas com jailbreak iOS 7.1 utilidade.
A: Você encontrou farsa e páginas falsas. Não baixá-lo, não o instale. Jailbreak 7.1 ainda não.
Q: Qual é a versão Evasi0n7 é a última?
A: Evasi0n7 1.0.8 para Jailbreak 7.0.6 - 7.0. Você pode baixá-lo aqui.
Q: Quando posso fazer jailbreak 7.1?
A: Nós não temos essa informação. Espere.
Q: Eu quero instalar o Cydia tweaks no meu novo iOS 7.1. Posso-lo?
R: Não.
Q: Eu encontrei Evasi0n7 1.0.8 links para download. Uau.
A: Você encontrou links falsos, não baixe / install. Última versão Evasi0n7 você pode baixar aqui.
Antes de fazer uma pergunta, verifique Perguntas Mais Frequentes para encontrar respostas rápidas!
P.S. Algumas razões para atualização para o iOS 7.1: além de melhorar o desempenho e corrigir o problema,
que às vezes levou à falha dos dispositivos da tela inicial,
iOS 7.1 mudanças foram feitas para o nível de interface do usuário. Em OS,
novos switches, botões e outros UI.
Algumas mudanças no iOS 7.1 só tocou 5s iPhone.
Bagagem aprendeu ativa automaticamente a sessão de fotos com alta faixa dinâmica (HDR).
Na configuração da Universal iOS 7.1 Acesso tem um novo item de menu,
você pode ativar botões "backlight" (botões, clique em Formulários.) No entanto,
alguns links estão se tornando estressado. ***
P. S. - Nós não escanear evasion7 Download Evasion7-1.0.8 vírus, adware, spyware ou outros tipos de software malicioso. Para sua própria proteção é recomendado para ter vindo de Soft112 ao baixar e instalar programas instalados em seu computador para atualizar o software anti-vírus.
-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
- 제작사의 설명 -
* Evasi0n7 1.0.8 완벽한 탈출 도구입니다 ,
모든 아이폰, 아이폰 OS 7.0 과 아이 패드 모델을 실행 아이팟 터치 -
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7 아이폰 5S , 아이폰 5C 에 대한 지원 ,
아이폰 5 , 아이폰 4S , 아이폰 4 아이 패드 , 아이 패드 2, 3 ,
에어 아이 패드 , 아이 패드 미니 , 아이 패드 ,
아이폰 OS 를 실행 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3아이팟 터치 .
아이폰 OS 7.0.4 7.0.5 과 7.0.6 .
- 중요 : 조정 의 대부분은 여전히 Cydia를 함께 작동하지 않으므로주의하시기 바랍니다 -
나중에 - IOS7 합니다.
따라서 , 항상 , Cydia를 백업 모든 데이터를 설치하기 전에 테마를 유지
조정 또는 유틸리티 .
당신이 뭔가 잘못되면 , 저장된 백업을 사용 , 수
탈옥 이나 테스트 조정 의 iPhone, iPad 또는 iPod 을 복원 할 수 있습니다.
이 문제 는 , 새로운 응용 프로그램을 만들 수 아이폰 OS 개발자 매우 빠르게 극복 할 것
IOS7 나중에 테마와 조정 .
탈옥 윈도우 ( 나중에 XP 이상)를 탈출 하기 위해,
맥 OS X (10.6 이상) 또는 리눅스 ( 86 / x86_64의 의 ) 용 -
- 모든 아이폰이나 아이 패드 를 실행 아이폰 OS 에게 7.0.6 7.0 필요
( 체크 인하 당신의 아이폰 OS 의 설정 / 일반 / 정보 - 버전) evasion7 1 단계 설치 단계를 안내하여 컴퓨터 의 단계 에 장치를 연결하는 USB 케이블 - Evasion7 본때를 보여 주 아이폰 OS 를 다운로드 7.0윈도우 버전과 맥 버전 2 의 7.0.4 에 단계 - 장치와 PC 의 3 단계 - 그것은 4 단계 를 완료하는 데 몇 분 정도 걸립니다" 탈옥 "버튼을 프로세스 클릭 을 시작 - . 이 완료 되면 , 설치 프로그램은 당신이 당신의 장치의 잠금을 해제 할 필요가 있다고 생각 하고 새로 만들기 를 클릭 합니다 . \ " evasi0n 7 \ "는 장치 에 응용 프로그램 아이콘 이 당신이 장치를 연결할 수 있도록 , 응용 프로그램 아이콘을 클릭 통지 찾아 계속 자동으로 5 단계 다시 시작합니다 - 을 재부팅이 완료 회피 는 장치의 잠금을 해제 하는 데 필요한 후 . 당신이 다시 한 번 . , 그것은 마지막으로 홈 화면 에 Cydia를 아이콘이 과정 Evasi0n 7 , 다음 끝내기를 나타납니다. 다시 다시 시작 장치를 컴퓨터에서 분리 한코들 의 설립 한다
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지금 다운로드하여 사용 Evasion7 - 1.0.8 를 다운로드 evasion7 ...
. 나라 = http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
IOS 7.1.2, 7.1.1 링크 다운로드, 설치, 사용법
사 100. IOS 7.1.1 IPSW 다운로드 링크가 가장 많이 다운로드 및 다운로드 고급 모바일 OS의 링크입니다 얻을.
아이폰 OS 7.1.2 다운로드 IPSW 링크 :
링크가 곧 온다. (주말)
아이폰 OS 7.1.1 다운로드 IPSW 링크 :
아이폰 OS 7.1.2 다운로드 IPSW 링크 :
링크가 곧 온다. (주말)
아이폰 OS 7.1.1 다운로드 IPSW 링크 :
- 아이 패드 에어 (5 세대 무선 랜 + 셀룰러)
- 아이 패드 에어 (5 세대 와이파이)
- 아이 패드 (4 세대 CDMA)
- 아이 패드 (4 세대 GSM)
- 아이 패드 (4 세대 무선 랜)
- 아이 패드 미니 (CDMA)
- 아이 패드 미니 (GSM)
- 아이 패드 미니 (와이파이)
- 아이 패드 미니 2 (무선 랜 + 셀룰러)
- 아이 패드 미니 2 (와이파이)
- 아이 패드 2 Wi-Fi를 (3 세대)
- 아이 패드 2 와이파이 + 셀룰러 (ATT에 대한 모델)
- 아이 패드 2 와이파이 + 셀룰러 (버라이존 모델)
- 아이 패드 2 Wi-Fi를 (계)
- 아이 패드 2 Wi-Fi를
- 아이 패드 2 와이파이 + 3G (GSM)
- 아이 패드 2 와이파이 + 3G (CDMA)
- 아이폰 5 (CDMA)
- 아이폰 5 (GSM)
- 아이폰 5C (CDMA)
- 아이폰 5C (GSM)
- 아이폰 5S (CDMA)
- 아이폰 5S (GSM)
- 아이폰 4S
- 아이폰 4 (GSM 목사)
- 아이폰 4 (GSM)
- 아이폰 4 (CDMA)
- 아이팟 터치 (5 세대)
2) iTunes를 열고 USB 케이블로의 iDevice를 연결
3) 아이튠즈 11의 왼쪽 탐색 패널에서 장치를 선택
4) 시프트 키 (Windows) 또는 Alt / Option 키 (Mac) 키를 누른 상태에서 아이튠즈에서 복원 버튼을 누르면
5) 검색 및 다운로드 아이폰 OS 7 IPSW 파일을 선택합니다. 복원 프로세스가 완료하자.
방법 2.------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) 당신의 장치를 선택하고 "설정"을 클릭
2) "일반"을 클릭합니다
3) "소프트웨어 업데이트"를 클릭합니다
4) 새로운 아이폰 OS 7.0.4 다운로드
추신 - 우리는 evasion7 다운로드 Evasion7-1.0.8, 바이러스, 애드웨어, 스파이웨어 또는 악성 소프트웨어의 다른 유형을 검사하지 않았다. 자신의 보호를 위해 그것은 안티 바이러스 소프트웨어를 업데이트하기 위해 컴퓨터에 설치된 프로그램을 다운로드하고 설치하는 경우 Soft112에서 온 것으로 좋습니다.
-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
- Publisher Beschreibung -
* Evasi0n7 1.0.8 ist eine perfekte Flucht -Tool
Alle iPhone, iPod touch mit iOS 7.0 und die iPad -Modelle -
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7 Unterstützung für das iPhone 5S , iPhone 5C
iPhone 5 , iPhone 4S , iPhone 4 iPad , iPad 2, und 3 ,
Air iPad, iPad mini, iPad,
IOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3 den iPod Touch.
Das iOS 7.0.4 und 7.0.5 7.0.6 .
- WICHTIG: Bitte beachten Sie, dass die meisten der Anpassungen werden noch Cydia funktioniert nicht mit -
- IOS7 und höher.
Deshalb immer das Thema zu halten, bevor die Installation von Cydia ein Backup aller Daten ,
Anpassungen oder Dienstprogramm.
Sie können die gespeicherten Backup zu verwenden, wenn etwas schief geht ,
Der Jailbreak oder Wiederherstellung Ihrer Testeinstellungen iPhone , iPad oder iPod .
Diese Frage wird sehr schnell iOS -Entwickler überwunden werden, um neue Anwendungen zu erstellen ,
IOS7 und später Themen und Einstellung.
Um den Jailbreak Windows (XP oder höher) zu entkommen,
Für Mac OS X ( 10.6 und höher) oder Linux (86 / x86_64 ' s ) -
- Erfordern keine iPhone oder iPad mit iOS 7.0 bis 7.0.6
( Ckeck in Ihrem iOS- Einstellungen / Allgemein / About - Version ) USB-Kabel , um das Gerät an einen Computer Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zu verbinden evasion7 Schritt 1 installieren - Download Jailbreak iOS Evasion7 7,0 bis 7.0.4 der Windows-Version und die Mac-Version 2 Schritt - mit dem Gerät und PC Schritt 3 - starten Sie den Vorgang , klicken Sie auf den " Jailbreak "-Taste es dauert ein paar Minuten, um Schritt 4 komplett - . Sobald es fertig ist, wird das Installationsprogramm , dass Sie Ihr Gerät entsperren und klicken Sie auf Neu \ ". evasi0n 7 \ " Programm-Icon auf Ihrem Gerät weiterhin benachrichtigen Sie finden Klicken Sie auf das Symbol der Anwendung , so dass Sie das Gerät anschließen , wird es automatisch neu starten Schritt 5 - . nach dem Neustart ist komplett ausweichen müssen Sie Ihr Gerät zu entsperren wieder . Sobald Sie das tun , wird es wieder neu zu starten. Schließlich scheint Cydia Symbol auf dem Home-Bildschirm und dann die Ausfahrt in den Prozess Evasi0n 7 , trennen Sie das Gerät vom Computer , und die Gründung des Apfelwick
Laden Sie jetzt durch unsere direkte Download-Link evasion7 1.0.8 Jailbreak
Jetzt downloaden und verwenden Sie es : evasion7 Evasion7 - 1.0.8 kostenloser Download ...
. Zip = http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
PS: - Wir haben nicht scannen evasion7 Download Evasion7-1.0.8 Viren, Adware, Spyware oder andere Arten von schädlicher Software. Zu Ihrem eigenen Schutz ist es empfehlenswert, von Soft112 Sie herunterladen und installieren Programme auf Ihrem Computer installiert, um die Anti-Virus-Software zu aktualisieren gekommen.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
- Description de l'éditeur -
* Evasi0n7 1.0.8 est un outil d'évasion parfait ,
Tous les iPhone , iPod touch sous iOS 7.0 et les modèles d'iPad -
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7 Soutien pour l'iPhone 5S , iPhone 5C ,
iPhone 5 , iPhone 4S , iPhone 4 iPad , iPad 2 , et 3 ,
Air iPad , mini iPad , iPad ,
IOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3 l'iPod Touch .
L' iOS 7.0.4 7.0.5 et 7.0.6 .
- IMPORTANT : S'il vous plaît noter que la plupart des ajustements sont encore Cydia ne fonctionne pas avec -
- IOS7 et plus tard .
Par conséquent , gardez toujours le thème de sauvegarde avant d'installer Cydia toutes vos données ,
Ajustements ou utilitaire .
Vous pouvez utiliser la sauvegarde enregistré , si quelque chose va mal ,
Le jailbreak ou restaurer vos réglages de test iPhone , iPad ou iPod .
Cette question sera à surmonter très rapidement développeurs iOS pour créer de nouvelles applications ,
IOS7 et thèmes et ajustement plus tard .
Pour échapper le jailbreak de Windows ( XP ou version ultérieure ) ,
Pour Mac OS X ( 10.6 et plus) ou Linux ( 86 / x86_64 ' s) -
- Exiger des iOS iPhone ou iPad 7.0 à 7.0.6
( Nb de votre iOS Réglages / Général / A propos - Version ) câble USB pour connecter l'appareil à une étape de l'ordinateur par étape pour installer evasion7 Étape 1 - Télécharger Evasion7 Jailbreak iOS 7.0 à 7.0.4 de la version Windows et la version Mac 2 étape - avec votre appareil et votre PC étape 3 - lancer le processus , cliquez sur le bouton " jailbreak " il faut quelques minutes pour compléter l'étape 4 - . une fois terminé , le programme d'installation va penser que vous avez besoin pour déverrouiller votre appareil et cliquez sur Nouveau \ ". evasi0n 7 \ " icône de l'application sur votre appareil continue à trouver informez -vous Cliquez sur l' icône de l'application , vous permettant de connecter l'appareil, il redémarre automatiquement Étape 5 - . Après le redémarrage est terminé esquive besoin de déverrouiller votre appareil nouveau . Une fois que vous le faites, il va redémarrer à nouveau . Enfin , Cydia icône sur votre écran d'accueil apparaît, puis quittez le processus Evasi0n 7 , déconnectez votre terminal de votre ordinateur , et la mise en place de la morue
Téléchargez dès maintenant grâce à notre lien de téléchargement direct evasion7 1.0.8 jailbreak
Téléchargez maintenant et l'utiliser : evasion7 télécharger Evasion7 - 1.0.8 téléchargement gratuit ...
. Zip = http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
post-scriptum - Nous n'avons pas de numériser evasion7 téléchargement Evasion7-1.0.8 virus, adware, spyware ou d'autres types de logiciels malveillants. Pour votre propre sécurité, il est recommandé de venir de Soft112 lors du téléchargement et l'installation de programmes installés sur votre ordinateur pour mettre à jour le logiciel anti-virus.
-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
- Eldonisto de priskribo -
* Evasi0n7 1.0.8 estas perfekta eskapo ilo,
Ĉiuj iPhone , iPod touch kurante IOS 7.0 kaj la iPad modeloj -
- 7.0.6 Evasion7 1.0.7 Subteno por la iPhone 5s , iPhone 5C ,
iPhone 5, iPhone 4S , iPhone iPad 4, iPad 2, kaj 3,
Aero iPad , iPad mini , iPad,
Ruli IOS 7.0,7.0.1,7.0.2,7.0.3 la iPod Touch.
La IOS 7.0.4 7.0.5 kaj 7.0.6 .
- GRAVA : Bonvolu noti, ke la plimulto de la adaptoj estas ankoraŭ Cydia ne funkcias kun -
- IOS7 kaj poste.
Sekve, ĉiam observas la temon antaŭ ol instali Cydia sekurkopioj ĉiuj viaj datumoj,
Ĝustigas aŭ utileco.
Vi povas uzi la savita savkopion , se iu fuŝas ,
La jailbreak aŭ restarigi vian provon ĝustigas iPhone , iPad aŭ iPod .
Tiu demando estos venkitaj tre rapide IOS programistoj krei novajn aplikojn,
IOS7 kaj poste temoj kaj ĝustigas.
Por eskapi la jailbreak Vindozo ( XP aŭ poste) ,
Por Mac OS X ( 10.6 kaj supre ) aŭ Linukso ( 86 / x86_64 ' s ) -
- Postulas neniun iPhone aŭ iPad kurado IOS 7.0 al 7.0.6
( Ckeck en via IOS Agordoj Ĝenerala / / About - Versio ) USB kablon por konekti la aparato al komputilo paŝo post paŝo gvidas instali evasion7 Ŝtupo 1 - Elŝutu Evasion7 Jailbreak IOS 7.0 al 7.0.4 de la Vindoza versio kaj la Mac versio 2 step - kun via aparato kaj PC paŝo 3 - komenci la procezon , klaku sur la " jailbreak " butonon ĝi prenas kelkajn minutojn por kompletigi ŝtupo 4 -. Fojo estas finita , la instalado programo pensos vi bezonas malŝlosi vian aparaton kaj klaku Novaj . \ " evasi0n 7 \ " apliko piktogramon de via aparato daŭre trovi sciigi vin Alklaku sur la apliko ikono, ebligante al vi konektas la aparaton, ĝi estos aŭtomate restartu Paŝo 5 -. Post la reboot estas kompleta ekklini postulas vin malŝlosi via aparato denove. Iam vi faras, ĝi restartos denove. Fine, Cydia ikono sur via ekrano aperas, tiam eliro en la procezo Evasi0n 7, malkonekti via aparato el via komputilo, kaj la starigo de la Codling
Elŝuti nun per nia rekta elŝuta ligilo evasion7 1.0.8 jailbreak
Elŝuti nun kaj uzi ĝin: evasion7 elŝuti Evasion7 - 1.0.8 free download ...
. Poŝtkodo = http://evasion7download.info/evasi0n7-1.0.8.zip
18.5.14 - Jailbreak 7.1.1 on iPhone 4 untethered. You can see how it works. *
**Q: Can I make jailbreak 7.1 on my iPhone 5S?
A: No. You can't.
Q: I heard that Evasi0n7 can make jailbreak 7.1 on iPhone 4?
A: You can make jailbreak 7.1 for iPhone 4 with Geeksn0w. -> How
Q: Can I Downgrade 7.1 to 7.0.6 or lower ipws?
A: No, You can't
Q: I found some pages with jailbreak iOS 7.1 utility.
A: You found scam and fake pages. Don't download it, don't install it. Jailbreak 7.1 not yet.
Q: What Evasi0n7 version is last?
A: Evasi0n7 1.0.8 for Jailbreak 7.0.6 - 7.0. You can download it here.
Q: When I can make jailbreak 7.1?
A: We don't have such information. Wait.
Q: I want install Cydia tweaks on my new iOS 7.1. Can I it?
A: No.
Q: I found Evasi0n7 1.0.8 download links. Wow.
A: You found fake links, don't download / install. Last Evasi0n7 version you can download here.
Before asking a question, check Frequently Asked Questions to find quick answers!
P.S. Some reasons for Update to iOS 7.1: In addition to improving performance and correct the problem,
which at times led to the failure of the home screen devices,
iOS 7.1 changes were made to the user interface level. In OS,
new switches, buttons and other UI.
Some changes in iOS 7.1 only touched iPhone 5s.
Luggage learned automatically activates the photo shoot with high dynamic range (HDR).
In the setting of Universal Access iOS 7.1 has a new menu item,
you can activate "backlight" buttons (buttons, click Forms.) However,
some links are becoming stressed. **
p.s. - Ni ne skani evasion7 download Evasion7-1.0.8 virusoj, adware, spyware aŭ aliaj tipoj de malicaj programaroj. Por via propra protekto ĝi estas rekomendita por veni de Soft112 kiam elŝuto kaj instalo programoj instalitaj en via komputilo por ĝisdatigi la anti-virus programaro.
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
***USA/UK/TW/PT(FDZ)-South of Koren/DE/FR/International lauguage** --
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===Melody.Blog===THE END===>/
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