**對於香港警察失去常性,畜牲與梁狗英一個模樣,施於和平人們使用暴力.還説道''沒辦法''一句,然后便可以濫用職務權力,把人們的人權法,市民所擁有的香港特區人們的普通市民法也忘掉了??!..."內地中國人更必定不好感受嘛...~"嘿嘿....恥笑習近平的野蠻無禮!!**---*google chrome 插件 “红杏” 翻牆破解版^!*-
-- ** Por Hongkongo Polico ripetiĝantajn perdo, la besto kaj la trabo hundo aspektas kiel la brita unu, estas aplikita al la pacaj homoj uzas perforton ankaŭ diris'' neniel'' unu, tiam oni povas trouzi pozicioj de povo, la popola homrajta juro, publika proprieto de la popolo de Hong Kong Special Administrative Region de la ĝenerala publiko leĝo ankaŭ forgesas ... "pli ĉeftero ĉina popolo certe sentas malbona ... ~" Hej .... sovaĝa ridinda Xi estas neklera ** -??!!! * google chrome plug-in "abrikoto" super la muro Akvofalo versio ^ *! -
**--Please use Google with a
large family of God translator to translate your country / language city Oh ^ ^
--Por favor, use o Google com
uma grande familia de Deus tradutor para traduzir sua cidade pais / idioma Oh ^
--** - 국가 / 언어 시 를 번역하는 하나님 번역기 의 큰 가족과 함께 구글을 사용하십시오 아 ^ ^
--S'il vous plait utilisez
Google avec une grande famille de Dieu traducteur pour traduire votre ville de
pays / langue Oh ^ ^
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Stadt Oh ^ ^
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--** - Utilice Google con una
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anda Oh ^ ^
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**---**This is crazy inferiority Xi Jinping, the mainland Chinese people's struggle for democracy in microcosm,
Presumably 1.3 billion population by this lunatic bastard killed three hundred million of it!
Indifference to treat public opinion, and saw the glory of yesterday said the HKSAR student democracy movement peaceful person,
Persistence and patience peaceful occupation of Central street parade, dressed in police uniforms clearly see the beast,
Whether male or female, on a public dissatisfied with this - mere six hundred eighty-nine votes beam dog Britain,
Expression of the democratic will of the puppet government in total six hundred ninety-nine thousand thousand people,
Your animal behavior as a whole because of money worship, pay the government with the welfare of blinded conscience.
Humiliation HKSAR people's actions and body.
This thing is not only to spread the international arena,
More people to vigilant to protect people, to protect freedom of the press, protection of continuity of knowledge contributors.
Nearly will again be staged if people's movement for democracy when independent.
Not only is the Chinese people's various means of monitoring exposure,
Xi Jinping is not madness morbid disorders succeed now internationally.
Nor is it only release the student pro-democracy parties could not explain soon passed so simple!!
Student movement in Next Media's Apple Daily clip, or subsequent youtube media network in China black skeleton army to deal with the news media off domestic misdemeanors damage caused by Next Media donate lose, people of conscience to donate correct news loss,
China bear the brunt of the ultimate price!!
In addition to providing world morbid cognitive China Xi Jinping Scrap means in international
Mainland China is only the church but also to billions of people live, how specifications over the wall'' knowledge''
Hey .... let the whole mainland people know the true face of Xi animal sick.
China may have affected people's humiliation was enough ....
People were also poisoned communism looked up at the right time ...."!
google chrome plug-in "Apricot" cracked versio
google chrome 插件 “红杏” 破解版

Apricot name implies - a wall (the wall)
Because some of the well-known reasons, many foreign websites can not be accessed by ordinary means, facebook / twitter this ocean Leaving aside the social networking sites, and sometimes even the google and a lot of information sites can not open, it makes us rely on first-hand access to foreign Internet data are hard working people who work efficiently.
There are many scientific programs Jue Internet solutions, such as VPN, goAgent, SS H tunnel, Http / socks proxy server, but we feel that is not convenient enough, or require frequent switching, or take time to configure and manage their own servers.
Apricot is not to play the game, not in order to hide the identity of Internet users, but specifically for the workers to build the Internet, providing the use of the Internet as convenient as possible in accordance with the worker's habits.
Use Apricot process, you can open the "automatic switching mode" encountered by GFW website, on a key "Add Rule", the domain name is added to the list of rules in Apricot.
This foreign words, when you visit the site in the list of rules, it will automatically open scientific access mode; while not on the list of rules when accessing the website, you automatically use a direct connection. Not affect the speed of domestic websites, without affecting the access to foreign sites, you only need to add the initial encounter when GFW rules, without any follow-up action.
On security issues ==================
Apricot Apricot principle is the use of cryptographic services provided by an encrypted connection to access the specified site, then all data will flow from Apricot server too.
When accessing HTTPS sites using encrypted data stream, no one can know the contents, it is very safe (related to money and pay sites generally use the HTTPS protocol, many sites also need to log in using the HTTPS protocol log )
When accessing HTTP sites, Apricot is theoretically possible to know the contents of all transmissions, with no respect for your confidence to take the Jue; but in fact as long as access to HTTP sites, not only Apricot, a lot of other people can know that you transfer content (such as telecommunications temporary, and you shared wifi next to Pharaoh, etc. ...); Therefore, no matter what way the Internet, HTTP is not always so safe.
Before the break: can not add a custom Web site, you can only access Google and several other sites
After the break: Unlimited + VIP line (YouTube seconds on watching video without pressure)
Links: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1747748105&uk=555098027
Password: 46cm 406KB
(procedures (methods) may carry offensive, for security research and teaching purposes at your own risk!)

@ FB Customer Service plus something less because some people will use -
Google chrome is automatically disabled
1 decompression Apricot plugin
2 the folders to metadata _metadata
3 Open Google chrome-Tools - Extension
4 points to open the developer mode
5 is being developed across the load station - Select a folder to extract
Or use a browser 360 7.
Plug-ins do not know when it announced harmony. Easy to use, then the best support from the author .
Question===> http://www.freebuf.com/tools/36817.html

市面上有很多科学上网的解抉方案,比如VPN、goAgent、SS H tunnel,Http/socks代理服务器,但是我们都觉得不够方便,要麽需要频繁切换,要麽自己要花时间配置和管理服务器。
关于安全问题 ==================
访问HTTP网站的时候,红杏理论上是可以知道所有传输的内容的,用不用就取抉于您的信任了;但其实隻要访问HTTP网站,不仅是红杏,其 他很多人也能知道你传输的内容(比如电信的临时工、和你共用wifi的隔壁老王等…);所以无论用什麽方式上网,HTTP总是不那麽安全的。
破解后:无限制+VIP线路(YouTube 秒开看视频无压力)
链接: http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=1747748105&uk=555098027 Password: 46cm
hongxing_v2.2.26_Techzero 406KB

@FB客服 加点东西 因为有的人 不怎么会用- -
Google chrome 自动禁用的
2.把文件夹_metadata 改为 metadata
3.打开Google chrome-工具-扩展程序
4.点开 开发者模式
或者用 360 浏览器7 。
*"Early in the week before said, in the text of the tribal code a little longer to write the text,
In addition to the Russian people one one hit, or they want to say hello to us'''',
Chinese hackers by Mr. Chen also described the day we released.,
[Edit my article How long will it take long, probably three to four hours long,]
The next day he gave us a log-mail + Google, came a brief e-mail,
Meeting for Friendship with me, I do not think he would like to add.
Hackers for me, is no stranger.
Among them are more humane than modern, more dignified life motto.
And evil is the aggregate perception of our knowledge.
This is very important!
Then say some Chinese people is really arrogant.
Thought to have little wealth they really Wan specifications can also be used on things.
This email is part of a'' hold'' hackers who bitcoin
When it comes to text me and invited his co-business solutions,
Hey .... I probably saw'' 'bitcoin' word / words.
Playing from the heart not trivial a dark laugh .....
My brain faster than by hand on the'' Delete 'key
We want to clean up and then continue watching the mailbox.
Maybe he / they do not know what I hate most is ..
Network deception, bullying people, everything hurt others!
To have money, wealth, desire to enjoy the reputation,
I do not have limbs, it??! Even the blind blind, deaf, crippled a part of the body.
Also depends on honest self-pay labor,
Is a life with dignity!
What's more we do not lack the body part,
There is often not finishing my total full mailbox.
How many people can enjoy life, enjoy the material ... so vain desires.
This is the purpose of this tribe. Acquisitiveness not covet fame. Contentment.
Friendship does not exist here, but also to make any discrimination,
Trading without a penny of money, knowledge sharing,
Share with me and other people too! "
Thank you for giving me life and give free space on the main ... with you his dear friends / readers
Sincerely, ~ indistinct small Melody.Blog

緲小的 Melody.Blog敬上~

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