1Password: 不可缺少的強大密碼管理工具v3.8.20,keygen
1Password是一個獨特的密碼管理器爲您帶來安全和方便。它是唯一的計劃,提供反釣魚保護和超越的密碼管理,增加網上填寫表格,並自動生成強密碼。所有的機密資料,包括密碼,身份卡和信用卡,是保存在一個安全的地方提供了蘋果公司的OS X鑰匙鏈上。
1Password 完全支持大多數Web浏覽器,包括Safari ,卡米諾, OmniWeb , DEVONagent , Firefox的羊群,流體,並NetNewsWire 。所有浏覽器擴展共享數據存儲在鑰匙串這意味著您再也不需要手動複制您的密碼之間的浏覽器或從更多...密碼管理器,浏覽器再次!
1Password曾獲獎無數,其中包括4.5小鼠的Macworld雜志, MacLife編輯的選擇... 1Password下載包括在iPhone / iPod的觸摸和Palm應用。
What's New
Version 3.7.1:
Changed: Improved Autosubmit in Safari extension.
Changed: Now support updating Autosave and Autosubmit settings made in Safari 5.1 extension.
Changed: Improved error logging.
Changed: Improved diagnostics.
Version 2.9.26:
按此下載* NEW Added Login to Customer Center item to the Help menu. This is useful for finding your licenses and updating your email address. If your license is already installed, you will be logged in automatically.
* CHANGED Updated copyright information in About window.
* FIXED Now removing Upgrade to 1Password 3 menu item from Licenses window if a 1Password 3 license is already added.
* FIXED The Help > 1Password Help and other help buttons now work again.
Version 2.9.26:
按此下載* NEW Added Login to Customer Center item to the Help menu. This is useful for finding your licenses and updating your email address. If your license is already installed, you will be logged in automatically.
* CHANGED Updated copyright information in About window.
* FIXED Now removing Upgrade to 1Password 3 menu item from Licenses window if a 1Password 3 license is already added.
* FIXED The Help > 1Password Help and other help buttons now work again.
Version 2.9.25:
* NEW OS X Keychain users are now prompted to upgrade to the Agile Keychain on first launch. You can see this help guide for details on the automatic upgrade process.
* NEW Added Upgrade to 1Password 3 menu item to Licenses window in the Advanced menu.
* CHANGED Now showing version number beside each license in the Licenses window
* CHANGED Removed the Copy License Key menu item from the Licenses window as older graphical licenses did not have a copiable key.
* CHANGED The Help > Contact Us now opens the gorgeous new support page.
* CHANGED Now resetting Agile Keychain location before migration.
* CHANGED Removed some old entries from the Diagnostics Report to avoid confusion.
* FIXED Fixed a rare exception that could occur when switching between keychain formats multiple times.
* FIXED Fixed issue in Generated Passwords where the Location field could appear truncated.
* FIXED Fixed a license validation problem that could cause some valid licenses to be reject

Version 2.9.26:
* NEW Added Login to Customer Center item to the Help menu. This is useful for finding your licenses and updating your email address. If your license is already installed, you will be logged in automatically.
* CHANGED Updated copyright information in About window.
* FIXED Now removing Upgrade to 1Password 3 menu item from Licenses window if a 1Password 3 license is already added.
* FIXED The Help > 1Password Help and other help buttons now work again.
SN 還有效. >>>new link: http://dbank.com: 1Password.dmg (with Keygen)
SN 還有效. >>>new link: http://dbank.com: 1Password.dmg (with Keygen)
Version 2.9.31:******************************************************************************************
* CHANGED Fixed an issue where having no keyboard shortcuts for Restore Login or Go & Fill would cause problems in the browser. )))&
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