&** 網頁語法收集器-JavaScript Collector- -免安裝繁體中文化版~~
網頁語法收集器 【附件大小】: 1.16MB
** 【解壓密碼】: 軟體中文化教學密訓基地 )))

網頁設計能善用 JavaScript 語法那一定能為網站增色不少....
那如果能用JavaScript Collector- 網頁語法收集器收集起來
免安裝的JavaScript Collector網頁語法收集器,有時上網看到不錯的網頁特效語法,都可以用它來收集運用
【軟體簡介】 網頁語法收集器-JavaScript Collector- -免安裝繁體中文化版
JavaScript Collector is an offline searchable snippet database stuffed with over 200 ready-to-use
JavaScripts with the installation package, which you can preview within an instance!!!
With just a mouseclick you can easily preview the output of the JavaScript without any coding in your
favorite browser, just sit back and relax and let the JavaScript Collector do the work for you.
With an easy and overviewable interface, it has never been easier to find those "hard to find" JavaScripts
snippets. Just let the JavaScript Collector keep track of all of your JavaScripts and other HTML-based
scripts collected and organized at the same place and always in reach!
In the installation package you will find JavaScripts Catagories as:
Background Effects, Banners, Calculators, Cookies, Counters, Date and Time, Email Scripts, Forms, Games,
Generators, Image Effects, Link Effects, Misc, Mouse Effects, Navigation, Redirection, Scrollers, Text
Effects, Tools & Utilities, User Information, Window StatusBar Effects, Window Title Effects and Window.
If you want more catagories you can easily add your own catagory, add a JavaScript snippet to the new
catagory and then preview it in your browser. Ofcourse you're not only limited to just insert
JavaScripts... You can add whatever html based code you want!
You can for example create a new catagory for only sheet styles, Html Templates or other usefull code you
In JavaScript Collector you'll find something for everyone, from novice to advanced users.
網頁語法收集器-JavaScript Collector- -免安裝繁體中文化版下載網址:
JavaScript Collector is an offline searchable snippet database stuffed with over 200 ready-to-use
JavaScripts with the installation package, which you can preview within an instance!!!
With just a mouseclick you can easily preview the output of the JavaScript without any coding in your
favorite browser, just sit back and relax and let the JavaScript Collector do the work for you.
With an easy and overviewable interface, it has never been easier to find those "hard to find" JavaScripts
snippets. Just let the JavaScript Collector keep track of all of your JavaScripts and other HTML-based
scripts collected and organized at the same place and always in reach!
In the installation package you will find JavaScripts Catagories as:
Background Effects, Banners, Calculators, Cookies, Counters, Date and Time, Email Scripts, Forms, Games,
Generators, Image Effects, Link Effects, Misc, Mouse Effects, Navigation, Redirection, Scrollers, Text
Effects, Tools & Utilities, User Information, Window StatusBar Effects, Window Title Effects and Window.
If you want more catagories you can easily add your own catagory, add a JavaScript snippet to the new
catagory and then preview it in your browser. Ofcourse you're not only limited to just insert
JavaScripts... You can add whatever html based code you want!
You can for example create a new catagory for only sheet styles, Html Templates or other usefull code you
In JavaScript Collector you'll find something for everyone, from novice to advanced users.
網頁語法收集器-JavaScript Collector- -免安裝繁體中文化版下載網址:
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