***Hong Kong-style vernacular how absolutely mean:?? "Direct enough, Cantonese, Lingnan culture, when British rule of Hong Kong's reunification there has not been a diaphragm in the international arena, the U.S. and Britain, France, Italy and Australia Paul Gardner EU .. West. Nearly to a big country and other places in Southeast Ami large capacity memory'' applied'' institutional, social integration and security, which have become established 諚 interlocking relationship between the great powers of the world, there are a variety of domestic nation [in different countries] There's a common contact and friendship since the rule, but also for the people of a great nation, as the broad-based success in mobilizing those in power, to see the light of this bustling environment, but also highlights China's authoritarian abuse of the rule, hegemony is also arrogant, so in the international arena China's communist strategy only makes their minds the idea is:. "ah ... corruption, greed .... Code ... cheap to do," How can the general solution Gap justice powers spiritual communion and therefore would make people more Reflections on the UK wide Grandroad, do not care about peace and equality at the starting role for the various colonies generous Rende governance is no dispute that these great powers standing in the international community, the usual purely benevolent, but to the mainland in contrast, are constrained to mention is that people talk ... like to see the aliens are generally not normally quiet own country monitored by a word of a move, I can see the Chamber of Secrets free breathing thing??! visible Chinese communist corruption inhumane backwards day something new ...! inside "of this article in a Hong Kong-style vernacular, Cantonese, and it's really appropriate to describe the fact that a great'' lovely'' move, we believe Google Great God is the best interpreter of today, do not know whether there will be'' missing'' Cantonese translation of meaning, therefore, this article only translated Chinese and English versions Well, forgive me if mistakes but also look oh ~ ^ -! **
**港式白話文有多絕??意謂:"夠直接,廣東話,嶺南文化,在英式統冶香港時亦不見有隔膜.在國際上,美英澳加德法意保西歐盟...近至東南亜等地的大國在施''寬大容存''的體制,共融和安,這些都成了世界上諚立大國間的互扣關係,一國內存有多種民族[不同國家]而共同有洽誼之自冶,也為一大國視人民為本的調動主政者的廣義成功,看向這種繁華光境,更凸顯中國的獨裁濫冶,霸權亦妄自尊大,故在國際上中國的共產謀略令人們腦海只有的理念是: "嗯...腐敗,不守則...貪婪....便宜到不要".峽義怎能通解大國的共融精神,故此更會令人們反思英國的寬大廣容,不計較和處之平和平等的起始作用,對各個殖民地的寬厚仁德之治理更是毫不計較,這些在國際間大國而立,純屬平常的德政,可是對內地的相比之下,莫説是人們談話受牽制...就像見到外星人一般不能正常地安靜,被自已國家監控一言一動,試問還有自由呼吸的秘室嘛??!可見中國共產倒退腐敗不人道之日日新鲜事...!"本文內裡一篇港式白話文,廣東話,真的形容貼切而實在的事實,大有''拍案叫絕''之舉,在我們認為谷歌大神是現今最好的翻譯器,不知道在''廣東話''會否有漏掉翻譯之意,故此,此文只譯作中文和英文兩個版本好了,如有錯漏還望多多見諒喔~!^-**
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---Message most people---

Wolf Eagle said, "do not move northeast shortage of development is not feasible without dismantling" = bite imports who put hundreds of billions of fat? Hoard to help real estate hegemony now endure just to the northeast wolf eagle shortage has stolen points, if not the Northeast shortage spoils bound anti-it!
Public support professional alliances with environmental sense and scholars "dual South program" Alternative northeast shortage, will occupy 170 hectares of the high court reduced the size to 50 hectares, 120 hectares of land will make the construction of 28,000 housing for 80,000 people stay . Long Bin Interim rebuilding houses, providing 62,000 units for the region's 18 million people to stay. High court stays demolition Fanling full renovation of public housing, the money guys can go to Clearwater / Discovery Bay / Shenzhen / Zhuhai playing golf. Insisted shortage Northeast New Territories and Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area 100% full resumption development by the government! PPP Development is collusion black hole (never premium tricks are used to cover corruption scams) Wolf Eagle easy to take care hoard hard just to help with the spoils.
Prevent consideration of the Northeast New Territories development pre-construction funding legislation through resistance equal to hoard help real estate hegemony and beam camp early fortune corrupt spoils! Northeast New Territories area of 614 hectares in the development area, only 6% of the area that is 36 hectares of land will be used for public houses and flats. Justice League of land by the government to expose the name of development and transfer of benefits to the developers "true" government as early as 08/09, the title has completed the distribution of survey development area, knowing that developers hoarding land in the development of the region, is still "drain" to allow has 4,000 square meters of landowners develop their own applications, Lim Kee ignorant and incompetent! still burning public land to real estate developers from infrastructure.
"Members of each establishment was forced to abandon their vehicles to leave the evening of 13 DAB Tam Yiu-chung, Elizabeth Quat protesters and Wong Ting-kwong was found. Trio chased all the way by a large number of demonstrators, along with foul language and being sold to Hong Kong and other slogans abusive thief , the trio face, such as ashes. " To recover those snakes more vegetarian pie Sha voters Members of the institution into the garbage can poison people!
Lin Cheng originally committed to the traditional government model development northeast resumption shortage, officials and businessmen questioned in order to avoid the development of public-private partnership model collusion allegations, but then switch to 689 public-private partnership model, the government also revised ex-gratia compensation for land resumption at that time, coded by the 786 yuan to 852 yuan per square foot. Overweight after the government again to 948 yuan; while Chan is the Chairman of the Land Commission decided to planning and development of the amount of compensation. Paul staff behavior or misconduct in violation of the crime but the ICAC public release.
Paul is not official until hoard, but in 1994, the first insider news only into the cargo = insider trading, and the officer involved in raising the premium received, but has always been to overthrow the traditional way of resumption and diverted to the development of public-private development in Northeast shortage Build up to a cheap price collusion.
"Ah Mau whole cake" stop, Paul crossed the "sub-divided units", "drunk driving", the "hoarding" and then challenged tax evasion involving at least two million yuan Next Magazine. Garbage will stick political convention in front of the camera doing qualitative or two cross on another show nothing.
Drainage will continue hardcore crooked thinking, because they have to use Elmo to promote public-private partnership approach developed northeast shortage, the government is not in its manipulation and Northeast shortage hoard help signing contracts for premium flat no spoils of Wai!
Chief Executive election dispute is the result of the collapse of the first Chief Executive is entitled to the spoils, the rule is political spoils of political swindlers Zeitou! Taiwanese called Chiang brought from the northern mainland of Taiwan officials when lawmakers called the North bandits, while the Taiwanese people officer when legislation collectively bandits members., fat people are corrupt loot thief.
Pass the real estate sector: CAVE against all the odds then moved to the airport at Chek Lap Kok to choose because Aberdeen had sent a large number of cross-hand boats in the area had been opened hoard shortage pushed the development of the northeast old ignorant reign when, in fact, had sent a friendly Morning estate. hegemony hoard land is enough to recommend 689 when the Chief Executive (Municipal Xi total a large wok), this 689 (no 7 men) to reach the boss to its mission to northeast shortage developing public-private partnerships finalized implementation Login Truesilver Qi spoils, was deported come forward to the development of real estate hoard of total profits can be in the thousands of hundreds of millions more. Determine the way in the development of public-private partnership (with the help of hundreds of millions of public money one thousand hoard hegemony road construction. Water. Electricity. Coal. Sewage systems) is indeed ying collusion. Tat to prove to the traditional way of resumption developer to a maximum of two hundred closing price of agricultural land, the government of up to five or six hundred yuan to recover, so that developers earn several hundred dollars per square foot of land; If private property development, Even if the premium is calculated two or three thousand dollars, plus the cost of construction, real estate per square foot can have up to two or three thousand dollars profit, is ten times the traditional land resumption.
To protect the future Dong Liang hoard Northeast shortage of private buildings to help sell a good price, 689 Series teams will collapse in property prices really do? Canal you will uh, "other", etc, etc, etc. shortage of private drainage d Northeast Floor advance sale of flats will undo BSD, SSD, DSD flowers shipped exchange real money it!
Officials then obviously BSD, SSD, DSD successfully prevented foreign speculation in Hong Kong Building (also forced the bank down and make contributions LTV ability tests), since no foreign speculation on the Hong Kong Building Link America has nothing to do with the Hong Kong property market delisting it! But classes rape Officer on and Eren, warned the U.S. delisting will drop lower and lower bank LTV. foreign non-fried Hong Kong Department of Building and stocks, stocks should be regulated class traitor official margin is Wai! high salary is paid first and then fight over stupid uh do greedy! cheating and you just being blown up here right now, but also world-class ultra-high salaries and cherished this class is the Hong Kong Special deception deception district officials "professional language Counterfeiters officials" instinct!

狼鷹稱「東北荒發展不遷不拆不可行」=咬到囗的幾千億肥肉誰會放? 今囤地幫地產霸權忍狼鷹只為東北荒有贓分, 若東北荒分贓不成勢必反啦!
撐公共專業聯盟與環保觸覺及學者「雙南方案」替代東北荒, 將佔地170公頃的高球場規模縮減至50公頃,將騰出的120公頃土地興建2.8萬所公屋供8萬人入住。重建朗邊中轉屋,全區提供6.2萬單位供18萬人入住。撐清拆粉嶺高球場全改建公屋, 有錢佬可以去清水灣/愉景灣/深圳/珠海打高球. 堅持新界東北荒及洪水橋新發展區100%全由政府收地發展! 公私合營發展是官商勾結黑洞(從來補地價把戲都是用作遮蓋貪腐的騙術). 狼鷹捨易取難只為與囤地幫分贓.
阻止審議新界東北發展計劃前期工程撥款立會通過等於阻囤地幫地產霸權與梁營貪官早日發財分贓! 新界東北面積達614公頃的發展區,只有6%面積即36公頃地皮會用作興建公屋及居屋。土地正義聯盟揭穿政府借發展為名向地產商利益輸送「真面目」,政府早於08/09年度,已完成發展區業權分佈調查,明知發展商在發展區內囤地,仍「放水」容許擁有4,000平方米的地主申請自行發展,廉記無知無能! 還要燒公帑為地產商地皮起基建。
陳茂波不是當官後才囤地, 而是1994年,先有內幕消息才入貨 = 內幕交易, 及當官後參與調高收地價, 更推翻一貫以傳統收地而改行公私合營方式發展東北荒發展構建官商勾結賤價補地.
“阿茂整餅”不停, 陳茂波跨過「劏房」、「醉駕」、「囤地」後,再被壹周刊質疑涉瞞稅最少二百萬元。垃圾會政棍慣例在鏡頭前做做騷質兩句交差就又不了了之.
思歪必繼續死撐佢, 因要利用阿茂推展東北荒以公私合營方式發展, 在其操控的政府未和東北荒囤地幫簽下平補地價合約就未有贓分喎!
爭崩頭選特首就是因特首有權分贓, 是政冶分贓的政棍賊頭! 台灣人叫蔣介石由北方大陸帶去台灣當官當立法委員的叫北匪, 而台灣本土人當官當立法委員的統稱土匪., 都是貪腐搜括民脂的賊.
地產界傳: 當年遷機場夏鼎基力排眾議要選赤鱲角因早已派橫手艇仔於該區大量囤地. 老懵懂在位時已立案推東北荒發展, 其實晨早己遣友好地產霸權囤地, 囤夠了就保舉689當特首(跣習總一大鑊), 今689(無7的男子)達成老闆給其使命把東北荒發展公私合營定案推行, 搵真銀齊分贓, 被遣出面囤地的發展地產商的總利潤可以在千幾億以上。 確定以公私合營方式發展(用公帑千幾億幫囤地的霸權建路.水.電.煤.排污系統)確是梁振英官商勾結。李永達力証,以傳統收地方式,發展商以一、二百元收農地價錢,政府最多以五、六百元收回,令地產商每呎土地賺幾百元;若地產商私人發展,就算計算補地價二、三千元,再加上建築費,地產商每呎地可有高達二、三千元的利潤,是傳統收地的十倍。
為保他日董梁囤地幫的東北荒私樓賣個靚價, 689點會真係隊垮香港樓價嗎? 佢只會呃你”等”, 等, 等, 等佢d東北荒私樓預早賣樓花出貨換真錢時就會撤消BSD, SSD, DSD啦!
官吏明明話BSD, SSD, DSD成功阻止外資炒香港樓(又逼了銀行降按揭成數及做供款能力測試), 既然外資無炒香港樓咁美國退市就同香港樓市無關啦! 但班奸官就又呃人,警告因美國退市會再降銀行降按揭成數. 外資無炒香港樓而係炒股, 班奸官應管制炒股孖展才是喎! 高薪養廉就是先呃超高薪再搏懵盡貪! 擺明行騙而你又吹佢唔漲, 還要用超世界級高薪奉養這班行騙官吏才是香港特別行騙區的“專業語言偽術官吏”本能!
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU/.....ZHT/EN*Hong Kong-style vernacular how absolutely mean:?? "Direct enough, Cantonese, Lingnan culture, when British rule of Hong Kong's reunification there has not been a diaphragm in the international arena, the U.S. and Britain, France, Italy and Australia Paul Gardner EU .. West. Nearly to the southeast Ami, etc.......!-^^
===MelodyRO===THE END===>/
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