^ Download Windows 8 Pro ISO **
*_DV5.ISO 32 Bit / 64 Bit Free ** &**
Windows 8 app samples***~
This sample pack includes all the app code
examples developed for Windows 8. The
sample pack provides a convenient way to
download all the samples at once. The
samples in this sample pack are available
in C#, C++, VB.NET, and JavaScript.
應用程式架構 做法 範例 參考 下載 論壇
Windows Store apps >
範例 >
1st>>***Windows 應用程式認證套件***
在提交應用程式以取得認證並陳列於 Windows 市集之前,請使用 Windows 應用程式認證套件 (ACK) 測試應用程式,確定應用程式已準備好提交
Windows SDK 包含 Windows ACK,可針對 Windows 8 認證計畫與 Windows 7 標誌認證計畫測試您的應用程式。
+**P.S.> 下載后*跟住個程式照做,*>>必要用續傳軟件下載*
若要自行在 Windows RT 上測試應用程式,請另外使用適用於 Windows RT 的 Windows 應用程式認證套件下載。
AppCertkitArmSetup 114KB
2012 年 11 月 16 日 Windows ACK 2.2 已正式推出;自 2012 年 12 月 11 日起,提交應用程式至 Windows 市集必須使用 Windows ACK 2.2。Windows ACK 2.2 包含錯誤修正以及三項新測試:
**最佳化繫結參照 (當使用繫結時,應該在
應用程式的 JavaScript 中將 WinJS.Binding.optimize
BindingReferences 設為 TRUE,以便將記憶
- ))*品牌驗證 (應用程式不應使用 Visual Studio
- 產生的預設圖示或 SDK 範例內含的圖示)。
- **)私用程式碼簽暑 (移除套件中任何私用程式碼
- 簽暑金鑰,例如 .pfx 檔案)。
請注意: Windows SDK for Windows 8 不能直接安裝在 ARM 架構上。
您可以將 Windows SDK 安裝在 x86 或 x64 平台上,建置以 ARM
Windows RT 的 Windows 應用程式認證套件下載在該平台上
- 支援的作業系統: Windows 8 (x86 和 x64)
- 硬體需求: 要完整安裝 Windows SDK,必須配備 10 MB 到 1 GB
- 的硬碟空間 (根據您所
- 選的功能而定)。
- 支援的作業系統: Windows RT
- 硬體需求:
- 1.6 GHz 或更快的處理器
- 1 GB 的 RAM (若是在虛擬機器上執行則需要 1.5 GB)
- 5.0 GB 可用的硬碟空間
- 5400 RPM 硬碟機
- 具備 DirectX 9 功能的視訊卡,以 1024 x 768 或更
- 高的顯示器解析度執行
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
performance than
windows 7. You can Download windows 8
pro from here.
Everything you think about above all is
on the new Windows 8 Start screen. Tiles
on the Start screen of Microsoft windows 8
are joined with individuals, applications,
organizers, photographs, or online sites,
and are buzzing with the most cutting edge
insight, so you’re cutting-edge at a look.
Windows 8 is immaculate for PCs with just a
rodent and console, those with touchscreens,
and those with both. Whatever sort of PC you
have, you’ll find snappy and liquid courses to
switch between applications, move things
around, and go easily from one place to a
different one
**Microsoft Windows 8 accompanies another
store for applications, the Windows Store. Open the Store right from your Start screen
to skim and download windows 8 applications
for cooking, photographs, brandishes, news,
and a considerable measure progressively—a large number of them unlimited.
Download Windows 8 and it incorporates the
Xbox Music application, which gives you gain
entrance to to an entire universe of music.Sign
in with your Microsoft record to any of your
PCs running Windows 8 and you’ll promptly
see your particular underpinning, presentation inclination, and settings.
Desktop of Windows 8
The desktop that you’re utilized to—withits taskbar, envelopes, and symbols—is still
here and like nothing anyone’s ever seen,
with another taskbar and streamlined index administration

Windows 8 Security
Stay exceptional and progressively secure with Windows Defender, Windows Firewall, and Windows Update.Windows 8 Performance
Windows 8 begins up quicker, switches between applications speedier, and utilizes control more prudently than Windows 7.Every tile on Start is joined with an individual, application, online site, organizer, playlist, or
whatever else is imperative to you. Bind the same amount tiles to Start as you like and move them
around so its just the way you need it.
This isn’t the normal divider of static symbols:
Tiles enliven with the most recent informative
content. Announcements, climate gauges,
Tweets, and more—you’ll see exist upgrades
before you even open a specific application

Your photographs, online sites, that amusing
movie you just saw: Pretty much anything
you’re checking out is available in windows 8 professional, you can offer to others. Right away. There’s no compelling reason to interfere with
what you’re doing, duplicate what you need
to impart, open an additional application, and
glue it in. Only swipe in from the right and tap
or click Share to instantly send it in message or
present it on Facebook
+**P.S.> 下載后*跟住個程式照做,*>>必要用續傳軟件下載* **
Download Windows 8 Pro ISO EN-US_DV5.ISO
32Bit 2.37GB

64 Bit
This is official Trial Version
of Windows 8.
If you want to purchase full
version click here to buy
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