---*Apple news"*京官歪理連篇,,泛民斥北京可恥 !!!**--
--Apple news"- ''베이징 당국은 궤변 ** 말씨,, 베이징 팬 - 중국 부끄러운 비난! **-
--Apple news"- «« Fonctionnaires de Pékin sophisme ** verbiage,, dénoncé Pékin Pan-Chine honteux !!! **-
--Apple news"-''北京当局は詭弁**言い回し,,北京汎中国は恥ずべき非難! **-
--Apple news"-''Mga opisyal ng Beijing sophistry ** verbiage,, denounced Beijing Pan-China kahiya-hiyang !!! **-
-Apple news"--""Oficialii de la Beijing sofism**verbiaj,,denunțat Beijing Pan-China rușinos!!!**-
Apple news"-''Pekino respondeculoj sophistry ** verborrea,, denuncis Pekino Pan-Ĉinio hontindajn !!! ** -
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/KOREN/FR/PHI/JP/ROMA/.....International lauguage**-*
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*---''Beijing officials sophistry**verbiage,,denounced Beijing Pan-China shameful !!! **-

[A1] Headline Bar Association proposed to Li Fei: unreasonable political reform framework
Yesterday with the National Bar Association Standing Committee Li Fei, deputy secretary general (right) meeting, questioning the chief executive candidates should be appointed to mention a majority of nominations, nominees would constitute an unreasonable restriction. (Apple Daily)
Sunday was the Chief Executive by universal suffrage NPCSC drop gate, after the Bar Association and the Hong Kong yesterday, "Xuanzhi" Li Fei, deputy secretary general of the NPC Standing Committee meeting, also stand firm refused to stay off the brake Beijing program, the Association of National People's Congress Chairman Dan Yongtai respect worried about the decision, questioning the chief executive candidates should be appointed to mention a majority of nominations, nominees would constitute an unreasonable restriction, emphasized Fei failed to convince them.
More than the former Chairman of the Bar Association President Dan Yongtai Supporter speech, former chairman of the Bar Association, Mr. Martin agreed stone criticized because under the "Basic Law", the NPC Standing Committee during the second song of political reform, should only determine whether to modify the Chief Executive When elections approach, should not override proposed electoral framework that Congress decided to clear violation "of the Basic Law," "(NPCSC decision) is simply no legal effect, the government carried out the second phase of constitutional reform consultation, should not have said it when the NPC GOD Ye . " "Basic Law" Committee members Albert Chen also believes that the NPCSC decision is controversial from a legal point of view, because the decision be understood as conditional approval, that modification is necessary to meet certain framework and principles, but he believes that in 2004 and 07 In the Standing Committee on constitutional reform to start "second step", the proposed framework and principles have already become customary. For more details, please refer to "Apple Daily" reported.





多 名前大律師公會主席則力撐公會主席石永泰言論,大律師公會前主席李柱銘認同石批評,因為根據《基本法》規定,人大常委在政改第二部曲時,只應確定是否要修 改特首選舉辦法,不應該越權提出選舉框架,認為人大決定明顯違反《基本法》,「(人大常委決定)根本就無法律效力,政府進行第二階段政改諮詢時,應該當人 大無講過呢啲嘢」。《基本法》委員會委員陳弘毅也認為,人大常委決定從法律上看是有爭議,因有關決定可理解為有條件的批准,即修改就要符合某些框架及原 則,但他認為04年及07年人大常委就政 改啟動「第二步」時,均有提出框架及原則,已經形成慣例。詳情請留意《蘋果日報》報道。




[A1] 제목 변호사 협회는 리 페이에 제안 : 부당한 정치 개혁 프레임 워크

어제는 국립 변호사 협회 상임위원회 리 페이, 최고 경영자 (CEO) 후보 지명의 대부분을 언급 임명한다 질문 사무처장 (오른쪽) 회의와, 후보자는 불합리한 제한을 구성하는 것입니다.
변호사 협회와 홍콩의 어제, "Xuanzhi"리 페이, NPC 상임위원회 회의 사무처장은 또한 스탠드 후 일요일은 회사가 브레이크 베이징 프로그램을 유지하기를 거부, 보통 선거권의 NPCSC 드롭 게이트에 의해 최고 경영자이며, 전국 인민 대표 대회 위원장 댄 Yongtai 존중 협회최고 경영자 (CEO) 후보 지명의 대부분을 언급 임명한다 의문을 제기 결정에 대한 걱정, 후보자가 불합리한 제한을 구성하는 것, 페이는 그들을 설득하는 데 실패 강조했다.

--- ** 말씨는,, 궤변 베이징 당국은 베이징 팬 - 중국 부끄러운 비난! ** -



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---''Beijing officials sophistry**verbiage,,denounced Beijing Pan-China shameful !!! **-
---**京官歪理連篇,,泛民斥北京可恥 !!!**--
--- ''베이징 당국은 궤변 ** 말씨,, 베이징 팬 - 중국 부끄러운 비난! **-
--- «« Fonctionnaires de Pékin sophisme ** verbiage,, dénoncé Pékin Pan-Chine honteux !!! **-
---''北京当局は詭弁**言い回し,,北京汎中国は恥ずべき非難! **-
---''Mga opisyal ng Beijing sophistry ** verbiage,, denounced Beijing Pan-China kahiya-hiyang !!! **-
---""Oficialii de la Beijing sofism**verbiaj,,denunțat Beijing Pan-China rușinos!!!**-
---''Pekino respondeculoj sophistry ** verborrea,, denuncis Pekino Pan-Ĉinio hontindajn !!! ** -
**USA/UK/TW/MACAU(FDZ)/KOREN/FR/PHI/JP/ROMA/.....International lauguage**-
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