2013-03-19 12:40:56 / 天氣: 晴朗 / 心情: 高興 / 精華(3) / 置頂(3) / 個人分類:BestMacSoftware.org

Note Taking

An innovative application for note taking and outlining. Takes time to get used to, but some people swear by it.Download Page
Personal Finance

A personal finance and budgeting program, aimed at those who have little or no financial background.Download Page
MSN Chat
More Web Browsing

Good webkit-based browser created with special tools for web designers.Download Page
PDF Viewer
More Filesharing
3D Graphics and Modeling
Planetariums and Outer Space

Open-source 3D planetarium software. Akin to traveling through space (outer space).Download Page
"Renders realistic skys in realtime." See what you would see if your city wasn't so light-polluted. Used in real planetariums.Download Page
Also see: macORSA - Orbit Reconstruction, Simulation, and Analysis
Comic Reader
Dance Dance Revolution

Marathon: Aleph One
Engine for Bungie's free FPS series Marathon. Play online, solo play with rich original story, many total conversions and thousands of maps.Download Page
Also see: Snes9X (SNES emulator), Frozen Bubble, PySol for Mac (card games), PLANESHIFT (3D Fantasy MMORPG), VDrift (drift racing simulation).
del.icio.us Client
Free File Hosting

CC Publisher
Host Creative Commons video or audio files for free on archive.org with this easy uploader.Download Page
Quick Links
Viewers Comic viewer: Comical
Comic viewer: FFView
OpenDocument viewing application: ODF Viewer
RSS and Usenet
RSS Reader: Feed
Cross-platform. RSS reader: BlogBridge
RSS video podcast player: I/ON
Usenet Reader: OSXnews
IM, IRC, Chat
Multi-IM: Fire
Powerful IRC client: X-Chat Aqua
Videoconferencing client: XMeeting
PBX / Voip system: Asterisk
Graphics and Art
Draw on a moving canvas: Cosmic Painter
Image editor: Seashore
An artwork scaling calculator: Scaletron!
A Paint-like program designed for pixel-pushers: Pixen
A VRML/X3D Browser: FreeWRL
Realtime Editing and Effects System: Jahshaka
Video transcoder: ffmpegX
MPEG convertor: MPEG Streamclip
Music and Audio
OGG Vorbis encoder (ogg is an open source audio codec): Ogg Drop
Music notation: LilyPond
Play and compose live music: Miraton
Max/MSP style. realtime music and multimedia environment: Pd
Manage chords, lyrics, and projection: OpenSong
Wifi / Networking
Discover open wifi networks: iStumbler
A Prism/Prism2 driver 802.11: WirelessDriver
Fast, lightweight VNC client: Chicken of the VNC
VNC server providing remote access to the GUI, keyboard and mouse: OSXvnc
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