
TrueTransparency是一個免安裝的小工具,讓每個視窗可以擁有透明的邊框,效果就像使用Windows 7一樣,內建還有多種視窗風格可以選擇,來個特效換換使用心情吧!

seriously Disclaimer: This blog is for knowledge sharing in the required software and who, after the download is complete, please delete files on round the clock. Do not miss think there is anything about "sex" or anything .- resulting in what message the people of color, but today I had to make a statement = do not leave "what's up?..".. not reply,& also bring you turned away. filthy sharer spirit!! 29 / 8.Thankyou! [Thanks of the BLOGGER TEAM~!]2014
if you like make fds, wellcome you here~~anytime***
my free place for everyones who want the good software,
come & download them~ wellcome!!