capture this most minimal human involvement the '' communist faction money, mainland tourists to receive five hundred yuan from the "anti-communist Alliance accounted for in the procession," to undertake the above, we have to use eye look ......!"-
* 애플 데일리 [뉴스] * - 전체 과정에서 발 홍콩 특별 행정구 '에서 안티 계정', 기자, 사진 작가의 사진을보고, 라이브 비디오 OA 전문 직원이 촬영; 위해 영토를 파괴하는이 가장 최소한의 인간의 개입에게 '공산주의 진영 돈을 캡처하는 본토 관광객에서 오백위안을받을 수 위의를 수행하기 위해, 우리는 눈 모양을 사용해야합니다 "반공 동맹은 행렬를 차지" ......! "-

* Apple Daily [nouvelles] * - Anti compte dans Hong Kong Région administrative spéciale avec le pied dans l'ensemble du processus, les journalistes, les photographes les photos, la vidéo en direct OA tir personnel professionnel; rupture territoire afin de capturer cette implication humaine la plus minime l '«argent de faction communiste, les touristes de la partie continentale de recevoir cinq cents yuans de l'« Alliance anti-communiste en compte dans le cortège, "de procéder à ce qui précède, nous devons utiliser regard des yeux ...... "! -
* Apple Daily [новини] * - 'Anti рахунок в «Гонконг, спеціальний адміністративний район з ногою в весь процес, репортери, фотографи фото, відео в реальному О.А. зйомці професійний персонал; порушення територію для того, щоб захопити цю саму мінімальну участі людини в '' фракція КПРФ гроші, материк туристів отримувати п'ятсот юанів від "антикомуністичної Альянсу враховуються в процесії," вжити вище, ми повинні використовувати погляд очі ...... "! -
*アップルデイリー[ニュース] * - プロセス全体における足と香港特別行政区」における抗アカウント'、記者は、写真家の写真、ライブ映像OAは専門スタッフを撮影。順番に領土を破壊すると、この最も最小限の人間の関与の'共産派閥お金をキャプチャするために、本土の観光客から500元を受け取るために、上記に着手する、私たちは目の外観を使用する必要があり、「反共産主義同盟は行列で、会計処理」 ...... "! -
* Apple Daily [știri] * - Hong Kong Regiunea Administrativă Specială "Anti cont în 'cu piciorul în întregul proces, reporteri, fotografi fotografii, video live OA fotografiere personal profesionist; de rupere teritoriu în scopul de a captura această implicare mai minimal uman "" banii fracțiunii PCRM, turistii continent pentru a primi cinci sute de yuani de la "Alianța anti-comunist contabilizate în procesiune," să întreprindă cele de mai sus, trebuie să folosim privire ochi ...... "! -
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[Anti] Police said the procession representing the 11.1 million people took to the streets once refers to the 98 000 7.1

Read the police released 7.1 and 8.17 after two processions statistics, there are Internet users, then the original police candidates require good low math scores.
"Paul suffrage anti accounted for in the big leagues," organized by the "anti accounted for in" today 1:30 departure from Victoria Park until 6 o'clock in the evening, the procession has reached the tail Chater Garden, the General Assembly expressed. The police, the number of march from Victoria Park starting today for 110,001 one thousand eight hundred people, while the number of marchers peak of 110,000 zero six hundred people. Police said there are 9.2 year 7.1 million people in Victoria Park started, there are 9.86 million people in the peak, then DFLP was that there were 51 million people in the streets.
University of Hong Kong Public Opinion Programme says that today there are 79,000 to 8.8 million people in the streets. This year 7.1 HKU Public Opinion Programme had pointed, the turnout ranged from 154,000 to 17.2 million.
Some netizens words, the original police candidates require good low math scores. To "Apple" facebook tell you point under the Air:

Dynamic Times photo
Apple Daily

[Anti accounting refers to 11.1 million people in the streets to march the police who refers to the 9.8 year 7.1 million] (18:52)
[Major League preliminary estimate of 19.3 million people took to the streets in anti-accounting] (21:15)
Popular Message
Shingwai Lee, Cheung Yee Lam, Amy Ho and other 21,872 people say praise.
6,283 a share
Hang Lazy photos.
16 replies ·
Hervé Harris: Hey exam counts police needless know, I went to the test!
15 replies ·
Monica Monica Chan: A snake. July Wuhao Wan d Gan Jiye friends.
279 ·
3 replies ·
Ricky W. K. Tsui: shameless people are invincible
425 ·
4 replies ·
Scoop Lee: Points frame, then the point only 11 million people, at least 800 million tied to it
208 ·
8 Reply ·
Wei-Xiong Chen: Hong Kong has 700 million people, 11 million anti-account, the remaining 689 million accounts in support. Understand not?
184 ·
8 Reply ·
Emily Wong: Wow, an Air will know today more than 7.1 it! !
Emily Wong: photos.
378 ·
12 replies ·
Steven Wong: Police say there are 98,600 people involved at the peak of July parade this year, but "anti-insurance accounts for universal suffrage in the big leagues," the procession, police said, there are 110,600 people march peak period. I believe the police are no longer the police, public security is cheap. Although I know friends and alumni are also police officers, but also talk to offend, there is a Condor doing it first, only more and more law-abiding citizens do not believe and hate the police.
129 ·
Dom Walker: The police finally showed political stance.
When people silly, is silly.
66 ·
Fafeaf Eaga: ICAC Advertising 1995 - True Lies of distorting the facts: http: //youtu.be/A7bUquMS14g
Play Movie
ICAC Advertising 1995 - True Lies of distorting the facts
ICAC blatantly classic ad featured more exciting content http://www.icac.org.hk/channel/
10 ·
Rainbow Lyv: In fact, the police point solution to achieve Link disgusting image from ruin? Shoe rub on underwear
59 ·
Queenie Queenie: evening meals with my family, my 15-year-old nephew earners to speak with me today to left anti accounted drainage marched, I asked him know Do not know baa Department of Anti account in? Answer me that the Department of Drainage support Leung Chun-ying, I speak with drainage in support of Leung Chun-ying with anti-twist system are two different things, drainage and then answer me: I Do not know it, but Leung Chun-ying than $ 250 Drainage Enterprise 2 minutes, depending on the home do better too HK30 were part time a bell, then D called facts? My nephew Tsai Chung with meals when printed pieces like rape live Shantou Chamber of Commerce generous white T-shirt, I think government is good horror it! I do not attempt to do the same next MaD drainage speak their wishes you agree generous D, aunt willing to do more than HK $ 500 drains a righteous man anti generous. It D being a bad lad to teach, a week commission Chung speaks loudly Link will use the money to bogus Well, being a hypocrite.
53 ·
Gary Ng: Hong Kong 700 million people, the police would have 11 million people march, according to both prepare a rich second generation, that is tied with 700-11 = 689 million people live support accounted for in microphone, it figures Link cooked orofacial both? ?
37 ·
Daniel Au: Police announced last July protests as 98,600 persons have GOD Link generous play "digital code" situation Jiala, this department also Link! There is every reason to believe "Infernal Affairs" which play Ye!
6 ·
Candy Lo: Hong Kong Police, the Department of the Hong Kong people give me the food you stand! You agree Communist Yeah!
36 ·
Ng Pikkwan: the national and regional flags casually disposed of so-called patriotic arrivals trampled.
Ng Pikkwan: photos.
35 ·
Perry Tang: According to the flags with the law certainly break the law
4 ·
Stanley Ma: Police have indicated that is not politically neutral, Chung Youmie credible?
31 ·
Jeff Wong: Department of the Hong Kong policeman today, really a shame.
28 ·
Kelvin Kwan: do you agree a mathematical Yeah Yeah SIR SIR, do the number is Link Well done, innocently.
63 ·
Ichi Hon RyuuGetsu you know of spring baa, you know, you do it left A SIR
A SIR system do require special computational techniques
Ichi Hon RyuuGetsu photos.
2 ·
Timmy Ng: Hong Kong police, and even the number of heads not even neutral, since they have the credibility it?
27 ·
Rox Chung: half past six can publish 11.18 million, but 7.1 seer tail Victoria Park eight have 9.86 million. Objective analysis of all known side of a line when the people of Hong Kong silly generous.
Police figures out the next time the first La folder. GOD senior department seemed really good stupid. Sadly
27 ·
Yan Lam: If today (true line) have 11 million people to march, Ganji tied with seven hundred sixty tens of thousands of Hong Kong people support accounted for in ~
26 ·
Calvin Pang: Well thank the police for this estimate, allowing intermediate / no positions who understand the government's hypocrisy
25 ·
Jeff Lei: a large group of people before departure Department of the brush data, a start to drop contempt subway
25 ·
Yanyan Yan: international joke, the Hong Kong government reduced to this,
Twenty four ·
Tk Chow: 11.1 million to support anti accounted for, that is tied with 718.9 million in support of accounting it?
Twenty one ·
Crystal Lau: Department of Hong Kong has been Well then, too Well to face both people. Well then I'm proud of being in Hong Kong. Shame
20 ·
Tetsu Choi: the number of such a big, and then returned to the Air pictures, should have the following nine adult department Lebanon, Nuisance Yin and Yang Di Wu eyes to the true system
Tom Chow: photos.
20 ·
Wang Dawei: So then the police have the position, biased, Well justice, public security police changed the left.
19 ·
Ling Leung: 7.1 to send money to have people over 8.17! Zhou Rong is scrap wood! Receive the money left to do Wudao wild!
17 ·
4 replies ·
Ayura Chan: I'm bad at math, Wu Ming-point solution peak number of lines 110,600, Zhongshao over the starting number of 111 800, the peak number of what-not you agree that most people Pulled array baa, point solution will be less than another number?
17 ·
5 replies ·
Ling Leung: I will after all Di Wu from GOD police!
15 ·
Junhua: a continent of people between Hong Kong 10 individual frame
Hong Kong dollar with the yuan Department of Wu Tong D.
14 ·
Ryan Yip: If there are 100 000, 71 at least 100 million people today!
14 ·
Ruby Siu: July really fierce Department
14 ·
Alex Wong: about five o'clock in the day today there was Ami tert-filled downtown parade yuan 返黎 then just close the left Wu Bai Tai Yuen parade allowance, good Happy Wai.
13 ·
Edmond Ku: Well numbers mean everything, to see the generous lines are not necessarily the truth, but the Department of July parade in Hong Kong truly generous heart to come out, but there are a lot of Bayiqi are tied off to the mainland all child 300 mosquitoes a generous Jones mercenary days, and the line out for money.
12 ·
Hou Yin Tam:? No wild ah ... Today, I went to two of several O lines Wanchai finished Culinary Exhibition, net line to see the sun road closures and sent D Well see someone but because my fortune parade Wai Wu Tong high?
12 ·
Zhou Yuhua: I serve is not good enough drainage 150,000 people! According to Walker Link meter dog has over six hundred eighty-five Hong Kong people support accounted for in Wai!
12 ·
Fun Fun Law: Police Department should ask them ginger total cash expenses, divided by the average of 300, out of a total number of Lebanon's total.
12 ·
Bosco Chan: Hong Kong people speak data
Kam Hung Yeung: 110,000? Jiamai July 14 release come out and walk Pulled d? ?
11 ·
Amy Pang: the perfect interpretation of double standards. .
10 ·
Wong Mango: Link Link fewer people have to open wide the road, blocking the sun D twist live traffic.
10 ·
Andy Lo: GOD who take the subway to the end, so people take the subway police meter microphone generous! !
10 ·
Stanley: lunar month, you know ...
10 ·
Si Si: Cilao left to seal Tong Chai, Hong Kong Island, come out and walk to get it to play
Man Wai Chiu photos.
Twenty four ·
Penny Chan: forget it! Fair mind, senseless war of words, there is a little farce, a saw Jiang Rong samples or no people, listen to sound good drainage, instantly M to!
Alice Lee: Link fewer people than the money go
Chloe Chu: Hong Kong Police
Zoe Yakumama: write much left zero Yeah eleven thousand a few like d ...?!
1,250 is the 50
See more comments

Figure: There is wearing a red shirt community members a days ride from Victoria Park on the MTR to Admiralty, then ride across the harbor to leave. (Zhang Tingting photo)
[Anti accounts have community members in a march from Victoria Park that MTR ride away]
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[안티] 경찰은 11,100,000명를 나타내는 행렬이 한 번 거리에 걸린 98 000 7.1을 의미했다 |

이 행렬 통계 후 7.1와 8.17를 출시 경찰을 읽고 원래 경찰 지원자가 좋은 낮은 수학 점수를 요구하는 인터넷 사용자가 있습니다.
주최 저녁 6 시까 빅토리아 공원에서 오늘 1시 반 출발 "안티 회계", "폴 참정권 안티 빅 리그, 회계", 행렬이 꼬리 차터 가든에 도달 총회 표현. 경찰, 110,001 천팔백명을 위해 오늘부터 빅토리아 공원에서 행진의 수, 동안 110,000 제로 육백명의 행진 피크의 수입니다. 경찰은 빅토리아 공원 7백10만명 시작 9.2 년이 피크 9,860,000명은 다음 DFLP이 거리에서 5천1백만명이 있었다이었다있다가 말했다.
홍콩 여론 프로그램의 대학은 오늘날 거리에서 79,000 만 8.8에 사람들이 있다는 것을 말한다. 7.1 HKU 여론 프로그램은 지적했다 올해는 투표율이 154,000에서 17,200,000였다.
일부 네티즌 단어는 원래 경찰 후보는 좋은 낮은 수학 점수를 요구합니다. "애플"페이스 북은 공기에서 가리키는 말하려면 :

[Anti] La police a déclaré la procession représentant les 11,1 millions de personnes sont descendues dans les rues une fois se réfère à la 98 000 7.1 |

Lire la police libérée 7.1 et 8.17 après deux statistiques de processions, il ya des utilisateurs d'Internet, les candidats de la police d'origine exigent de bonnes faibles notes en mathématiques.
"Paul contre le suffrage comptabilisés dans les ligues majeures», organisé par l '«anti pris en compte dans" aujourd'hui 01h30 départ de Victoria Park jusqu'à 6 heures du soir, le cortège a atteint la queue Chater Garden, l'Assemblée générale a exprimé. La police, le nombre de mars du parc Victoria à partir d'aujourd'hui pour 110 001 mille huit cents personnes, tandis que le nombre de manifestants pic de 110.000 zéro six cents personnes. La police a déclaré il ya 9,2 années 7,1 millions de personnes dans le parc Victoria ont commencé, il ya 9,86 millions de personnes dans le pic, alors FDLP était qu'il y avait 51 millions de personnes dans les rues.
Université du Programme de l'opinion publique de Hong Kong dit qu'aujourd'hui, il ya 79 000 à 8,8 millions de personnes dans les rues. Cette année, 7.1 Programme sur l'opinion publique HKU avait fait, le taux de participation variait de 154 000 à 17,2 millions.
Quelques mots net-citoyens, les candidats de la police d'origine exigent de bonnes faibles notes en mathématiques. Pour "Apple" facebook dire vous pointez dans le cadre du Air:

[Анти] Поліція сказала, процесія що представляє 11100000 людей вийшли на вулиці, як тільки відноситься до 98000 7,1

Читайте поліція випустила 7,1 і 8,17 після двох ходах статистикою, користувачі Інтернету, то оригінальні кандидати поліції вимагають хороших низькі оцінки математичні.
"Пол виборче право анти враховуються у вищу лігу", організованих "анти враховуються в" сьогодні 1:30 від'їзду з парку Вікторія до 6:00 вечора, процесія досягла хвіст Чатир Garden, Генеральна Асамблея висловила. Поліція, кількість марші від парку Вікторія починаючи з сьогоднішнього дня для 110 001 тисяча вісімсот людей, в той час як число демонстрантів піке 110000 нуль шістсот чоловік. За словами поліцейських, є 9,2 року 7,1 мільйона осіб в Victoria Park почав, є 9860000 чоловік в піке, потім DFLP було те, що було 51 мільйонів чоловік на вулицях.
Університет Програми Гонконг громадської думки говорить, що сьогодні є 79 000 до 8,8 млн людей на вулицях. Цього року вказав 7.1 HKU Програма Громадська думка, явка становила від 154 000 до 17200000.
Деякі користувачі мережі слова, оригінальні кандидати поліції вимагають хороших низькі оцінки математичні. Для "Яблуко" facebook сказати вам вказати в ефірі:

Тобто, як "Apple Daily" FB!

[Anti] Poliția a declarat procesiunea reprezentând 11,1 milioane de oameni au ieșit în stradă o dată se referă la 98 000 7.1 |

Citeste poliția a lansat 7.1 și 8.17, după două statistici procesiuni, există utilizatori de Internet, apoi candidații de poliție originale necesită bune scoruri matematica mici.
"Paul anti sufragiu reprezentat în liga mare", organizat de "anti contabilizate în" astăzi 01:30 plecare de la Victoria Park până 06 seara, procesiunea a ajuns la coada Chater Garden, Adunarea Generală a exprimat. Poliția, numărul de marș de la Victoria Park, incepand de astazi de 110001 o mie opt sute de oameni, în timp ce numărul de marș vârf de 110.000 de zero, șase sute de oameni. Poliția a declarat că există 9.2 ani 7,1 milioane de oameni din Victoria Park a început, există 9860000 de oameni în vârf, apoi DFLP a fost că au existat 51 de milioane de oameni în stradă.
Universitatea din Hong Kong Programul de Opinie Publică, spune că în prezent există 79.000 la 8,8 milioane de oameni în stradă. În acest an 7,1 HKU Programul de Opinie Publică au arătat, rata de participare a variat de la 154 mii la 17,2 milioane de euro.
Câteva cuvinte netizens, candidații de poliție originale necesită bune scoruri matematica mici. Pentru a "Apple" Facebook spune ca punctul în aer:

[anti reprezentat poliția a arestat patru persoane descrie marșul global de pace

* Apple Daily [news] * - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 'Anti account in' in 'the whole process with the foot, reporters, photographers photograph,
OA live video shoot professional staff; breaking territory in order to capture this most minimal human involvement 'communist faction money, mainland tourists to receive five hundred yuan from the "Anti-Communist Alliance accounted for in the parade,"
To undertake the above, we have to use eye look ... the number Oh ....
Ha ha ha ha .... I heard that cost tens of millions of public security arrangements .......
Is Hong Kong really different from ordinary people ~ ~
Much of China Meng July Halloween, jaws wide open, as commonly known as the "yin and yang eyes' '~ ~ it is impossible to see more than the absence of so many numbers,' 'Chinese Police' had to have this trait ~ ~ .... If not, our eyes do not properly ....... ha ha ha ha, * Apple Daily * this yoshikidai diligent employees how to work in the hot sun, but also to expose the truth, which it '' swine melt 'face' and the Lord of the garbage and the mainland government officials have also been thrown to the ground .... yo Oh Oh .... ^ ^ -! funniest jokes, share it to the world .. ah))) ) -
Eating, hilarious laugh ha ha ha ha ha ..... Melody.Blog ^^
吃飯也笑到噴飯的 Melody.Blog^^ 哈哈哈哈哈.....
* 애플 데일리 [뉴스] * - 발, 기자, 사진 작가의 사진과 함께 '전 과정에서 홍콩 특별 행정구'에서 안티 계정 '
OA 라이브 비디오 촬영 전문 인력; 위해 영토를 파괴하는이 가장 최소한의 인간의 참여 '공산주의 진영 돈을 캡처하는 본토 관광객은 "반공 동맹 퍼레이드를 차지"에서 오백위안를받을
위를 수행하기 위해, 우리는 눈 모양을 사용할 필요가 ... 수 아 ....
하, 하, 하, 하 .... 내가들은 그 공공 보안 조치 수백만의 비용 수십 ....... 홍콩 평범한 사람들에서 정말 다른가요 ~ ~
중국 멩 7월 할로윈의 많은 부분, 턱을 벌리고로 알려진로 일반적으로 "음과 양의 눈 ''~ ~ 그렇게 많은 숫자의 부재보다 더 참조하는 것은 불가능하다 ''중국어 경찰은 '이 특성을 가지고 있었다을 ~ , 우리의 눈이 아닌 제대로 ....... 하, 하, 하, 하,하지 않으면 ~ .... * 애플 데일리 *이 근면 한 직원이 얼마나 뜨거운 태양에서 작업 할뿐만 아니라, 진실을 노출하는 yoshikidai을 '돼지가 용융'얼굴 '과 쓰레기의 주와 본토 정부 관리들도 땅에 던진'.... 요 오 오 .... ^ ^! - 재미있는 농담은 세계에 주 .. 아)))) -
먹고, 재미있는 웃음 하, 하, 하, 하, 하 ..... Melody.Blog ^ ^
* Apple Daily [nouvelles] * - Anti compte dans Hong Kong Région administrative spéciale de «l'ensemble du processus avec la photographie pied, journalistes, photographes,
OA en direct tournage de la vidéo de personnel professionnel; rupture territoire afin de capturer cette implication humaine la plus minime »l'argent de faction communiste, les touristes de la partie continentale de recevoir cinq cents yuans de l '« Alliance anti-communiste en compte dans la parade, "
Pour entreprendre ce qui précède, nous devons utiliser regard des yeux ... le nombre Oh ....
Ha ha ha ha .... J'ai entendu dire que des dizaines de coûts de millions de dispositifs de sécurité publique ....... Hong Kong est vraiment différent des gens ordinaires ~ ~
Une grande partie de la Chine Meng Juillet Halloween, les mâchoires grandes ouvertes, comme communément appelé «~ ~ il est impossible de voir plus que l'absence de tant de chiffres, '' police chinoise« a dû avoir ce trait ~ les '"yin et le yang yeux ~ .... Sinon, nos yeux ne le font pas correctement ....... ha ha ha ha, * Apple Daily * ce yoshikidai employés diligents comment travailler dans la chaleur du soleil, mais aussi pour exposer la vérité, ce qui lui '' porcine en fusion «visage» et le Seigneur des ordures et les représentants du gouvernement du continent ont également été jeté à terre .... yo Oh Oh .... ^ ^ - plaisanteries les plus drôles, partagez-le sur le monde .. ah)))) -
Manger, rire hilarant ha ha ha ha ha ..... Melody.Blog ^^
* Apple Daily [новини] * - 'Anti рахунок в «Гонконг, спеціальний адміністративний район в' весь процес з ніг, журналістів, фотографів фотографії,
О.А. відео в реальному стріляти професійний персонал; порушення територію для того, щоб захопити цей самий мінімальний участі людини 'фракція КПРФ гроші, материк туристів отримувати п'ятсот юанів "антикомуністична Альянс доводилося в параді,"
Вжити вище, ми повинні використовувати погляд очі ... число Ой ....
Ха-ха-ха-ха .... Я чув, що коштувати десятки мільйонів угод громадської безпеки ....... Є Гонконг дійсно відрізняються від звичайних людей ~ ~
Багато чого з КНР Мен липня Хеллоуїна, щелепи широко відкриті, як широко відомий як "інь і ян очі '' ~ ~ неможливо побачити більше, ніж відсутність стількох чисел», «Китайська поліція 'повинні були бути цю рису ~ ~ .... Якщо ні, наші очі не правильно ....... ха-ха-ха-ха, * Apple Daily * це yoshikidai старанні працівники, як працювати на спекотному сонці, але і розкрити правду, яка його '' свинячий розплаву 'обличчя' і Господь від сміття і материк урядовці також були кинуті на землю .... років Oh Oh .... ^ ^ -! смішні жарти, поділитися ним зі світом .. ах)))) -
Їжа, веселий сміх ха-ха-ха-ха-ха ..... Melody.Blog ^^
*アップルデイリー[ニュース] * - 足、記者、カメラマンの写真で「プロセス全体での香港特別行政区」における抗アカウント」、
中国孟7月ハロウィンの多くは、顎を大きく開いとして知られているように、一般的に「陰と陽の目''〜〜それは非常に多くの数字が存在しない場合よりも多く見ることは不可能である''中国の警察は「この特性を持っている必要がありましたが〜 、私たちの目ではなく、適切に.......ハッハッハ行わない場合は〜......、*アップルデイリーは、*これは勤勉な従業員がどのように熱い太陽の下で動作するようにするだけでなく、真実を公開するyoshikidaiそれを'豚が溶融'顔'とごみの主と本土の政府関係者はまた、地面に投げてきた'....よああああ....^^! - 面白いジョークは、世界にそれを共有..ああ)))) -
食べる、陽気な笑いハッハッハ..... Melody.Blog^ ^
* Apple Daily [știri] * - Hong Kong Regiunea Administrativă Specială "cont Anti în" în "întregul proces, cu picior, reporteri, fotografi fotografie,
OA trage video live personal profesionist; de rupere teritoriu în scopul de a captura această implicare umană minimă, "bani fracțiunii PCRM, turistii continent pentru a primi cinci sute de yuani de la" Alianța Anti-comunist contabilizate în paradă, "
Pentru a întreprinde cele de mai sus, trebuie să folosim privire ochi ... numărul Oh ....
Ha, ha, ha, ha .... Am auzit că zeci de cost de milioane de aranjamente de securitate publică ....... Este Hong Kong într-adevăr diferit de oamenii obișnuiți ~ ~
O mare parte din China Meng iulie Halloween, fălcile larg deschise, ca de obicei cunoscut sub numele de "yin si yang ochii" "~ ~ este imposibil de a vedea mai mult decât lipsa de atât de multe numere", "Poliția chineză", a trebuit să aibă această trăsătură ~ ~ .... Dacă nu, ochii noștri nu cum trebuie ....... ha ha ha ha, * Apple Daily * acest yoshikidai angajați harnici cum să lucreze în soarele fierbinte, dar, de asemenea, pentru a expune adevărul, care se '' porcine se topesc "față" și Domnul a gunoiului și oficialii guvernamentali continent au fost, de asemenea, aruncat la pământ .... yo Oh .... ^ ^ -! mai amuzante bancuri, l împărtășească cu lumea .. ah)))) -
Consumarea de alimente, râs hilar ha ha ha ha ha ..... Melody.Blog ^^

* 애플 데일리 [뉴스] * - 전체 과정에서 발 홍콩 특별 행정구 '에서 안티 계정', 기자, 사진 작가의 사진을보고, 라이브 비디오 OA 전문 직원이 촬영; 위해 영토를 파괴하는이 가장 최소한의 인간의 개입에게 '공산주의 진영 돈을 캡처하는 본토 관광객에서 오백위안을받을 수 위의를 수행하기 위해, 우리는 눈 모양을 사용해야합니다 "반공 동맹은 행렬를 차지" ......! "-
* Apple Daily [nouvelles] * - Anti compte dans Hong Kong Région administrative spéciale avec le pied dans l'ensemble du processus, les journalistes, les photographes les photos, la vidéo en direct OA tir personnel professionnel; rupture territoire afin de capturer cette implication humaine la plus minime l '«argent de faction communiste, les touristes de la partie continentale de recevoir cinq cents yuans de l'« Alliance anti-communiste en compte dans le cortège, "de procéder à ce qui précède, nous devons utiliser regard des yeux ...... "! -
===Melody.Blog===THE END===>/
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