seriously Disclaimer: This blog is for knowledge sharing in the required software and who, after the download is complete, please delete files on round the clock. Do not miss think there is anything about "sex" or anything .- resulting in what message the people of color, but today I had to make a statement = do not leave "what's up?..".. not reply,& also bring you turned away. filthy sharer spirit!! 29 / 8.Thankyou! [Thanks of the BLOGGER TEAM~!]2014
2013年10月22日 星期二
**MelodyRO ~ 23/10-2013*reply for my fds & Google~!*
**MelodyRO ~ 23/10-2013*reply for my fds & Google~!**
/令我的諞文刪掉也不通知我=我的偶像文Mac的大集成 =WANMP online system & 2位X me 的出品分享,我對他們的喜愛程度真的不能以筆墨形容,
---且百花齊放...,但紅而不驕` ~!**
的分享.是我最敬佩之! **
**可知道除了台灣...論分享美國是第二 ...只因當地崇尚自由,第三便是中國...因內地人囗多,但他們限制大,做分享的是有一點兒想出人頭地,沒有贊助.....只靠軟件所附的廣告費(5000點擊率能賺多少呢?!)..要成為一註冊-->所謂[ 正版 ]軟件的費用對內地的草根人民是非常昂貴的喔!
內容大概如下 :
我們即將更新《Google 服務條款》。新版《服務條款》
將於 2013年11月11日生效,歡迎前往這個網頁閱讀完整內容。
第一,釐清您的個人資料名稱和相片如何顯示在 Google
產品上 (包括評論、廣告和其他商業內容)。
Google 如何使用您的個人資料名稱和相片
---碰上一位"有教無類" 之袓師,令我的人生觀改變更多.
..我的己所不欲 勿施於人 -
- 分享是美德 知足常樂也 -遇到伯樂了-!!
要找我的朋友們 請諒解..
(方先生"很久不見喔)也說聲 抱歉喔~!*
請諒解我的感受! 我的好朋友們~!
MelodyRO~ 23/10-2013*
*** This is while I did not come back ... I said earlier ,
no reply / reply IMPACT long time before my blog update , the left mouse button is disabled during this yet to be resolved to use .. so I went to the mentioned "FDZone Forum " ,
where there are people of different nationalities in ,
I love heart ~ persecute me / make my brag nor deleted text me = my big idol Wen Mac integration = *WANMP online system & * 2位 X me to share the Publisher ,
and I love their extent can not really describe in words ,
they do share many years, people around the world to contribute ... and the download is the source that life permanently effective, multi- sharer in Taiwan and blossom ... but without arrogance ` red(Hot) is also
constantly busy with home made for each system . macros. sharing software .... etc. . was My admiration ! **
In addition to Taiwan ... ** may know of share because
the United States is the second ... local advocate freedom ,
and the third is due to mainland China ... imports more,
but they limit big , do share is a little think ahead ,
do not rely on the software accompanying sponsorship ..... advertising fees ( 5000 hits earn how much ? ! ) ..
to become a registered - > called [ genuine ] software costs grassroots people on the mainland is very expensive Oh !
Today, I finally saw a blog reply message from "Blogger"(Google ~)!
Content is probably as follows:Terms of ServiceUpdatesNovember 11, 2013Alert SummaryTerms of ServiceUpdates" Terms of Service " UpdatingOctober 11, 2013
We are about to update "Google Terms of Service ." New version of " Terms of Service " will be held November 11, 2013 into effect , welcome to visit this page to read the full content .
Since the legal language is difficult to understand for most users , so we provide a summary of this simple , easy to understand new " terms of service ."
We made three changes:
First, clarify your profile name and photo to appear on
Google products ( including comments , advertising and
other commercial content ) .You can share the recommended setting controls whether
your image and name to be displayed in the ad .Second, to remind you to pay attention to the safe use of mobile devices .Third, detailing the importance of safekeeping password .The following are further described :
Google's use of your personal data names and photographs ( including comments and advertisements ) .......Blogger's become my favorite thing to reply .... Google contradictions ... Forget them(>.<) !
I am not seeking fame and fortune of the stag female, in FDZone hit a " No Child Left Behind " in Cho division,
make my life changed me more ... Do unto others not do
to others -
- Sharing is a virtue contentment also - Bole encountered a - ! !
* Gradually I'll be back ... just waiting for the Blogger's put me in this mighty mouse -
- Left function to restore ... ( is four - before May Complaints things ) .. I will come back yo ~
Looking for my friends, please understand ... in FDZone is peaceful environment , madding crowd -
- Please hold Sharing Lovers ( not trouble the people )
before registration and login . ! I welcome you to find me ~
In this connection it ~ For some information does not reply .. ( Fang , " Long time no see oh ) also say sorry Oh !
* Please understand my feelings ! My friends ~ ! *
*MelodyRO ~ 23/10-2013*
===================THE END=================>/
2013年10月12日 星期六
**IDimager Photo Splash**( US )版之神奇的*相片潑墨效果工具軟體*~!*** IDimager Photo Splash ** (US) version of the magical effect of software tools * photo ink*~!
**IDimager Photo Splash**( US )版之**
*US-en**** IDimager Photo Splash *
* (US) version of the magical effect of
software tools * photo ink * ~!*
*官方網頁] **

/*MY ADriver sharing free full~hehe*
/*v1.1.5.28 英語 (US-en)**
/Portable IDimager Photo Splash **
!!!my shar ioi hello\^^free for YoU~~
*[隨身封裝*8.6MB**(US)** * *
*隨身免裝*7.4MB*(US)** *
*官方網頁 : **
*Photo Splash offers you exactly those features that you need to
create spot colored images in a glance.
By using pre-selections you get a jump start that allows you to
finish the color splash within seconds.
Then if you need more detailed control,
the more advanced features for brushing,
zooming, color shifts, are all available at your fingertips *^^
!!!my share ioi
*Photo Splash offers you exactly those features that you --
---need to create spot colored images in a glance.
By using pre-selections you get a jump start that allows you to finish
the color splash within seconds.
Then if you need more detailed control,
the more advanced features for brushing,
zooming, color shifts, are all available at (your fingertips)*hehe..*
see the uper link : click there ioi (US-en)
**1)): Portable Package
1). - With WinRaR extract to any place (or USB) is a single player version xxx (ThinApp). Exe.
2). - This version of Thinstall package production, after decompression can not be re-extracting
3). - Has been raised to allow 32-bit software running on 64-bit.
2)): free portable equipment
1). - With WinRaR extract to any place (or USB) as a single Portable_xxx.exe.
2). - This version of WinRaR compressed production,
Also reusable WinRAR to extract the exe file for the directory again ~!
3). - Has been cracked, containing a description ioi .. haha...
1). - With WinRaR extract to any place (or USB) is a single player version xxx (ThinApp). Exe.
2). - This version of Thinstall package production, after decompression can not be re-extracting
3). - Has been raised to allow 32-bit software running on 64-bit.
2)): free portable equipment
1). - With WinRaR extract to any place (or USB) as a single Portable_xxx.exe.
2). - This version of WinRaR compressed production,
Also reusable WinRAR to extract the exe file for the directory again ~!
3). - Has been cracked, containing a description ioi .. haha...


**IDimager Photo Splash**( US )版之--
* IDimager Photo Splash *
* (US) version of the magical effect
BY**月光部落之*Power Director*威力導演11繁體中文破解版~!power^^
*BY**月光部落之 *Power Director*威力導演11繁體中文破解版~!power ioi^^*
不僅如此,更提供您專為Win 8平板電腦設計的威力導演行動版App,

你可以嘗試這個破解器 ioi O ioi^^ *
*Power**月光部落客 !!*THE BEST Writer hello^.^*
*BY**月光部落之*Power Director*
hehe.....can u guess .........that's...
2013年10月11日 星期五
*分享*全功能!*ACDSee v7.0 Build 137 英語(US)'s(x86/x64) 版*出品的看圖/編輯/管理/分享的全方位工具軟體~!^US*ACDSee Pro 7 has everything you need to manage, perfect, and present your images. Carry out digital asset management and all the essential tasks of your photography workflow in one complete, amazingly fast solution. Achieve stunning results, stay organized, save time. ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total photography control*~!
*分享*全功能!*ACDSee v7.0 Build 137
英語(US)'s(x86/x64) 版*
Achieve stunning results, stay organized, save time.
ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total photography control*
** ACDSee 看圖/編輯/管理/全功能分享方位工具喔!*v7.0 Build 137 (US)版*
!!"For Win 7 & Win 8 ...
* * look down ......!!
x64 download 67.2MB:
*>內附必要文件(x86附有浮動破解主程式)與註冊說明 >
*Enclosing the necessary documents (x86 floating break with the main program)
and registration instructions*
FREE 15-day trial of ACDSee Pro 7.$$TRY NOW---15days??! too to ...go ioi~..let me thing ....hehe
*i have an idea ^^*
**mac ACD SEE PRO 2.0 --ioi*
**Upgrade Pricing
*oh...i maybe upgrade......& sharing....( dont tell the others ppls ioi^^)
*Official Website* **
*Top Features
*Digital asset management
Organize any way you want. Add metadata,
ratings, keywords, categories,
and location details to your images.
Quickly identify photos for further processing with
visual tags and color labels.
Make use of powerful search tools to find photos based --
--on almost any criteria.
With ACDSee Pro 7, even the wildest of libraries can be tamed*
*Non-destructive freedom
Get set for worry-free, go-for-it creativity.
ACDSee Pro 7’s non-destructive environment means
your original images always stay intact.
Preview your changes instantly, hide, reveal or
switch up adjustments,
and save different versions of your photos*
*RAW processing
See incredibly true-to-life color representation and contrast.
Get the correct white balance and exposure,
and fine tune tonal distribution.
Boost vibrance while protecting skin tones,
and adjust saturation,
brightness and hue on a color-by-color basis.
Avoid color clipping during RAW conversion by --
--leveraging your image's histogram*
*Super fast viewing
Count on ACDSee Pro 7 to display your photos,
including the largest of RAW files,
exactly the way you want, fast.
View your images in real time,
from their original locations,
since you never have to import them into a separate library first.*
*Patented lighting technology
Improve areas that are too light or too dark with the Lighting tool, powered by ACDSee’s patented LCE
(Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) technology.
Instantly lighten shadows and reduce highlights,
change the tonal range and color balance,
and experiment with single-exposure HDR effects. *
*all free My ADriver sharing...( US-en )~*
*x86* * **FREE ioi~ Hello^^*md5 : 31b18334f29165b0766bb04a038234d7
*x64* *
*md5 : ddc3acaee28273301c16fd79ae30faf0
*Brush on selective edits
Brush on any editing effect or adjustment to a targeted area
of your photo,
complete with size and feathering controls to get the
exact look you want. Tune your images,
sharpen, reduce noise, erase unwanted objects, and more. *
*Powerful batch processing
Save an incredible amount of time.
Set ACDSee Pro 7 to perform a range of workflow steps
on batches of images at once.
Convert formats and color space, resize,
change filenames, add watermarks,
and easily save them as presets to work even faster --
--the next go around*
*Advanced color control
Take full control of your images with Advanced Color tools
to subtly fine-tune or dramatically change hue, saturation,
and lightness.
And a dedicated black and white mode allows you to make
hue-based brightness adjustments to your monochrome images,
and to add a specific hue back in.*
*Present and protect
Whether you share socially, present online,
or email directly to clients,
showcasing your photos has never been this effortless.
And you can count on ACDSee to help you protect --
--all your valuable work, both offline and in the cloud. *
**分享*全功能!*ACDSee v7.0 Build 137 英語(US)'s(x86/x64) 版*
^shared*ACDSee Pro 7*has everything you need to manage,
perfect, and present your images.
Carry out digital asset management and all the essential tasks
of your photography workflow in one complete,
amazingly fast solution. Achieve stunning results,
stay organized, save time. ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total
photography control*~!** THE END **!~*
英語(US)'s(x86/x64) 版*
*ACDSee Pro 7 *has everything you need to manage, perfect, and present your images.
Carry out digital asset management and all the essential tasks of your photography workflow in one complete, amazingly fast solution.*ACDSee Pro 7 *has everything you need to manage, perfect, and present your images.
Achieve stunning results, stay organized, save time.
ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total photography control*
** ACDSee 看圖/編輯/管理/全功能分享方位工具喔!*v7.0 Build 137 (US)版*
!!"For Win 7 & Win 8 ...
* * look down ......!!
ACDSee 15 繁體中文版
憑藉易於使用且速度極快的特點,- ACDSee 15 提供了整理相片、
- 優化拍攝以及與親朋好友分享往事所需的全部功能。
ACDSee Pro 6 繁體中文版
ACDSee Pro 6 是一款靈活適應您工作方式的攝影軟體。- 使用 ACDSee Pro 6 幫助您節省時間並使工作流程中的每個步驟都井井有條。
ACDSee Pro 2 (Mac) 英文版
想要使用 ACDSee Pro 2 (Mac) 在 Mac 上加速您的攝影工作流程嗎?- ACDSee Pro 2 (Mac) 將利用其無與倫比的速度和--
- --靈活性來管理、檢視和處理影像。
---For Win 7 / Win 8...^
x86 download 68.5MB: x64 download 67.2MB:
*>內附必要文件(x86附有浮動破解主程式)與註冊說明 >
*Enclosing the necessary documents (x86 floating break with the main program)
and registration instructions*
Free Trial
Download a@$$*i have an idea ^^*
**mac ACD SEE PRO 2.0 --ioi*

**Upgrade Pricing
*oh...i maybe upgrade......& sharing....( dont tell the others ppls ioi^^)
*Official Website* **
*Top Features
*Digital asset management
Organize any way you want. Add metadata,
ratings, keywords, categories,
and location details to your images.
Quickly identify photos for further processing with
visual tags and color labels.
Make use of powerful search tools to find photos based --
--on almost any criteria.
With ACDSee Pro 7, even the wildest of libraries can be tamed*
*Non-destructive freedom
Get set for worry-free, go-for-it creativity.
ACDSee Pro 7’s non-destructive environment means
your original images always stay intact.
Preview your changes instantly, hide, reveal or
switch up adjustments,
and save different versions of your photos*
*RAW processing
See incredibly true-to-life color representation and contrast.
Get the correct white balance and exposure,
and fine tune tonal distribution.
Boost vibrance while protecting skin tones,
and adjust saturation,
brightness and hue on a color-by-color basis.
Avoid color clipping during RAW conversion by --
--leveraging your image's histogram*
*Super fast viewing
Count on ACDSee Pro 7 to display your photos,
including the largest of RAW files,
exactly the way you want, fast.
View your images in real time,
from their original locations,
since you never have to import them into a separate library first.*
*Patented lighting technology
Improve areas that are too light or too dark with the Lighting tool, powered by ACDSee’s patented LCE
(Lighting and Contrast Enhancement) technology.
Instantly lighten shadows and reduce highlights,
change the tonal range and color balance,
and experiment with single-exposure HDR effects. *

*all free My ADriver sharing...( US-en )~*
*x86* * **FREE ioi~ Hello^^*md5 : 31b18334f29165b0766bb04a038234d7
*x64* *
*md5 : ddc3acaee28273301c16fd79ae30faf0
*Brush on selective edits
Brush on any editing effect or adjustment to a targeted area
of your photo,
complete with size and feathering controls to get the
exact look you want. Tune your images,
sharpen, reduce noise, erase unwanted objects, and more. *
*Powerful batch processing
Save an incredible amount of time.
Set ACDSee Pro 7 to perform a range of workflow steps
on batches of images at once.
Convert formats and color space, resize,
change filenames, add watermarks,
and easily save them as presets to work even faster --
--the next go around*
*Advanced color control
Take full control of your images with Advanced Color tools
to subtly fine-tune or dramatically change hue, saturation,
and lightness.
And a dedicated black and white mode allows you to make
hue-based brightness adjustments to your monochrome images,
and to add a specific hue back in.*
*Present and protect
Whether you share socially, present online,
or email directly to clients,
showcasing your photos has never been this effortless.
And you can count on ACDSee to help you protect --
--all your valuable work, both offline and in the cloud. *
**分享*全功能!*ACDSee v7.0 Build 137 英語(US)'s(x86/x64) 版*
^shared*ACDSee Pro 7*has everything you need to manage,
perfect, and present your images.
Carry out digital asset management and all the essential tasks
of your photography workflow in one complete,
amazingly fast solution. Achieve stunning results,
stay organized, save time. ACDSee Pro 7 delivers total
photography control*~!** THE END **!~*
文章 (Atom)