--@梁@屈7.2佔中者嘥警力<===陳健民:港府無視民意才是浪費根源 ~!"-
-- "@ @ Liang porco tolo perdido a água? Merda HKS ruim cães!! "- 7.2 contabilizados na força policial <=== Chan Kin Man ": Governo ignorou as causas da opinião pública é um desperdício ..." -
--- "@ 리앙 돼지 어리석은 @ 물을 손실? 똥 HKS 나쁜 개! " - 7.2 경찰력 <=== 찬 킨 남자 회계 ": 정부는 여론의 근본 원인을 무시 낭비입니다 ..."-
-- "@ @ Liang cerdo tonto perdido el agua?? Mierda HKS mala perros!! "- 7,2 en cuenta en el cuerpo de policía <=== Chan Kin Man ":-
----"@リャン豚愚か@水を失った?くそHKS悪い犬!" - 7.2は、警察<===チャンキン·マンで会計処理」:政府は世論の根本原因を無視し、廃棄物である···」 -
-- "@ @ Liang porko malsaĝa perdis la akvo?? Merdo HKS malbona hundoj!! "- 7,2 konsistigis en la polico <=== Chan Kin Man ":! Registaro ignoris la radiko kaŭzoj de publika opinio estas dezerta ..." -

shit Leung dogs on the out kick side, bad china ppls!!!
like the dogs doing ! hate the china mainland Xi Jinping to bully people, livestock, pigs and dogs do not like them.....!!
*like the dogs doing ! hate the china mainland Xi Jinping to bully people, livestock, pigs and dogs do not like them.....!!
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Liang Qu 7.2 accounted for in the police force who Sai
Chan Kin Man: Government ignoring the root causes of public opinion is a waste

*WASHINGTON fight for genuine universal suffrage in Hong Kong, 51 7.1 million people took to the streets against the sun and rain, 1,200 people braved the risk of all-night police arrested accounting for peace, as the ying of the first SAR Government has ignored public opinion demands anti-wasting police accused demonstrators, the police getting rid of impact. A number of civil society groups yesterday severely criticized Leung Chun-ying, representing one of the promoters of cold-blooded cold-blooded Leung Chan Kin Man decapitation, referring to the Government to ignore public opinion, the root cause is a waste of police force.
Reporter: Bailin Pengmei Fang Xie Mingming
Leung Chun-ying yesterday at the Legislative Council question and
answer session, legislators asked Priscilla may have accounted for the
conflict, the police need to spend a lot of police to cope.
Mr Leung replied that accounted for 7.2 in the morning rehearsal day,
the police repeated warnings, but people are still unwilling to
automatically leave the rally, the police need to spend time to clear
the scene and follow up all night, he thought it was a waste of police.
He urged people often organize demonstrations do not waste police, to avoid affecting the police getting rid of, "When the police continue to deploy processing demonstrations, and even occupied the main street in Central, getting rid of the police force to do the work generous, Wuduo Wushao will be affected." He also appealed to the public in the face of undue police force to respond to "speak out."
Leung Chun-ying Chan Kin Man for "wasting police 's extremely disappointed and angry, to participate in the rehearsal accounted for the loss of young people to bear the risk of future civil disobedience, peaceful expression of aspirations," but ying Not merely no appropriate response, Chung, then wasting police, Department cold-blooded cold-blooded! "he pointed out, the root causes of wasting police incompetence from the government, did not deal with people's aspirations.
Representing the Federation launched a preview of the Secretary-ying Zhou Yongkang lashed arrogant disregard of public opinion, "Drainage has been ill, incurable." He retorted Mr Leung is a waste of police means, "If Hong Kong people can Bei sent to the sound system, the sound Well will take to the streets."
He urged people often organize demonstrations do not waste police, to avoid affecting the police getting rid of, "When the police continue to deploy processing demonstrations, and even occupied the main street in Central, getting rid of the police force to do the work generous, Wuduo Wushao will be affected." He also appealed to the public in the face of undue police force to respond to "speak out."
Leung Chun-ying Chan Kin Man for "wasting police 's extremely disappointed and angry, to participate in the rehearsal accounted for the loss of young people to bear the risk of future civil disobedience, peaceful expression of aspirations," but ying Not merely no appropriate response, Chung, then wasting police, Department cold-blooded cold-blooded! "he pointed out, the root causes of wasting police incompetence from the government, did not deal with people's aspirations.
Representing the Federation launched a preview of the Secretary-ying Zhou Yongkang lashed arrogant disregard of public opinion, "Drainage has been ill, incurable." He retorted Mr Leung is a waste of police means, "If Hong Kong people can Bei sent to the sound system, the sound Well will take to the streets."
FDC deputy convener Leung Chun-ying Wang Haoxian refers events reflect a
political tool, as the police force, "(representing the rehearsal)
rally to carried away, protesters are peaceful revolt Nuisance police
just enough to help maintain order, simply need to use a large number of
police Well cleared. "
PTU also criticized the police force is the most wasteful Government, referring to if the authorities do not clear the scene, demonstrators will leave in the morning according to the scheduled time of peace, scenes of conflict will not occur. 17 religious groups and PolyU Staff Association issued a statement yesterday, respectively, representing 7.2 strongly condemned the police clearance operation, criticized the police violently removed peaceful demonstrators who were arrested during the detention, the police delayed payment of food and water, but also delays lawyer Mission to assist those arrested, the police requested an apology and respect for civil rights.
And accounted for 7.1 parade rehearsal in the morning to start the clearance operation 7.2, as of 17:00 yesterday, police received 28 complaints, the police will refer to fair and equitable treatment in accordance with established procedures. Police sources said the response to the civil allegations, as many as more than 500 people were arrested, police distribute food and arranging lawyers met with the arrested persons required that the police have made arrangements in a reasonable time, denied the "play Ye" make things difficult arrested people, "Police manpower is limited, the time to send meals to arrange lawyer also like to see the protesters have GOD lawyers alone takes time queuing, if drainage Die dissatisfied, you can complain to the CAPO."
Sources pointed out that this accounted for 7.1 processions and clearance operation in almost reached the police request, but acknowledged the clearance time slower than expected, "because the police are related to each foot step process, but demonstrators Bei unlock human chain to spend Zo Wushao time, the Force will review. " Asked if there have been people involved in accounting, and how to deal with the police, "the police will try to do our best."
PTU also criticized the police force is the most wasteful Government, referring to if the authorities do not clear the scene, demonstrators will leave in the morning according to the scheduled time of peace, scenes of conflict will not occur. 17 religious groups and PolyU Staff Association issued a statement yesterday, respectively, representing 7.2 strongly condemned the police clearance operation, criticized the police violently removed peaceful demonstrators who were arrested during the detention, the police delayed payment of food and water, but also delays lawyer Mission to assist those arrested, the police requested an apology and respect for civil rights.
And accounted for 7.1 parade rehearsal in the morning to start the clearance operation 7.2, as of 17:00 yesterday, police received 28 complaints, the police will refer to fair and equitable treatment in accordance with established procedures. Police sources said the response to the civil allegations, as many as more than 500 people were arrested, police distribute food and arranging lawyers met with the arrested persons required that the police have made arrangements in a reasonable time, denied the "play Ye" make things difficult arrested people, "Police manpower is limited, the time to send meals to arrange lawyer also like to see the protesters have GOD lawyers alone takes time queuing, if drainage Die dissatisfied, you can complain to the CAPO."
Sources pointed out that this accounted for 7.1 processions and clearance operation in almost reached the police request, but acknowledged the clearance time slower than expected, "because the police are related to each foot step process, but demonstrators Bei unlock human chain to spend Zo Wushao time, the Force will review. " Asked if there have been people involved in accounting, and how to deal with the police, "the police will try to do our best."

*【本報訊】為香港爭取真普選,51萬人抵着日曬雨淋7.1上街,1,200名市民冒着被警方拘控風險通宵和平佔中,作為特區政府之首的梁振英卻無視民意訴 求,反指摘遊行示威者浪費警力,影響警方除暴安良。多個民間團體昨嚴厲批評梁振英,佔中發起人之一陳健民嚴斥梁冷血涼薄,指港府無視民意,才是浪費警力的 根源。:謝明明 白琳 彭美芳
民陣副召集人王浩賢指事件反映梁振英視警隊是政治工具,「(佔中預演)集會到抬走,示威者都和平冇反抗,警方只需協助維持秩序已足夠,根本唔需要用大量警力清場」。教 協亦批評最浪費警力的正是港府,指若當局不進行清場,示威者就會按照原定時間早上和平離開,衝突場面根本不會發生。17個宗教團體及理大教職員協會昨分別 發聲明,強烈譴責警方7.2佔中的清場行動,批評警方粗暴移走和平示威者,被捕人士在羈留期間,警方延誤派發食物和水,亦延誤律師團提供協助被捕者,要求 警方道歉及尊重公民權利。
針對7.1遊行及7.2凌晨開始的佔中預演的清場行動,截至昨日下午5時,警方接獲28宗投訴,警方指會按既定程序公平 公正處理。警方消息人士對民間的指控回應稱,由於被捕人數多達逾500人,警方派發食物及安排律師會見被捕人士需時,認為警方已在合理時間作出安排,否認 「玩嘢」留難被捕人士,「警方人手有限,要時間派飯餐,安排律師亦一樣,有啲示威者要單獨見律師,需要時間排隊,如果佢哋不滿,可以向投訴警察課投訴」。
消 息人士指出,今次7.1遊行及佔中清場行動大致達到警隊要求,但承認清場時間比預期慢,「因為警方每個步驟都跟足程序,而且喺解開示威人鏈花咗唔少時間, 警隊會檢討」。被問及一旦有過萬人參與佔中,警方如何應付,「警方會盡力做到最好」。
--"Shameless dog waste Leung dog Ying
Audacity of justice to step down quickly to catch it
Not as livestock, step down!!! "
--"뻔뻔 개 폐기물 개 리앙 잉
그것을 잡으려고 빨리 사임하는 정의의 대담
가축으로, 사임하지! "
--"Cão desperdício do cão Shameless Leung dog Ying
Audácia da justiça para descer rapidamente para pegá-lo
Não como gado, descer! "
--"Perro excrementos de perro Shameless Leung dog Ying
Audacia de la justicia a renunciar rápidamente a cogerlo
No como el ganado, renunciar! "
--"Senhonta hundo malŝparo hundo Leung dog Ying
Audacity de justeco eksiĝi rapide kapti ĝin
Ne kiel brutaro, eksiĝi!!! "

**USA/UK/TW/PT(FDZ)/South of Koren/SP/JP/.....International lauguage**------"@ @ Liang pig foolish lost the water ?? shit HKS bad dogs!!" --7.2 accounted for in the police force <=== Chan Kin Man":! Government ignored the root causes of public opinion is a waste ... "- --@梁@屈7.2佔中者嘥警力<===陳健民:港府無視民意才是浪費根源 ~!"- -- "@ @ Liang porco tolo perdido a água? Merda HKS ruim cães!! "- 7.2 contabilizados na força policial <=== Chan Kin Man ": Governo ignorou as causas da opinião pública é um desperdício ..." - --- "@ 리앙 돼지 어리석은 @ 물을 손실? 똥 HKS 나쁜 개! " - 7.2 경찰력 <=== 찬 킨 남자 회계 ": 정부는 여론의 근본 원인을 무시 낭비입니다 ..."- -- "@ @ Liang cerdo tonto perdido el agua?? Mierda HKS mala perros!! "- 7,2 en cuenta en el cuerpo de policía <=== Chan Kin Man ":- ----"@リャン豚愚か@水を失った?くそHKS悪い犬!" - 7.2は、警察<===チャンキン·マンで会計処理」:政府は世論の根本原因を無視し、廃棄物である···」 - -- "@ @ Liang porko malsaĝa perdis la akvo?? Merdo HKS malbona hundoj!! "- 7,2 konsistigis en la polico <=== Chan Kin Man ":! Registaro ignoris la radiko kaŭzoj de publika opinio estas dezerta ..." -
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