轉**電腦當機、創作全毀! 資料怎麼救?
- 文件大小: 1.o5MB// 8 繁體&
- 文件版本: 3.2.6 + 2.0 +2.98 \\\
- 開發商: 來源網絡
- 文件來源: 網絡
- 界面語言: 轉**電腦當機、創作全毀! 資料怎麼救?
- 授權方式: 免費
- 運行平台: win XP, 2000, 2003,Vista,win 7...
seriously Disclaimer: This blog is for knowledge sharing in the required software and who, after the download is complete, please delete files on round the clock. Do not miss think there is anything about "sex" or anything .- resulting in what message the people of color, but today I had to make a statement = do not leave "what's up?..".. not reply,& also bring you turned away. filthy sharer spirit!! 29 / 8.Thankyou! [Thanks of the BLOGGER TEAM~!]2014
軟體1:FineRecovery v1.2.17 反刪除、檔案救援軟體(免費軟體)
軟體2:FinalData 拯救被誤刪的照片、文件,還原被格式化的硬碟或記憶卡
軟體3:Undelete Plus 救回被刪除的檔案 (v2.94免費軟體)
軟體4:Recuva File Recovery 把被刪除的檔案救回來!(免費軟體)以上四種軟體,都可以進行誤刪檔案的「救援工作」,可以隨便挑一套來用。其中FinalData是比較老牌、功能較完整的軟體,但這套要錢,其他都是免費軟體功能也不差。
if you like make fds, wellcome you here~~anytime***
my free place for everyones who want the good software,
come & download them~ wellcome!!